tv [untitled] July 11, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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tang aye. there are 11 ayes. ~ >> the resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> next item, madam clerk. if we could call items 24 and 25. >> 24 and 25 are the ordinances amending chapter 31 of the administrative code to reflect the regions and update and clarify certain procedures to the california and environmental quality act. >> supervisor wiener. >> i move to continue items 24 and 25 one week to june -- excuse me, to july 16th. >> colleagues, supervisor wiener has made a motion to continue this item for a week seconded by supervisor kim. without objection, these two items will be continued for one week. [gavel] >> item 26. >> item 26 is an ordinance appropriating $1.5 million from the rainy day fund from the san francisco unified school district for fiscal year 2012 through 13. >> colleagues, can we do this same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> items 27 to 31 representing the proposed budget. >> item 27 is the proposed
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budget of annual appropriation ordinance appropriating the estimated receipts and expenditures as of may 31st, 2013 for fiscal years ending june 30th, 2014 through june 30th, 2015. item 28 is the annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal years ending june 30th, 2014 and june 30th, 2015. item 29 is the resolution approving the treasure island development authority. item 30 is the resolution approving the office of community investment and infrastructure budget. item 31 is a resolution concurring with the controller certification that services previously approved can be performed by private contractor for a lower cost than similarly performed by city and county employees for various services. that's it, mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, under our city charter as you know the board cannot adopt the budget that is proposed by the budget committee any earlier than july
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15th. so, could i have a motion to continue these four items -- >> mr. president, i believe that's july 16th. 15th. >> correct. so, if we could have a motion to continue these items to the 16th. motion by supervisor mar. seconded by supervisor breed. without objection, these items will be continued to that date. [gavel] >> item 32. >> item 32 is an ordinance appropriating and de appropriating approximately $721,000 incremented salaries to the sheriff's department for overtime in the current year fiscal year 2012 through 2013. this ordinance requires two-thirds vote, mr. president. >> colleagues, can we do this same house same call? without objection this item is passed on first reading. [gavel] >> item 33. >> >> item 33, [speaker not understood] in the current fiscal year 2012 through 13. >> same house same call? >> this ordinance is passed on
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the first reading. [gavel] >> item 34. >> item 34 is an ordinance authorizing the department of technology to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately $258,000 from the national science foundation in making an amendment to the annual sail ordinance for fish consolidate year 2014 to reflect the addition of 113 81 special assistant decision at the department of technology. >> same house same call? ~ this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> item 35. >> item 35 is an ordinance adopting and amending [speaker not understood] fiscal year 12-13, 14 between the city and the service employees international union local 10 to 1, staff and per diem nurses by implementing specified terms and conditions of employment for fiscal year 13-14. >> colleagues, same house same call in this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 36 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to allow the director of property and the department of -- from the department of real
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estate in consultation with the director of the film commission to lease and sublease property to film companies for film related activities and expanding the production costs eligible for the film rebate program. >> supervisor farrell. >> thanks, president chiu. colleagues, this film rebate program amendment covers a slight change to a program supervisor wiener introduced two years ago here at the board of supervisors. the film rebate program has always been about jobs here in san francisco and continue to be filming and production work for movies, televisions and commercials contributes to our city in many ways. providing jobs to local crews and background extras, creates a significant amount of local spending not only on salaries, but on hotels, restaurants, car rentals and so forth, and contributes to worldwide recognition of our city and icons on the big screen. the rebate program has actually been a very big success, bringing in high profile films and productions in san francisco, one of the most being woody allen's film blue jasmine which will have the first screening in the presidio in a few weeks, july 26 if you
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want to check it out. in october 11 our office produced and introduced legislation including documentary films, [speaker not understood] into the rebate program. and we have seen an increase in filming activity because of that change and continue to be mindful of what we need to do here at the city as we continue to diversify our economy to make the rebate program a success. in terms of the legislation before you today we found the although the film rebate program is attractive to many producers we are falling short on thability to offer adequate space to film production companies. while application to film rebate programs are increasing we find ourselves in a situation where we actually don't have the stage space for productions to build our cover sets and having the right kind of space is critical to any production. this legislation is a tweak and will allow the executive director of the film commission to lease space for production companies after determining no suitable city property is available. the rent payments will be added
