tv [untitled] July 7, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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street. i want to give a con gratulations to the project team in terms of selecting a new project manager. he starteds in early july [inaudible] i messed up his name but he's from new york. he'll be a great addition to the team and i want to give kudos to the department of public works for inviting all the agency heads to participate in this project. this is a pro/skwrebt that's been challenged by the fact that so many agencies are involved. i think that was a great move. central subway mentioned last month, a ceremony we attended the mta i event. these were paid 100 percent with prop k funds. it was a strategy to
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keep the project on schedule that we worked on with sfmta and the federal transit administration. it is /skwred jewelled for 2018. our biggest project in the prop k sales tax program a [inaudible] good news report is a project has been /khal he thinked over the last half year or so in terms of cost increases in the first phase of the project, the transbay transit center. we're hoping to fill the funding gap through these two /a*bgs today and through nec million through recommendations to provide 6 million dollars to the project and additional 41 million from prop k funds. the board will be asked to adopt the baseline next month. those savings are a result of savings from financing costs so there's additional capacity despite
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lower overall sales tax revenues. the other good news i want to give is the transbay highway facilities opened bids last week on the steel structure. when it went out to bid the first time it was one giant package. we had one bigger that came in significantly over the estimate. bids have come in 59 million dollars lower than previous so [inaudible] still doing its due diligence on this. they expect in july to adopt a revised project budget for phase one. there will be an update on this at the july programs committee. the last two things i'll mention is we're going to bring forward this next month /aos [inaudible] policy action on the /kweupbt street location and /kweupbt jailing connecter roll is responsible to maintain
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because it's on its [inaudible] needs to be replaced but the community wanted to ensure there is adequate community access as well as preserving the ability for potential station. we had a meeting where we made good progress including improving local circulation, coordinating construction schedules and promoting local job and contracting opportunities. lastly, attached for your reference -- it's the end of the year so we've attached a chart that allocates all of the prop k funds. this year we've so that's a lot of money that has been put into play. thank
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you. >> thank you for you comments. commissioner campos. >> thank you mr. chairman. good morning. i wanting to present a general question, and i know that today isn't necessarily the time to discuss it, but i do think it's something that i hope the relevant city agencies are thinking about, whether it's the mta or the county transportation authority and that's with the bart system. my understanding is today they will decide whether or not to go on strike and if a strike happens, which i know all of us open that it can be averted, i'd like to know what the city's contingency plans are and what the different agencies involved are working on that,
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talking about that, but clearly the bart system is of critical importance to not only the city, but to the entire region and i'd like to know if we have a plan b in the /e event that happens. thank you. >> excellent point. it's not only a critical regional section for san francisco. i will look more into details with that, but given the significant /kapbgs with bart as the transit carrier i think what would go into play would be the regional transportation plans. >> thank you. we can open this up for public comment. any public that would like to comment, please come forward. >> first and foremost i think it's a long time since we have chosen an executive director.
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why is it taking so long when you already have a person who's qualified? who is behind this delay? we need an executive director in place to address the many things that you heard from the director's report. see, if we read the housing element, if you really read the reports from abac, if you really read the /tkr*ebgs that we have to get from the state and federal government that there are things to be done. why do we not have an executive director in place today? why is it taking so long? we have an administrative code, we have other things in place. why is it taking so long to have an executive director in place? who are the buffoons behind this ploy to disrupt when we have somebody who is qualified,
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somebody who can speak to the issues? why do we want to fix something that is not broken? i want to know. >> thank you very must have. any other member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, we'll close public comment. next item. >> comments on state legislation. this is an action item. >> any comments or questions. we can open up public comment on item number five. seeing none, we'll close. role call vote please. >> avalos i, breed i, compos i; /khao*u i, cohen i, fell i, kim i, tang i, wiener i, yee i.
