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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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citizens by the droves. it is incumbent upon us here in san francisco to hold immigrant rights and uphold basic principles of due process, due process from arbitrary denial of liberty and equality under the law. that will give us much safer. the fate of too many lives, too many families, too many children are at stake. the fact is public safety for all san franciscans is compromised when public trust in our justice system is undermined. i local law enforcement agencies rely on the cooperation of victims and witnesses of crime but has created within the immigrant community a stronger communicator with local law-enforcement agencies. as university of the americas. 36% of our residents are foreign-born. district 11, which i represent, are 50% immigrants. today i'm proud to introduce the due process for all ordinance. it would prohibit law-enforcement
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officials from detaining individual solely on the basis of their immigration status. after they become eligible for release from custody. i am honored to have the support and cosponsorship of many of my colleagues, supervisors breed, campos, chu, colin, kim, mark, any. they do so much. cosponsorship. it is such an honor to have your support and many people in the community of san francisco that are so glad to have your commitment on this piece of legislation. as you know, colleagues, california atty. gen. pamela harris has affirmed ice dinners are merely request local enforcement and therefore local authorities are not obligated to comply. there were merely request. these hold our issue without basic standards of proof. they violate a cherished principle at the heart of our legal system . we don't hold people without a legal reason for doing so. this ordinance will uphold due process and legal treatment of
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all our residents regardless of their immigration status. it would sure immigrants who may be victims or witnesses of crimes will not be deterred from cooperation while with our law enforcement agencies for fear of deportation. the legislation will be supported by a wide range of civil and immigrant rights organizations as was the cities rights commission. law-enforcement agencies including the sheriff's department and the public defender. other jurisdictions with high concentration of immigrants such as the city of berkeley and richmond as well as santa clara county in california have similar policies in place. as do the county on or chicago is located at washington dc. the ordinance will stop divide family and rebuild trust between the witnesses and immigrants and legal community policing efforts. together with this policy, we can strengthen
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trust in our local law-enforcement and improve public safety and advance our most cherished values and constitutional rights by due process for all. lastly, i want to thank the many people who supported this legislation from the community. we honor today symphysis go defense committee and other organizations i like to mention as well. asian-americans advancing justice firmly known as asian law caucus. angela chan with them has been a great advocate for this ordinance. the bill of rights defense committee. the california policy center. just cause, central american resource center. chinese for affirmative action, communities united against violence, lower street community services, immigrant legal resource center immigrant rights commission, ross essentially call, lawyers committee for civil rights, the national lawyers guild, and
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people organized to him, employment rights, otherwise known as power, symphysis go organizing project, department of public policy, concerns of the san francisco archdiocese, young workers united. many labor organizers like local 87 of sei you have also been big part of this effort as well. i also would like to give a really great thanks to deputy city attorney alicia cabrera for her work in the world converging in helping to craft this ordinance. of course in my office racquel gandhi s (sp?) for her great work as well. we've also received terminus amount of input from the dist. atty. and we hope to have as a supporter in the coming days as well as chief public defender who will give us input on this legislation. the da have not yet provided a letter of support which are hoping to get in the coming weeks. colleagues, again, thank you so much for your support and i look forward to resuming
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discussion on this item when we get back from our break. thank you >> supervisor avalos. thank you. supervisor campos >> thank you. i just want to take this opportunity to add some comments to the piece of legislation that supervisor avalos has introduced. you know, i supervisors we introduced many things on a weekly or monthly basis and annually and we as a board have certainly don't with some important issues. i do believe, though, if you look at where this piece of legislation that's in the history of the sport, i do think this is one of the most significant pieces of legislation that we have seen introduced in the last two years. the reason is that it deals with a larger issue and a larger movement. it is something that impacts the country as a whole, which is how the immigrant community is being treated by this country. what we have seen is that in the context of that history of how this immigrant community
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has been treated, was a turning point in that treatment. was a republican administration then followed by democratic administration barack obama of all presidents, who imposed a direct draconian program that essentially goes after people in terms turns them over to immigration that's making local jurisdictions and arm of immigration irrespective of what crime, if any crime, they committed. the very moment that they have any interaction with the criminal justice system at that moment. it doesn't matter whether they did something or not, they are turned over. the implications of that are pretty serious and it's really hard to overestimate them. the most important application is that it really goes against the very fundamental nature, fundamental principle of due process, which goes to the heart of the 14th