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as a qualified production cost and become part of the film company's total rebate. maximum rebate remains $600,000 for single production. it is important to note i want to make sure everyone knows this legislation does not increase funding for the rebate program and any rent payments would be taken from the existing funds in the rebate program. i want to thank supervisor campos for adding his name to the legislation always before the gao committee last week. also like to thank local 16, team series and [speaker not understood] after they came to committee to support this legislation and for their commitment to the film industry in san francisco. and lastly want to thank susanne robbins who stuck around here, the executive director of our film hi for your continued diligence in boosting our film economy in the city. we will continue to work with ms. robbins to find space for film production in san francisco. thank you for your continued support of the film rebate program and ask for your support today. >> colleagues, can we take this ordinance same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel]
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>> item 37. >> item 37 is approving the issuance of one or more tax exempt revenue obligations by the california statewide communities development authority in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 19 million to finance capital [speaker not understood] at the office of public finance. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. item 38. >> [gavel] >> item 38 is an ordinance amending the planning code for the castro street neighborhood commercial district use side [speaker not understood] allowing a neighborhood serving nonprofit institution to exceed the use hours limit with a conditional use authorization making the required findings. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president. before us today is legislation that would authorize the planning commission to consider as a conditional use a larger size from the castro street neighborhood commercial district that would otherwise allow -- it would be limited to nonprofit uses that provide direct services to the
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neighborhood. this legislation will provide a path forward for the san francisco aids foundation in its effort to create a comprehensive hiv health center in the castro. it would consolidate a number of the foundation's existing services including magnets, stop aids project and the stone wall project into a single comprehensive location. it will be a state-of-the-art facility and provide community space and gallery space on the ground floor with an active ground floor frontage. the legislation has been supported by various merchant and resident groups in the castro as well as the planning commission and the small business commission. colleagues, as we all know, the hiv epidemic continues, is particularly acute in san francisco and the castro. in light of the it being federal cuts to hiv funding which we are working very hard and we successfully backfilled in the budget committee as part of our budget process, this
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project, given that context is very exciting and a welcome opportunity for our community. so, colleagues, i ask for your support of this important legislation. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. i just want to thank supervisor wiener for bringing this item forward. i think it's something that it makes a great deal of sense and i'd like to be added as a co-sponsor. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? without objection this ordinance is passed on the first reading. [gavel] >> colleagues, if we could just take a moment to go to our 3:00 p.m. special order. madam clerk, could you call items 47 to 50? >> items 47 through 50 comprise the special order 3:00 p.m. for a public hearing of persons interested in the historic preservation commission's decision dated may 15th, 2013, approving a major permit to alter for an interior and exterior rehabilitation as well as seismic upgrade of the aronson building at 7 06 mission street and new construction with up to ~ 250
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residential units and a museum adjacent to the aronson building located partially within the new montgomery mission 2nd street conservation districts. items 48, 49 and 50 are the motions associated with that public hearing. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. i'm with the agreement of both parties. i'd like to make a motion to continue this item to i believe it's july 23rd, is that correct? >> that's what i understand. supervisor kim has made a motion to continue these items to the 23rd of july, seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection, these items will be continued to that date. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can we go back to item 39? >> item 39 is an ordinance amending the building health public works codes for soil and/or groundwater testing requirements revising boundaries and types of projects for which soil testing is required, and requiring testing of groundwater under other specified circumstances and making the required findings. >> colleagues, can we do this
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same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first read. next item. [gavel] >> item 40 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to transfer responsibility for child care feasibility studies from the department of children youth and their families to the office of early care and education in the human services agency and the child care facilities enter agency committee. ~ >> colleagues, same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first read. [gavel] >> item 41. >> item 41 is an ordinance issuing [speaker not understood] license to dennis laurie [speaker not understood] doing business cafe terminus located at 10 through 16 california street will serve the public convenience. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 42. >> item 42 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to establish the bayview hunters point citizens advisory committee to provide policy advice to the city on planning and land use matters for zone 2 of the bayview hunters point redevelopment project area.
