tv [untitled] July 8, 2013 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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>> all right, for real, though, this time, let's give it up for our class of 2013. (applause) >> i want to thank superintendent karanza, our golden state warrior carl landry and our supervisors breed and president chiu. thank you, christina. your staff for an amazing event. we want to kristine johnson all the parents, teacher, principals who came out to celebrate our kids. congratulations, everyone. please stay and join us for refreshments and congratulating our graduates.
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>> now we will commence the meeting of the mayor's disability council and member denise senhaux will read the announcement. city hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs, and other assistive mobility devices. wheelchair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister streets and wheelchair at polk street, carlton goodlett is temporarily interrupted due to wheelchair lift repairs. we appreciate your patience during this time and ask that you use any of the remaining entrances when visiting city hall. assistive listening devices are available at our meeting is
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open-captioned and sign languaged interpreted and our agendas are available in large print and braille and please ask staff for additional assistance. to prevent electronical interference with this sound system and to allow everybody the ability to focus on the presentations, please turn off all mobile phones and pdas or change set these devices to "vibrate" mode. your cooperation is appreciated. we welcome the public's participation during public comment. you may complete a speaker's card available in the front of the room or call our bridge line at area code 415-554-9632, when a staff person will handle requests to speak at the appropriate time. mayor's disability council meetings are generally the third friday of the month. our next regular meeting will
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be on july 19th, 2013, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. here at san francisco city hall in room 400. please call the mayor's office on disability for further information or to request accommodations at 415-554-6789, voice or tty415-554-6799. a reminder to all of our guests today to speak slowly into the microphone, to assist our captioners and interpreters. thank you for joining us. >> good afternoon everyone. i would like to apologize. i am co-chair wilson and sorry the muni, you know how it is. so we're going to get on with moving with the reading of the agenda and approval from heather
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. >> co-chair wilson, do i have your permission to do roll call first? >> yes, roll call first. >> harriet wong? >> present. >> sarah burgett. >> present. >> wendy james, absent. co-chair wilson. >> present. >> chip supanich. >> here. >> denise senhaux. >> present. >> tatiana kostanian. >> present. >> roland wong. >> present. >> now i will read the agenda. one, welcome, introduction and roll call. two, action item, reading and approval of the agenda. three, public comments, items not on today's agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc, each speaker is limited to two-three minutes. four, information item report from the chair. five, information item report from the director of the
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mayor's office on disability. six, information item, accessibility planning for the 34th america's cup and update on the city's plans to make the 34th america's cup the most accessible and international sailing event in history, including accessible paths to travel, transit, seating and signage. presentation by adam van de water, assistant project manager, office of economic and workforce development. at 2:10 the council will take a 10-minute break. 7, information item, mental health awareness month, spot light on psychiatric disabilities, support service and recovery. a, language matters. discussion about the relationship between the stigma surrounding mental health
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challenges and the language we use to talk about them. presentation by terri byrne, solve program coordinator and gillan plumadore, community advocate mental health association of san francisco. b, resources and supports for hoarding and cluttering challenges an overview of the services, supports and resources in san francisco for both individuals with hoarding and cluttering challenges, stakeholders and advocates providing services. presentation by michael gause, deputy director meth health association of san francisco. c, mental health and veterans an overview of various mental health conditions affecting veterans including post traumatic stress disorder, presentation by star lara, swords to plow shares. d, seeking is mental health
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help when in distress, the promise and the reality, firsthand accounts and reports on the challenges of finding treatment in san francisco for individuals who are in mental health cyrus, presentation by david elliot lewis ph.d. co-chair mental health board of city and county of san francisco. e, in our own voice stories of hope and recovery, a unique public education presentation that offers insight into the hope and recovery possible for people living with mental illness, includes an overview of nami, san francisco and the various programs offered. presentation by anne fischer, program director, national alliance on mental illness, nami, gillian croen, nami peer-to-peer mentor and ioov speaker and idell wilson,
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co-chair, mayor's disability council nami peer-to-peer mentor and ioov speaker. 8 information item, report on the golden guardian exercise on may 15, 2013 the disability prospective, presentation by council members chip supanich and denise senhaux. >> 9, public comments, 10 information item, correspondence, 11, discussion item, council member comments and announcements. >> thank you. now we have public comment. is there anyone for item 3, public comment? >> good afternoon. my name is richard rothman and i'm a retired city worker. i just retired from the
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pedestrian safety advisory committee after being on it about six years and the last three years representing seniors and disabilities. and i just thought it was time for new blood in my seat. but i am coming here today to talk about the proposed mta's disability parking. i have been interested in this for a long time, and while there is a problem and i think mta needs to enforce the rules, you know? if people are getting disability placards illegally or using them illegally, i have no problem with cracking down on them and enforcing it fair. although i had a friend who has a disability placard and i didn't think mta traffic enforcement treated her fairly, but that is another issue. in studying this issue, i think
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in this report missed a couple of items. one is the issue starts with the doctor, because the doctor is the one who issues the certificates. and this report did not cover anything about working with the doctors, or maybe having the state have a peer review to review the applications. you know, i mean, that is where it starts and, in fact the last legislation made it easier and expanded who could give disability certificates out. and the second issue that i have with the report was if they want to change state law, i want to see what other cities in california are doing, l.a., oakland, san diego. somebody just separate me a report in l.a., it wasn't from mta, which was interesting. but the most problem that i have with is the fourth item, is the four-hour parking limit.
