tv [untitled] August 8, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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accepting your amendment for number 3, however, i don't know if this is the proper code section, i know this commission worked hard to get an antiloiterbacking piece of legislation through to get the people to get to move on and call police, and it is a tool that we use to protect patrons from becoming victims, and we -- i mean, to officer parker's credit, we find very often that venues are not aware of our codes and don't know they have this power, so i have no problem with that. it's a tool for the venue. it's not an extra burden. i think that that police condition should remain and that we should -- since we don't work to familiarize our venues of that particular tool, i think that this might help to do that in my opinion, so i'll
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accept number 3 and reject number 4. >> so, the motion is to approve the permit with the good neighbor policy and all the police conditions except for number 3. and there's a second. >> and i'll accept that change. >> alright, so is there any other discussion or questions from the commission? >> i just have a comment, that's it. regardless, audrey, if they're not required to talk to the police, my thing is they're responsible -- i'm for them to change -- the space adds problems, i always encourage your present security to have a conversation with the permit officer, that's all i'm saying, whether it's required or not by this commission, i'm always into improved maintenance because you don't want to have a problem later. >> can i ask staff a clarifying question, so if they were to
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make major changes adding egresses to the venue, do they have to reapply at any point? >> no, it aos an occupancy load. >> if they do something that substantially changes the physicality of the space, we would expect them to notify us at minimum, the permit has the occupancy number on it, so in light of them improving their occupancy, they'd want to change that. would it come before this commission? not likely unless we consider it a major amendment. >> so, it's a minor amendment. >> given the circumstances you described. >> okay, great, helpful. so, any other comments before we take it to a vote? no? alright. can we do the vote now? >> okay, so this is to grant the permit with the police conditions and the good neighbor policy striking number 3 from the police conditions. commissioner camp knoll ly? >> aye. >> commissioner lee?
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>> commissioner joseph? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> commissioner tan? >> aye. >> great, that is approved. we are going move on, good luck, thank you for coming. >> sorry, but i have to be excused, i have a commitment that i have to go to. >> alright, so let the record show that commissioner joseph is heading out. we're going to move back to item -- the original item 3 which was the report from the check t*if director, go ahead director kane? >> thank you very much, how are we doing on time? i'm going to be as quick as i can. hi, commissioner, it's been a long time since i've seen you, i don't think there's been a meeting for quite some time, so welcome back, the status of the
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broadway cbd, i want to remind you of that, that it was formed and the date the final approval was june 5th, we're hoping that this moves towards some perm nant change on the broadway corridor, the cbd will assess levees on property owners totaling 500 thousand dollars, so it's not a tremendous amount but those are the kind of funds that will be cleaned up for security, clean up and marketing, so if you are watching, broadway, at all, hopefully you'll see positive change and that will be a part of it. the department also wanted to let you know, we filed our quarterly reports regarding complaints related to section 1070 as you might recall, there were a whole bunch of reporting requirements put on the commission in about the end of
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2009 and we are required to do quarterly reports so we did submit those to the clerk of the board in mid july. i wanted to review some of -- i think all of you might have been at the entertainment commission's 10th anniversary party that we had, we turned 10 years old on july 1, we celebrated with about 500 of our closest friends at the drake, we wanted to say thanks to commissioner lee to, to sight and sound and to staff for sponsoring and helping out. i think we had a good turn-out, it was a lot of fun and i hope everyone got their spin art and we have it in the office if you forgot it. we also wanted to let you know, i'm not sure if the commission was aware, we did our first every legislative aide happy hour event last wednesday on the 31 of july, staff invited
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them from all 11 districts to happy hour down the extreme and the intent was to ensure that the board had some familiarity with the entertainment commission and how they could help our office and is to remind them of their uses in the limited live performance as well as one time events and give them the opportunity to ask staff and just get to know our faces and ask any questions so we had a fairly good turn-out based on the fact that we were a day after recess, so much like elementary school, the board of supervisors has recessed during the summer, and so some of them took off, but we got a good turn-out i think. i also attached behind this memo the commission terms and seats, if you saw that, this has come up -- it comes up quite a bit, there's some turn-over of your seat and
