tv [untitled] August 2, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT
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>> miss lee? >> yes. >> wong? >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas? >> yes. >> mendoza >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> seven ayes. >> >> isn't eric showing up to sing for tom? >> we are now going to move on to item i, board members proposals there are none tonight and we already took the request for the speak regarding general matters, item k, the reports to the advisory committee by board members there are none tonight, and item l, special order of
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business. i am going to call to order, the annual budget plan for special education, may i hear a motion and a second? >> moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> and may i have a reading of the recommendation by the superintendent or designee. >> i am going to ask dr. blanco to come forward and read. >> you can just read us the requested action which i believe is quite brief. >> the requested action of the board of education of the san francisco unified school district convene a public hearing and adopt the annual budget and annual service plan for special education. >> nicely done. >> okay. i have several speakers signed up for this item. robin hansen has left.
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mega and katie franklin, two minutes, each. please. >> hi, megan calusa, i am a special education teacher and i want to comment on the fact that our local area plan has not been updated for a while and it was mentioned that as special education starts to look a little different in this district, we need to start planning for what that looks like as a whole district. as it becomes a bigger part of our district in that thoughtfulness that goes into the planning for making sure that the teachers are prepared and that the district is prepared for it as a community. and i think that looking at our local area plan and having a discussion about it and updating it, so that we all
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have a singular vision of where we are going and what it takes to get there is really important. and i think that as part of this process, we should start looking at it for the future. and tonight we are voting. but it is really important that we put our money where our mouth is and right now we are putting our money out there but i am not sure that if we are connecting it to where we are going, because, we are kind of just putting it out there without updating our plan. so i strongly support, you know, working with the cac, as of advisory committee to update our plan to make sure that we know where we are going, thank you. >> hi, katie franklin. and the new coding things that we heard on the materials that (inaudible) just gave us i am concerned because the rsf case loads 28 and if they are going
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to make all kids who were previously label included rfp students and then that is a huge certain. >> just out of, i think that i said that and i think that the doctor told me that i was wrong. >> so we will talk about it at the cac meeting >> that part does not count. >> sfuc special ed department has had five different directors and 6 years and the ensuing organizational chaos is a result of this instability has resulted in a many violations and oversights and overcoming years and years of this, and overcoming compliance with the special ed law is going to take time and lots of money. so many teachers are saying that they don't know how to differentiate the curriculum and they need to be taught to do so. too many principals do not take ownership with the students with disability and they need to be taught how to do that and it is not something that they can choose to do or not.
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as superintendent carranza said earlier. so the district at last is telling those who think that they did not have to teach those kids that every student in our students is their student. and every child in their class is their student. so district leadership is now standing up for students with disabilities and letting everyone know that they have high expectations for all students, even kids with disabilities. and it is an exciting time and you can't undo years of doing it wrong, sorry. just by making an announcement, you have to reteach the staff, and have them unlearn the behaviors that were common place and accepted before. and i really don't want the blame for the increase in special ed cost to go on the push for more ininclusive practices. and so it is like not it is not right. and so blame it on the chronic non-compliance that usfd was
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ordered to remedy. >> may i have a moment? >> okay. i sent you a large packet of data that the cac requested and it was great that we got it from the district and we hope to give you a analysis from the report in september. our comments that the annual plans are about the same as last year and there is much in equity and service delivery and a student special ed program should not have to rely on the parents ability to advocate for the kids. >> and it is up to the district staff to make sure that she is students are assessed in all areas of suspected disability and that they receive appropriate services. that is really not happening yet. without the parents fighting for it. and so, with every budget decision made a litmus test should be what does this action do to help the students and support teachers and there are so many k, resolutions that i see that come before you that have no student contact box
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checked. not checked. and a lot more of those boxes should be checked. let me say thank you for the work that went into the document because it was clearly as a volunteer a lot of time and effort. so thank you for caring so much. >> are there any other questions or comments from board members on the local plan? annual service plan? >> seeing none, roll call please? >> lee? >> yeah. >> wong. >> thank you. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> seven ayes. >> could i just take one moment
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to introduce the people who came with me. this is cherry jackson she is our new budget person a graduate of our schools and community member this is dj our analyst and both are willing to help the cac or you have any data or the information that you would like to clarify things. >> thank you. >> i know that a lot of the information that was contained in miss franklin's report and that you provided dr. blanco came from your department and it is wonderful and the amount and depth of the information that we are getting this year, so thank you. >> okay, we are now going to move on to the approval of the fiscal year, 13, 14, adopted budget for the san francisco school district and the county office education in the standardized account code structure form in >> may i hear a motion and a second place? >> move. >> second. >> thank you. >> and may i have a brief
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reading of the recommendation please? >> good evening, superintendent and board members. i will read it, read the requested action. that the board of education approves a physical year, 13, 14, adopted budgets for the san francisco you unified school district and the san francisco county office of education in the official state forms prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction in accordance with california education code sections 33129 and 42127. >> thank you. there are no public speakers signed up for this item, are there any comments from the board and superintendent on the code format? >> seeing none? >> roll call. >> this is the booking case. >> and miss ly.
