tv [untitled] July 13, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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think it's important and i want to thank you all for the effort and to give the big picture again. >> item 11b enter into a memorandum of understanding for the municiple transportation agency and fee waiver period and license number 15684 with alta bike share the regional operator for waterfront locations for the purpose of operating bike share pilot program. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is [inaudible] dolan. i am with the port. i'm here to seek the commission's approval for the bike share stations on port property and the associated agreements for port property for this program. this same bike share program was presented to the port commission in september 2011 as an
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informational item. today's presentation of . the bay bay area management district will manage this program with a funding award from the metro commission and their own funding. the goal of the program is increase public transit by commute by providing shared bicycles at centers to make the last part of transit
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more convenient and attractive than using a car to commute. if this amenity results in modal shifts it should reduce greenhouse gas gases in the area. this will enable users to check out a bike share. the embarcadero sidewalk and the surface parking lot across from piers here and the exploratorium and the ferry plaza, the gap plaza which is across from rincon park and bordered by steward and howard
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share operator-- the next part may have a fee based on the bike share program. pricing. because there are concerns raised on the impact of bike share and the impact on rentals the port included a non compete clause in the agreement which prohibits alta bike share from doing this. as you can see the pricing structure is two tiered. it includes a
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membership fee and usage fee. the first half-hour is free and the then the rest has a fee and maximum up to $250. in comparison an all day bike rental age is 14 to $32 a day and a bike share bike would cost $55 for four hours so there is a clear price difference and the pricing is in compliance with the proposed license. lessons learned. the same concerns concerning the pricing have been raised with other bike shares and montreal and the district of columbia and have messages regarding penalties for longer trips and users to take advantage of all day trips on their stations and websites. montreal's program which was
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in place since 2009 and the other program in place since 2010 have this warning message on the stations. according to the program managers for these programs bike share is seen as a complement to the area's public transit system. the following quotes are examples of the warning marriage that will be on the bike share stations. the lesson learned that promoting bike share bikes for short trips than all day trips have allied the price concerns. back to the agreement. the agreement also includes flexibility and allows station capability increases or decreases meet demand for the program as long as the increases are consistent with the port station location criteria and do not interfere with circulation or existing port operations. these stations are modular
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and can be done with these improvements. the port and mta has agreed to a memorandum of understanding and mta be incur the liability and damages to the program not covered by the license. schedules. the program is open this month. the website is up and the bike share program is expected to launch this august next month. this concludes my presentation. i have also invited mta staff here today to assist with any questions regarding the bike share program and the bike and pedestrian programs for the city. >> thank you. there public comment? hearing none
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commissions? >> i have one. the 12 to 24 months and who decides if there is a fee and if so what percentage goes to the port? >> as part of that we will get a monthly report on the 25th of every month that provides the gross revenue for the city of san francisco bike share program and the activity at the stations. we will work with mta to determine what is related -- not what is related but whether the program is actually generating a profit. generally bike share is subsidized in other places, but it could potentially be successful and generate a professional so the license will allow the port to impose a fee or a parameter rent fee, whatever is effective at the time, the 13th month period, that we may impose a fee and percentage rent on alta for
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the bike share stations if the program is demonstrating it is grossing some amount over expenses. >> where do you obtain a license? how long will it take to get it? >> where do you owb tain a license? >> yeah. >> a bike share membership -- >> or a membership, whatever you want to call it. >> i can defer to mta staff and there is a website up. anybody else to add? >> good evening commissioners. annual memberships are available on the website which will go -- it's live now but memberships will go on sale later this month, july 15, and there is the opportunity to purchase a 24 hour membership or a three day membership at the
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stations themselves, so there is sort of a -- the stations are comprises of a platform and docks that hold the bikes and a solar tower and what is called the kiosk and a atm and point of sale and swipe the credit card there and do it. >> just a credit card will do it. >> that's correct. >> okay. >> the website is -- >> thanks. it is bay area bike share. com. >> thank you. >> i just had a question so this is targeted against commuters and in one of the presentations months ago if you wanted to go to one place you could drop the bike anywhere as long as there is a station. what happened if they get to the destination and there is no place to drop the bike off? i can see
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everybody going in one direction in the morning with the bikes and not enough stations to accept the bikes they're ready to drop off. >> way they're designed they're on average three blocks from each other so if you get a bike station and it's full there is a map showing you where the other stations are and you would go to the next station. >> okay. i guess it's going to have some sense of how the patterns and volumes are going to work and you will have to adjust -- so will you have ability to be modular -- oh gee we need to add more stations over here and more people are coming here? because that could be very frustrating. i don't want to get charged for more time they don't need. >> i think your question -- you're anticipating a lot of the challenges of bicycle sharing and what was pointed out it's really the initially the burden is on the architects and alta
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to design a system with density and give people options if things aren't like we should be and a dock or boat for a dock and alta and they're doing the maintenance and they're rebalancing bicycles. that's part of the operations contract. if there are empty stations then they need to be moving bikes in there and if they're full they will move bikes away and it does happen. over time as the system grows we can provide a greater number of docks so less likely for them to be off filled up, but another thing that is done in other cities and done here if you arrive at a station and you're at minute 29 of the first free 30 minutes and the station is full and you can go to the kiosk and it will give you a code and give you 15 minutes of additional time to make it to the next station.
