tv [untitled] August 4, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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workers as their first time out on strike and he says, you have to speak up, you have to fiekt, and he says, things that a human heart would break at such a display at this, warmhearted men with money at stake can turn into heartless misbegun misers, i am so proud on days like this to live in a city where we know how to fiekt, we know what to fight for and i want to thank you supervisors which i know you will do which is to ko*n to fight for us and keep these programs. thanks. >> thank you, ms. shaffer, next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is paul and i'm here representing only myself, i'm an independent health care analyst and someone who is involve ined the development of both healthy san francisco and the health care security ordinance, i want to
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talk about the history, they are not the same thing, health care security ordinance of which tom miano was the primary author started out as an effort to put a floor underneath the employer offered health insurance to san francisco workers, to stop them from bleeding people out by taking away their incentive to cut it and in an attempt to provide more resources to other san franciscans with other insurance, how they arose out of the niche yatd t*if from pitch cats to make the best of those resources and use the public discussion as an opportunity to reorganize is health care system in a more rational fashion, so let me break this down quickly, this discussion is not about saving healthy san francisco because it would be political suicide to mismantle healthy san france, it's not going to be dismantled, whether it's going to be a money grab from
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workers, pure and simple, there are tens of millions of dollars that the small mirity of the least responsible employers of san francisco stand to lose as they think about it in 2014 which they can no longer claw those dollars back, it's taking money from worker's pockets and gives it back. the employer spending requirement keeps employers from dropping insurance and cutting hours preventing a cascade of [inaudible] that will hurt, not help san francisco's economy so i ask you to please look carefully through the untruths here in the business community and not only save healthy san francisco but save the employer spending requirement, thank you so much. >> thank you very much, next speaker, please. >> edward on [inaudible] i urge
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you to support healthy san francisco, thank you. >> thank you, sir. next speaker. >> [inaudible], national union of health care workers, we strongly support the health care ordinance and strongly encourages everyone to leave alone the employer mandate to pay for health care, but that aside, i just want to issue some concerns that i had about -- that it was the business community talking about this universal health care committee and i want to strongly encourage, if that train has left the station, in her statement saying people should be paid -- naoubl as this committee is going forward, i
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just want to make sure if it does go forward, i want to make sure there are users involved as well as community organizations and labor involved with na because i don't want the [inaudible] in charge of the hen house at all. thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak who has not spoken whether you signed up or not, if so, come forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. and i just want to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the public who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be here today, and i know that, you know, it was a long hearing, but i think that the fact that people were willing to sit through this hearing and speak tells you how strongly people feel about this, colleague, i want to give you an opportunity to say anything at this point.
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anyone want to -- supervisor mar? >> i'll just say that i was not looking forward to another long hearing since we started as supervisor cohen said and supervisor campos at 10:00 a.m., i'm always so honored to be here in this city with such great labor and community organizers that give us a sense of history of how we have different policies in our city that expand human rights for people and whether it's young workers speaking up for themselves, immigrants and others, it's such a great experience, connie ford mentioned the years of struggle through the 90's for single parent health care system which i hope we still never give up the fiekt for that but our universal health care system in san francisco cannot be sidetracked by big business efforts here and i think the employer requirement to pay their fair share to me is the
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key issue so i'm appreciative from ken jacob's initial comments, that really the focus has to be on defending employers to pay their fair share in this process and not let them try to unraveler it under the guise of the affordable care act which is a good step forward for the city but i'm proud we have a city that is closer to an affordable health care system, and from all the struggle coming from the 90's to today, so thank you for educating me more and i look forward to working with you to make sure we expand our health care service for everyone, not just undocumented and the current groups that will be expanded through the affordable care act but for everyone. er >> thank you, supervisor mar, supervisor cohen. >> thank you for sitting with us today and i was struck by ali shaffer's comments about --
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she said the heart of a man but i'm going to say the heart of a human, and how we do know how to fielgt. this morning we were trying to fiekt city college and trying to find a strategy to ensure that san francisco city college is back on the right path, and then this afternoon, we get into a hearing about the implementations of the affordable care act and i think this is a testament to the heart and soul of san francisco, i also want to acknowledge our public health representatives, colleen, thank you for staying the entire hearing, this is an interesting time that we're all living in and one thing that is evident is that this is the democratic process at work to the fullest definition where people are able to weigh in even if it is
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in two minute increments but they're able to weigh in on the process and have the ability to interact and shape the.public policy that we all are going to live by and i want to commend my colleague, the three of us today, whether we were in gio, and what committee is this, neighborhood services and safety committee, all of us are tackling really lofty policy discussions, earlier today, we heard supervisor mar's commitment to ensuring we have healthy and clean safe drinking water in our city and our partners in public health were there at the table, supervisor campos was talking about the affordable health care and i forgot what i was talking about, but i think it was just as important. >> thank you. >> it's really truly been a very long day. i wanted to say thank you to all of our neighborhood leaders, our grass roots
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♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for
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those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls
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have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great
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time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard. >> from more information, visit test, test, test, test test >> is san francisco's planning commission regular hearing for thursday, you august 1st, 2013. please know that the committee does not allow any interruptions and when speaking to the commission speak directly button microphone. i'd like to take roll at this