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item passes. >> next item please. >> item six increase [inaudible] by 123 thousand to not exceed 427 thousand for the folsom street off ramp realignment off program /-p project. this an action item. >> colleagues any comments or questions? this item is opened up for public comment. please come forward. seeing none, we'll close. and role call vote. same house in call colleagues? we'll take that without objection. next item. >> authorize executive director to [inaudible] in an amount not to exceed 960 thousand and modify contract material terms
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an conditions. this is an action item. >> no comments or questions. we'll go on to public comment. and seeing none, we'll close. are you going to be commenting on this item? we'll close public comment? okay. colleagues, same house, same call. without objection, item passes. next item please. >> item number eighty, adopt the proposed fiscal year budget. this is an action /aeu team. item. >> we have our [inaudible] >> that we're not able to fund is a few projects including the [inaudible] avenue resurfacing project. this is very high priority for district ten and ta staff have also rated this a high performing project. i'd like to ask our transportation authority staff to work with
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cpw as well as mpa to allocate prop k to allocate funds for this particular project. that's it for me mr. chair. thank you. >> thank you. we can open this item up for public comment. any member of the public like to comment on our budget for next year. seeing none, we'll close public comment. same house, same call? the item passes. next item please. >> item number nine appoint matthew goldberg to the corridor citizen's action committee. this is an action item. >> public comment? seeing none, we'll close public comment. colleagues, same house, same call? the item passes. next item please. >> item ten [inaudible] school
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funds to the san francisco department of public health for the state route program. this is an action item. >> any comments or questions. public comment on this item? seeing none, we'll close public comment. colleagues, same house, same call? item passes. next item please. >> item 11, adopt san francisco's program of projects for 45 million in one-bay-area grant funds. this is an action item. >> commissioner cohen. >> as i mentioned earlier in the meeting, the project is not slated to be ready 'til 2015 so based on my conversations with ta staff i believe we can work on design of this project and utilize our prop k dollars for
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construction. /tha*bg you. >> thank you commissioner cohen. if no other comments from commissioners i just want to add something about a project in lincoln district ten and nine and 11 that i'm really excited about -- the [inaudible] project, complete streets project that is receiving obag funding. it's something that constituents in all districts have been working on for a number of years that have real improvements to [inaudible] avenue which cuts right through [inaudible] park. we don't have adequate bike access and the roads are in really bad shape and it's a mayor line linking up our neighborhoods for the 29 bus so we can really do some great street work there that will change dramatically that part of our city and i'm really happy to see that come forward. i want to thank the
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transportation authority for their work on that project. commissioner exam pose. >> thank you. i do want to -- go your comments around the mansel project and want to thank the ta staff, the flee supervisors that represent that very important part of san francisco have been talking about very specific needs in that area and this approach was in response to three offices working with staff to respond to the needs of the public and so i'm very proud of this. i appreciate the work that commissioner avalos and commissioner er owe er did with us on this and i know many districts are looking forward to that work being done asap so we're thankful to the transportation authority for making that happen.
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>> so this item we can open up for public comment. i have a number of speaker cards and i would like the people to approach the podium as they're called. i'll name off five to seven names and just come forward. you can line up by the television set by the windows and i will call people guard one by one for public comment. edward, christine, michael, vince -- sorry if i don't get your name right -- joel, lawrence lee. please come forward. first speaker please. >> again, we're doing two minutes per person. >> you can use your mic to your right.
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>> i want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. i'd like to express my strong opposition to this project. this project will increase the congestion on the avenue especially with rush hour and increased traffic [inaudible] public safety and create a great hard /spheup for our neighborhood residents such as myself. i'm a long time resident there. i live three houses from [inaudible] avenue and i'm a long time city employee. the only place that i can park is at a nearby street that has a neighborhood watch program that's off of [inaudible] and if parking space are taken away from [inaudible] avenue then those parkers will probably park nearby and then i will be out of a space because of the overflow and many residents there without parking spaces. and also there are many students that go to usf and the
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overflow from taking away parking spaces will cause those students to not have parking spaces. i dunno what we'll do because a lot of residents are department on those parking spaces. we need those parking spaces. i hear that a lot of bicyclists prefer baker because it's more level and there's a lot less cars there and much more conducive to being a bike route so that's where they should have the bike route, on baker, not on [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you. >> i, i'm fairly new to the city. i've been here for four years, i've been cycling for about three. i used to /tkraoeuf a lot and when i drove i drove out of the city. now that i cycle, i can bike around the city, i can shop here and i can gets places, but i need safe streets. i need
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separated bikeways because i'm not comfortable to be fighting with traffic, i'm not that strong of a cyclist. i've only been doing it for a little while so it would be really great to have safe streets with separated bike streets for me to go visit friends and shop and everything. >> thank you. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> morning supervisors, my name is vince, i live within a block of misoni. i'm in opposition of this so called fix. these changes are intended to make safety improvements, but they don't /pwhr*eufr on this promise in many ways. with the project manager at the mta for the research they did on cycle tracks. this is a cycle track in richmond british colombia, suburban area of vancouver,
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absolutely nothing to do with our area. indeed of trust /traoel area, not urban. there will be numerous right hand turns along this street that will cross the path. a survey done in denmark in 2007 was impressive. they saw a huge decrease in cycle injuries, however, in urban areas where there are lots of right hand turns the results reversed. once again, these two projects
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bringing a big box retailer and putting never seem analysis done for this reason i'm urging the cta not to [inaudible]. >> i wasn't sure if that was the first bell or not. it was the 30 second one. there's two bells before the end of your public comment. next speaker please. >> morning, my name is michael. i live one block from misoniy. i've lived there for 5 years and i /urblg you to accept the committee's recommendation for full funding for the street project without conditions. a couple of comments about the support that's been generated for this. the swelling of support came as we were preparing to present the project with the city. of course seeing the mta engineer
