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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT

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woman and time elapsed and i went to the front and linda taken her under her arm and sat her down and diffused the situation and calmed the young woman down and no one asked her to step up but that's exactly the time of person she is. we will miss you very much. [applause] >> okay. >> [inaudible] >> hi commissioners, madam president, executive director i am james walter the harbor manager of south beach. i can't add enough to what these ladies said about linda although i worked with her a short time it was amazing. if there was a situation over a period of time to continually put her
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ability to interact on group of people and south beach and we had rule changes and policy changes and financial changes and some of it a little technical with the insurance requirement changes and there are 700 boaters that don't want to deal with this and just want to go on the boat and have a good time. she is amazingly patient. she has the clarity to explain over and over, the patience of joab and we so appreciate her coming down as with all of the port staff have been a help to us. in a difficult time we were sort of orphaned unannounce the by redevelopment agency and linda has been a big part of it. thank you very much. [applause] >> hello i am john davey with the maritime department. infectious smile but yes
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linda really helped out the maritime department as elaine said no job was too complex or disdainful for her to take on, and one of those really unspoken one but important to me she is the might have roof the cell phones. >> >> when the cell phone got broken or took a walk in the water linda was there to sort it out and get it back in your hands as quickly as possible and i know twice she saved me and thank you very much linda and good luck. [applause] >> that concludes your report? >> no i'm sorry actually no. were you going to say anything linda? you have to do it at the mic though i'm sorry. otherwise you're not recorded and that
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is a problem. we need our one last lindaism. >> i have enjoyed you all at the port. the only thing i won't miss is the terrible commute and i will miss the activity wonderful things happening and i will follow you and come and see you again. thank you very much. >> thank you linda. [applause] so commissioners i do have one more item that came up after we posted the agenda and renee if you would help me out. on july 4 we lost one of our port employees. i would like to introduce you -- get a better screen, to john bickle and the gentleman on the far left and again down below. john joined the port in 99 and retired due to illness in february. he
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subsequently passed away on july 4. john is an iron worker for the port. before coming to the port he was a graduate of the john o'connell school of technology something known as the boiler makers and spent 15 years working for a rolling down company as a shop iron worker in san francisco and then he came to the port and had expertise in steel rolling doors and i can't remember how much we have but it's amazing amount and some are very cranky and known for his iron work and he's worked at the port injury free and the iron worker job say tough one as you can imagine physically. it takes a toll on his body and he had the aches and pains but he came to work everyday and never complained and they liked to tease him, as you notice
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there, they're being cleanly and one of the guys that wasn't as greasy on his clothes as others. he was into all kinds of sports. he did coaching and enjoyed hot rods and machinery. in addition to his port family he leaves behind his wife and children john junior who is 22 and mark who is 13 and with your permission i would like to add his name to our adjournment list. he will be missed at the port. you can see him in the lower picture preparing the area at pier 14 in the driving rain. we had an incident and he was making sure no one got hurt and nothing was too tough for him and a treasure to work with
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so it's a sad moment for the port in what has been otherwise a pretty glorious summer to date and i know we're adjourning in the memory of supervisor willie kennedy as well and that concludes my report commissioners. >> thank you. just in keeping with referring to adjourning in memory of supervisor willie kennedy i had the good fortune of getting to know a san francisco icon and embody herself in the life of public service. she was appointed to the board of supervisors then by mayor dianne feinstein and reelected three times city wide which is no mean feat and after that resigned with term
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limits and left early and i was the beneficiary of her early resignation and took her seat and was a mentor to me and she demonstrated her commitment to the city and whether it was transportation or youth or service to the community and economic development and even at 90 she was at a ribbon cutting last week with a project she was involved in and she really embodies the best of all of san franciscans and making a difference and doing that and she will be missed as a friend and mentor and someone really special here in san francisco. >> i also had the benefit of knowing supervisor ken dee who was just an amazing woman and had long legacy of public service and empowerment in san francisco and the greater bay
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area. she was such a wonderful person and anyone that knew her or met her knew she was a leader and mentor and friend to so many people young and old and shy will be missed. >> i will add the mayor has asked that flags fly half mast friday in honor of supervisor ken dee. >>i would like to thank mayor lee for appointing me to a fifth appointment here on the commission. i believe this is the best agency in the city with the most wonderful staff and i want to thank my fellow commissioners along with their support and director moyer who showed up at my confirmation hearing and the first time in 15 years it was a breeze, so thank you and i look forward to working with everyone for the
