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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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malia cohen, thank you for sponsoring this. i was one of the teachers that came to speak with you in your office in march and we really, really appreciate the unanimous resolution that the board of supervisors passed in support of ccsf. i was a student at city college in the '80s. i did my student teaching there as a masters student at s.f. state. i'll be working with two students from the masters program in the tsaw program at sf state. so, that's important. they are really fearful of what could happen in the next year with the special trustee because we feel like civic center campus might be vulnerable to being closed and i would really like to advocate that we need to keep the vic i can center campus open. i was speaking with edgar torres who is the chair of latino studies department and he noted that as the mission becomes more gentrified, a lot of immigrants are moving to the tenderloin ~ and we really need to be able to serve that population. i also just want to make the point that over the last year
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the faculty and staff at ccsf formed 14 different work groups to address every recommendation that the accjc cited us on and we put in a lot of hours to try and meet their recommendations. so, it's been a huge slap in the face that we are at this point now. we think it's very unjust and undeserved and thank you very much for your support today. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker. hi, supervisors. thank you, supervisor cohen, for holding this hearing and supervisor avalos. my name is dennis [speaker not understood]. by the way, i went to city college three years, 1957 to 1960. and then later in the middle of my printing trades career, i decided i wanted to see if i could do something else so i went back to study physiology which was available to me. but that's not what i'm here for.
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i think you guys know because you've heard it all, that this is a political fight not an education fight. it's a political fight to hold onto this ability to have this kind of capacity to offer. what really is the only working class institution in san francisco that serves more than 90,000 adults here, and many of them are working full time or half time. so, the question to you is because i can't figure it out, is who can change this decision? who do we put pressure on, aside from [speaker not understood] and meetings and hearings which are all going to be very important to educate people, who makes the decision to reverse this? it's a self-appealing committee that is -- i read about it. it's not a credible body. it's not somebody that you can talk to. so, who is the target of the political pressure? i don't know, but i hope when you guys get involved because i think it's going to take you guys to do this as well as a whole lot of the rest of us.
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i hope you can figure out exactly who we target because it's only a year. and i heard the statement today it's going to take a very long time to do this evaluation process. there isn't that much time. so, what do we do in the year and how do we do it? because if times goes on and thing linger and there's no target, the year will pass and they will make the decision and they just may downsize the college because that may be what they're doing using threat of closure as leverage. leverage closure to scare the crap out of people. >> thank you. next speaker. (applause) hi, thank you for you all for your stamina. what you do for city college and what you do every day. it is a phenomenal amount of energy you put into. this my name is tracy wheeler. i left a very high pressure job about 10 years ago and took 10 classes at city college that
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shifted me out of corporate marketing. i worked for the gap, and into mission marketing advocacy for -- [speaker not understood] i worked with southern exposure for 7 years and i now work for bennington college helping them negotiate some of the same forces, different, but very similar forces that are massing on the horizon of higher education. this is, as everybody said, i really big battle. it's a battle for our values. i think it could potentially be the conversation for san francisco right now, not just about city college, but also about who we are as a city, what our values are and what we believe in. i think any city that gets called the snobbiest city in the country, which we he just were by travel and leisure, a city that get tarred by the same brush that silicon valley is. with google, all the things
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going on, we really need to talk about not just what city college offers, but what it means as an institution of diversity, of accessibility, of welcome in a city at a time when the counter narrative is that we're closing down, we're not accessible, and we're not interested in anybody who is not rich. so, please, please, i hope that we can all work together and take this very seriously. thank you. >> thank you. (applause) >> are there any other members of the public who would like to comment? if so, please come forward. and seeing no one else come forward, we can close public comment. >> all right. public comment is closed. [gavel] >> well, thank you, everyone, for being here and for providing your input and your stamina as well for this hearing. it's been about three hours, i think, maybe more. this has been a learning process for me. i've spent the past year
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looking at how come there's all these different points of view that aren't seeming to geling together and to* give me a right sense to weigh in on the issue. in fact since it's under my jurisdiction. but i thought that when the board of trustees ~ were suspended that we needed to provide some kind of public space for people to come together. i've had real concerns. i actually throwing up the fact or the idea that the accrediting commission is completely unaccountable, that it doesn't have any linkage to state public education institutions except that it can rule over some of them at the local level, has been a scary thought and one that i think needs further investigation. i haven't read aft's or cft's report. i'm going to look at that. i think it's important to, you know, question that, but i also think at the same time it's important that there is a strong process that is going to work towards keeping the
