tv [untitled] August 2, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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on k0. >> mendoza. >> yes, except on k19 which is a well over do retroactive request. >> dr. murase? >> aye >> wynns? >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> thank you. >> item p. there were several consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion. by commissioner wynns. if you want to take the contracts since i believe that we addressed the questions. >> the items are the contract that are to the two and so we can. >> we will roll call on c2. >> thank you. >> ly. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns >> aye. >> and norton. >> aye. >> on the next page, it is b7.
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you get a certain amount of revenue almost, $250, or $300 million >> we just don't call it the revenue limit any more. >> there is property taxs that we receive. >> great. >> and state aid to make that up >> in the state aid will be the pa. and it was set up because of prop 30 and if you go to page 87 c you will get that state of california cde has put together a separate resource for this money. and basically has a separate object code. and at our kind of our number it is like 20 percent of your revenue limit and it runs about 55 million we are supposed to be getting our 12, 13, money which is a big number, the 27th of june. and 13, 14, it will come
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portion, like $56 million and we will receive a that money cannot be spent on any administrative costs have you to show and that is what you are showing here under these particular function codes, 1000, 1999 and that that is instruction >> all of the money that we get from this revenue source which the state tells that we have to account for differently, we are saying that we are spending all that have money on teachers. and it is just a accounting exercise. correct? >> yes. >> it is correct. >> okay. i just thought that we should try to understand that and we will, you know, as we begin to understand, hopefully more of the new funding structure and we hope that it will make sense not just to us but that we will have a sensible system and i understand that it is not your fault just to clarify that. >> we would rather not have to do it if we didn't have to. >> thank you. >> okay. >> ro >> could i say one thing?
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>> just want to thank her and her team that they have done a heck of a job and putting this together and putting together the blue book and the facts book and work with all of the schools and they make life easy for all of us and i want to thank her in front of the group. >> on behalf of the board, thank you. >> roll call please? >> ly? >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas has recorded her vote as aye. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> wynns? >> aye. >> and n. >> seven >> and the final item is k, 32, i believe. >> page 193, this is the biggest legal fees and resolution. so what i want to know and we have a number of them, in and erent special ed and risk
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i understand that they are different funding sources, that is why they are still, it is... here is my question, these are the authorization to spend the money up to this amount and but it is very hard for us to know i would like to have some kind of summary, which we have sort of had in the past and only it has not included this. how we get up to this amount are we spending this amount? i don't mean, i mean, that i want you to tell me retroexpectively how we spend it and how much we spend on each one of the law firms that we use so that we can have some idea and then i would like to be able to in the past, we have had something that just says, here is our legal fees and how we have used them. and we are reducing it and i am using it as an example and i am not just saying, and something that just sort of gives us an idea to see how we are doing and as well t includes the summaries of our legal action
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and these are the main things that we are doing and i would like that to be related to the money that we are spending and in my mind i understand what it is costing us to engage this these legal activities. >> i can tell you that i could give you all of that information and give it to you tonight if you want. but as we sit here today, i have spent only 36 percent of last year's total budget allocation for legal fees. and it is highly unlikely that we will get over 40 percent because i have still got the bills coming in. i can report this information in the other way and i am happy to sit down with you commissioner wynns and just walk you there where we are and we don't have that many cases going right now and that is one of the reasons that we are not spending a lot of money. >> maybe we can come up with a template to see the budget and there are three things here, operating. well, maybe four.