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>> colleagues, same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first read. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 43 is an ordinance amending the municipal elections code to specify that the water information pamphlet will include a portion of the legal text of any initiative ordinance declaration of policy or bond measure that exceeds 100 pages. >> president chiu. >> thank you, mr. chair. colleagues, this is legislation that was in front of the rules committee. i want to thank them for their support of it, that would reduce the amount of material that's required to be in this november's handbook for each of the half a million voters which will save the city close to $1.7 million in printing and mailing costs. and this is really to address what i believe is a once in a generation situation. you may recall last year we had a debate about the washington [speaker not understood] project and whether to approve an ordinance that would increase the height on the waterfront for the first time in over four decades. the ordinance itself was five pages long but included 500
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pages of technical environmental review documents. since we knew that a voter referendum with a 500-page measure might be possible, i tried to amend the legislation last year to reduce the number of pages so that we would avoid the possibility of a phone book-size ballot pamphlet printed at taxpayer expense containing hundreds of pages of graphs, technical transportation analyses and redundant memoranda that would inform no one. at the time the washington developer wanted the full text of the measure to be included to make it harder to gather signatures. since we knew or we know now that our city could incur enormous costs for these massive handbooks, both supervisor wiener and i had introduced very similar legislation to reduce the amount of material required to be included in the ballot handbook. the legislation we have in front of us would allow the department of elections to not include the full legal text of ballot measures whose text exceed 100 pages and only require the printing of the first 20 pages of those ballot
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measures with the remainder of the information to be provided either in our local libraries, online, or at the department of the elections or to be mailed to voters at their expense. just want to mention the elections [speaker not understood] and are supportive of what we're doing. the one thing i do ask is after we adopt this for this election cycle, after the election cycle we repeal the ordinance because they believe and we all believe this is truly a once in a generation situation that does not need a longer term fix. so, with that, colleagues, i ask for your support. >> colleagues, can we take this same house same call? same house same call, this ordinance passes on first reading. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please call the next item? >> item 34 is a charter amendment second draft to amend the charter of the city and county of san francisco to limit retiree health care trust fund disbursement, deferral participating retiree health care costs, allow for difficult burstments from the city's subraft under certain circumstances ~, allow for the
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modifications to the disbursement guidelines, and make the controller, city treasure and executive of the retirees system, members of the trust fund board. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you, president chiu. colleagues, today we have before us a charter amendment to send to the voters this november to solve our city's approximately $4-1/2 billion unfunded retiree health care liability that sits on our books. this vote today on the charter amendment is a product of over six months of work and dedication and time by many stakeholders put to solving one of our city's last major structural financial issues. as we all know, rising health care costs and the ability for employers to pay for these costs has been a growing issue across our country and our state and here locally in san francisco for decades. health care spending in the u.s. alone is over $3 trillion a year and rising and affects our private sector and public sector alike. we are all consumers of health care. last year our controller's office issued a report which benchmarks san francisco's current unfunded health care liability at $4.4 billion.