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time (calling names) commissioners first on your agenda are considerations for continuance item 1 at the 3334 fourth street is proposed for continuance until september 19th. and your calendar reflects an august 18th date but it's pushed out until september 14th. and the next case at 9th street an appeal of negative declaration is also proposed for continuance until september 19th. i have no other tungz and no
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speaker cards >> any speakers on the proposal for continuance public comment is closed. >> i move to have the calendar changed to the dates specified. as to that (calling names) >> so move forward commissioners that motions passes and places you under your consent calendar all matters are to considered to be routine and will be acted on by a separate roll call unless the public or staff so requests. item 3 at 850 phelps street and
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item 4 case at 124 clem's street and item 5 for the next case amendments to the that planning code to change the frequency by the city controller. and the preliminary recommendations is excuse me. recommendations is to adopt a recommendation for traul principle of law with no modifications >> any public comment on the 3 items on the consent calendar. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner wu >> move to approve items 3, 4 and 5. second >> on that motion to approve items 3, 4 and k
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(calling names) so move forward commissioners that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you under commission matters. draft minutes for july 18, 2013, >> any public comment on the draft minutes? public comment is closed. commissioner >> move to approve the draft minutes july 18th. on that motion to adopt the draft minutes (calling names) so move forward commissioners that passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on item 7 commission comments and questions >> i have a few items in light of the concert last friday night with justin timberlake i'm still
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questioning whether or not it's okay to demolish candle stick. i don't know what the costs are but there are other uses if a stadium is maintained it could take part in this facility. and again by doing this this puts us in a position we no longer have a have you seen you that seats 60 thousand plus so we're going losing revenue. it's something i want to get an opinion on from staff and the nature of the property g there was to have millions put into that stadium and a what happens to that with the preconditions
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it seems like that money has to be spent for a stadium. so those are some questions for the future. i also heard recently we're annoy requiring conditional usage for parking lots citywide. i knew that was around at&t park but from a couple of people have questioned when this came about and citywide and what the thinking is so i'd like to have an answer on that maybe not today but i'd like to find out. i don't remember anything coming before us. those are existing lots those are not new. from what the public is asking me over a few years they have to
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have their use conditioned and that's also there not conforming. at question is on design review as we read later on the port. the port d cbc has a function of design review and we know in the presidio there's a body probable part of the presidio trust we doesn't have is a design review it comes before the planning commission but oftentimes the design is pretty well put together bet it comes to us and we go through a lot of changes and i'd like to know if there's a way we could see designed be a little bit earlier in the
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process and get a comment because what much of what's been built there's some projects that don't look well-built. and then the hill john had an article in yesterday's chronicle. one particular property he said is still in design approval and i'm sure that may be but the permit has been pulled on this is 394 fremont but if they haven't gone construction the permit has been pulled but the design is still ongoing. anyway, he put that in the paper and i don't know do you have information? >> typically when you approve a
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permit there are folks still working on the design. there are typically two permits a one is the site permit and we sign occupy on that and the second package is called the agenda where a lot of the details are worked out maybe the site was issued by not the permit >> i just happened to be walking by there but that answers my question it looks like mr. king is accurate. and finally on the secretary committee there was a meeting held yesterday by unfortunately we've is had to continue this on purely matters and again my apologizes to everyone that it's
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taking a long time. but i think that president fong may have some comments surrounding the procedural efforts >> let me go through. yes. i have a request for the commission to adjourn today's meeting in memory of alicia kerry. she was the founder of an architecture company in san francisco started in 19783 to the her dooirn table and built her practice through the years and got a big break in 1991 when she was awarded to be the registration architect that were damaged in the kwaeshth.
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so her practice took off then and included the opera house obviously and city hall. another notable civic projects are a the library in saikt . we won't be able to see much because it's about mechanic uses and fan rooms. here in the city the first name what the preservation addition in the library and she gave time to the city she really loved. in 1988 he she was appointed by the mayor tattoo be on the advisory board which is now in the prehistoric preservation. i was on that board we we tried
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not to give kate too much have a problem. she was also on the board of san francisco beautiful and the sister city committee and as a neighborhood advocate formed a tenacious tenants. she called it run tin tin. despite that sheriff's on the advisory committee so maybe some neighborhood told them does good. she was proud of her work at city hall outside at any time pretty much the way it was since the early 1990s. she was almost proud of engine company number 2 on bush street.
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in the offices of the firm and i think she also tried to point out she was able to use all of the historic preservation incentives that were available for the owners to rehabilitate their building and that include the federal tax program and the state historical building code. she was one of the first owners to get a million dollars contract with the city which lowers our property tax rate and she has a facade easement that i believe is under the control of san francisco heritage. and i think for all of you who have ever seen a french room they're called running around the city that was alicia. i don't know if richard still
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has his or not it was a distinct active little car. anyway and a sorry to hear that. >> and thank you for that nice bio. commissioner moore >> you had a comment in response. >> i want to follow up on commissioners comment about the search committee for the secretary role and if staying i didn't wants to correct me. but first of all, i want to thank everyone for their time on sitting on the committee. it has been a time effort. but i want to clarify going back i believe i and this commission agreed we were going to select the committee with the equal numbers from the preservation
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commission and that subcommittee was going to vet the folks and make a report back to this full commission and this full commission will accept the recommendation. that was the intent of this commission so that was some months back >> president fong, kate from the city attorney's office. so to clarify it's your intent that the committee make a recommendation as a whole so all 6 members would make one recommendation >> that's correct. that's correct. >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i want to first acknowledge the passing of alicia kerry who will be sorely missed. the
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