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wanted to make sure everyone's aware of who is where and when your terms are up, sokeep that for your -- hopefully that's the most updated one for your reference. upcoming, we're planning a health care workshop on september 9th, there's something called the actor's fund based out of l.a. and they're awarded a federal grant to be the provider of health care reform, outreach and education to the performing arts and entertainment community in san francisco, they offered to do a workshop about what is commonly spoken of as obama care in the nicest way, so we secured the auditorium for september 9th we created an event, and if you haven't seen it, we're going to do a straight e-mail to people's boxes shortly, it's going to be free and an hour
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and a half and i think it's really important that people understand that covered california website is up and running and people need to be ensured by the 1st of next year the covered california website is going to be working october 1 to enroll people and we don't know what's going to happen with healthy san francisco but we think that it's a good start to understanding everything as early as possible, so please invite everyone you know. lastly, we have -- kami has drafted an annual report, we have not been good with annual reports so we're trying to get into the groove so we drafted it and we're hope tog get a final version completed by the end of the month, we asked commissioner perez to help us with some graphic design work
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since he's good at it as you know, so i was hoping he would be here to corner him into giving me a final date but he's not, so again, we're going to shoot for the end of august to have that completed and submitted to everybody so that we can talk about our great work to everyone in a really pretty way. there are no corrective actions to report, but something i didn't write down in the memo, what i want today do was introduce ben van hoot, he's going to tell you what his long involved title is, but he was hired by the mayor's office by the economic and workforce development to do that kind of economic work around night life and entertainment, so i want to let him do the honors. >> good evening, most of the long title was summed up in jocelyn's description, ben van hoot from the office of
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economic workforce and development, i am excited to work with you to support the growth and vitality of the nightlife and entertainment industry and i'm already working on a number of already i think very exciting projects with the entertainment commission to expand business awareness of available performance as well as the limited live performance permit as well as some other measures to garner feedback from the stray -- industry about that their concerns and challenges and develop some new policy strategies based on that feedback, so thank you. >> welcome aboard. >> thank you. >> sorry, so that concludes my report. ron is here as you know, and he submitted a written report, this is his first time presenting in front of you i think, so be kind. [laughter].
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, it's been a long time since we've last actually communicated here, so there has been a lot of reporting but just for the sake of keeping this brief, i've wrote down a couple of key highlights in these areas, again, the general overview is that before we broke for summertime, there was a definite lack of attendants in the night clubs and during the timeframe we were out, especially in the last three weeks, there has been a reas youer -- reas youer gents in the nightclubs and that has produced amazing results, specifically in the mission districts that i have observed. with that, i think you've got my notes so i'm open to any
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comments. >> commissioners, any questions for any of the staff? i had one question. i mean, i guess when you're saying a dramatic increase in activity, is it that -- what does that mean, is that there's more street life, the venues are more full, i'm not seeing as many incidents on this list as we have in the past, so to me, that's great, if a lot more is happening and fewer instances are being reported. >> without giving any bias or any direction, i'm saying there are more people attending the nightclubs and in general, any time that you do a resurgence of anybody, you're going to have some growing pains so we're experiencing that in the city right now. i kept this list short intentionally, i didn't want to sum up the whole month because there was a lot of stuff and it
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would make it look like things were just a little bit out of control and i don't think that that would be appropriate. >> okay. any other thoughts, comments? no? alright. thank you very much, staff. we're going to move on to -- oh, public comment on -- >> and then the police department. >> i'm getting there. any public comment on the staff report and the director's report? none, okay, seeing none, let's move on to the police department comments and questions, so i see officer methias here. >> good evening, commissioners and staff, steve methias in central station, a lot of the incidents that have happened, i haven't been in front of the commission for about a month or a month and a half, so some of these things are a little bit
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stale, but they still wanted you to be aware of them, probably the major incident that happened over the last weekend, there was a shooting at the ruby sky, it was at 3:20 in the morning, ruby sky is located on mason street, the security guard was struck in the leg by an unknown gunman, they're continuing their investigation. july 20th, a man was attacked outside or at the ruby sky as well, he bumped into a female patron, the female began strafing at his face and some other suspects jumped in as well, as far as other incidents in the district, a patron was [inaudible] on monroe, it has a new approach, they're doing things at nighttime, the patron was ejected from monroe from
