tv [untitled] July 8, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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will unfold. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. alex walker, san francisco beautiful. want to thank first chairman wiener for calling this meeting and thank you all for your time today. i walk 18th and castro all the time and that kiosk is a nightmare with traffic. we at beautiful are happy to be in the community with all these issues and especially when it comes to the permitting and enforcement on having really the eyes and ears on the street [speaker not understood]. we walked down market street from castro, from castro to montgomery which is where our office is located there. we found that 48% of the clearchannel newsracks were empty. we definitely appreciate having these newsracks myriad freestanding newsracks
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consolidated, but if there is not the coverage there, then we really have to kind of have an audit and say can we redistribute, eliminate? on the overhead i'm going to try to improvise some visual aids here, pictures on the overhead [speaker not understood]. sfgtv? perfect. it's kind of hard to see here. you can see here, this is near the e-trade building is behind -- e-trade at market and sanford. you can see one rack here that is not being used and is a -- stickers all over the place. you see a lot of redundancy. you'll see a frame here which is dpw, which needs to be we need to work on regulating those more chollasly. another sf examiner, freestanding kiosk blocking that air why there. this is [speaker not understood] going to the bart entrance there.
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very busy, very busy intersection. enter you can see there's lots of emptiness, redundancy with those. ~ finally, last picture here, you can see there is a lot that needs to be kind of regulated when it comes to freestanding versus these racks. >> thank you very much. next speaker. thank you. i'm milo hankey. thank you, supervisor wiener, [speaker not understood]. it's a great step. clutter street furniture, there is san francisco beautiful looks forward to participating in any opportunities to advance permitting enforcement. we spent a considerable amount of time in putting together order number 175 566. this is the memo that ed lee
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signed in 2005 regarding surface mounted utilities. we don't simply ask, but we insist that we become participants rather than observers in a long overdue meeting for technical review. this memo calls for an annual review of technologies that would reveal optimal technologies for undergrounding or reducing the size of these cabinets. so, we'll be asking to be a part of that. the other part of this, too, is supervisor kim brought up a question before regarding at&t's efforts to locate their utilities on private property. my understanding is that it's a pretext or pretense of an offer. it goes this way out of dallas. $8,000 for permanent easement, that's the only way at&t says it will do business. no owner really wants to inflict that kind of permanent damage to their property. so, it might be -- i'll throw
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out this idea. maybe it's the city's role to do some price finding here and send to all the taxpayers in the city and offer to enter into a city managed registry, property owners who potentially be interested in locating [speaker not understood] comcast or the city itself. let's find out what the true cost is of putting this on private property. that is a key tenant of this memo drafted and signed in 2005. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, ms. aiello. good afternoon, supervisors. thank you so much for having this conversation, supervisor wiener. i think it's going to take a long time but it's way overdue. i'd like to say my name is andrea aiello [speaker not understood] and we've been working with dpw for over a year now in trying to consolidate those newspaper racks. there are so many empty
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newspaper racks in the castro/upper market district and we've been working very closely with the city. we did get one removed and i can't tell you how many likes on our facebook page when we got when it was taken out and personal thank yous. so, i think people in the neighborhood really understand that these -- this kind of furniture is not being used in the way that it was intended. it's mostly advertisements. i'd also like to say na we worked very closely with j.c. de coe with the -- i forget what they're called -- the kiosks and the bathrooms. they taken credible care of the bathrooms. they're really, really great. they're wonderful in helping us to -- we utilize those kiosks. the fact is we have an extra kiosk now in the neighborhood with the sidewalk widening project and nobody knows what to do with it. we can't find a place to put it. there's just too many. and they do have a ceiling -- they do have -- the ceiling is probably 8 feet.