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>> yes. >> miss faoufr? >> yes. >> mr. haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> 7 ayes. >> okay. we will move on to the san francisco unified school district and san francisco county office education balanced scored card and single plan for student achievement. may i hear a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> may i have a brief reading of the requested action? thank you. >> requested action is that the board of education that the san francisco unified school district approves the san francisco unified school district and san francisco county officer 13, 14, preliminary balanced score cards/single plan for student achievement. >> thank you. nicely done. no public speakers signed up for this item, any comments from the board and superintendent? >> seeing none, roll call please? >> ly? >> y >> miss fewer?
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>> yes. >> mr. haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye >> wynns. >> aye. >> and norton. >> aye. >> 7 ayes. >> moving right along we will now consider the appointment to the child care planning and advisory council, cpac, may i hear a motion and a second >> moved, second. >> will you please give us a brief reading of the requested, recommendations please? >> thank you, commissioner. >> the request is that the board of education of san francisco unified school district may appoint or appoint the following people for the child care planning and advisory council, the new appointments are for sharon donovan, and the new candidates are max, monica and >> there are no public speakers signed up for this item
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>> is there any comments? >> fewer? >> i would like to say that i love maria and she will be excellent. >> thank you. >> i wanted to introduce the coordinator with us tonight. >> thank you. >> commissioner mendoza? >> thank you. >> so i just wanted to actually had just a couple of questions with regards to the candidates and i know that we have been thinking a lot more. they don't realize that we appoint half of the cpac that does half of the oversight with the child care and the direction that we are trying to go in with the new office of early care and education. and i think that you know we have been thinking a lot about how do we insure that there is great representation so i was really glad to see some of the folks that were putting forward, and i am curious how long, and i know that there is
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two new members, and but with regards to the others that are coming back, how long they have been on the cpac? >> good evening, commissioners. so, the members that are being reappointed they the terms are each for three years. and this would be their final term. and except for elaine will be eligible for one more three year term in the executive committee choose to move her forward and based on your approval. and after this slate, pending your approval, there is one more spot open and we have a couple of applicants that are going through our membership committee and our executive committee tomorrow. >> once they make the recommendation to move forward it will then, you know, their application and resume will go to you. >> so you said that they have
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one more, this is their last three-year term. how many terms do they get to be on? >> or they are just on for three years. >> they are on for three years and, then they have to go through you know the application process and the recommended slate to the board of supervisors that the board of education again. >> and so you have and they can stand on for how long years and so they can just keep coming back on every three years. and you can serve a total of three, three year terms and so at the end of a three-year term that the executive committee and the membership committee and you know we on an ongoing basis we collect application and so they have to go you the process to be approved through cpac and either the board of education or the board of supervisors. >> someone like sharon who has been on the cpac, could you tell me how many terms she has served. i am trying to figure out how
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long they have been on the cpac? have they done or this is the third three year term or this is their first three year term? >> no, this would be sharon's last term. >> i guess last is confusing, because if it is last, but they can renew? >> they can apply again? >> i am sorry, i would be specifically to her i would have to see according to the list that i just... i did not bring all of the information that she is eligible for one more three-year term so this will be her final three-year term. back in i believe, 2007, 2008, i don't think that i brought the bi laws, so they can serve up to three, three year terms. >> correct. >> and so, with the other four that are not the new the other
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four they are all serving their last three-year terms and so they will be on the board for nine years after this three year term if we approved them tonight? >> no, i am sorry. so, all of the members, except for it would be monica this is her first. >> this is her last term. >> so this will be, they will would have been on the commission for 9 years. is what you are telling me? >> does this, effect your ability to vote on this? >> it does. i just want to understand how long people have been on this commission because it... it is moving and it is just a lot of things that are happening and so i am just curious how long people have been on the commission. and again this is more... as a board we do not engage in this process the way that we could