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getting into fight, once outside, he started to pick filets outside as well, -- filets outside as well, the suspect assaulted the police as well, more officers responded, took him into customer, he was taken to sfgh for a treatment for a cut, he was able to kick a nurse in her face breaking her nose and looking at this, i don't see anything that the club did wrong with the situation. here we're dealing with an entertainment industry, it runs in a very wide variety of people, any time we have something like this, we try to look to see if, is there anything we could have done differently, i asked, are your staff leads trained and that's like an education as far as alcohol as well as drugs, it seems like clearly this person
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was on more than just alcohol and he said he would look into that, whether that would have changed the assault in behavior, i don't think so, i don't fault monroe for any of this, it was an unfortunate incident. on july 21, there was numerous fights, assaults and resisting arrests @ mos fear, this was a real spike that we saw, in one night, we saw three different separate reports, with look to see, that's not an occurrence that we get there every week at, atmosphere, i got together with jocelyn kane and ron edwards and bennett came down, we went over what was going on over there and he hashed out what he thought was the problem, bennett came over with
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somebody from monroe to central station, we discussed certain issues in terms of keeping a dialog, if there's a special event, how we can notify central station. if he leaves a message on my voice mail but i'm not there on a friday, it doesn't go anywhere so now there's an e-mail notification to myself, my captain, the lieutenants that work as well as the sergeants that work the midnight shift so we won't have anything falling through the cracks, also how to deal with the party buses and what we want, if they're going to be up there, they're sanctioned by the clubs and we have some order and a protocol so we're working on that as well, it seems to be working pretty well. there are two assaults at the cellar, this is on july 29 at 12:20 a.m., the victim was punched but an unknown suspect, she could not say why she was
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punched, people there said she was causing problems all night, when you look at the totality of what's going on, it shed some light on it, the other incident called on august 4, the security at the cellar determined that a group was too intoxicated to enter, they said you're not coming in, they argued and once they found out they weren't getting in, one of the suspects sucker punched the security, they went down to the ground, they were fighting and the suspect tried to gouge the victim's eye out, the victim was able to break free from the suspect and the suspects fled the scene, so that's a situation where the secure, they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing, if he's drunk and causing a problem outside, who knows what would have happened inside, they were doing what they were supposed to be doing.
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>> i want you the keep me on the loop with party buses and if there are meetings, i would love to attend. >> okay, very good. >> thank you very much. any comments from the commissioners? seeing none, any public comment on the police report? seeing none, we'll move on. the next item is item number 7, which is review and possible action to review and change the conditions on the limited live performance permit, i believe there's a request for continuance. do you want to say anything? >> yes, the proprietor has asked for a continuance to do outreach to his neighbors so we will see him back here on august 20th. >> do we need to do a motion and vote? >> yeah, you have to do a motion to continue it. >> i move to continue. >> is there a second? >> i'll second it. >> okay, we'll vote on that,
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motion to continue, commissioner camp knoll ly? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> commissioner tan? >> aye. >> thank you. >> the motion passes and it is continued, so the next item is item 8, discussion and possible action to implement neighborhood outreach policy for permit applicants, and i believe commissioner hyde will have the floor on this. >> so, i don't really think that there's enough commissioners to have discussion, but i would like to ask the owners of the sf eagle to come up and talk a little bit and maybe answer some questions about the neighborhood outreach since they did it for about a year, and i would like to thank them for coming in after lazy bear weekend to -- hi. >> hello, good evening, commissioners. >> hello. >> so, i was just wondering if you could just kind of tell me what kind of neighborhood outreach you did since it was fairly extensive and i was
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wondering if you could tell us the -- not me, us, the benefits of what that neighborhood outreach ended up being for you. and if you could give us sort of how -- like, how much of soma you incorporated in your outreach. >> so, can you introduce yourselves. >> can you hear me? >> i was saying can you introduce yourself. >> mike leone, co-owner of the sf eagle. the amount of community outreach we did encompassed not only the gay community but also the community at large, specifically around the sf eagle, we met also with other clubs, we had other community leaders from other groups and non-profit organizations meet with us at a round table meeting at the [inaudible] club. it was pretty encompassing and we got a lot of interesting