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college open, keeping accreditation together. i do think there is significant resources as reported by archy mendoza, the mayor's education director that the mayor's office is involved at some level. i do think that the mayor's office needs to have a public space to be able to share its work and also a place where the public can exhort the mayor's office to be accountable to the community. i'm happy to hear assembly member tom ammiano's office is active >> citith level. i think we need to hear from congressional leaders as well as what is happening at the federal level as well. the issue could go to the federal level about who has accountable -- the accjc could be accountable to. there were comments we'll hear about that as well. it was before the hearing i met with students from smac and coleman advocates. someone actually concerning me over the past years, how come there's students and faculty
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that don't seem to be on the same page on a lot of things. the students who came and spoke really spoke with a lot of emotion about how they feel their voice hasn't been heard. that's something i think cannot be denied. and one of the things i hope to come out of this hearing would be how there could be some way to get people to the other end of work so their voices can be heard from the other side. i think the students need to have sense that the school is making headway and not just hearing their voices, but implementing their ideas into action that come from them. it is something that -- the only way they're going to actually feel there is actual meaningful change that is happening. this process doesn't lead to some changes being made, there is the opportunity to have their voices implemented. i'd like to see that happen. my office is -- works on a myriad of issues here at city hall, but i am willing to
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devote some of my staff and interns' time to be able to, you know, hear from community groups, from labor groups, from people who are administrators and faculty at the college, perhaps even the trustee and others to sort out what's going on and have a stronger point of view. i'm willing to work towards building greater unity within the city to make sure that we can actually make valid changes and keep this college together. and, so, i offer that, you know, in the coming months to do that. and, you know, people can contact me directly by e-mail. my office phone, telephone lines, personally, my staff will be working directly with raquel [speaker not understood]. and calling my office and e-mailing her would be a way to go as well. i'm also on facebook. so, with that, if there are -- i think supervisor tang has comments as well. but i do really appreciate people coming here and i want
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to make sure that we are playing a role to support the efforts to save and improve city college. >> all right. well, i just wanted to really thank supervisor avalos for your leadership on this issue and of course thank you to all the people who came out and spoke. we really enjoyed listening about the diversity of opinions you have and experiences that you've had through city college. certainly i even have peers to this day who decided to go back to city college to take extra courses. so, we truly do know how important it is to maintain this incredible institution. and i know that all of the members on the board of supervisors don't want to see it closed. i think that regardless of whatever your opinion is on the accrediting commission that improvements that have been recommended to city college will help in the long run. a lot of people spoke about not only just maintaining city college, but making sure it thrives in the future. i think that the improvements that will be made and that have already been made would not only help the students who are currently there, the people who are currently working there, but people who in the future
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will decide to go to city college. so, i know that all the members of the board and especially supervisor avalos who will work very hard to make sure city college can remain a viable institution in the future, so, thank you everyone for coming out. >> if we could perhaps continue this to the call of the chair. >> perfect, okay. let's go ahead and close out public comment. i don't know if i -- okay. public comment is closed. [gavel] >> there's been a motion to file to the call of the chair and it's been seconded and it's been unanimous. this motion is accepted and filed. is there anything else you wanted to say? >> just to continue -- >> i'm sorry, continued to the call of the chair. >> thank you. >> it's been a long day, folks. okay, thank you, everyone, for coming out. and i thank you for caring. (applause) >> madam clerk, are there any other matters before this body? >> that concludes our business for the day. >> thank you, this body is adjourned. [gavel] >> thank you. [adjourned]
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aah! i'm a lion! yes, you are. come here. let's see how this looks. hey, how's my little horse? she's a lion. yes, she is. grrr! ha ha!
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announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. when you adopt a child from foster care, just being there makes all the difference. >> good morning. my name is ann crone enberg, i'm director of emergency management here in the city of san francisco. i'm here dem, our role is really to prepare for large disasters, the disasters that happen every day, too. i'm very excited today to present a new idea that the sharing community in san francisco has come up to partner with us in preparing for disasters and in responding to and recovering quickly. last month we had a very good drill mimicking a 7.8 earthquake. we fed 6,000 people in the tenderloin with no electricity.
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we had set up a shelter up at st. mark's. it was just an incredible day. and that's what working with our community partners with the faith-based community and with the sharing community. ~ so, when mayor lee came to us about six months ago with this idea to partner with the sharing community, we were very excited and we said yes. we had our first meeting, first of many figuring out how we can build a platform together to make it very simple for our residents in san francisco to be able to get the resources they need and to be able to connect in a disaster using the tools that already exist in the platform. so, on that note i'm going to introduce mayor ed lee who knows disasters like no one else. he is the biggest supporter of our preparedness in san francisco and it's an honor to work for you, mr. mayor. >> thank you. thank you, ann.