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but any way, categories, that are represented by all of these resolutions that we are passing tonight, so spending the money and for legal fees and special ed and risk management and everything else. and then also, what case and who we are paying it for over time and how that tracks, you know, that is fantastic if we are spending a lot less. but, this is the big one and lower than it was last year. >> it is $133,000 less this year. and it is 200-plus less than it was two years ago. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> thank you. >> i appreciate that too. >> and roll call please? >> ly? >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> mr. haney
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>> thank you. >> mr. ayes. >> okay we are going to move on to item q. excuse me. we are going to move on to item q. superintendent proposals first reading. this is the superintendent's proposal of recommendation for the addition 6 an option for continuation of schools in court county schools that reduce the number of electrickives required from 50 to ten credits >> may i hear a motion and a second >> so moved. >> second >> thank you >> we do have one public speaker signed up for this item for first reading, we do take five minutes only of public testimony. i have one speaker, paul rodriques come up to the mic. you may have two minutes to
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address this its em. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners, and we came today to speak on the importance of preserving the graduation policy to continue to expand the access to the course to be eligible for a four-year university, the year before this policy was passed there was nine out of ten african students and five out of six who were not receiving classes that they needed to be eligible for the uc so this was really the basis by which the policy was passed on. there are a few items on the ago ahead agenda that we wanted to speak to. one is haney's move to continue to expand classes that are eligible or feed into the a, to g, eligibility process. the other thing that we want to speak to in this particular item and we do have a number of questions that we did want to
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raise with respect to the proesal and we wanted to give the context and (inaudible) has been participating as a co-chair for the new task force and we have served in this capacity for a number of years. and the task force has really been charged with providing recommendations on how to best implement the policy. at the task force we have not had the opportunity to really vet through the proposal that is before you today. so over the summer we are going to spend the time looking through it and hopefully provide the recommendation and we do have a july meeting. some of the questions that we did want to have the board consider we wanted to put into the public comment the first thing to highlight is the population at the continuation schools are majority african american and latinos and these are the populations that did not have access to a lot of the sources and so that is the first area of concern and
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another thing that we want to bring up is the preent ventive measure to sin shawer that there is not a push out of students into the continuation or the comprehensive schools. and we do see that in the legislation and there is a vague mention of safe guards and buffers. we would like the devil in the details and see what it looks like specifically if there is a clear delineation of what the safe guards mean to prevent unnecessary placement of students and unnecessarily tracking of students. and the last thing is that we really appreciate the intent of this policy, to retain the a, to g, requirement, and one thing that we do want to highlight in our conversations with district staff, we have heard that there is not a full offering of the curriculum, there are certain schools that do not offer a world language or a lab science and so to say that we continuing in the schools but not offering the full curriculum is contradictary and we want to be
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sure that there is a interest into looking into that. >> thank you for waiting all through this meeting. >> i am going to refer this item to the curriculum committee and the rules committee. i was wondering about that if we should do a committee of the whole fwe do three committees. >> we had a discussion about this and said that it should be the committee of the whole where everyone is in attendance. >> that is fine. >> do you have objection? s >> no that is fine with me. >> we will refer it to a committee of the whole probably in august. i would imagine unless there is already an item schedule. >> okay. >> excuse me, so are we entertaining any questions about this tonight? >> no. >> we don't have discussion on items during the first reading. >> so we will save the questions for committee of the whole. >> i am going to move item r.
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oh, which is my, which is the student delegate and my resolution on allowing students to eat breakfast during the first class of the school day. may i hear a motion and a second? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> this is going to be referred to the curriculum committee. thank you. miss ly and miss wo ng who left for bringing this forward and i am pleased to co-sponsor it with you. >> all right, we will now one more item expanding a-g course offering in sfusd high schools and supporting a-g course develop sxment submission from haney. >> may i hear a motion and a second? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> and we will refer this item to curriculum and budget. >> all right, and the last board member proposal this evening we are actually going
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to put it in the rules and consider it this evening in support of comprehensive immigration reform that prioritizes the needs of children and families. may a hear a motion and a second for suspension of the rules to consider action to this resolution on this this evening? >> so moved. thank you. >> roll call, on suspension of the rules? >> ly. >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> 7 ayes. >> so the motion carries, may i hear a motion and a second for a formal introduction of the resolution? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> mr. haney, would you do us the honor of reading your resolution into the record? >> yeah, would i like to read the whole thing. i will be quick. >> whereas san francisco is a
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city founded by immigrants where over a third of the current population is immigrant and half people over one over 113 different languages other than english and whereas the board of education of the san francisco unified school district has repeatedly expressed our support for all students and their ability to learn, grow and thrive in every available facet of our school district regardless of the country of origin and our documentation status and whereas the board of education is previously passed the resolutions in support of the federal dream act and the policies for the students to defer action for childhood arrivals and san francisco is a city that prohibits the city employees for helping the immigration enforcement and investments and unless it it is required by federal or state law or a warrant, whereas the 113th congress and the president of the united states have made reform to fix the broken immigration system the
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top priority and the children of immigrants represent a major part of our shared social and economic future in san francisco and across the country and deserve the same opportunity as their peers and the supreme court recognize and access for the school for all students in regard to the immigration status and undocumented san francisco unified school districts face significant hardships and barriers in obtaining a full and status. and they create major challenges for the san francisco unified school district to provide access for the students and insuring that each and every student has the opportunity to succeed and defined in the district plan and whereas non-citizen parents are not able to vote in the san francisco elections and face other bearers in fear of the depourtation that can prevent them from participating fully.
