tv [untitled] July 4, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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field representative for seiu 1021. i representative nonprofit workers. i think you heard compelling testimony why we need the 4% increase. we appreciate the board's support last year with the 1.nine increase. however this was absorbed quickly with rents and cost of living and food and everyday costs and we're talking about wages that are pretty low and these are workers that with the poorest of the poor and frankly their work is hard and they deserve to be compensated fairly. they deserve to have family health care where a lot of folks don't have. it's so expensive that some of them use public assistance. it's unacceptable. white the nonprofit funding has been flat in the last five years which is basically a cut and the private
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contractors have increase and they had increase of 16-point.4% and addition to landlords that lease with the city get average of 10-15% increase so basically the city is recognizing that other sectors that they do business with has the realities of business such as health care and workers' comp goes up but what does the nonprofit sector? we have the same realities and workers have to pay the bills and we deserve to be compensated fairly for the hard work that people do, so pie colleagues gave you some really testimony about where the money could come from. i want to take a really hard look at that but at the end of the day it's about where our city's priorities are, and we think it should be with the city's most vulnerable. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is peter mace ac with seiu 1021 and with the nonprofit coalition and the cost of living in san francisco has increased 12%. during that time the nonprofit workers have endured a constant stream of budget cuts. many of the people in the room have been here for years past and begging to have money restored just to stay open and when you're begging for the life of your program you don't have time to ask for a cost of living. i remember years of being happy i had a job when the budget was past. now the economy and the city is doing better and it's time if give back to the nonprofit workers who sacrificed so much during the recession and bring nonprofits back to the funding they enjoyed before the cuts and build increases into contracts so the valuable organizations
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can keep up with the rising cost of living in san francisco. we've done it for profit contracts. they have the contract price escalation built in and why don't nonprofits get that? we can't have a double standing and you admit that my colleagues have mentioned and costs and contracts need to go up. why isn't it the same for nonprofits? i'm asking for a 4% increase but even that is a low increase. we should be asking for 10 to 15% to make up for the cost of living increases that happened in san francisco during this time to get us back to where we should have been before the recession hit and that we care and respect nonprofit workers and the money is there. i'm not going to go over all the points because they have been made and the city of san francisco doesn't have a revenue problem and it has a priority problem and it's time to
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prioritize nonprofit workers over private contracts. thank you. [applause] >> my name is matt feltstein. i work for progress foundation for a house for the mentally ill and the drug addicted. in the years i have been doing this job i had all kinds of jobs. i came from a privileged family and don't know what it's like to struggle. what i can say about my co-workers is they're brave, compassionate understanding people ever going to meet in my life so i am in awe. that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. [applause] >> hi i am also here encouraging to you consider the 4% increase to nonprofits in the city. when we were walking around meeting with you guys in your offices earlier this month supervisor
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farrell's office mentioned this budget is a moral document and i would ask if this is so that the priorities of this budget consider not only mine and my co-workers dedication to service, not only the community that we -- you and i have the privilege to serve, but i ask to you consider the effects of the dissolving safety net and services would have on the value of our city? i would ask you to consider what would happen to the city when the people that made it what it is are forced out or left behind? and what would have to be cut from the budget in years from now if the safety net is dissolved and we have to rely on emergency services. i would ask to you continue the values of the city you serve and your vision for ensuring that san francisco stay the city that takes care of its people and grows together. thank you.
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[applause] >> thank you next speaker please. >> hi. my name is george and i am representing community services and the team at [inaudible] barker community house and i heard the program might be cut i was shocked because this program is like a second family to me. it's where i go to right after school, do homework, and then hang out for the rest of the time, and this program helped me graduate because i came here when i was a sophomore in high school, and was doing really bad, and the people that run this program really pushed me and helped me and gave me everything i needed so i was able to graduate on time. i just graduated in may. now i'm on my way to city college and it was all because of this program. [applause]
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>> hi i am shelly brown and want supportive manager for the community house with e piiveg pol services and i have been with them since october. since october i have seen the program grow in many ways. the attendance went from 69% to 10 8%. the team space is from two office space to a teen center and right next door where the teens get to mentor the k through six kids as well. what we hope to do end a generation of homelessness as a generational problem, and in doing that we give the teens the opportunity for safe environment, financial education, tutoring, boys and girls support group, and many opportunities to broaden their horizons and examples we had
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clean tours or went camping and something they never have done before. our focus is provide a positive experience for the youth and the kids need this haven to a beaut drugs and abuse and remember the front line staff and grant the 4% increase to do business. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisor. eddy young with brightline defense project. as you know the local hire law has been successful increasing opportunities for local workers on city construction projects. on average 65% compared to before when the law was passed. one of the issues of utmost importance is assure maximum outreach to san franciscans about jobs and workers that
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left the work force several years ago and that means the pipeline as robust as possible with increasing requirements for local hire from year to year and more projects doing it under local hire we have heard from labor unions and others to do everything we can to make sure the pipeline is as robust as possible. the school board's adoption of the policy and can coordinate with city build and partners and we ask you to increase funding for this program which is currently funded to $100,000 to $300,000 to engage all critical stakeholders, including unions and contractors to add hundreds of workers to the pool of qualified and ready apprentice level and journey workers ready to go to work as need