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this $4.4 billion opeb liability [speaker not understood] earned by current employees and tire aloes. like many major cities, san francisco breaks down to $13,500 per household is funded on a pay as you go basis out of our general fund and only 1% much this 4-1/2 billion dollars has been saved. with prop b 2008 and prop c in 2011, city employees are starting to contribute more into our retiree health care trust fund. however, this retiree health care trust fund is loued to be drained in 2020 which would negate any et ceterav to move to a fully funded model and cult palo altoly reduce our general fund annual contributions. currently we're paying about $150 million a year out of our general fund into retiree health care and this number is going to rise to approximately 500 million dollars a year out of our general fund in the next 20 years and continue basically into perpetuity. this charter amendment solves
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our 4-1/2 billion dollars unfunded retiree health care liability without requiring any additional concessions or contributions from employees and without reducing or changing any of their benefits. we're simply requiring more fiscal discipline here at city hall. the goals of the charter amendment are straightforward and will put our city on further stable financial ground for generations to come. through this measure we will effectively switch from a pay as you go model to a fully funded model to pay for our retiree health care costs. through this measure we will cap our city employee contribution to 10% of payroll so that we limit our own city's financial exposure and also refine the governance procedures of the trust fund. this unfunded liability has accrued over generations of time and this measure will solve our problem in one generation's time. through this measure we will ensure that our children are not paying for our retiree health care benefits down the road. the charter amendment has a number of positive implications for our city and its financial well-being. through this measure the $4.4
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billion liability will be wiped off our books in approximately 30 years. the switch to a pre-funded system provides more balanced generational equity, current generation of workers pay the cost for our current generation's future liabilities. the switch also results in major cost savings for san francisco. the pre-funded assets of investment income that will be used to pay portions of the benefits cost, reducing the cost of future tax payers and employees. as an added benefit, as our liabilities decrease, this will be a major factor and credit rating agencies review of our city's bond rating which as we know strong bond ratings mean low borrowing costs which saves taxpayers and our budget and budget committee tens of millions of dollars a year potentially down the road. most importantly from my perspective, this takes retiree health care off the table and no longer becomes a political football and secures retiree health care for our retirement
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-- excuse me, for our employees that have retired here in the city and county of san francisco. i'm proud and want to thank my co-sponsor of this legislation and charter amendment, supervisor scott wiener, daty ~ katy tang [speaker not understood]. the municipal executives association, mea, the fire fighters local 798, the police officers association, the alliance for jobs and sustainable growth, the san francisco chamber of commerce, our council of district merchants, as well as protect our benefits which is the reorganization here in the city and county of san francisco that continues to advocate for retirees here in the city. special thanks to mayor lee of his endorsement of this measure. there are a number of people that worked very, very hard over the past six months on this measure and i want to take a moment to thank them. first of all, my staff,
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[speaker not understood], kathrin, stephanie, margaret who spent countless hours on this and will continue to do so i imagine. our controller ben rosenfield and his staff who spent a ton of time on this with me and in meetings. mickey callahan and her staff in particular martin and emilie, and dhr for all of their hard work. our mayor's budget director kate howard who in the midst of budget season continued to spend a ton of time on this issue. and the dozens of labor and business leaders who have been part of our conversation over the past six months. today, colleagues, i'm asking you for your support of this charter amendment and ultimately i am confident that the voters of san francisco will support us in our efforts to solve our $4.4 billion liability and wipe it off our books. thanks very much. >> thank you. colleagues, it's my understanding this item has to sit for at least a week. so, supervisor farrell, are you making a motion that we do that? >> [inaudible]. >> okay. so, this item will be continued
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to the 16th. is there a second on that? second by supervisor breed. this item will be continued for one week. [gavel] >> item 45, madam clerk. >> item 45 is a motion reappointing supervisor eric mar to the association of bay area government's executive board for a term tending june 20th, 2015. >> colleagues, can we have a motion to excuse supervisor mar? motion by campos seconded by supervisor kim. without objection he shall be excused. [gavel] >> roll call. >> item 45, supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. there are 10 ayes. >> the motion is approved. [gavel]. >> item 46. >> item 46 is a motion appointing supervisor jane kim
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to bay area executive board ending june 20th, 2015. >> colleagues, can we have a motion excusing supervisor kim? [speaker not understood]. without objection she shall be excused. roll call. [gavel] >> item 46, supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? brie aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. there are 10 ayes. >> the motion is approved. [gavel] >> colleagues, why don't we know go to roll call. >> supervisor wiener, you're first on roll call for introductions. >> thank you, madam clerk. first today i'm introducing a resolution authorizing the municipal transportation agency to purchase 60 electric trolley