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and so if we are looking at an organization that will help not only our early care but our early education, we want to have representation that is reflective of the board. and you know, i think that year after year, we trust that you are sending us good people that is not the question. the question is how long have people been on so that there is, we can think about other folks or different representation or you know support people that have been on the board or whatever it is, i am just... so i just want to get a better understanding, because we have never really desecretaried this from the school board's perspective and i understand it a little bit more. i want to make sure that my colleagues understand the importance and value of this cpac appointments as well. so, like where she has been on for ten years, and well, i guess that she could not be was
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doing her last three years. >> i am an organizizer parent and i have been a cpac member for more than ten years now. >> that is very confusing. >> i was appointed by supervisor sophie maxwell. >> is there a time sensitive nature to these appointments. so we need to get it done, tonight? >> so just to speak to so it was back in i believe it was 2007, 2008, i apologize to not bringing a copy of the bi laws with me. they redid them and that is when there were set term limits and so story was on for longer. and that was prethe bi laws and setting the term limits. >> i think what it was she had a different slot. i think that once it was a
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consumer and then she became the community member. because there are different slots. but i think that what commissioner mendoza is asking is about the person. right? can the person stay on? >> they recently put in the term limits, maybe. >> but we don't know. but this is my question, if you have ever right to want to have the answers to these questions before we vote, if we don't have the information with us this evening, is there a imperative to voting before the end of the month or is this something that can come back to the board in august with all of the information so that we would have a better understanding? >> i don't know. i am not trying to... i am trying to understand, i want to be able to unpack this because it is not a discussion that we normally have with the board. can it wait until august or do they have to be appointed before then. >> there is also state mandates
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so it is not just choose any one that is recommended. we have 20 percent of the candidates have to be child care providers and 20 percent have to be community representative and 20 percent consumers and parents and 20 percent public agency and 20 percent of discretion sxaer that is over the board and the board of education sorry, and the board of supervisors. and a couple of weeks ago i met with carla bryant and she also that they were saying about being more engaged and so we discussed how to facilitate that process about me possibly speaking at subcommittee meetings. and i have been working with the parents for the public schools. and >> isn't she part of the committee now as well. does she not sit with you on the committee. ? carla bryant? >> no she is not a current member. >> not as a member. >> not as a member, but as an
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official member representing the district. >> what is it that you need to know? what are the answers? >> what i need to know is what i am trying to get to is the balance of the representation on the cpac and if there are different divisions that we are allocating out, how many of those seats are rotating? verses people staying? seats, or you know going into different categories and then being on the cpac for you know ten or 15 or 20 years, verses having some diversity on the commission which includes representation on the early ed side as well as child care side as well as, you know, all of the different folks that make-up the cpac. and so again, you know, we just have never been engaged to question who comes to us and it
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comes to us in a slate. which means that you know, we are approving a group of folks without having really had the opportunity that you know the folks that are going to, that we as a board are appointing to the very important committee. and so, you know, i am a little reluctant to... and i will support the slate but i guess that i really wanted to emphasize the importance of allowing the board to think about how people get selected for cpac and wanting them to just be more engaged this is also part of wanting to make this approach more whole istic as we move towards a broader way of supporting our early ed and child care needs. and i don't know who makes up the cpac currently or how long people have been or who
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appointed them. but we have six people that we have the ability to appoint. and so it seems to me that we have the representation for the school district staff. i know that the city has city staff. >> and hayden is exceptional. >> she is an advocate for the high risk... >> i guess that would also be good for us to know the other members that we are appointing. i am glad that you and carla are sorting out how to make that engagement piece more of a reality for all of us. and so i was just wanting to put that out there and it was been a silent process that we have done. >> as a new staff, i appreciate your engagement. i am the only staff person of cpac and everyone, is very, very busy, and so the more, i mean that you would like to be
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involved the better. peeking for parents, and speaking to parents, and getting parents and consumers typically are harder slots to fill and i think that would you need to work with more and i can follow up with you with the questions that you asked about the terms. >> yeah. >> i suggest maybe, and that the discussion or the committee so that we understand more about what the committee does and who is on it and what the terms are and all that have and what opportunities are coming up in the future for for the select candidates. >> dr. murase? >> okay. >> and therefore, over ruled. >> haney bring it to rule. >> yes. >> i am sorry. >> could you say that you are the staff to cpac, or you are the only person on our staff that is on it? >> i am the only staff of cpac and so it is a volunteer body that is state mandated.
