tv [untitled] July 22, 2013 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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council will take a ten minute break. >> item 7, action item discussion, possible action to adopt a resolution regarding guiding principals for the construction and maintenance of affordable and accessible housing for seniors and people with disabilities. public comment is welcome. >> item 8 information item, report of the disability disaster prepared in this committee and the exercise which took place on may 15th 2013. presentation by council members denise. item 9 information item. summary report of upcoming 2014 and 2015 status of current projects. deputy director for physical access on mayor's disability office. item 10, public comment. items not on
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today's agenda but within the jurisdiction. and each speaker is limited to three minutes. item 11, information item correspondence and item 12. item 13 adjourned. >> we'll take public comment and the first individual is john allic pole. thank you. yes, my name is john and i'm the vice chair of the pedestrian safety advisory committee. on it i hold the seat for senior and disability organizations. i report to you that i was involved in a city
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event regarding the better market streets that occurred on wednesday the 17th. and at this event i posed a question which i seek your advice when there was a form to ask me and all participants of what ideas we had on the redevelopment of market street, is this within the parameters of the law or common sense for there to be accessible pedestrian signals stationed on the island for public transport to cross over from the island or the median to the curve of the sidewalk? would that affect anyone else or impair anyone else's mobility? sense that was a question regarding what previous events i've been to
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regarding pedestrian and bicycle safety and people are disabilities, not being aware that bicyclist are coming through. would this device assist people crossing the street from a public island over to the curb or not. that's my one question, thank you. >> thank you. up next we have herbert winer. >> herbert community stakeholder. one of my concerns about the transit effecting this project is that it's really endangers those and the handicap and those who are ill because they'll have to
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walk longer distances to get public transportation. this is in effect with the bus line which runs -- which no longer runs near park boulevard. people either have to walk a block to catch the one california or the [inaudible] line. and this is not the only bus line that's effected. it affects other bus lines. it was knocked down which ran directly to saint luke's homes. and this is brought to mta constantly and brought to the attention of those who formulate the effectiveness project, but they've had a blind eye to this. now, they state that, okay, they can take power transit. wouldn't this
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would be absorb to take it one block to catch a bus? this is a twisted thinking that went into this project. and the idea of it was they were going to gage it by supply and demand. those were less rider ship -- those with less ridership, they would be either altered or actually deleted. now, this is public service is based on need and not based on supply and demand. for instance, if there was less climb -- crime in the city, would you cut the police. this is something that has to be addressed. the -- my opinion, the transit effectiveness process has been contaminated
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by the control's office which thinks in terms of dollars and sense and not human things so as well as an environmental impact report, they should have a human impact report. and i think it's imperative that this can be addressed now. the mayor's disakt department gave them a blank check. they should have addressed this issue. i've worked for a social worker for the city and this is my concern and i've worked with the handicap. so [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. >> is there anyone on the bridge line? >> no. council member kostanian.
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>> bring your mic. >> thank you. i wanted to address another part of the transit line on market street. and i found that to be very much not absent to people with a manual wheelchair or electric wheelchair. the sidewalks in the middle of the street have no way to get on top of it. that's one of the main reasons i gave up and didn't come down on market street. and that's been over a number of years and i think we really have to look at that. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, everyone. i'm wilson and i would like to mention a couple of things in my report today. i want to thank you guys for
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everyone who sends invitations to us to go to different events. they are awesome. can't get them all, but i do go to the ones that i can. and i just want to say keep them coming because you never know where i will show up. thank you very much. special to the lion's club. we were there with our council member who got adducted to them. and thank you for their support and we had staff there. thank you for coming out and supporting the council member. appreciate it. and i would like to on another note just send our support out to the senior action network for the loss of jazzy collins. i'm sorry about that loss. she was a good advocate for people with disabilities. don't play with me. she was out there. sorry you guys lost a very good
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advocate there. next in my report is we have a lot of free opportunities at the library. i would like to say take advantage of them because they're very good. we have in our own voices that i do at the public library and you can go on the website or the public library is right here on 100 and larkin. check it out. i'll be going overall the different libraries, teaching mental health courses. very good courses and they'll all free. okay. free, free, free, san francisco the best place in the world. okay. i do want to remind you that your comments are welcome. public comment is welcome, but when we have a multiple of people we wish that you would only stick to the agenda items and reserve the
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limited of time to one to two minutes. we really appreciate that. that's if we have a lot which i don't see a lot today. we got a good meeting and i want to thank you for coming out today. the next thing on my report is they do have the -- we do council members have a training coming up which is august 26th. i hope all of you guys will be attending that. i didn't get a chance to ask joanna who called and confirmed but since i have you up here, i want to remind you. august 26th we have that and i'll be announcing that later. and i do want to say that the mayor's office on disability is having