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and the other thing i'd like to -- one gentleman earlier mentioned that those freestanding newsracks are better. we still have some freestanding newsracks at guerrero and church. i called and talked to the private sector and also the city about cleaning up those and it just doesn't happen. you know, i'm not sure what he was talking about, but i think the ped mounts are better. there are just way too many. thanks very much for start thing conversation. >> thank you very much. next speaker. good afternoon, land use and supervisors. i hope you had a nice 4th of july. ♪ and i'm proud to be a city citizen where at least i know i'm free and [speaker not understood] and clean it up and the bay and all the sea and i gladly stand up
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next to you and to clean it up today 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this city land and the city by the bay-hay-hay and i'm proud to be a city citizen where at least i know where free and i won't forget and i'll clean it up clean it up oh, won't you please and i gladly stand up next to you and to clean it it up today and clean it up, the bay because i love this land god bless the city bay hay clean it up today >> next speaker, please.
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hello, ron austin local transport [speaker not understood] represent the 2,500 transit operators that drive the trolleys, buses, trains within the city. i find it very interesting it was several months ago where we spoke to the board in a prop k meeting in the concerns for funding for the rest rooms for our members of our local union. and the one thing that i find very disturbing is that the sudden reference to, let's say alleged fiscal responsibility in funding rest rooms for our members. first of all, we refuse to allow to be treated as second class citizens in regards to using a rest room while serving the public in the city and county of san francisco. the operator rest rooms that ms. cavanagh first rolled out which was in the phase 1 plan, there are no businesses secondary to the southeastern corridor of the city which was formerly pretty much all industrial.
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there are no businesses. there are no restaurants. there are nowhere for our people to go or for the agency to get licenses for our people to use the rest room. that's why it's imperative at least at this first phase that we get cooperation from this board that we can see that plan to its fruition and we can look at other options later on down the line since there was an issue with a number 36 in total that we can still use a two-pronged approach, the agency going after licenses with private businesses and also where we don't have that option, we have the option to place these prefab units. this is a very important issue. it's a health and safety issue. and i'll have to ask, if there's a concern about a rest room costing $175,000, how much does it cost for the city in workers' compensation costs for renal failure of an operator? and i think it's a lot more than $175,000. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker.
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my name is mary beth [speaker not understood]. i live in [speaker not understood] supervisor wiener's district. i came here for the consideration of the urban ag legislation because i'm a community garden coordinator. but i felt compelled to rile forfeit my speaking on that issue to address this one and with all due respect to the previous speaker, i want to comment on this to be the jaw dropping cost of providing rest room, individual rest room facilities for muni workers. i'm a muni rider. i took muni here. here's my clipper card. so, -- and i don't denied the need for facilities, but i simply can't fathom that this is a credible use of very scarce public dollars. and further investigation, just looking at the list there, i know there is a 24-hour walgreens at 24th and potrero avenue. san francisco general is right there, which is a very
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dignified institution [speaker not understood]. based on my calculationn'tv the entire budget for the city-wide urban agriculture program which is about $100,000 is roughly half a toilet. and i find that outrageous. and it seems to me that it can't -- the -- even though this is only one piece of a very complex piece of legislation and a complex issue, it's not possibly be permitted to go forward as it was stated unless represented to this body today. thank you. >> thank you. and you can speak on both items. you don't forfeit speaking on the other. okay. is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> again, i want to thank the departments and also members of the public for coming out today. i think this is going to be an ongoing issue in terms of the management of our sidewalks. and i look forward to working
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collaboratively with everyone to find a good solution and a good path forward. so, colleagues, president chiu. >> i want to take a moment first and thank our chairman of this committee for holding this hearing. these issues impact all of our districts, certainly in my district which has the most density of any of our districts, our sidewalks are incredibly cluttered. and i think anything we can do to alleviate that is important in all these different areas. i want to respond a bit about the issue of prefab bathrooms. i want to make it clear, i don't think there is anyone saying our muni drivers should not have access to bathrooms. that is absolutely -- we all understand that importance. but is there a better way of doing this is the set of questions we're asking. and i have wondered if you were to offer the public or businesses or other entities that have bathrooms 5 to $10,000 a year to assist with this task, is there a different