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and so, whereas it is children face a variety of challenges to the health and well-being that can impact, to the substan ard housing whereas the record increases of depourtations in recent years have broken apart familis that can have a profound impact for the social, mental and physical well-being and the daily fear of being deported, can have significant consequences on a students' ability to be success until in a school and the plan for the future whereas the current apprehension and criminalize the family cans lead to depression and grief, to pursue the immigration. and whereas the reform will prioritize, the safe of a child
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or the separation from his or her child and family reunification to reduce the wait times and the child should not be expected to be required to represent himself or herself in a proceedings. and include a stream line process for the people who have grown up in the country and should be available for those who are receiving ged or vocational training and in addition to those completing a high school diploma, whereas comprehensive immigration reform must insure that the significant financial bearers including a lack of access for the federal loans are a... for the formally undocumented students and whereas the... and should insure the hum main treatment and due process rights for all whereas the new proposed rerequirements for
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aspiring citizens including english language should not produce burdens on new comers and whereas the comprehensive reform should extend the rights to same-sex couples as those afforded to all other families including the right of the american sit ens to sponsor the same-sex partners for legal residency and whereas the immigration judges should be able to look closely at a number of factors especially the children in family ties in the united states which considering to cancel depourtation and be it resolved that the board of education urges the president and the congress of the united states to prioritize the needs and rightses of families in the approach to fixing the nation broken immigration system and further resolved that the san francisco school district will provide a copy of this to the delegation and senators and it be resolved that the sfusd will advocate by any means available including supporting amendments for reform that addresses the
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issues outlined in this resolution. >> any public speakers for this item? >> seeing none, actually very few members of the public in general. are there any comments from the board or superintendent? on mr. haney's resolution. >> maufas? >> so on your second, therefore, your second resolve it says we are going to provide copies of this, are you talking... and our senator. that is right. is that what you are talking about? >> and congress woman spere. >> clarification. >> excellent. >> any other questions or
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comments? >> seeing none, roll call please? >> ly >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza. >> yes. >> murase. >> yes. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> seven ayes. >> i am sorry miss ly did you have a question? >> do you want to say something superintendent? >> i just wanted to congratulate our commissioner haney and the board. this speaks to the very heart of who we are in san francisco. and when the children walk through our doors we don't care what their immigration status is, we don't care where they come from or where they have been what we care is that they are going to graduate with options i want to thank you for putting the resolution forward.
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this is something that we can all stand behind and what is cool about this is that we live every single day so thank you. >> could you just ask, could we put all of us put our names on it. >> absolutely. >> thank you for doing that. >> then we will move on to item s. board members reports. of >> commissioner will you give us a report?
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>> comes on to our sight and have a uniform way to do that. and then we had a report from building and grounds and it was a report on the summer of 2013, facility and bond construction projects and there were a handful of summer projects that included things like moderizing tailor and some structural upgrades to marshal and flooring projects and electrical projects and drinking fountain and a variety of project and we also had a report on the green school yard construction that is going to be happening in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... ten of our school sites >> and it was just beautiful to see the work that has been organized for these ten sites that will be completed over the summer. >> thank you. commissioner mendoza.
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>> commissioner wins wynns, but you sort of did give it from the budget committee. >> so i am going to skip you. >> thank you, president, i would like to take this as a personal point of privilege. in the audience today, we have miss margaret chiu who has been employed with our district for 20 years and we have been graced with her ability to help us supervisor our schools and also deliver excellent ininstruction to our children, she started out as a dedicated parent and very active parent in her public schools and worked her way up to a teacher and then associate superintendent. and so, she joins us tonight as her last board meeting as she retiring, so we wish you much, much happiness, good health and good luck in your retirement, thank you very much. on behalf of all of the san
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francisco public schools. >> well said, we will miss you. >> any other announcements by board members committee, well, actually we don't have the committee dates for a month or so. >> maufas? >> i just wanted to remind the public that this weekend is san francisco pride. i am wearing my transmarch support shirt that i want to alert us to be careful and enjoy. and i will also be a safety monitor at pride because i think that is the way that i can do the best service and enjoy the parade and the festivities and do them safely. >> thank you. >> seeing no other announcements, we are now going to recess, this meeting and go into closed session, and then
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we will come back to open session, and read out the results of it. >> and could i make one more announcement? >> so tomorrow, we are expecting the ruling on the same-sex marriage and doma and so there is a viewing at city hall at 7:00 a.m. in the rotuda with the mayor and nusome and as we anticipate the read out of the supreme court ruling on that case. doors open at 6:30 a.m. and then the announcement will happen at 7:00 a.m.. >> the board approved by a vote of five, aye and two absent to settle the amount up to the stipulate you lated amount. approved by a vote of six alicia wintersteins and one absent, haney the employment of
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three assistant principal and one supervisor and one program administrator and two director and principal leadership support, and one director and one assistant superintendent. and now i am going to read the closed session action from the evening of june 25,. the public employment approved by the vote of 6 alicia wintersteins the approval of two director principal leadership support and one direct and her one
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assistant superintendent. and now i am going to read the closed session actions from the evening of june 25, 2013, public employment, the board approved by a vote of six alicia winterstein and one absent fewer, the aemployment of three assistant principal and two supervisor and one executive director. and with that, i am going adjo
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