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as somebody who worked for the city and has a disability, one of my goals when i was working on the side was working for the city to hire more people with disability. i worked with walter parks and susan messner in trying to hire more people with disabilities. but if they are going to put a 4-hour time limit, without any, you know, any flexibility, then this is really not acceptable. and also, what about people with disabilities whose doctor's appointments are more than four hours? my wife has a disability placard and was in the dentist for over four hours. so i think there needs to be some flexibility and i hope mta would have an outreach, something modeled like we had at spur about disability. you know, pedestrian with the
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mta and sf walk and i think there needs to be a lot more community involvement before this gets finalized. thank you. >> thank you. john alex. >> thank you. yes, my name is john alex and i am the vice-chair of the pedestrian safety advisory committee and i hold seat no. 4, representing the needs of seniors and disability organizations. i come to you today to address several points. the first one is pedestrian safety. specifically for people with different abilities, because of age and designated disability and what the city has issued under the executive directive by mayor newsom it doesn't
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mention once the pedestrian safety needs of people with disabilities in describing the needs of curb ramps and extending the meters, the timing of pedestrian signals. it omits anything about accessible pedestrian signals at all. it also emits red light cameras and the need for that contextural to that point, 12 years ago i sustained a traumatic brain injury because somebody ran a red light and countless studies that the mta has shows that the number goes done when there are red light runner cameras. so please specify in a cross-council committee the need for this report to further include -- the needs with people of
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disabilities in the context of pedestrian safety. the second point to share with you is representing five churches in the city of san francisco, i have authored and for them to use a 53-point questionnaire on how these churches can specify how accessible they are to people with disabilities. it's a functional guiding device only, not a mandatory tool that is being shared with five churches here, and christian churches specifically in san francisco. the last point is to share with you, which you may already know, but the need to share with veterans' organizations, what exists is called the at network, a tool that exists between different independent living resources centers how assistive technology devices
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which is the legal term for wheelchair and walkers can be exchanged and sold between different agencies, non-profits in the city, to meet the needs of people who need a walker or wheelchair or extended-reach device. so please continue on in your great work. i so appreciate the mayor's disability council. thank you. >> thank you. peter mendez. >> good afternoon. i just want to take a few seconds to introduce myself. my name is peter mendoza and new community organizer with the independent living of san francisco. look forward to working with all you on issues and community organizing throughout san francisco. if anyone wants to contact me,
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i don't have any business cards, but i just want to give out our phone number and my email. our phone number is 415-543-6222. it i will say that again. 415-543-6222 and my email is that is peter. thank you very much for your time and i appreciate your service. >> thank you. is there any more public comment? is there anyone on the bridge line? >> no, madame chair. >> okay. seeing that there is no more public comment, we will move to 4, which is a report from the chair. good afternoon. i am co-chair wilson everyone.
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happy june, you guys. it's here, june, june, june. i want to say thank you for everyone being here today. i am glad you guys came out. thank you council members. i am glad to see everyone here today and doing well. i would like to say today i am asking roland wong to be co-chair with me, if i am missing from the pulpit, he will co-chair from where he is to be accessible. thank you very much mr. roland wong and i would like to say thank you to everyone who sends invitations for us to go different places in the city. there are different events to go to and wonderful things to do and i can't get to all of them, but thank you for sending them. keep sending them and we'll get out there, other council members, too. i would like to say and remind everyone that we do welcome
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public comment, but we say if there is a lot of people here who wish to speak, if you could speak once and give 1-2 minutes and everyone a chance to speak and then come back and speak again. we would appreciate that. also, i would like to say there was a real good event at the main library on mental health, as you know, this is our mental health month and we are celebrating mental health awareness. yes, yes, yes. we are doing that today, you guys. we have a multiple afternoon panel set up of wonderful speakers and even myself. so i hope you guys all stay around for that and enjoy meeting today. i do believe that is the end of my report.
