tv [untitled] July 5, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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the car wash optimistically maybe shifts their revenue up in the low double digit somewhere between 10 and if that's the car wash where are the millions of dollars being spent on the high powered consultants [speaker not understood]? why is this money being invested, a relatively small amount of money? answer being, it isn't. it is therefore going to have to come from the convenience store. so, despite the assurances to the merchant association, the small businesses will not be heavily impacted. that's not the case if you do some very simple p-r somewhere between 06 and 100 gas stations depending on the source you use and they get paid to operate over 100 more stations furl.
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[speaker not understood] or oslo i in their forecasting or operation. they aren't going to invest in $2,000,000 without an expectation something behind a 10% bump in revenue. this is important because it means that revenue has to come from the convenience store which means it will pull it away from the local small merchants. au energies is a very large company. they may be family owned, about 65000 known and operated is nowhere near small. levi straus's family, it's a multinational multi-billion dollar operation. they are neither forthcoming about their business side nor providing information study and project status they agreed to when they first met with us in 2007 this did you not a warm feeling.
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at least they did assure us property owners who do business into traffic lands, [speaker not understood], commuters will have to suffer the situation and bear the onus of pushing through the remedy process. a remedy process which was used at the gas station on bell and divisadero with pretty dismal results. parking places eliminated and still the lines for that gas station leak into the heavily traffic lane of [speaker not understood] street every day. while the vending is 17 59 lincoln it is moderate density. boardering truth is high density. [speaker not understood]. 19th avenue is a highway, a major thoroughfare. it is much more congested during those numerous weekends per year that other parkses are closed because of walk a
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toctionvs, marathons and concepts. this is not included in your track study. 4 to 6 bus lines lie between the gas station. the sfm will try to ease congestion and increase safety. i have given you that information in a letter in your packet. the design of this project is in direct constudy. virtually ensuring parking issues [speaker not understood], and cars lined up waiting for the car washes. it is a perfect storm of road rage to come, honking horns to create issues with local residents. traffic city notes it's [speaker not understood] and fails to mention they have two additional longer car wash options as well.
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the city legislation that was passed to allow a project such as this serve the gas owners have to make [speaker not understood]. interesting the staff would recommend approving this because it would be a hardship for the neighborhood. [speaker not understood] and four gas stationses within four blocks. not having a car within 2-1/2 miles hardly constitutes a hardship. my question is do they have the right to increase their revenue, our quality of life for all the local residents, small businesses and computers. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is doreen silk and i'm a member of the [speaker not understood] neighborhood association. i want to show you at the conclusion of the traffic queuing studies --
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>> i'm sorry, the organized opposition time has expired. oh, no more can be read? can i leave this with you, then? >> you can leave that with us. okay. >> the rule is -- [multiple voices] yes, i'm one of them. >> so, just to clarify, and jonas correct me if i'm wrong. if there is a neighborhood organization of some sort, collectively you can request a block of 15 minutes, which you did and that was granted. thereby, anyone who is a member of that organized group
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association neighborhood group whatever is not allowed to speak at public comment. someone outside of the group can. is that correct? >> not exactly, commissioner fong. the rule specifies the organized opposition has to have a minimum of three speakers, okay, during that 15 period of time. it doesn't actually preclude members of the organization to speak. my understanding is that these two people are part of that organized opposition presentation, okay. they provide at the merchant's association some of their time because they expect it had to go over. that 15 minute block of time is now expired. that's right, right. >> okay. so, the ladies who have been standing over on the side can have three minutes at the regular public comment period. there would be nothing to prohibit them from doing that.