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increases. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is jackie flynn. i am thexecutive director of adolf randalnt francisco. after two years of applying the local hire the efforts of -- [inaudible] labor unions, community advocates and a strong network of providers we guaranteed outreach and engagement of qualified local workers training and support for success in trace career paths and supply the city with workers to perform thousands of work hours for projects. program partners such as the labor 261 are in full support of the efforts to prepare workers and restore opportunities for many of those that have lost their jobs during the difficult times. as we continue to recover it's important to restore and
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maintain the local work force. recently the conversation of local hire has been broadened to include the san francisco school board's adoption of the city local policy creating a huge potential for more local jobs. we must continue to project investments that the city has made for developing a work force for construction. i am asking for your support of the local hire policy and increase funding from $100,000 to $300,000 to take advantage the opportunities for a robust local hire pipeline program which is critical to the city's continued development over the next year. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. i first want to acknowledge the wonderful organizations that have come through today and the vital work that they do that makes our city such and
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vibrant place. i work at the employment center and for years we have assisted residents created hope and dignity through introi. i ask that you support increase of funding from the current level of $100,000 to $300,000 for our local hire pipeline program which would expand opportunities for creating sustainable career pathways for san francisco residents and assist with the development of work force opportunities for high school students. wees also ask that you support the cbo work force collaborative that anne cochran brought up and the ask for basic skills development which would go to providing core skill training to assist san francisco residents to not only gain employment but maintain it. we believe that both enhancement would support the city's -- what should be the city's goal that everyone wants a job should be provided with the support and opportunity to obtain one.
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thank you supervisors. >> honorable supervisors i am alex with the geneva house and the power house is 113 year old building in the city. for 13 years we have been turning it into a community center. it's now owned by the recreation and parks department and we have been defunded and we're asking that funding be restored. with the car barn we are able to do multitude of things for families and nonprofits in excessor which are needy which are leaving. a lot of families are leaving. families are leaving. i don't want them to go. i want my family to stay. if the car barn is an entity that can help
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them. it can offer resources -- for three and a half years we have been offering resources to youth. right now we have two college programs in the journalism department at city college and one at lake high school. i can tell you the need. we have so many applicants because excessior has the second most amount of youth second to bay view and please support the car barn and power house . [applause] >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is jan thornton and a music teacher and program coordinator for reach out program. for the last 12 years our program has been offering piano, singing and classes to
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people in the area and especially for those that cannot afford high pricing private lessons. since more musical instruments are available for children under third grade in public school our program has been acting as a breech filling the learning gap and providing lessons to the children from kindergarten to the second graders. since our location geary [inaudible] our success has incomed and registration doubled. however, with 60% budget cut we won't be able to accept the new students, but currently registered students and also teachers who has been working with us for the last 12
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years. please let us continue our program and serve our community better and also consider our proposal. thank you. >> hello i am lata and here as a parent representing the various families that came out through the reach out program. i have two girls now nine and 11 that have beenful individual in the program over a period of seven years. what i love about the program is that it brings together families and children from different parts of the city because it's open to everyone in the city and also from different social groups, so we have been able to form bonds and such with people from different groups, and we come together to make music, art, and culture together. it's a great program. the quality is really exceptional probably because it's been built as a community over the past 12 years, so it
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would be a real shame to see children not be allowed into the program. as jan said a bridge into music and arts at an early age when children are receptive to that type of learning and again i seen that with my children with other kids coming through the program, and what i think is a really important point is that because the community that has been built over this time any money that would be put into the program would be in effect multiplied many times over over the various number of families in there. thank you very much for hearing us and for supporting the program over the last many years. [applause] >> supervisors thank you for your time and patience listening to so many. i am a pastor of a
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good news presbyterian church in san francisco. i am here to tell you about the families and the ministry i'm doing now. i'm the representative of the exodus organizations. i am really happy to be here because i'm one of the ethnic pastors in the city. the [inaudible] families lived -- their language, custom and relationships, communications even though the children [inaudible]. they have no place to go, but i kind out this program, reach out program, really help the ethnic groups. they develop their own talents through these programs, and this program funded more than 10