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good morning, everybody. the good news this morning is that there's no city-wide disaster. but we take this opportunity to remind ourselves that everything that we can do ahead of time to better prepare for disaster is going to be incredibly beneficial to our residents, to our small businesses, even to our major businesses. and, so, i have been very glad to have been working with board president david chiu to be working on the working group that as we review and understand what these new companies are doing, the technologically oriented companies that are part of a share economy, get more people involved in the economy in general, and creating ideas about how people can participate. we came across a very great idea that as we go through more exercises in our disaster preparedness, ann and her staff have been great at that. in fact, the last one i kind of had fun in, how do we feed
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10,000 people in the middle of the tenderloin in a major erredthtion quake disaster. we walked through that. we saw how meals are served. we tried to do it in the proper way. ~ earthquake we know we're going to need a lot of help. the main message that we wanted to have was after a disaster hits, we want the message to be out before disaster, during a disaster, and right after, that we welcome everybody to participate in our recovery. and the best way to recover quickly and faster is we engage everybody immediately about how we can help and assist each other. and that's partly a philosophy of the sharing economy as well. and whether it's a need for space, people need to have space as they did in the aftermath of hurricane sandy, or now in oklahoma, or whether they needed to get a car because their car was damaged, or they needed some repairs in their house, they're trying to
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relight the pilot in the stove and they didn't know how to do it. they can't find the big utilities enthralled in a great effort elsewhere. these sorts of things people can help each other and we can access the companies that are part of bay share and the share economy to get some help for people right away. it's all in the general effort that i want people of san francisco in every single neighborhood to know we want them here as part of the recovery, that they're not going elsewhere, we're not leaving them alone. we're not leaving them isolated. i learned that big lesson as myself and others who went with me to new orleans a few years back a couple years after their levees broke. we tried to understand the frustration of people in the ninth ward, and we kept getting these testimonies. local government and the businesses didn't ask us to come back. they didn't register a note for us to want to recover with them
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immediately. i want that to be a philosophy that is so strong, not only with our inter faith community, but also with our businesses, with our residents. and so, we're tasking up for that already with dem's leadership by saying that companies who have already figured outweighs to share in the economy can also join us in the planning ~ of what we can do to bring residents back quicker. and if it means, like i read this morning, somebody who wants to donate mattresses to fire victims or any disaster victims in the city, they have that ability to do that through a website. my job is going to be to make sure we have the power on and the big stuff happening so that our companies can help us. so, we're figuring that out through the life lines council, working with all the utilities and sharing information there. but today was about bringing companies, whether they're task
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rapid or air b and b or the car sharing companies together with us and not only brain storm, but plan for the event so we're already have the task -- we can practice that. we can actually practice this today and involve neighborhoods through s.f. car, all the wonderful programs that dem has set up, we can actually practice the sharing economy after an event happens today. and i think that will get people not only expecting to be here, wanting to be here, but know that they'll have help to be here, help on the ground, help in their small businesses, help in their neighborhoods. so, this is what bay share's operation and work with dem is going to be all about. this is why we have decided to welcome them onto the disaster council so that they can work with us on an ongoing basis, work with all the other utilities, bring our small businesses into action in a
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major disaster. and we're already seeing those efforts across the country when air b and b experimented what they can do to help people find some space with all of their memberships. they immediately said, we've got to turn the fee side off of the website. we've got to get people going. people wanted to help. they actually wanted to help. and for the kind of philanthropic spirit we have in san francisco and the bay area, i think there will be a lot of people that want to help. they just need to have that medium to be able to connect up. so, working with bay share, we decided it's got to be one port at for that to happen so that you're not looking for different companies and what they're expert in. you just have to go to one portal, through the dem process, and we'll set that all up. and then you can access different tasks that people are willing to help you out on. i think this is incredibly helpful to us to have more people involved on the front end of preparing for disaster so they can help the city recover quickly. this has been a philosophy that i have wanted to have in this
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city. i'm so proud of our dem and our bay share groups that come together today with all the other people who have been committed for many, many years, helping us even improve in what we do, we know we're going to be there for each other. we'll be there with resources, with skill sets, and with even a higher level of appreciation for everybody. so, great announcement. thank you to bay share and all the members for coming together to be with us and for your work on an ongoing basis to help the city prepare for disaster, recover quickly, and invite all the residents of the city to be part of it. thank you. (applause) >> thank you, mr. mayor. now it's my pleasure to introduce president david chiu who would like to say a few words. >> thank you so much. good morning. this announcement today is about how we best prepare being ground zero. ground zero in a number of meanings. first of all, san francisco, we are ground zero when it comes to emergency preparedness. i want to thank the department
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of emergency management and all of the folks who as a community ensure that just as we had to recover after the 1906 fire just as we recovered after loma-prieta in 1989, we know that the big one will hit us with a certainty over the next 30 years and we have to be prepared. but san francisco is also ground zero for another wonderful phenomenon, and that is the sharing economy, the collaborative consumption movement that many of the folks here represent. i want to thank those of you who are innovating, thinking about how can we better use resources, how can we better share services, how can we ensure our housing, our transit, our tasks a shared among each other to maximize benefits for all our local communities. today obviously we are merging these two things, emergency preparedness and shared economy. mayor mentioned hurricane katrina. before i became a supervisor i spent nine years running a technology company. a few years after hurricane katrina, i was asked with a
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national team to go visit new orleans to figure out what we needed to do to get literally hundreds of websites up for nonprofit and city agencies that were looking to provide help. and at that time it took us months longer than it needed to do for recoveries that still years later have not yet come to be. and from our perspective, today's announcement is really about how we take those months and years and compress them into hours and days. the fact that on top of our emergency preparedness, on top of our local volunteers and i want to thank our churches, i want to thank our nert volunteers, community members who are already prepared what we need to do when the next big one hits. account fact we are layering on top of our emergency innovators to think today how we prepare for the future, i've been excited about, gratified to work with mayor leon our sharable economy working group. this is one of the outputs of that. and i look forward to many, many ways in which our community will learn how to share both before and after the next big one hits us. thank you very much.