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>> this is just curiosity and i remember in new york and the bike launch program they're going to do and require helmets. are we going to be the same as new york and not everyone wants to walk around with another person's helmet and they would wave the helmet requirement. >> there is no helmet requirement in california for adults and there are various programs and the cities are contemplating helmet vending machines and around seattle they require helmets there so they're looking at it but there is no practical way of getting around the helmets and there are difficult sanitation issues around sharing helmets and things like that so we are encouraging helmet use and we are planning to provide helmets to our members for a discount. >> i clearly appreciate the presentation and it's clear it's a pilot program and imtd
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there is a pilot program you find out as you go along and i don't think nothing is set in stone but you have a couple of problems but you work through them and you get there, so i clearly understand that. thanks. >> thank you. >> okay. thank you. i am excited about it and i think it's going to be a very worth while endeavor and it lends itself to the areas that you have carved out and i have seen it successful in other cities and i wonder why it took so long to get it. >> i guess this is a motion here and the motion is approve that there is no fee -- no fee chart upon the completion of the party and reviewed and a decision made whether the port will charge anything at this point, correct?
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>> yes. there is a request for action just as you explained it. i don't think there is a motion here yet. >> so moved. >> thank you. >> second. >> sorry. all in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item 12a requests approval of retail lease no. l-15255 between port of san francisco and east street san francisco limited liability with term of 15 years with one five year renewal operation in the operation of restaurant site located at terry francois boulevard subject to the board of supervisors approval. >> good evening commissioners. jeffrey bower. i am the port's leasing manager. given the time i will try to make this a brief presentation. east street san francisco has been declared the most qualified. we've come to agreement on a lease and the
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lease provides for a term of 15 years with one five year option. they exercised the option. there is a market rate adjustment to the minimum rent. the lease provides for an annual increase of 3%. there is a requirement for an investment development in core shell and tenant improvements in the amount of $2 million. those are the sole cost of the expense of the tenant and provides for a rent abatement period when no rent is paid for nine months for the improvements and one time rent credit for core and shell improvements. this lease is subject to the board of subject to the board of
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supervisors' approval and they anticipate sales of $2.3 million and translates to $14,000 per month. the investment translates to net investment of $450 a month i believe per square foot which is very good investment, and john cane and sara cane who are the principals are in the audience today as are the developers, premier structure and staff and i appreciate them digging in with us as we went through the due process and they're still willing and i seek your approval to send it to the board of supervisors. >> so moved. >> second. >> any discussion? >> we've talked about this quite a bit in the past but i just
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want to say to everyone involved thank you for making it such a green project and i think it will really be a new beacon on the waterfront in terms of creativity and showing how we can have sustainable uses for our facilities so thank you for that. i look forward to seeing it and hopefully the architect can garner some of the awards they are looking for for the location. >> for the owners putting up the money congratulations and i wish you a lot of success. >> okay. all in favor? >> excuse me. we need public comment. >> oh i thought i asked for public comment? i'm sorry. i did. sorry. >> ask for it again. >> public comment? all right. counsel has advised me. we have a motion on the table. it's been seconded. all in favor?