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amendment to the u.s. constitution. the idea that it doesn't matter whether you did or didn't do something, by the very nature that you are undocumented, you're going to be reported. that goes against the very basic principles that are at the heart of the constitution. but the second piece of it, which i think for me as a supervisor, is the most disturbing, beyond the ethics of the first beast, is that it becomes a public safety issue. you know, keith brown when he was la chief of police, talked about how the principle of century, the idea that local jurisdictions are not in the business of enforcing immigration law is really a public safety issue. it is in
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the interest of the entire community for immigrants to actually feel comfortable coming to law enforcement and reporting crime, reporting crime if they were the victims of it or reporting crime is a witnesses to it. whenever an undocumented person becomes afraid to go to law enforcement and report a crime that they witnessed or report a crime that they were the victim of, that by failing to report that they're making all of us less safe. there are examples and pretty heinous crimes, homicides in los angeles and jurisdictions throughout the country that were solved because undocumented people came forward, reported what they saw, and eventually the perpetrator was actually killing people was caught. if that undocumented person was not comfortable enough in coming forward that perpetrator would have never been found. that is why this is such an important issue. it has made the existence of a secure committee so-called secure community, has made our neighborhoods less safe. there is a sentiment out there that no matter how well-intentioned
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local enforcement is, and we are a century city and symphysis, by the very system is so secure communities program, that is making people in these immigrant undocumented committees afraid to step four. afraid to step forward and you have examples of people jaywalking and because of that active jaywalking being reported to immigration. so, i think this is a very significant piece of legislation. i want to thank supervisor avalos and his staff pretty amazing work that they have done. i think the fact that your arty have eight members of this board supporting this i think sends a very strong strong message. i'm grateful to not only supervisor avalos for his leadership but for the entire immigrant rights community. also, the other communities domestic violence committed. i see beverly upton here. it is a public safety
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issue. i am so proud that it's not just one community stand by itself, but is the entirety of the san francisco diversity that saying we care about everyone and when ice goes after my neighbor they're really going after me. when my neighbor is afraid to come forward and report crime, that makes me less safe. my hope is that we can get to a point where this will be a unanimous vote at the board of supervisors. i am hopeful, and i think that san francisco needs to be the city that stands against we need to be the city that says secure committees goes against every value that we as a country have and it certainly goes against the idea that in san francisco you are treated the same. it doesn't matter what your immigration status is. so thank you supervisor avalos. i look forward to this past very shortly.
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>> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor job >> first of all i want to thank supervisor avalos and the immigrant rights community and the broader communities that are supporting this immigrant rights measure. it is something i think san francisco should be proud of. hopefully we'll be able to get it done in short order. at two items. first of all in a memorial for nicholas niko javier salish. niko grew up in perl heights and he was a significant athlete. when he was at mission dolores he played basketball and baseball and he went to sacred heart where he played football. he qualified for the junior olympics and competed in javelin shot put and discus. he attained his journeyman's license as a plumber and steamfitters local 487. over the past year niko's adventure spirit to thailand where he found his niche teaching aims
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to underprivileged kids in thailand in a couple weeks ago he was traveling in thailand to teach his kids when he was killed by a driver. he has many friends and family including good friends of mine, and on behalf of the board i like for us to adjourn in his memory. also, today i'm introducing an ordinance to further expand our non-potable water ordinance which i had sponsored last year which was adopted. our thank supervisor mark for his cosponsorship as your as moses cosponsorship on this year on this measure. the non-potable water permit we have is a volunteer program to streamline permitting process for our buildings to collect treat and use alternative water sources for non-potable uses. the legislation that i'm introducing today extends this ordinance to cover two or more parcels to share alternate and
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non-potable water sources. to help create an additional fee to cover additional staff time and is often necessary to review more complicated plans an additional site inspection. san francisco has been a leader in water conversation. this is a program to expand our leadership in green building policies to reduce water consumption, reduce pressure on our city sewer system, and diversify our water supply. approximately 40 or 60% of our water can be recycled for non-potable uses an implementation of on-site uses of non-potable water could decrease our city's water and sewer bills considerably. today, we got a project committed to the puc with the potential of saving 6,000,000 gallons of water each year and since we adopted last year's program has been increasing interest from customers for both the design and development committee and other city departments to encourage neighborhood or one reason i hope we can move this forward. to amend our non-potable water