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next four years. >> and thank you for saying yes. >> okay. public comment on the executive's director report other than all the comments we received already? okay. moving on. >> i want to just add after i listened to everyone today and no offense i think the port staff and i said this many times is among the best in the city and i think really listening today you get that sense from the retirement of an exemplary employee to all of the employees stepping up during the bart strike and going that extra step, almost the extra mile, no pun intended and going the extra level and to director moyer and what she has done and as we
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talk about the waterfront and the people coming here. i think it's a tribute to the director and staff for all of the work that you do and i want thank you again and reiterate what i say about you behind your backs you're the best staff in the city. >> i want to say today -- because we have two importantations and we will get to them and we have so much going on at the port and the america's cup and all of developments and mission rock and today and there is a theme and i don't know if monique thought about for this particular meeting but she knows we're interested and we want to strategically step back and what we're doing at the port and to that end why we're having the presentations today and from the planning department and how we're working in concert with the rest of the city on the
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activities and the waterfront is as i say on fire and you heard about the bart strike and input for peter and all of the things we want to do improve the transportation facilities and not just on emergencies but on a regular basis and it's approprothat we have the presentations today and i think the commission is excited to hear from the other departments from the city and how they can work with the part and with that we will move on. >> item nine and with the san francisco planning department with the port of san francisco and urban design. >> good afternoon. i am diane assistant deputy director of planning for the port and it gives me great pleasure to provide some introductory remarks about waterfront planning and how it's engrained and a part of a larger city
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strategy. i think it's great -- congratulations commissioner brandon because you're the veteran remember that can remember all of the work that the port commissions have done to set up the waterfront so that we're able to enjoy the kinds of developments that we're seeing today, but for the rest of you who weren't here hopefully the staff report that we provided to you provides some important historical context for the building blocks of how the port has evolved over time, how it started as the main economic engine for the city and actually drove a lot of what happened in terms of the development of san francisco as a city, and how it affected the planning and the land use of the development of the city in its early days, and how in the last 40 years or so we see the swing in the
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changing of the face of the city, the changes in technology that have affected maritime industry and the traditional uses that created the port that gave rise to planning and new development and policy objectives that were born of the city to start looking at the waterfront differently as a place for people, so the staff report -- i'm not going to go into great detail. i think you can read it, but it's basically how the city up land has changed and how its relationship with the waterfront has changed and with the take down of the embarcadero freeway and the creation of the whole embarcadero transportation projects and the promenade and the light rail system we had a new palet on our hands that gave rise to the development water use plan and the commissioner was here to watch and witness
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in its early days and the community based work that went into creating the waterfront land use plan. it is the master plan for the port of san francisco seven and a half mile waterfront. it lays out what are the acceptable land uses on all of the different port properties on a zoning like basis, and it also includes the waterfront design and access element which sets out what are those public amenities that true public waterfronts have that give identity and purpose to the waterfront, the public trust responsibilities of the port commission is appointed to up hold, and what does that say about its connections with the city up land for that? the waterfront land use plan was a dedicated endeavor. all 11 maritime industries on the
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waterfront are priorities as required by san franciscans in the plan and yet there was a recognition there were surplus property that could be put to better public use and the objective has been how do we make improvements to the propertyies that reunite san francisco with its waterfront. how does it relate to the districts that are up land? how do we draw people to the shores? where do we create open spaces along the stretch that are connected and start to create an identity and a system that draws people north to south, and we're now focusing a lot of our energies in the southern waterfront. it gave rise to the waterfront land use plan by an advisory committee created by the port commission and the board of supervisors and the mayor, and the port commission at the time adopted that plan
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without amendment. they basically took what the people had recommended, and we also in that process we're working very closely with the planning department staff and the bcdc as well because they too had plans that talked about commercial and recreational use of the waterfront that needed to be updated once the water use plan was approved by the commission and that has been the recent chapter of history of having this integral dove tail relationship with bcdc, the planning department and the state's lands commission on integrating the public trust, the city's objectives and bcdc's objectives into a balanced pal etd that allows the projects to meet a number of -- sometimes competing public objectives. we have amended the city's