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way to do it. that's really where i was going with that question. to that end, i would want to understand once these initial six locationses are in progress, to really understand what the plan is for the remaining 38. we were talking about a dollar figure, that's about $6 million for what we're trying to achieve here. and i just wonder if there is a different way to do that. with that being said, i appreciate all the hard thinking that's gone into this thus far and look forward to carrying on that conversation. >> thank you. supervisor kim. >> i also want to thank the chair and our department for putting this hearing together. i think it was incredibly helpful for us to have an informational discussion on this item. it's certainly i think something that continues to be of concern for our residents and constituents. particularly, i think as we continue on growth and development in our city, we want to make sure that we are creating pedestrian pathways that are safe and are able to kind of serve the capacity of
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our increasing neighborhoods. i'm particularly interested in two issues, one was the issue i brought up with how we can have bus shelters in neighborhoods like the tenderloin where we are getting incredible amounts of complaints about the shelters being used, not as a resting place for our residents, but really as a space for people to either use drugs or to kind of hinder sight lines of police officers for criminal -- low-level criminal activity. i think that's one area of concern for us. we would really love to explore with mta creative ideas around that so that the only solution isn't getting rid of the bus shelter. the second issue that is of interest to me although i didn't talk too much about it is of course the street furniture, but particularly on the sidewalks that lead to our open space such as our parks and our schools. so, i would be -- i will be reaching out to our department about some of the proposed street furniture on those blocks. thank you. >> thank you very much.
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so, if there are no additional comments or questions, can we have a motion to file this hearing? >> so moved. >> can we do that without objection? that will be the order. [gavel] >> madam clerk, please call item number 2. >> item number 2 is a resolution imposing interim zoning controls for an 18-month period requiring conditional use authorization for limited financial service and business or professional service uses in the upper market neighborhood commercial transit district; making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan and with the priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. ~ transit district >> thank you. i'm the author of this legislation. colleagues, today before us are interim controls that i have -- that i'm proposing to address potential -- challenge relating to the significant new development occurring along the upper market corridor. we have quite a few developments happening along upper market between octavia and castro, and with a
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significant amount of new retail space that is going to come online. this is an exciting opportunity for the neighborhood in terms of a new retail space, more activation of our streets, more opportunities for residents and visitors to the neighborhood. particularly in parts of upper market east of sanchez street where you see right now a drop off in the amount of retail and pedestrian foot traffic and that is going to change which is going to be very positive. we have also seen the potential of some of that retail space being used for nonactive retail uses, office use, potential photo companies, real estate companies, et cetera, and uses which provide important services in our community, but with too much -- taking up too much of the retail frontage,
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could de-activate the street lights in the upper market area. right now in upper market there are basically no controls on using retail space for those kinds of office space, specifically limited financial services and business and professional services. there are other mtds around the city that require conditional use in order to use street level retail space for those uses and these interim controls would provide for an 18-month period that in order to place limited financial services or business and professional services on the street frontage in upper market, a conditional use would be required. we are in a unique period in the upper market neighborhood in terms of addition of so much retail space, and we really have a one-time opportunity to get it right. and if we don't get it right,