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and then to the mta full board. leading up to that, the sfmta had distributed 1400 postcards to everyone living on the street and one block on either side informing them of community meetings. fliers were distributed door to door. i can vouch for that, i did it. mta also surveyed people who lived one block away, and found overwhelming support. 86 percent said they support this particular proposal that's before you now. in addition to the north panhandle [inaudible] and they did their support to the mta last year. also, the pacific blood bank
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on-or the blood bank of the pacific on turk and [inaudible] so we do have the community support. there has been outreach conducting. there may be some people who did not receive those notices, but i think more than a goodwill effort was made to reach as many as possible. thank you. >> thank you very much. before the next speaker i'll name a few more cards. david, sandra, richard, howard,. >> i live -- my name is lawrence lee, i live in the thrower hey and i'm a board member of the association. i'm department on bicycling to get around the city and it's really the most affordable way for me to get around. too frequently
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we hear about injuries and deaths caused by automobile traffic around this place. the situation is dangerous and the automobile traffic is frankly just uncivilized and our neighborhood residents deserve better. i continua to hear how riding on the street is frightening for those who have to use it and sometimes they even have to use sidewalk. we cyclists do not have the option to push a gas ped /al to get uphill and achieve that acceleration that's needed to keep up with the traffic. i thank you for the work that's been made on oak and fell. that has made east and westbound traffic a lot more civilized, but we need improvements on masoniy. i commend you on the years /spepbts on developing this project. i's a common sense proposal with elements that
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have been tested all over the world so you can /*r successfully including urban cities and they are proven to make streets safe and it's needed for san francisco citizens so i urge you to support this project as well as the funding. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning. my name is joel, i'm an architect and i've lived and practiced in san francisco for the last 40 years. i'm recognized for my transportation expertise and have completed many projects in that cot /tkpwaeur. i'm in full support of the improves between fell and /tkpwaoerb gear. i am part of an architectural office that had one of my colleagues killed [inaudible] as she was taking her groceries from trader joes to her car. i wished her a
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weekend in the office the friday before and on monday i was told that she had been killed. she was 25 years old and in the process of becoming a licensed architect and had just passed the two parts of her examination and she was very happy on friday and we miss her very much. my question is, can a future plan be considered to aggress the area from geary to [inaudible] pedestrian needs. this plan is already in process, please update me if this is the case and i thank you very much for allowing me to comment. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning, my name is david. i'm a resident of san francisco since 1970. i own a
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car, i drive in the city, i'm very familiar with this area and i want to lend my full support to the plan which is in place. until recently i'm a resident of the ash bury neighborhood. i ride my bike to work at mission bay everyday. that street is a horror. i've tried to ride on that street for decades. it is a really scary place for a person on a bicycle. i invite any of you to try that out northbound any day, don't wait for the commute hours. this is a project that is decades overdue. this is not a question of we don't want this. this is a question of we have needed this for a long time and the traffic pedestrian and bicycle tole tells that story. this is not just about our current inconvenience with change. this is about the
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future of our own lives and those of our chin children. i bike and my children bike in this city as well as drive. they make their choices because they have choices. this project is about ensuring that people have choices. i spoke to david who's working on my house, a carpenter who doesn't own a car and he said he never drives on that street because it's not safe. i pass him going to work everyday so i urge you to favor this project and see it go forward as so many other projects for the safety of our city. i want to lend my support to the second street improvements as well. i've tracked that and i fully support those work as well. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> my name is mary goodman. i live one block off masoniy and i live south of the panhandle
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and no one in my area was ever informed of this project until a few weeks ago. we [inaudible] so people with get through the city east and west, but there are very few streets that make it possible to go north and south and those of us who live south of the panhandle need streets to get north and south as well. reducing it a lane thinking it will make the traffic better doesn't make sense at all. i think the people hurt by it are anybody who needs that street to use -- for commuting for getting across town, for taking their children to schools, to shop, whatever it is. not all of us are bicycle riders. i urge all of you to come down to
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masonic to see the gridlock that is there and to try to comprehend how that will be better if you reduce the am of lanes. it doesn't make any sense. it doesn't make any sense when there are people who need cars, who use cars and are dependent on their cars to get across town. there are also the issues of where are emergency vehicles going to go? how are they going to get across? what will happen when the buses pull out and all the traffic has to stop when people get on and off the bus. i urge you to vote no on this plan. >> thank you. next speaker. let me call a few more cards -- peter, doug, [inaudible], larry. >> yes, good morning. i'm
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richard. i'm the district two rep on the /pweus /k-l advisory committee and i also frequently bike along masonic. it's scary, let me tell you. the reason i do it is the same reason that i bike on polk street for example. it's the on north south street that works for bicyclists in that area and i realize there's a lot of traffic there, but believe me, biking, next to cars going 40 or 50 miles an hour is not a lot of fun. the plan that we have for separated bike lanes is a good one and i really urge the authority to adopt this plan. thanks very much. >> thank you. next speaker
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please. >> yes, my name is sandra and i live south of the panhandle on masoniy five doors up from the panhandle. i never received any notices about any of the hearings. i found out about this because an email was sent to my son who teachings in reno and then it got to me. i any it's a very dangerous plan. i take my grandchildren to school in the morning, they go to two different schools, public schools in the city. i have to go out on masonic -- very dangerous. a lot of traffic. i think for the bicycles to be on masoni /kr*rbg is a very bad idea. i think baker street or one of the other streets -- i'm not a bicyclist, i walk, i take [inaudible] and i drive and i think other considerations should come into play here and i think it's a really good idea if you come to masonc and see the kind
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