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an ada celebration on july 26th. i do want to say that as cochair, i will not be attending that because i am protesting it because under the section nrbi laws, it says that the mayor's office -- the council's office will be in the mayor's office, but i did ask for an office there and we got the answer "no." so i just want to say that you have to stand up for your rights and this is the place that we talk about different things like that. i hope you guys have a great celebration and that we talk about getting a council office in the mayor's office on disabilities. thank you very much you guys. that was the end of my report. and the next is we will hear a report from
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the instrum director, carla. >> before i start my director's report today i would actually like to invite wendy james up to the podium because i know that she would like to address the council this afternoon and i thank you for that. >> good afternoon council. i'd like to read my letter that i wrote to the mayor. it's stated july 19th, deal mayor lee, it's with great regret that i submit to you my resignation from mayor's disability council mdc effective july 16th, 2013. under your leadership i served on the council for two years. most recently as cochair. san francisco has a rich history of
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including people with disabilities in a wide array of engagement. i feel that my personal contribution to the ndc has to bring inside into the unique challenges people with multiple disabilities -- visible disabilities including mental health among others. i am especially appreciative of the opportunity given to me to explore my potential and to develop my leadership and communication skill. i have the greatest respect and appreciation for my fellow members and admire their dedication advocacy, however personal matters makes me to continue and the energy needed to serve successfully. i will miss work and hopefully can return in the future. thank you for a great experience on serving on the mayor's office
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of disability and your ongoing support of human rights, respectfully yours, wendy james. >> thank you wendy. would any council members -- denise. >> wendy, its been a pleasure working with you. you had stepped into the cochair position not being on the council that long and you took to it it and you worked with us and you shared your knowledge and background of mental health issues and i for one learned a lot and as i said before, you'll be definitely missed. we hope to see you around, you know, at any time here at city hall and i hope you'll keep in touch with us and i hope you do well. thank you again. it has been a pleasure knowing and working with you.
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>> thank you denise. >> skip. >> wendy. >> chip. >> i've known you a long time and you are the reason i'm on this council. i have never heard of mdc before you asked me to join. and i want to thank you for that because it has been me to do opportunities that i never dreamed that he could i could do and you helped me expand my service to the community so i want to thank you on both counts and also let you know that you're a great, great human being. and we'll miss you. i will miss you. >> thank you chip. >> you're welcome. >> anyone else. >> any staff? >> yes, wendy. it is so good to see you and it has been an
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honor to work with you over these last few years on the mayor's disability council and i know that we're all going to miss you terribly because you brought such a big heart and such an arctic lat mind to the different deliberations that the council has have and you have left your mark and i think you can feel proud of that so i wish you the best and we hope that you are not a stranger and you come back to us really soon. >> thank you very much carla. >> thank you all. bye. >> may i say a couple of words for a dear friend and colleague, mrs. james. >> wendy i want to say that you're truly a class act and i have been really honored to support and work with you in every way possible,
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unfortunately i didn't get to work with you as closely as in the past but one of the things about the -- very quiet force, you don't have to scream and yell to get your leadership known. you're very gentle and human and you really make us see the humanity behind disability stories so he want -- i want to thank you for that and i hope you join us on the 26th because you have a lot to celebrate with us. >> thank you joanna. >> is there anyone else? thank you. >> holdup, girl. i didn't say nothing yet. >> mrs. wendy, cochair, i enjoyed sitting next to you for the time i did and we know each
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other outside in the field. i hope we can still work together and you're an inspiration. really, i love the work you did and i love your personality and everything that you bring to the table. keep leading like you do. thank you very much. >> thank you all for your kind words. >> thank you. >> bye for now. >> i just wanted to mention today, we have sarah berkit, did i say it right. i mess up names, sorry. we have sarah berkit sits in as cochair today. thank you. >> thank you. >> so we're still on with the director's report. >> thank you so much cochair wilson. so my director's report is going to be a couple of announcements about upcoming events as well as updates on ongoing projects. first is announcements. i wanted to welcome and introduce an intern
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in our office. and that will be osten who is in the audience. can you stand up so people can see you. thank you for that osten. he's an architectural student at uc berkeley and go bears. he's been helping us on our architectural projects and it's refreshing to have a fresh set of eyes when someone is looking over different processes. we're using his schools to make up dates to our project and take form and i'm also asking him to take a look at our play ground play list and our public meeting check list and thank you ostin, we're happy to have you this summer. my second announcement is about our house warming and our ada celebration that we're having. cochair
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wilson mentioned it earlier. it is an open house event and celebration of the 23rd anniversary of the american's disability act. as i've been making preparations as all of us in the office have been making preparations and looking back on our accomplishment, it's the 15th anniversary. mayor's office that was in 1998. we have much to celebrate especially our relationships with our community advocates and our city family. so details are july 26th from 4:00 until 6:00 p.m. at our new offices 1155 market street on the first floor. light refreshments will be provided and we hope to see all of you including you cochair wilson and i want to -- you to know that actually the mayor's office on disability is the office for the mayor's
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disability counsel cil so i hope to see you there. if you haven't rsvp to mark, please do so. call the office 554-6789 or send mike an e-mail at my second announcement is actually ties nicely to a comment that council member kostanian made and that's about a better market street. a brief update, our deputy john paul scott and myself attended a joint meeting, the mini multi advisory also known as the mac.