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it's going to have long-term ramifications for the neighborhoods. so, this is a very measured approach that would require conditional use for this type of office use on the street level. and, colleagues, i ask for your support. so, ms. rodgers from the planning department. >> thank you, supervisor. ann marie rodgers, staff of the planning department. as the supervisors know, this particular item has not yet been heard by the planning commission and will not be heard by the commission if the very nature of interim controls, that they require quick action and do not provide for such a noticed hearing. that said, the department staff have reviewed the interim controls and we believe that this is an important step in ensuring appropriate land use in this area under transition. a policy concern with the uses that supervisor wiener seeks to control is that these uses are typically deadening uses. interim controls take a step towards ensuring active uses would be required for all
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spaces in the upper market nct by requiring this commission review. without such review, these uses could be approved as of right in certain areas in this district. the code requires active uses, but only for the market street facing facades, and certain side streets such as church also require active uses under section 145.4. but it is notable the code doesn't currently require active uses on side streets such as noe in this district. and it's on these corner parcels where they may have just as much prominence when they are on the side street as if they were on the market street facade. one of the uses that is the focus of this interim control, the business and professional service uses would actually be prohibited on the market street facade, but here on the side street it would be -- it would not even require neighborhood notification as with the other safety controls which is the limited financial service. so, we would like to work with
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supervisor on perhaps applying these active use controls throughout the upper market area and believe that this interim control will provide the commission, the board, and the public with the opportunity to and the issue and develop permanent controls that are appropriate without sacrificing the lively character of the area while we undertake this work. and for this reason we would recommend that the land use committee move this forward with a positive recommendation. >> thank you very much, ms. rodgers. colleagues, do you have any questions? okay, we'll now open it up for public comment. i have one card. andrea aiello. good afternoon again. andrea [speaker not understood]. and while the board has not taken a position on this, it it kind of came up quickly, i just wanted to comment that the cbd
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and other planning organizationses were involved with supervisor wiener in talking specifically about this property on noe street and there was a strong consensus that the new retail be broken up into small spaces, small spaces that would accommodate small privately owned businesses, retail businesses, and not, you know, have the space be another financial institution. i just wanted to say there was a lot of community discussion about that and kw in the end that this space was to be divided up into small spaces for business use. thank you. ~ agreement >> thank you. is there any additional public comment on item number 2? hearing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, i have a motion to forward this with recommendation. sorry about that. supervisor kim. >> i wanted to make a motion to
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pass this with recommendation or send this forward to the board with recommendation. and i know that there are a number of these actually in formula retail controls that are being proposed throughout the city. so, i know our office is going to be introducing one tomorrow that we announced last week on mid-market from van ness to sixth street. and i think there just is, again, an increasing discussion amongst a lot of our neighborhoods in terms of the types of businesses and the character of the neighborhoods that we're trying to build as development continues. so, i look forward to having this ongoing conversation with the planning department as we move forward with these interim controls. >> thank you. if there is no other discussion, can we take the motion without objection? that will be the order. [gavel] >> thank you, colleagues. madam clerk, can you please call item number 3? >> item number 3 is resolution acknowledging receipt of the office of the city administrator's recommendations regarding the establishment of an urban agriculture program; supporting the recreation and park department as the location for the new urban agriculture program to coordinate the city's urban agriculture activities; and setting reporting goals related to urban agriculture.
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>> and the author of this resolution is president chiu. >> thank you, mr. chair. colleagues, this legislation is a resolution that falls on the heels of legislation that i had sponsored the last year and worked closely with san francisco and agricultural alliance and spur for city-wide agriculture program. spur had previously released a report called the public harvest report that showed even though we had seen tremendous demand for urban agriculture, community gardening and urban farms grow across the city in recent years, there has been a notable lack of coordination among different agencies that govern urban agriculture. the legislate ition helped create the program designed to serve as a one stop shop for urban agriculture to assist in the formation of new garden projects, to provide resources and tools, and partnerships with various community organizations. the legislation last year required that a strategic planning process take place and that is something that happened in the second half of 2012.