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general plan, the planning code, the zoning map to create this very seamless transition that we're trying to achieve. we have integrated design advisory committee of appointees from the planning department, the mayor's office and the port so all port development projects are reviewed so that they really balance and achieve the objective it is from a city as well as port perspective and we also have integrated that design review process with bcdc's design review process so we also balance out what bcdc's needs are under their law, and so with that i think that the open space system, the historic districts that have been created along that way have an urban design context that defines what happens along a waterfront such as ours here in san francisco
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and informs the opportunities for further up land planning that the planning department has done for the adjacent neighborhoods and the industrial areas in the southern waterfront, so i'm very happy to introduce john ram who is going to give you an overview of what those planning efforts have been, how it takes the cue from the port and how its given cues for the major development projects before us and i think it's emblematic of the fact that we have mta and the planning department here along with owd signifying the larger city family effort that waterfront projects now entail, so that we really have a very multi-disciplinary approach to meeting a lot of different objectives in our projects so with that and then we will be graced with peter albert's
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presentation on how transportation planning is integrated into this and dan will give you the overview on the open space system and how it is an important organizing spine for the waterfront. i'm introducing john ram, the director of the planning department. >> good afternoon commissioners, president woo ho, director moyer. thank you for inviting us here today. i'm very pleased to be here to give you an overview of the work together with the port staff with bcdc, with other city agencies, mta and others to assure you we're working in concert to implement a tremendous amount of planning that has been done on the waterfront and the adjacent neighborhoods for over 20 years. so the purpose today -- if i could get -- i don't know where my presentation is here. hold that up. thank you. the
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purpose is review some of the history of the waterfront planning, how our current work with your staff is carrying out the planning and we're we're doing over the next years to further implement the goals of waterfront planning and i wanted to start by taking a big step back and looking quickly and briefly at the region. as you may know the planning department with other city agencies has been working with the partnerships with a bag, and mta on a sustainable strategy for the region. the strategy is a requirement of the senate bill 375 and requires every region in the state to have combined land use and transportation plan for the region and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce driving times and distances and basically bring housing and working and recreation spaces closer together. to do this work they have projeblghted
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regional growth in housing and jobs and allocated that growth to each county in the region, each of the nine regions that touches the bay, and the numbers are pretty staggering. the projection is in rough numbers that the region will grow by a million and a half people over the next 25 years and while we in san francisco are accepting about 15% of that growth or being asked to accept that growth, those numbers are still pretty high. in rough numbers we are being asked to accept 200,000 new residents and jobs over the next 25 years and 100,000 housing units and several million square meet of commercial development so it's interesting to me and the slide will show this a bit -- >> sorry. >> it's okay. >> it's coming. >> okay. what is interesting to me even though the numbers are high and they are high, we are only as the central focus of this region we're only asked
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to accept 15% of the growth, and what you will also see in the presentation is that the intent of the region plan is focus that growth in what are called "priority development areas" and areas along the transit corridors in the region and the areas of the region shown on this map in orange that are focused on the transit corridors and as you see, and the reason i bring this up today and i think it's important to this discussion that a good part of the city's development growth will happen on the eastern part of the city along the water front and near the waterfront exactly the areas that we are planning on you to accommodate that growth so the port development represents an important part of the puzzle in allowing to accommodate some of the regional growth coming into san francisco. and you see the numbers here. the region is expected to accept about
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700,000 households. that million and a half people -- over a million jobs and the city is accepting 100,000 new households and 200,000 new jobs and part of my job as planning director to figure out where and how this will happen and it's important to look at the development sites and look how to make that best work for the city. let's see here. and this is just to make the point that right now the city of san francisco contains about 12% of the population and 12% of the regional jobs. again i find that as a relatively recent new comer to the city i find that is a sursurprisingly low number given the position in the region and if i could digress for a moment the interesting thing on the job side there has been no job growth in the city in total number of jobs for 40 years.