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it was a joint meeting with the physical access committee which council member wong is the chair of and we were happy to see you there. john paul and i gave a brief presentation on the current status of the better market plan. we talked about the three options that are currently under consideration. and all three options for market street is improvements to the boarding platform morning market street both to make sure that the bus platforms are wide enough. eight feet wide is what we need in order for a list to deploy the bus, but what we also need in the way of transportation platforms on market street is to have more of the elevated platforms so that those historic stops can be served.
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so those features are included in all three options of the better market street plan. i wanted to just briefly summarize the options and invite you to a work shop that's taking place tomorrow so you can provide your commentary. option one is similar to what we see now when we look at market street with the addition of those boarding platforms and the -- the private automobile restrictions on market street, although taxis and peri transit vehicles and vehicles that have plaqueers that are discharging pedestrian to the curb set on market street, all of those vehicles will be allowed to go up and down market street. but by restricting private vehicles, there would be more room for the transit opportunities for the transit activities to take place. the
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current bike lanes that we see which in some places are dedicated by market street and others are shared by bike lanes. those will look similar on market street so that won't change. option number two however, will take our existing sidewalk configuration and it would narrow the sidewalk. we would still have very wide what we call pedestrian through way zones between 12 and 15 feet in width, but the existing market street sidewalks were wider than that, so under option two, the sidewalks would be narrowed and we'll get a dedicated bike lane that's 7 feet wide and this dedicated bike lane would be at a different level from the street and from the curb.
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it would be at an intermediate level between the two. option number three is the most recent option that is placed on the table. and it looks a lot like option number one in that our sidewalks would stay the same width, our bike lanes would look pretty much the same, you know, some sheared, some dedicated. our bus platforms will get wider. but what's different about option three is that the transportation lines that currently run-on mission street like the 14 mission as an example as well as golden gate transit, all of those transportation lines would be moved over to market street so that market street would become the transportation highway sort of speak. and then what would happen on mission street is that because we would no longer have those bus lines on mission, then there would be the opportunity to create a dedicated bicycle lane known as
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the cycle track on mission street. this project is about to go under the environmental review process for the next two years. after that it's going to go into design and i mention that because tomorrow's work shop at the main library located at 100 larken street in the auditorium starting at 10:00, it goes until 12:30. this is a better market street work shop where you get an opportunity to provide some more of your community and public commentary about your preferences and you can send that comment directly to the department of public, there's a website,
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but i would encourage people to go tomorrow if you're able. one of the things our office will do is attend that work shop and share with the organizers the commentary that we heard at the physical access meeting and the mac meeting. our office is work with the department of public works and also independent living resource center to assemble a focus group of individuals with both mobility disabilities as well as vision, sight, disabilities and what we'll be asking this focus group of 10 individuals to do is to navigate down a few different stretches of market street and give us your feedback on the conditions of the existing sidewalk which is brick and we'll be looking specifically at issues like, you know, vibration that you might experience because of the
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different joints, you know, settlement and cracks because of maintenance issues and also slip resistance. obviously being so we don't lose our footing when it's a little wet. this focus group is going to be starting in august and if you are interested in participating, we would ask you to contact our office, either through our mod e-mail or by calling us at 554-6789 or contact independence living resource center san francisco at 543-6222. and i know that in our audience today we also have peter mendosa from independence center and he'll help us organize and coordinate that. my last update i wanted to share with you is that our
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office helped volunteer at city hall to support the same sex weddings during the pride celebration between june 28th and all the way through june 30th. john paul scott and i did everything from greeting the couples to issuing licenses to actually performing ceremonies. and our office provided american sign language interpreteration and i was happy to see there was one couple who showed up with their deaf nine year old son and they hasn't anticipated that he would be able to participate, but because we had the sign language interpreter there, he was a full part of that ceremony and that was particularly gratifying. i
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wanted to build on something that wilson said, i had the pleasure of attending the lion's club meeting last week in china town where our council member harriet wong was promoted to the role as president and it was a really great community to see how the people came together in support the harriet and i was happy to have been there. so this concluding my portion of the director's report and i like to ask heather kettle, our coordinator to give us her reports and complaints that our office have heard over the last 12 months. thank you heather. >> good afternoon council. in the past two months our office received 223 inquires, 91 percent were
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