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i want to thank the office of the city administrator who is the lead city agency for this planning and the city administrator released the results of the strategic planning late last spring. and today will present its process and recommendations which include a recommendation that our recreation and park department be the home for this new program. the ordinance that we passed last year requires the board of supervisors to pass a resolution so that we can have a little bit of a public dialogue on that. that is a resolution we have in front of us. i also want to mention that i have been supportive of the creation of the first full-time staff person in this city who will hopefully be housed at the rec and park department to solely focus on the coordination of city urban agriculture activities. last year in the budget process we had placed a small amount of money, it was $120,000 into the budget which we didn't spend last year because we had not yet made this decision. we have officially transferred the money that we were supposed
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to spend last year so that it can be spent this year hopefully shortly when this new person is hired. i want to just take a moment and thank all the city staff and departments and community advocates who worked with my office on this, in particular to thank the urban agriculture alliance and spur for their ongoing support and their endorsement of this resolution. i want to take a moment also to thank [speaker not understood] for her hard work on this. we do have a number of representatives from various city departments who have some brief comments they want to make about these efforts. i'm not sure if bill barnes is here or someone representing the city administrator's office. i don't see mr. barnes. assuming he's not here, i know we have representatives from the rec and park department. i'm not sure who is going to speak today, but if you would like to say a few words and then to be followed by representatives from puc and from planning. and then we will hopefully go to public comment.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors and staff. my name is melinda stock land, project manager and community gardens program manager with recreation and park department. very excited to speak today here to give you a little more background in terms of the work to date and next steps for the anticipated city-wide urban agriculture program. i do have a presentation here that we'll just get up and running. authorized and working as the rec and parks department point person on urban strategic plan president chiu outlined since about a year ago in july of 2012. so, just to give a background on the work to date, last july the urban agriculture ordinance was adopted and in september
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the city administrator's office convened an inter agency working group and also invited public stakeholders to participate in the formation of a preliminary strategic plan to help serve as the foundation for this -- the launching of this new city-wide urban agriculture program. on december 31st, we delivered the working group comprised of department of public works, the puc, sf environment planning, the public health department, basically all city agencies were invited to come and participate in the strategic plan. and at the end of december we delivered a strategic plan recommendation to the city administrator's office. in april the city administrator's office officially published the recommendation to supervisor chiu for how best to meet the ordinance goals. we then posted a urban agriculture open house together with supervisor chiu and the city administrator's office on may 15th. that was an opportunity for the
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public to come and find out more about what we were planning and to weigh in with questions and concerns. ~ hosted we also did outreach to the park recreation open space advisory committee, to sf urban ag alliance, and we invited other groups to know about what's going on. we have started to -- at rec and park we have started to do our internal process for hopefully hiring a full-time staff member to come on. and i will give you more information now. [speaker not understood] on the screen, but this is not to go over it in much detail, but to mention that rec and park together as i mentioned several city agencies and public stakeholders invested quite a lot of energy from december through december 2012 to look at developing goes tov. the check marks next to the first five or six goals represent we feel these have been accomplished through the strategic planning process
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which brought together departments in collaboration as well as input from the public, sf urban ag alliance, and the strategic planning process also involved three town hall meetings in november and december in which people were invited to come and give their input and individual stakeholder interviews with groups who were heavily involved with urban agriculture and community gardening. so, we've done a count of waiting list, active site and site coordinators, list of all urban agriculture programs and then the city administrator's office recommendations also list where we are to date on reducing the wait list, for example, and on working with the department of real estate to complete an audit of city building rooftops. so, these are our work plan goals. because i work closely with other departments and with supervisor chiu's office on the strategic planning process, the goal is to transfer all the great work that's been done to
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date to an urban agriculture program coordinator to be housed within rec and park, to take the work that's been done to date, to continue working with an inter agency working group, and to formulate a work plan with actionable metrics for success. and to move forward with that. so, just briefly -- i'm sorry, i was under the impression the city admin office was going to speak in more detail about this plan from the fall. i'll go over briefly the streaming recommendations that came from the city administrator's office were that the rec and park department, the puc, public health, and the department of the environment continue their leadership roles on urban agriculture. one of the other substantial components of the strategic plan in the fall was the mayor's budget office worked with all of the agencies that were working on -- all of the city departments and agencies working on urban agriculture to do an accounting of the funding
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