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but when she introduced herself as part of the mid sunset neighborhood organization, that's what prompted me they were part of that organized opposition that requested the 15 minutes. >> okay. so, i do have some speaker cards and i'll call them. angela tickler. sam debit. tess barberin. judy tomsik. [speaker not understood]. if you're ready, come on up. now you know my name. i just wanted to show you at the conclusion of the traffic study significantly [speaker not understood] the proposed project. i quote from page 3 of paragraph 4 of the aforementioned study. due to the congestion of 19th avenue and weekend peak hours,
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the approach is highly suggested. on the signal address, dee spied these cues what typically free of [speaker not understood]. the entire basis for the project is to increase visits to the site which is primarily a last resort before crossing the golden gate on 19th avenue, a california state highway. enhancing the current station's attractiveness here with a car rush on a busy route and adding a [speaker not understood] hence, more vehicles with intensification of usage. the narrow right hand last are extremely [speaker not understood] vehicles attempting to pull around the obstruction of pedestrians walking between queued vehicles. the adverse consequences of
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congestion impaired maneuver ability on the drawing cannot be ignored. according to admin 64 inches wide and 15 feet 9 in length. moving a consumer vehicle prior to obtaining car wash would be to back up and merge into the southern wash queue or attempt to make a u-turn in the pump aisle area [speaker not understood] bordering the convenience store that could easily be parked by store customers and unable to find available parking and bunn handicap space. it may necessitate the q-1 parking. [speaker not understood]. it seems that most feasible methods for obtaining a car wash or gassing up would be a station on the northern driveway on lincoln, go around the block pass the library school on irving and making a
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right turn on northbound 19th to rea preach the queuing lane for the car wash. a bus from one to three lines are not blocking the lanes. thank you. my name is denise daly and i live in the area. my concern is with the scope of this project and the effect it will have on drivers and pedestrians. this busy intersection will become more congested and dangerous. this site has unique problems. 19th avenue is one of the busiest streets in san francisco. lincoln way is also a busy street running parallel to the golden gate park. on a good day buses drop off passengers in front of the station driveway and back up the curve. when there was an event in the park, a problem occurred to me. with the size of the proposed convenient store, look of space
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for cars to maneuver around the site. they stated people will only use it [speaker not understood]. please give drivers more room so they won't get caught in the queue unable to move. this will create irritated and frustrated drivers. i don't live next to the station, but i do live nearby on 26th avenue. 19th avenue is already difficult for pedestrians and lincoln way is also a problem. i am very sensitive to this because my husband was killed by a hit and run driver when crossing the street on lincoln way a few blocks from the proposed site. i don't want anyone else to suffer this tragedy. our city is one of the most dangerous in the city for pedestrians. we need to anticipate problems and ensure our streets are made as safe as possible. it has been stated in the paper
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numerous times that this city is looking for ways to improve [speaker not understood]. i'm asking that the project be scaled down. this could be one step in that direction. this would still benefit the owners as well as our community. thank you. hi, my name is [speaker not understood]. i used to own a business on 19th avenue for 27 years. i know 19th avenue like i know my name. i used to have [speaker not understood] on the corner of 19th and [speaker not understood] which has a green zone and yellow zone on the side. even that was not enough parking for my customers, for my vendors for delivery. even the size on [speaker not understood] avenue square foot,
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new operation it's going to be 2,100 square feet. one is not enough, therefore, the customers -- i think you must choose the size of mini market [speaker not understood]. if you notice 19th are avenue are double fines for moving violation, it's because everybody speed on 19th avenue. i see so many accidents in my life on 19th avenue. i've seen so many people get hit by a car. we'd like to see the situation on 19ing avenue and lincoln if we have a back up [speaker not understood] people get upset and get angry and speed through that area. i think that's it. thank you. >> thank you. let me call a few more names f. your name has already been called, please approach the podium.