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feedback, what the community wanted from us and what they were expecting. one of the really important meetings was with james kim at one of her neighborhood meetings at don ramon's mexican restaurant and that was very important because that's where we met our direct neighbors at that meeting and it was a great response from them in terms of us reaching out to them. >> so, what i think basically the community outreach entails here is just make the community part of your endeavor and invite them to have an environment where it's safe, fun and they feel part of it and not excluded for anything, however the history of the bar or in our case, originally it was a gay bar, we encountered our neighbors who were welcoming us and getting that space filled out because we got
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rid of a lot of things that were going around the neighborhood which were a lot of drugs around the eagle when it was closed and everybody really liked it and supported it so the outreach that we did really benefited and invited all the communities to share the same space without any boundaries of gender identifications and social status. >> and the neighborhood organizations you went to several, they were in more than like say a four block radius often, is that correct? >> that is correct. the largest, i think the farthest one extends on to 6th street i think it was. >> and i was wondering if there was any difference between what -- the feedback you got from community groups as opposed to the not for profit that is you talked to. >> can you please repeat. . ing so, like you said you went to a group to not for profits
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and you talked to them but i know you went to the jim mikos organizations and went and talked to them, so was there a difference between the two, did you get certain information from one that you didn't get from the other? >> one was more interested in what we could do to better our surrounding neighborhood, and that was the more neighborhoods where the non-profit was more interested in what we could do to help them out and what we were going to continue, with what support, they were very diverse in terms of what they were looking for. >> and for the not for profits, did you get a better understanding about the neighborhood at all or like sort of the neighborhood fabric as opposed to like a neighborhood group that is concerned with -- >> we got a better understanding of the neighborhood fabric through that meeting but it was more geared towards what they needed to see from us. >> okay. great. i really appreciate you guys
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coming in too. >> i appreciate it. >> it was our pleasure. >> with that, i would like the continue the actual discussion since we are down the other neighborhood rep and one-third of our ad hoc committee. >> alright, so is that a motion? >> i would like to move to continue. >> okay. is there a second? >> second. >> is there any discussion? was i supposed to take public comment before the motion? any public comment? alright. let's take a vote. >> alright, to continue the discussion on neighborhood outreach, commissioner camp knoll ly. >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde? >> aye. >> commissioner tan? >> aye. >> alright, so we are down to our last two agenda items. item number 9 is commissioner comments and questions. any commissioner comments and questions? commissioner lee? >> i just want to say that the
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noemachi street sale went well, they had a great weekend, although they were passing the little bucket around because all the fees that go into a street fair and there was a great thing, they got as many sponsors as they could, this is a really grass root organization trying to scrape up money where they can just to have a fair, and with the boston -- and i understand that with the boston bombings, they're required to have an ambulance full time on staff and you have to pay for that and it's important because we all promote public safety but it is a burden financially, so i'm hoping that things could be worked out on these street fairs because pretty soon, we're going to have to start charging an entry fee just to have a fun street fair, so other than that, that's all i have to say. >> great. commissioner hyde? >> yeah, i just wanted to say
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that we went to a meeting at 10:15 folsom to discuss with neighbors and the club ways that they were integrating themselves into better addressing sound issues and i would just like to say that i was really impressed by 1015's commitment to not only follow up with what they're doing, but they've gone over and above and really are taking the neighbor's concerns to heart and it was a really great meeting and we're going to have another one in like a month and a half and we're hoping that the [inaudible] will come to that one and mike and alex that you just met, there was a meeting with our new mayor's office representative about a street fair for halloween, so they are working on plans to
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have a small street fair on 12th street to -- and more information will be coming that way and part of that will be a benefit for children and a day for children, so something for tenderloin families to attend as well, more like around the 6th street area. >> great. any other comments, commissioner camp knoll? , no? let's move on to item 10, new business requests for future agenda items, any? no? alright. great. well, with that, that adjourns our meeting, our august 8th meeting of the entertainment commission. thank you. (meeting is adjourned).
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