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ordinance to address regulations in what i've described. the rest of the items i will submit >> thank you mr. president. supervisor: >> supervisor: >> one request today that i would like to supervisor" and i would like to do and in the morning to recognize the memory of ms. beverly jones hovered adams. beverly was longtime educator with the semper cisco unified school district and she died recently on july 20 of complications from cancer. she was born in cincinnati ohio. she has a younger brother who has survived. after completing her high school education beverly went to ohio university and added that she earned a bachelors in elementary education where she began her teaching adventure in san francisco. she was joined by a few ohio friends and her
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brother in the midst of the haight-ashbury days the civil rights any anti-get him demonstrations. as well as other societal changes. she began her career with the san francisco unified school district as a prekindergarten teacher. after receiving her masters in counseling from san francisco state she counseled on the secondary level at marketeer (sp?), mission and lincoln high school. she retired several years ago on medical disability. beverly had one child kelly michele adams. in the marriage delayed author adams. she survived by her daughter kelly as well as her brother and significant other robert crenshaw. there are many cousins and a host of friends who will miss her lively presence and dynamic personality. thank you. the rest estimate >> thank you supervisor:. supervisor kim
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>> i just want to thank supervisor of lucifer's introduction of legislation today. i've a lot to say but it's well articulated by both supervisor avalos campos and am looking for to support this and the rest estimate >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mark >> thank you. i'm also very proud to support the due process for all ordinance and supervisor avalos and immigrant rights communities advocacy. i want to introduce a resolution today following up on my hearing with the many others were aggressively moving to increase bicycling as a transportation mode. has gone up 70% in our city for the last five years, but were struggling to increase our share from the 4% of current vehicle trips to
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20% of all trips by 2020. it's not only because it helps recharge the chart transportation greenhouse gas emotion goes but promotes healthier and more vibrant and livable city for all. one of the remaining hurdles for our city has been increasing biking is a thorny problem of bicycle theft that are growing in our city. as regarding good services and safety committee hearing that i chaired in it we reviewed a report from the budget and legislative analyst's office and fred russo did a wonderful job with a report on best practices on countering bike theft. what best practices exist to combat the problem and as i mentioned the issue is real into disco aggregate i've had several bicycles stolen from my garage and many others in city hall haven't given me many stories of how it's growing among themselves, their families and friends as well. bicycle theft have increased at the same rate
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as the biking mode share over the past few years has increased. if we are to dramatically increase biking in our city, we had to address the problem of bike theft quickly and efficiently. over 4000 bikes stolen each year is worth about $4.5 million and that's a rate that is higher or on par with the theft of iphones and smartphones in our city. when bicycles are bound by the police also only about 60% are returned to their owners because of difficulties in contacting the owner and also other competitions could additionally, the fda reported that are hearing that there are only 3000 bicycle racks to meet the needs of 75,000 daily trips made by bikes each year. so, this resolution of publishers three goals from the hearing brashly 75,000 daily trips made by bikes. the resolution, which
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is three goals from our hearing. first, it directs the mta to develop a plan to greatly expand the availability of bike parking in the city. so the ordinance that we passed today is critical but also working with the mta to expand parking even more. but only bike racks also secured parking areas like my cat cages and lockers. particularly along transit hubs. second, it directs the department the police department, to standardize the best practices from individual stations to citywide and to establish bicycle registration and education outreach program along with community partners like and vice semper cisco bicycle goes. together this will help us prevent bike theft and in the event they do occur help services and recover their property good things much for the committee groups were depressed might cosponsor is supervisor wendy reed and david compost. also, i made using a resolution calling august 3,
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ending the friends of cabrillo program playground for the reopening of cabrillo playground and clubhouse. august 3 would be cabrillo playground day in the city. i want to thank fans of cabrillo playground especially dr. jody garnett and debbie joseph and many others have been working on this project. since voters +2008 park bond it's going to be an incredible opening. i ask you to join us on saturday, august 3 from one o'clock to 4:00 pm. at the outer richmond and president you and i are introducing a resolution endorsing to 2013 annual language axis ordinance compliance report and we held a hearing a couple weeks ago where our office of immigrant affairs and community engagement and many community partners of language axis north testified in how we could improve language equality and among departments in our cities. super introducing this resolution today and lastly i'm introducing a hearing on the horrible tour bus or open air care about tour bus accident that occurred in the richmond district this past week. i want