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>> aye. >> the resolution has passed. >> thank you. >> and i believe we are -- oh general public comment. >> we're at new business. >> new business. >> so commissioners i have two items from today's meeting, the first came from commissioner adams requesting that planning director john rim appear at least once a year if not twice a year and wanted to confirm with and you the second from commissioner katz and if possible in the future presentations we highlight what we're doing for climate change and i think you will naturally hearing more about that but i think it was an excellent point. >> i have one more. >> yes. >> i would like director moyer and president woo ho to meet with the port director at the port of oakland and the port commission in oakland. i think it's that the two ports sat down and talked and i appreciate
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you report back to the commission and find out their commission and the new head of the port and see if there is anything that we have in common to work on and you can go from there and inform the commissioners. >> i think that's a great suggestion. >> in fact i am already suggested to meet with the new director but we will expand that. i think that's a great suggestion and i don't know if this is the time commissioner katz to mention that as well. >> yes. for pride month we organized the first every lgbt port commissioners and senior staff gathering and hosted by port of san francisco and we had some representatives that couldn'tshow and we had
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strong showing and part of oakland and jim and amy were instrumental ensuring that we have a phenomenal day of a tour of the support and they don't know how they're going to top it but the corp army corps of engineers did that on the port and have synergies and perhaps having oakland expand and international trade zone that is beneficial for both sides and other areas in oakland and make senses for the port and they're excited about that and got support from the new commissioner and designee and staff for that idea and the port of san diego is looking -- in particular of light of the america's cup and work they have done and toured the america's cup site and also the
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exploratorium and are looking at creating an infinity group as a result of the event and a lot of new relationships were forged with the other attendees with the army corps of engineers so it was a very successful effort to try to bring all of us together and what we can do to improve our relationships and activit -- activities with that. >> kapa is meeting today and tomorrow so i will meet them tomorrow in sacramento and i think it's on the agenda, the affinity group idea. thank you very much. >> any new business commissioners? okay. >> i move that reconvene in fav? >> aye. >> okay. >> motion to reconvene open session. >> so moved.
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>> all in favor? >> motion to adjourn. >> motion to disclose. >> i move that we do not disclose what we discussed in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> motion to adjourn the meeting. >> i move that we adjourn the meeting in memory of john bickle and willie kennedy. >> all in favor? >> aye.. >> thank you. hi, i'm lawrence.
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doing a special series about staying safe. let's look at issues of water and sewer. we are here at the san francisco urban center on mission street in san francisco and i'm joined today by marrielen from puc and talk about water and sewer issues. what are things we should be concerned about water. >> you want to be prepared for that scenario and the recommendation is to have stored 1 gallon per person per day that you are out of water.
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we recommend that you have at least 3-5 days for each person and also keep in consideration storage needs for your pets and think about the size of your pets and how much water they consume. >> the storage which is using tap water which you are going to encourage. >> right. of course at the puc we recommend that you store our wonderful delicious tap water. it's free. it comes out of the tap and you can store it in any plastic container, a clean plastic container for up to 6 months. so find a container, fill it with water and label it and rotate it out. i use it to water my garden. >> of course everyone has plastic bottles which we are not really promoting but it is a common way to store it. >> yes. it's an easy way to pick up bottles to store it. just make sure you check the label. this one says june 2013. so convenient you have an end
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date on it. >> and there are other places where people have water stored in their houses. >> sure. if you have a water heater or access to the water heater to your house, you can drink that water and you can also drink the water that the in the tank of your toilet. ; not the bowl but in your tank. in any case if you are not totally sure about the age of your water or if you are not sure about it being totally clean, you can treat your water at home. there is two ways that you can treat your water at home and one is to use basic household bleach. the recommendation is 8 drops of bleach for ever gallon of water. you add 8 drops of bleach into the water and it needs to sit for 30 minutes.
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the other option is to boil water. you need to boil water for 5-10 minutes. after an earthquake that may not be an option as gas maybe turned off and we may not have power. the other thing is that puc will provide information as quickly as possible about recommendations about whether the water is okay to drink or need to treat it. we have a number of twice get information from the puc through twitter and facebook and our website sf >> people should not drink water from pools or spas. but they could use it to flush their toilets if their source are not broken. let's look at those issues. >> sanitation is another issue and something people don't usually or like to think about it but it's the reality. very
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likely that without water you can't flush and the sewer system can be impeded or affected during an earthquake. you need to think about sanitation. the options are simple. we recommend a set up if you are able to stay in your building or house to make sure that you have heavy duty trash bags available. you can set this up within your existing toilet bowl and once it's used. you take a little bit of our bleach. we talked about it earlier from the water. you seal the bag completely. you make sure you mark the bag as human waste and set it aside and wait for instruction about how to dispose of it. be very aware of cleanliness and make
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