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the jobs that have been created in the downtown and some of the institutional areas and the hospitals and universities in terms of sheer numbers replaced jobs that used to be on the waterfront and the hunter's point shipyard and other areas and there has been a shift of the jobs in the city and for the last five years -- in fact this was before the recession we are seeing absolute growth of the number of jobs in the city for the first time in four years and that to me is an interesting story to tell in itself, so i really wanted to focus today on the waterfront plan and the adjacent neighborhood plans that we have been working on in concert with the port staff and other city agencies. there has been some suggestions in recent month that's city doesn't have an overall vision for the waterfront or the work is done in a piecemeal fashion. i
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believe actually the opposite is true. i think some of the concern is related to fact that the water use plan that diane talked about is 15 years old n planning terms that isn't very long. we implement plans that are older than that. just as a point of comparison the downtown plan was adopted in 1985 and nearly 30 years old and we spent a lot of time and energy making sure what we're doing there is consistent with that plan to date. in fact the plan -- the sub plan that we adopted around the trances bay terminal was called by in that plan and we took great pains to make sure that plan was consistent with the intent and recommendations of the 1985 plan so as a 15 year old plan i believe strongly our job is to continue to implement that plan and as planning director i think it's important to maintain the integrity of the plans and honor the work of
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all the people involved in the plans from the city agencies to the commissions involved and to the thousands of members of the public who were involved in creating those plans so i believe strongly that plan is a very valid plan. it's a plan that is very directive in how we should develop the waterfront and we should continue to implement it as we are today. i won't go into the detail of the tenants of the plan. you know it defines the five sub areas of the waterfront. i show you the slide to give you a sense it's great detailed. there are detailed recommendations fiduciary each of the sub. >> >> for each of the sub districts of the waterfront and has the design of the waterfront, the access to the waterfront, the pedestrian walkways, the blue green way on the waterfront and all of those elements form a truly important plan that gives the direction for the future
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of the waterfront. so i would like to review what we have been doing adjacent to that waterfront plan in the recent history so the plan as you know was adopted in 1997 and prior to they want to point out that the collaboration between the planning department and the port staff goes long before that. there was a strong collaboration on the creation of the waterfront plan under my predecessor dean mackrous and when i approved one of the first things i did was sit on the jury that selected the development team that recommended to you the development team for the sea water lot and there has been a collaboration between the agencies and when the plan was adopted the planning department and other agencies took on a series of plans on the eastern side of the city and those are shown here. actually they're
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outlined in yellow this this particular plan and while we were preparing these plans the redevelopment agency was in the process of developing plans for the areas in blue namely mission bay which was done about the same time and trans bay and the largest of them all and the hunter's point shipyard plan. all of these are adjacent or directly on the waterfront so one of the important points to make today is that the work we have done with these plans and the work of the water use plan is essentially a continuation of the same set of -- same work. that these plans are really combined and the notion of all of this planning work besides accommodating the growth was really to address how they become a seamless part of the same city that extends from theup lands into the waterfront. one of the things i am proud of in my tenure since i arrived five years ago and i can't
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take credit for starting the plans but i can take credit for helping to bring them to completion and in the last five years we adopted five neighborhood plans and three redevelopment plans. they layout where the growth should be accommodated and where it shouldn't be. we were clear we wanted to project some of the industrial areas including some of the portlands and we're very clear that growth had to help pay for growth, so part of the planning effort was to establish appropriate fees that pay for impacts such as open space, transportation fees, street improvement and so forth and all part of the work in the neighborhoods and eastern neighborhood s and the mission district, potrero hill, what we call the central waterfront or dog patch and western market and soma and some of the plans were off the waterfront but for the most part the areas where
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most of the growth will happen are adjacent to the eastern waterfront. in all cases the plans focused attention on connection to the water and the consistency with the plan. the port was at the table with all of the planning efforts and we felt it was very important that our planning work was consistent with the policies and direction of the waterfront plan. it's not just about connecting to the waterfront but it's about extending the neighborhoods to the waterfront and that was an important element of the plans. it was about creating a seamless neighborhood if you will or a series of neighborhoods to the up lands to the edge of the water. i also think -- what we're trying to show here how all the plans overlap and come together and those plans of