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thank you everyone. next is item 5, information from the director of the mayor's office on disability. >> thank you coach chair wilson and i'm carla johnson the interim director of the mayor's office on disability. and i wanted to start my director's report today with some very good news and some introductions. we have a new employee, michael alonzo, who is seated behind me and operating the bridge line and he started this week. is he is going to help us with a broad range of duties and when you call our office, he is probably going to be the first voice on the line that you here, and also easing into our client services and information and referrals. and he is a law school graduate, with the very strong civil rights background and also a strong background of
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working with tenants through the housing rights committee. so we want to welcome mike and very happy mike is now on our team. it's my pleasure to welcome our new internal, iman, who will be helping people with speaker cards and whatever assistance they need. iman started this wednesday and will be a senior in high school come this fall. we have already been very impressed with her professionalism and we're just delighted to have her youthful perspective in the office. my first topic for my report is an update. you will recall at our last meeting that we heard from the accessible parking advisory committee, where we shared some of our recommendations about parking placard reform, which is what we heard our previous speaker mentioning. since our last mdc meet something of us on the
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committee have continued to derive some informational hearings and materials, informational briefings i should say, to policymakers like the board of supervisors. and last week, some of us traveled to sacramento, where we spoke to the league of california cities for the transportation and public works committee. looking forward on monday, july 1st, we'll be making a presentation before the alameda county transportation commission's annual mobility workshop. this workshop will be held at the ed roberts campus and i will be sending out a notice to all council members, with the specifics soon. on july 11th, we will be addressing san francisco's long-term care coordinating council and towards the end of july, we're trying to schedule a transportation forum in coordination with the fdr
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democratic club. my second topic today is an announcement. i wanted to tell you about a visit that our office had this week to the grand opening for the community assessment service center, which is operated by the adult probation department, with support from public health and human services. for a little bit of background about this project, about two years ago, governor brown responded to a federal court order about prison overcrowding. part of the problem was that the state had been unable to provide adequate health care to the inmates, and even more specifically, going back to 1990, there was a lawsuit filed on behalf of the inmates, regarding inadequate access to mental healthcare. this is a great concern to people with disabilities and it's an issue of civil rights. it's an issue where the
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preponderance of people incarcerated in our prisons tend to be from communities of color and tend to be people with learning disability mental health disability and other health-related disabilities. brown's plan is called "realignment." and the intention is to transfer thousands of non-violent offenders from state prisons to county jails. what the san francisco sheriff's department and our adult probation office saw was this was an opportunity and it's an opportunity to transition eligible lower-level offenders, who are convicted things like drug possession or theft, and to transition them back into the community with supportive services to help them break the prison cycle. so the community assessment service center is part of that strategy. it's a one-stop shop, where former inmates can meet with their probation officer and
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they can enroll classs that teach them job and life skills and they can get connected to housing and health resources. this has been a project that our office has been very passionate about supporting and we provided support from the very beginning. at the early stages we helped them find a suitable location that could be made fully accessible. we performed the quality control check and field inspection services to make sure that the tentative build-out would provide all the accessibility procedures and screened contracts reissued for the service providers to make sure that they had robust polices in place to properly serve people with disabilities and in the future will also be training the service providers to make sure there are reasonable accommodation and ada grievance procedures are in place. this has been another one of our multi-departmental efforts, and we're proud that we could
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make a contribution to this effort. last of all i wanted to make an announcement that the mayor's office on disability is currently planning our house warming party, and it's going to be welcome everybody to our new offices at 1155 market street. we have chosen friday, july 26th as the date, and that is because this is the 23rd anniversary of the americans with disabilities act. you will be hearing more about this from us in the future, but i wanted to let you know about it now, so you could put it on your calendars and save the date. and we look forward to seeing you on july 26th and that concludes my director's report. >> thank you, miss johnson. and now we will move to item 6, an information item accessible planning for the 34th america's
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cup and update on the city's plans to make the 34th america's cup the most accessible international sailing event in the history, including accessible paths of travel, transit, seating, and staging. adam. are you here? please come and introduce yourself. i don't want to mess your name up. i am not good with names so please tell everyone your name. >> good afternoon council members, adam van de water from office of economic and workforce development here in the city and county. i wanted to give you a quick update off and on the planning for the 34th america's cup, which kicks off on the 4th of july, just a few weeks from now. so i know a couple of you were able to see the preview races we had in august and october of
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last year and we really want to build on the successes of those events. the feedback we received was generally positive with a few things to focus on and i want to highlight some of those today. the genesis of our planning for the 2013 event is to really build on those successes and to update it with the new information going into this. so the people plan and i have an updated copy that was just released this week that i can leave with staff is really based on five guiding principles. one is public safety. we need to make sure that we have a safest. two is resource efficiency, making sure that we use our buses and our staff and our city resources efficiently. environmentally sustainability, making sure that we have a green event. and i think the two most important to me are strategic
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adaptability and positive legacy. and by that i mean we need to be flexible, if we have a low crowd and a high crowd back-to-back, we need to make sure that we have adequate buses, adequate parking, adequate police protection without overdoing it each day and look at the event as how can we leverage the few months of this temporary sailing event for long-term positive impact to san francisco? how do we pilot the projects and use this to put infrastructure in place that the city has long been contemplating? a few differences from 2012 to 2013, 2013 we were at the north waterfront and now we have two venues, the america's cup village and peers 27-29, where the new cruiseship terminal was built and where the finish line of the races will be, and where
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the primary food, beverage and hospitality location will be. we also have a new special events team at the mta, headed by lee, who is many years with the city in both the police department and mta. this consolidates a lot of functions from security to transit planning to all sorts of safety and operational needs, getting in and out of special events like the america's cup, like hardly strictly bluegrass and it's a new way of doing this. so i can share her cell phone number with your staff, so if you have problems or concerns as the events unfold, she can take care of them in realtime and that has been happening already on this event. it's a very helpful new addition. in 2013 we have a much longer period of racing. in 2012, if you recall, in october, a very super peak day with not only the america's
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