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~ christin flokin. [speaker not understood] yip. hugo cerna. hello, my name is [speaker not understood] and i'm a fifth generation san franciscan which i believe at this point makes me entitled and selfish. and, so, i am going to suggest that you vote against this project. along with being a fifth generation san franciscan, i've lived in the inner sunset for 22 years now. i live about two blocks away from the proposed new car wash. and i'd just like to raise a combination of concerns and issues that i have thought about in the last month since i heard about this project. on weekends, the traffic there is impossible. i've spent an hour going three blocks from ortega up to lincoln. and getting further along is even worse. [speaker not understood] avenue
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seems to be the place at which the traffic really begins [speaker not understood]. also i'm noticing sick months ago no tour buses. now i see triple deck tour buses and other drawingses on the side which is great for the city, but it really adds to the traffic. ~ and they're going through golden gate park. sometimes they stop right at 19th and lincoln. i also -- i have some questions about the design of the actual station. so, it seems to me that the only route that you can take into the gas station is via 19th avenue. lincoln, if you try to turn on lincoln before 19th avenue, it could be a nightmare. you would back up traffic for blocks. i'm envisiontion cars can only go in 19th avenue which means they can only pull in at that
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point. how are they going to wash their car? ~ it was raised earlier, how do you maneuver that? do you have to make a circle and go back? what if you decide to just wash your car as opposed to getting gas? the back up, even the procedure you have to go inside to pay, these are issues that can really make things a little nuts. also, i guess drying the car is part of the issue. parking, if you're just going to go into the store, these are used a lot now for convenience foods. i work with childhood obesity, so, i'm not for that. [speaker not understood]. anyway, there's more parking space. how is that going to work? so, anyway, though i appreciate an individual's right to make money and profit, i really don't see the purpose of that when it comes to the increased stress and parking and driving
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situation of a city that's already [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. hello, commissioners. thank you for listening. i'm judy tomsik. i'm ax resident of 26th avenue, but you can also find me on the corner of 19th and lincoln waiting for a bus. ~ last semi donated my car to charity and became one of those bmw types, bike, muni or walk. and i made that sacrifice as a good citizen, reducing my carbon footprint as san francisco's always promoting. and now i need to make this work. i need you to uphold a couple of things and that's our transit first policy. and also to promote pedestrian safety by voting to limit the scope of this project. to uphold the policy of transit first, you can't approve a project with any possibility of decreasing muni's already slow average speed of 8 miles per hour.
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i had to laugh when i saw one of the sponsor's reports with a picture showing two muni buses blocking the driveway to the station. it would not have been funny had it depicted the likely reverse scenario of a line of cars blocking muni's approach to the stop. i believe the car wash will be popular as there are many renters in the sunset who don't have garages and park outside where leaves, pollen and ocean air wreak havoc on their cars. [speaker not understood] you can't approve this project in its current form because it creates dangerous situations where distracted drivers [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] and could become even more so if the irving street stop one block away is removed, as was suggested in the tep proposal you heard about earlier. i guarantee you some of those
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passenger waiting will want to fill that time with a quick run to the store and they deserve to have clear open sidewalks with a safe pathway to their purchase. the summer months are especially prone to busy pedestrian traffic at this intersection. from may to october, nearly every weekend golden gate park is a destination for throngs of concert and event participants, many of whom commute on transit from the suburbs. being unfamiliar with their surroundings, they will be especially vulnerable to getting hit as we rush into the store in their tank tops and flip-flops to search for something warm to drink and wear. though i'm not oppose the to the concept of store station gas/car wash combo, [speaker not understood]. please vote to reduce the size of this project. thank you. >> thank you.
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hi, good afternoon, planning commission. my name is nancy yip. i'm a neighbor who lives close to the gas station and [speaker not understood] build the car wash and the gas station. my top reasons are [speaker not understood], pollution, and decrease our property value. third of all, noise from 19th avenue and lincoln way have caused a big problem from our daily lives already. we can't rest and sleep well every day. if they build car wash and the gas station, the problem gets even worse. secondly, i don't want -- i don't know what type of code they use to clean the car and how they store the water. we have seniors who live in the same neighborhood and [speaker not understood]. get this only for car wash and a big
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convenience store directly into our property value, behind the gas station, especially if it's the last [speaker not understood]. therefore i strongly disagree with this project. thank you. >> thank you. let me call a few more name. [speaker not understood]. katia n. lou. and xhi [speaker not understood]. good afternoon. i live on 19th avenue, i came to support this project with the car wash. we don't have too many car washes in the city and we always go to car wash, we stay in the line. i came here to support this project. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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in the microphone, please. [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. is there any further public comment on this item? good afternoon, commissioners. yeah, i [speaker not understood] personal business around the area. i've been using that gas station 14 years more or less. i'm glad that somebody came up with the [speaker not understood] idea about, you know, building a car wash there. normally that saves a lot of time, personally for me. i don't have time to be washing my car by hand and [speaker not understood] five minutes, whatever. i'm here just to support the project.