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years so how many times of this program, and city for one $20,000 for 10 years but this year i heard cut down the fund. more than 60%. so i think it's too much to cut one this very limited ethnic groups. to improve them help them or reconsider this programs, and that the childrens -- the city will find out their opportunity to help them. i encourage you please reconsider. thank you. peace be with you. [applause] >> next speaker please.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i am jacklyn zimmer jones and the director of next village san francisco and i want to thank you for the opportunity to speak today. i am speaking today on behalf of the board of directors, our volunteers and the members who benefit from their participation in next village san francisco, and quite honestly if our members account could drive themselves here and park and wait in the chambers to testify they probably wouldn't be our members. this is a national movement to provide alternatives to seniors as they want to age in place and we're one of five villages in the country and there are 20 in progress. we are located in district 3 with some of the highest density of population of seniors in the city and we try to provide them with the
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confidence to live safely and happily in their homes. we pride ourselves as a model and we meet those needs before we vet them out to a provider and we provide transportation, medical appointments and assistance with shopping and carrying groceries in and minor home repairs. things of daily living that is a challenge to them as they age. our work is preventive in nature and we work on isolation of members and we're a great alternative to people that will put demand on city services and we respectfully request that you continue the funding that you gave to us this past year so we can add new members, grow our volunteer base and respond to the needs in this changing
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demographic landscape. also i brought about 150 postcards with me to share with you too. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is laura poppy. i'm a resident of san francisco and officer at the new conservatory center which i am proud to represent and advocate on behalf of today. it's bay's area for lgbt art institution. we offer programs and since 1986 has used theater to address many of the current issues of today. for the past
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three decades youth aware brought anti-bullying education and messages of non violence to thousands of students across san francisco public schools, community centers and social service facilities. through youth aware we are building a safer and equitable community for us all. we're are supporting supervisor campos and the mayor's antilgbt bullying efforts and to demonstrate this i want to share a letter written by a san francisco middle school student who saw "out spoken" a play that we did and explores issues. i am sylvia and in the eighth grade and my hair is purple and half is saved off. i have been having issues and
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sexually oriented issues and after seeing "out spoken" i appreciate today so much. i could connect to many of the things in it. it didn't dissolve my problems or find solutions but opened my eyes. everyone has problems including me. i just needed a hand. so many other it is out there do too. keep doing what you're doing. in closing i want to say that every person has the inherent right to be who they are without the fear of isolation and we can support the lgbt violence prevention efforts, reinforce the district's implementation of restorative practices and build a safer community for us all. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> good afternoon. my name is lori and the development director for asian development design a 40 year old architecture and green construction training non nonprofit. we are part of a broad base coalition of dozens of work force providers here in the city advocating for a more coordinated work force development system for people with barriers with employment. we appreciate the efforts of the mayor and rhonda simpsons and others to support our work and our coalition is requesting 1.2 million of support for basic skills development to people with barriers so that they can develop the skills they need to obtain and maintain job and employment. we respectfully ask for your support for this
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important request. since 1978 asian neighborhood design has trained over 2600 at risk lo income individuals from under served communities in green construction training, corpently, and cabinet tree and solar panel installation. we service many residents every year and they gain skills in sustainable building, life skills, ged preparation and wrap around services. we are the de facto job provider for the green train academy. it cost $6,500 a year to train these at risk youth in our program versus hundreds of thousands of dollars to incarcerate one of them. we recently celebrated our 40th year serving communities of risk here in san francisco and
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without your funding our program is in danger of closing our doors. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon budget and finance. clear the decks. light the city lights. we got nothing to hit but the budget highs. you will be great. you will be swell. everything's coming up roses for the city garden. it was good to see chris daly. good to see chris daly. we can't going to take this anymore. we ain't going to take this, all the money took so long to make it. we ain't going to take it. we're going to rake it in. we're going to take the money that they get and we're
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going to surely rake it. we're going to make it and we're going to take it some more. yes, and don't forget one last thing -- don't forget please the budget, the budget. downtown where all the budget lights are bright. downtown the budget is waiting for you tonight. downtown and the budget money is waiting for you. downtown we're going to have more downtown and it's going to be budget all around. think budget downtown. . [cheers and applause] >> all right. thanks. i'm going to ask everyone we have protocol in these board
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chambers not to be clapping after speakers. you can waive your hand in support otherwise we will never get out of here so next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is ben and i run the code enforcement outreach program also known as [inaudible] and housing clinic. we are funded by the department of building inspection. we are designated in various neighborhoods and my coverage area is primary tenderloin and south of market. we work with landlords and tenants to remedy issues and make sure housing is up to code. the program is for tenants and the landlord to address the issues and abate the violations instead of an inspector come out and we do workshops and training to the community. we provide mediation between landlords and tenants mitigating cases before
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forwarding them. the reason i am here today is ask for more support and resources for the program along with my other partners. with the extra funding we can expand in the hope of increasing staff and language capacity for management of case loads and providing outreach since i am the only one staff person. within the last three years of working here i see more families moving into the tenderloin and south of market so it would be great to have funding to support us. there are still a lot of tenants in the community that need our services and landlords who are not aware of this program and that both parties will benefit in the long run so thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is patty and organizing
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