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to call people's attention on friday this past friday in open top tour bus had a terrible accident were five tories were injured, one seriously when a double-decker tour bus drove into the waning telephone wire 12 avenue at erie and the richmond district. the bus driver had deviated from the doors normal route was traveling north on 12 avenue the bus struck the wire. the letter hit the windshield of the top of the level of the bus struck multiple passengers. as the line was pulled very tight. it was a horrifying example of injuries. five people were treated for injuries that included cuts and bruises and scratches. the forward end up being taken to general whose one person critically wounded with her face really really torn up. this is, by far, the most awful accident to occur
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involving these types of tour buses but it's not the first time they've caused problems in our neighborhoods. these buses are barely regulated with very few rules to guide them in the records for residence whose streets these buses use frequently. another part of the richmond conversation regarding private buses that park in front of a playground and preschools have been very difficult to move forward and nearly impossible to find solutions to some of plotting the mta for immediately putting forward a proposal to manage the private silicon valley commuter buses, but that come together and working with the mta to present at our hearing at the neighborhood services and safety committee in september. key strategies for controlling what streets these buses can operate on how to make them suffer and where they can load and unload passengers. additional safety measures they can take to protect our residents and towards an visitors. thank you everyone the rest also lectureship thank you. all those items would be appropriately referred. mr. present that concludes will call for introductions >> thank you. when we now go to
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general public comments. hashem sorry supervisor liturgy need to be referred? >> i like to make a motion >> okay >> i like to move we rescind the vote on item 39. >> supervisor linda has made a motion to rescind the vote on item 3 and is there second to that motion? second second by supervisor:. when you call vote on the motion to rescind. can we take the motion to rescind without objection? the motion to rescind passes. then on item 39 is there any discussion? rollcall vote >> item 39 >>[roll call] >> this is the arial size measure. this is the arial signs measure.
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>> i apologize. i need clarity on what we are doing >> so we had initially voted on item 39 and it failed by a vote of 5 to 6. supervisor has been a motion to rescind that vote which was seconded and passed unanimously. now we are we voting on item 39 as amended >> okay. thank you. >> rollcall vote >> >>[roll call] >> there are six guys and five guys >> the motion passes on first reading as amended. now let's
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go to public general public almonds >> with the jury for the public, generally for up to 2 min. on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including those items on immediate adoption calendar. please note public comment is not allowed on those items which of artie been subject to public comment by a board committee and pursuant to board rule 4.2 to restructure remarks to the board as all but two individual supervisors not to the audience. spears using translation assistance would be twice the amount of time. it was like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please clearly state such an investor return to my current >> let's hear from the first speaker. >> my name as you know is i
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think god today that i am to my family to each one of you. after i missed you for five or six weeks which i've survived with my heart. thank god i'm not dying yet. i'm coming here to give you a hard time as usual. ladies and gentlemen, for the time i don't show up i see something else. i'm not happy with. number one, the decision of judge zimmerman is wrong. the people said he is
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not guilty. they are the guilty. second issue, i would like to support my favorite fire chief for firing one of her people who was drunk. we don't need drunk men to save our life [inaudible]. third issue i would like to talk about is mr. brown. the man that stupid man use the telephone when he drives and he is beyond [inaudible] in his limousine. finally, i see today that we have a boy king in england. we had a boy king in egypt but our king is going to be his name is george. i want
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to ask our supervisor attorney, mr. campos, what happened to england if the queen dies before the younger man grows up and becomes king? if he doesn't have time i wish i found his answer in the newspaper because that also [inaudible] and made people. thank you. >> next speaker >> people ask me about queens all the time >> good afternoon supervisor. don't give money to fund the library don't accept money from the friends of the library. the deception of the public library is really the destruction of democracy. of the essence of that destruction is the suppression of the openness and accountability that would normally be unsupported by democratic practices and principles. i've mentioned several times jeweled gomez president of violated someone's right to make public comments. this is the actual
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recording:[recording].it goes without saying that this victim was not a donor. it was so obvious that this lady had absolute right to speak that the ethics commission unanimously found the conduct both a willful in flagrant violation and below the standard of decency constituting official misconduct. after the library posted on the website this recording of jewel romance plotting revenge against a citizen, also not me:[recording].mr. mayer, edwin
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lee has made no response to the ethics commission recommendation that she be terminated even after two letters from the ethics commission requested a response. when the mayor sends a message that you're stealing money from public assets the rules don't apply, he is attacking the social covenant that are committees exist based on trust and mutual honesty and of course the lies cost more than the money and having me arrested doesn't solve anything. thank you. >> thank you. next shift next speaker. >> good evening supervisors. my 2 min. talk