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thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. please keep your comments consistent with the gas station. [inaudible]. so, this information is about the purchase of my gas card. when with i do [speaker not understood] my identification i show my identification. i was with present at 19th avenue and i did speak to some of the gas stations because i know this gas station is one of the particular gas stations that is close by. however, significantly, i was interested for safety. when we were putting our money down at the gas station, i did notice in the area that like two or three pedestrians like left money there particularly in front of the counter. and sometimes [speaker not understood] we're talking about leaving our money there and someone didn't have transit
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fare or whatever have you. this person took the money. i just think the safety i'm glad they renew the gas stations and what is significant. when i spend money i want to make sure the money is going in the correct professional manner. the financial statement i just wanted to submit inquiries to mr. dill for the shell station as well as other gas stations, too, the financial statement was 96.5 63 and that's a billion dollar note. that's a renewal application and something for financial business literacy for my application at this time. i want to be basic and bland about the safety and procurement and when we diversify information on television. so, be voiceful. when i'm purchasing gas cards and i want to have gas cards and members and employees for my preference, i would like to retain gas cards at a substantial amount. if i'm driving i want to have more than just my gas card money. i want money where i can swipe
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my card there. don't ask for so much from the cash registry. they have the visa or the mastercard. it makes it a little more simpler because i have an application for american express and i couldn't use the card at another gas station. i said, let me go to shell. you can be all the way in [speaker not understood] driving and it's inconvenience and this was a 76 station, not shell. but he was very difficult verseful. he took the money off the card. taking the money off the card. ~ diverseful. be voiceful. i need money from shell as well as other gas stations and i will recipient that [speaker not understood]. i'm finished. >> is there any further public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> thank you. well, this is an issue that there's been a lot of comment
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on and i can kind of reflect upon my experience with this type of car wash. we only have i believe only one other one in san francisco of this nature. there may be another one they spoke about, the one at mission and san jose avenue. but i have frequently used on some occasions, one out in the east bay at the intersection of 680 and 580 which is a pretty busy place. hop yard road is there also, a major artery between [speaker not understood] has yen da business park. ~ hasienda [speaker not understood], everybody driesv. my experience is whenever i go there to get the car wash, i'm the first one there. ~ there is nobody waiting for the car wash. maybe they have some other somewhere in the valley. i don't know of any. i don't see there being a huge demand for car wash at this place. there will be some people that
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will go there, but i don't see it being an issue. i do see the possibility of parking for the convenience store and some speakers have brought that up. it's hard to really conjecture on how many people may pull in to use the convenience store because of its visibility and its size. and i'll see what the other commissioners have to say. i'm generally in favor of the proposal as it's built now. i have a few more comments on that, though. there was some, a couple of commenters talked about the merchants along irving street west of 19th, 19th and 26th and there may be some convenience stores there. i mean, they're hard to identify. you think their specialty food stores, they may have some convenience items. it's really hard to get through that area during the day.
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there's always a lot of cars that are halfway stopped and parking is difficult and i'm not sure that any of their, you know, customers, if they do lose customers, it may be for other reasons for convenience items other than this place being there. and as been pointed out, we're losing gas stations and it's not really practical to have service bays any more because so many cars, you need computerized service facilities to be able to work on them. so, that's a good point. the other thing about this particular car wash is it would be open 7:00 to 10:00. so, you can use it in hours even when the sun is not shining. you can go in there, find your way home from work. so, it makes it a more a practicetive option. it's probably the hand wash is the best wash you can get, but it's more time consuming. it takes quite a while to go out to daly city or go to the
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one that's on bell and da difficulties dare owe. part of it washed mechanically, the rest is done manually. oftentimes you don't have the time to go in there and read a magazine and wait for 20 minutes while your car is getting washed in one of the hand operated ones. so, this will serve a good purpose. i have a question for project sponsor about the noise. you said it was not greater than the ambient noise. is that correct? >> that is correct. >> one speaker said, well, it's not 55 decibels which is voice level in a quiet room and 65, she said, is very loud. but the important point is that you're not creating noise more than what's already there. >> we're going to create length to not exacerbate the noise level by putting in sound screen walls, by putting in green walls, and by making the tunnels deeper and nestling the
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equipment deeper into the car wash assembly. >> that's the other question i have is in regards to the parking for the convenience store. it was presented, i guess, that there would be one parking place and one handicap parking place, a total of two. is that correct? >> we had -- we originally had four parking spaces and a misunderstanding with the planning department, with the planning department that we needed to screen our parking spaces. we took out the two front parking spaces because we felt we couldn't put them in the front area. we were disabused of that mistake. so, we'd like to offer and i think the planning department doesn't have any objection to -- with our two parking spaces back in front. we'll still screen it within the directive permit of the landscaping. you'll get an extra couple of parking spaces.
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