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vehicles. not the most glamorous resolution, it is a very important step for the agency. ~ at a hearing that i had convened a month or two ago, we learned a lot about the challenges that the mta has in terms of muni's incredible backlog of deferred maintenance and service problems with the vehicle fleet. one of the problems was with the electric trolley fleet. on only 50% of weekdays does muni have enough electric trolleys to operate on the service level that it is expected to provide. so, half the time there is an inadequate number of electric trolley coaches. muni will be starting on the path of changing that by purchasing these electric trolleys. i also have a very sad and tragic in memoriam today for joe fera who passed away on
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june 30th early in the morning of pride sunday. some of you may have met joe. he was a dedicated volunteer in my office. he was a friend of mine, a personal friend for a number of years. a dedicated campaign volunteer and someone came into my office several days a week. he was a natural to the office because he loved talking to people, even the most difficult people who would call the office. even though i met joe socially and got to know him more and more through my campaign and in the office, i learned a lot about joe in his long-time work in the community over time. joe was born and grew up in san francisco back to 1959 when he was a cushion boy at seal stadium when the giants first came to town. he went to si and graduated in 1965 and then to uc davis. joe was one of the people who
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was involved early on in the hiv/aids epidemic before we even had a name for the disease. he was back in 1982 at the original san francisco aids foundation location at 18th and castro working the phones, taking calls from people in the community ho were terrified about why they were getting sick and other people they knew were getting sick with this new disease. ~ he worked at the aids foundation as the communications director starting in 1989 for a number of years. later in life he free-lanced as a deejay including at mobey dick in the castro, had a drag persona, carmen miranda. joe is survived by his brother patrick, his aunt agnes, and his long-time close friend christopher he is poe zito and many of us who will miss him deeply. ~ not only are these in memoriams for people you didn't know is
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that well or didn't know at all. it's very hard to do it for someone who is a personal friend and someone who worked with you so closely. so, joe, we'll miss you a lot. we know you're looking down on high, and we miss you. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor breed. >> thank you. i have an in memoriam for a dear friend of mine, vernon [speaker not understood] and junior and his mom carol and dad [speaker not understood]. he was a member of third baptist church here in san francisco. he was born and raised in san francisco. he attended lincoln high school, ivan hoe ran against him. we were friends anyway. we would often joke about just the rivalries of our schools.
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but when he went to lincoln high school, he was an amazing football player. he was a hard core on the field, but he was a teddy bear and that's what we refer to him. he was gentle, [speaker not understood], and he passed away on saturday, july 6, and we will miss him dearly. his quiet hour will be held on monday at third baptist church at 7 o'clock and funeral services will be at third baptist church on tuesday at 11:00 a.m. and two more things i wanted to mention about vernon. he actually graduated from morehouse college in atlanta, georgia and he worked at city college and just loved san francisco, loved football, and just loved people. and, so, a lot of people will truly miss him. i know that supervisor cohen will be introducing the in memoriam for our former
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supervisor kennedy. i did want to say a few words about ms. kennedy. i first met her when i interviewed her in her office when she was a member of the san francisco board of supervisors. i was in high school and i had all these questions and i thought i was walking into the office of a man because her name was [speaker not understood]. and it was kind of interesting to change my questions in the middle of our interview, but she was very pleasant. she had a commanding presence, and she was pretty amazing. and i felt like right then and there i wanted to be that kind of person with this amazing presence. she had this overwhelming voice and over the years we definitely had become friends and she's definitely someone that i had truly admired. as a former director of the african-american ardthtion and cultural complex, i am really quick to remind people of why this very important art
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institution exists as an amazing asset for the african-american community. it was supervisor kennedy who led the charge, making sure that this asset remained a part of the african-american community, a true cultural arts destination for the african-american community. and she fought here in this chamber to make that so. so, she was an honorary board member. she regularly attended meetings and participated in events at the african-american art and culture complex. and she was just so proud of the development of seeing it come to a place where it deserved to be after the renovations right there at the forefront every single time there was a development. after walking away from the board of supervisors, we all know that she continued to be involved, whether the hunters point shipyard, the bart board, the southeast community facility, this was truly a
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woman who made public service a natural part of her life and she will truly be missed. and i remember talking to her about her plans or at least her family's plans that they thought she didn't know about for her upcoming 90th birthday party. and she was very excited about that. still driving around, still talking, still making the phone calls, still just really doing exactly what she loved to do and that is talk and engage people and do everything she can to give back to the city she loved. and, so, she is definitely truly going to be missed and i just wanted to make sure that i said a few words about her because she was an amazing inspiration in my life and the city is so much better off because she was a part of making so many amazing things h
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