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(applause) >> thank you, president chiu. milicent johnson is the leader of bay share and she's going to tell us a few things about bay share and how it came together. >> bay share is so thrilled to have the first of this kind partnership, to work with the city, and to really pitch in to help our hometown, the bay area, become stronger and more resilient. bay share is a collection of companies and stakeholders in the sharing economy who see the value of coming together, to pitch in, to start initiatives, to be a resource, and to collaborate with our city officials and our communities to help build a stronger community. a more connected community is a more resilient community, and communities that are connected are communities that share. and, so, it's a natural
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partnership and a natural collaboration for us to work with our cities and the bay area to help build a stronger community. we are incredibly excited for our users to engage in department of emergency management initiatives. we are powered by the citizens of the bay area. whether they share cars, the city car share, or get around, share space through liquid space or para soma, or air b & b, or share stuff through yerdal, those are the people that come together and help each other in good times. those are the same people that are going to come together and help each other in disasters. and, so, we have a bunch of bay share members that are here and they have ideas for how they want to work with different city departments and want to pitch in to help create a stronger bay area. our next speaker is actually going to give you a concrete example of one of our member
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really stepping up to the plate and helping to create a stronger bay area. thank you so much. (applause) >> thank you, milicent. next we have nate blajarzek, co-founder of air b & b. >> it was november of this past year when super storm sandy hit new york. it was an unprecedented event for the region. and in the midst of this disaster, we were really inspired by something we saw within our own community on air b & b. users of the air b & b platform were updating their profiles to say if you're a new yorker and you need a place to stay tonight, i'll take you into my home, no money. and we started seeing this, and we were really inspired. and we asked ourselves, what can we do to promote this further? and so over the next couple
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days we sent e-mails to our community, encouraging others to open up their homes. and we fundamentally changed how our system worked. we did away with the concept of payments so people could open their homes for free. we did away with our service fees and we created a landing page to organize information and get the word out about what was available to those in need. and through those efforts, after several days, over 1400 homes were made available free of charge to the citizens of new york city. and looking back on that, we did a lot of good, but it also took a lot of work to organize. and i think if we had been a little bit more prepared, we could have done so much more. and, so, that's what today has been about, is starting a conversation with air b & b and the other members of the sharing economy about how can we do some proactive thinking about leveraging the greater
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community to help come together and be organized in a time of need. for air b & b, we've taken that functionally it that we developed for hurricane sandy and we made it such we can deploy it next time within 30 minutes, whether it be here in san francisco or anywhere else around the world, to rally, to rally support and provide services. and, so, in closing i just want to thank our city leaders, mayor lee, president chiu, the department of emergency management, the bay share and the sharing economy companies for getting this dialogue started so that we're ready when it's needed. thank you. (applause) >> thank you, nate. and thank you all for coming. this has been a great day today. we are going to get -- go back into our meeting and continue our dialogue, but mayor lee and president chiu and i believe
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nate and milicent also will be here to answer a few questions if you would like to. so, thank you all for coming. (applause)
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>> this is the meeting of the recreation. >> call role. >> commissioner boner. >> harrison. >> present. >> and commissioner levoton does have an exkugsed absence. if you could turn off any electronic sounding devices that could go off, we would ask that you take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to provide as efficiently as possible. if you would like to spk