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>> you are a staff member funded by the state. >> it is (inaudible) oace and education and ab2, 12 and state funding and dcyf was funding part of the position. and in faout thank youersinger, right now i am working as an independent contractor and it looks like it is going to try to be worked back into the city and then i think that i am not sure the funding once it goes back and right now i am working as an independent contractor. >> would i like to understand that, when we talk about this. i want to know because the staffing used to always be in whatever was the precursor to the first five commission. you know, whatever was the city's child care, planning, and because that the person from whom we used to get these recommendations, right? and i am interested in the issue about, because this was always the issue.
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and the issue for me, always was who is appointed by whom. so who are what are our appointments and truthfully, most of the time we have been told in the past, these are the people that you have to appoint. because they have to be in these categories. and which i think always included our child development staff. because our director is not on it or what, and i think that when we do this, we are going to need a little history and how these things have happened and how that out to include the issue of the term limits because clearly in the case that you cited, since she actually says that she was formally appointed by a supervisor and now we are going to appoint her and now it is obvious that we have this, and we need to understand more about to whom and in what slots the term limits apply and what
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do we mean? this is as clear as mud here. >> and dr. crawford are you taking note of all of the questions so you can relay them to mr. davis and he and mr. haney can get together on when it brings it to the rules committee. >> i think that i and the board has felt that it was. performanot because we did not care about it because people told us this is the only thing that you can do. you have a legal obligation but these are the people that you need to appointment. >> we know what the cpac does is our point. >> we are going to find out of that out at the committee. >> commissioner murase has a question. >> i don't even know what it was. >> and i wanted to say, erica for your first visit to the show, you did great. let me just acknowledge that. and you did great.
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let me just say that. on behalf of all of us because i believe that we think that. and clearly there is an opportunity for you to get further up to speed for an upcoming meeting. and because we are definitely interested in you participating more as commissioner mendoza has brought up. and all of us think that these things she actually articulated them. >> you are right we think them but she was able to arctic you tlait tonight and not let it go. that is another thing. and so i appreciate her tenacity and yours for hanging in there. i know that we will have further conversations with you and miss bryant who is not here tonight. and we will definitely be pow wowing with you both. >> thank you so much for your passioner patience.
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>> miss ly? >> fewer >> yes. >> mr. haney. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> maufas. >> aye. >> wynns. >> norton. >> yes. seven ayes. >> we are going to move right along to item m, discussion of other educational issues there is none tonight. item n, none tonight. >> item 0, vote on the consent calendar which was moved and seconded under section f. >> roll call, ly. >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes, except for abstaining on k0. >> mendoza.
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>> yes, except on k19 which is a well over do retroactive request. >> dr. murase? >> aye >> wynns? >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> thank you. >> item p. there were several consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion. by commissioner wynns. if you want to take the contracts since i believe that we addressed the questions. >> the items are the contract that are to the two and so we can. >> we will roll call on c2. >> thank you. >> ly. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns >> aye. >> and norton. >> aye. >> on the next page, it is
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