tv [untitled] August 12, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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because obviously it will need to be negotiated if it's taken seriously in city government. something like a ten percent increase and what's being done and the tens of millions of dollars that's being done. i hope that six months from now and again a year from now, you will come back and read this resolution again to yourselves and invite those who would be involved in implementing it and say what has happened. i think a one time year frame is more than an enough even though this is an ambitious program. but if you don't set the bar, how do you know if it will succeed. on the question on rehabilitating older buildings instead of new construction accident of course new construction is expensive. we have to do both and i'm glad to see you ask for a new construction because it's easier and cheaper to make
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accessible. accessible features are cheaper but the housing cost more. in the first resolution or the next paragraph of resolution you ask for stricter enforcement but you're not specific. do you mean on the expenditure of moh money, how would that happen? i don't know how to change this language during this hear, but i like to hear more guidance so the people who you're expecting something from know who they are. this is too vague in my opinion. and finally i think the suggestion to have an accessible data base is a great idea. the company i ran with had state funding and that meant that we had a half time staff person every month to call all the lower income
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private and subsidized sources and see what was out there and put it on data base and make it available to people. that can be done but it does take money and it has to be low cated some where. where are you suggestion that it's located. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. is there anyone on the bridge line? >> no. >> any council members. >> chip. >> thank you sarah. i think that i would like to suggest that we take some time to incorporate some of these suggestions and comments into the document and come back in
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september. in that time also we can reach out to other people which is bill and the otc and others to collaborate on a document that is truly comprehensive. so that's my suggestion. >> i just wanted to say something too. thank the three of you on working on resolution. i want to say that i cold hardedly support it. everyday my job -- my day job is to support individuals with develop mental disabilities to live in their home but to find housing most importantly. i can't find any for them. they are living on ssi and there's not a lot you can afford with ssi. forget section 8, those are closed and to echo
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something that howard said about people having to leave their housing. i'm finding them in livermoore and that means that san francisco are leaving from their community. so i support this resolution. thank you. >> thank you. i support it too. housing -- it's key to your whole body of health. for real because if the housing is messed up, i think everything comes out of line on that. okay. is there any more staff, do you have anything? >> carla johnson intern director. i think i support what council member supanich said which is to see the value in the public comment that we heard today and to want to find a way to incorporate that into
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a final resolution that i think could be better than it is right now and i think it's a really beautiful resolution that you've crafted. >> may i please. carla, i would also like to welcome others who are interested to come to our next meeting. i don't know if this would be -- this will be taken up at our executive meeting which is this coming monday or tuesday. from what times? >> 4:00 to 6:00. >> so if you're interested in digging in a little, we'll probably have it on the agenda to take a look at it and discuss more. so i welcome everybody to come to that. that's it. >> yes, we have our executive meeting this coming tuesday and
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it is hold in room 421 on the 4th floor here at city hall. public, you are welcome and i just want to say thank you guys for coming out and giving us a whole bunch of other information we need. we will bring this back later. i really appreciate everyone for coming out and talking on this. we're going to see that there's no public comment. staff, we're going to move onto the next item which is item number 9. 8, sorry. information report of the disability disaster preparedness committee and golden guardian exercise which took place on may 15, 2013. presentation by council member chip and denise.
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>> thank you. >> the disability disaster preparedness committee on or the ddcp met on friday july 5th, 2013. attendieses were city agencies, community based organization and the general public. there was a lengthy and detailed discussion about the recent golden guardian exercise in may. several topics were covered and some conclusions made. a good number of disabled people participated in the exercise acting as shelter resident in the after math of a destructive disaster. people described their experiences acting as disaster victims showing up at the shelter for help and they had a wide variety of reactions from shelter workers and different experiences dur the exercise. people using
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wheelchairs had difficulty maneuvering through registration tables and there just wasn't enough room and there wasn't enough room between cots for wheelchair users to get by. several disabled shelter resident after registration were taken to a cot and they never saw another worker again. no one came to assess their needs if anyone and no one provided any information whatsoever. a request from asl interpreter fell on deaf ears for a lack of better terms, that request went unfilled. one person using a wheelchair with multiple needs was told she would have to be transferred to a medical facility where her needs were met. she wasn't given a choice or was able to find a care taker person to help meet her
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needs. a woman who was legally blind had a good experience at the shelter. she was listened to and her needs were met and given a tour so she would know where the foods and bathrooms were. several other people thoug the intake process went well, but after words they were shown a cot and left to their own devices and didn't know how to get their emotion and physical needs met. given the blunders that occurred, it's obvious we need to do more educational exercises with the red cross. our observers noticed it was difficult to stand by and watch these happening to folks with disabilities and it was a concern that people with hidden disabilities wouldn't have their needs met without an advocate present. the human services agency department
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operation center or doc was open as part of the exercises. participanted at that location mentioned there wasn't enough information come to go the doc. at the end of the day, they weren't sure which sheltered had open and the status of those shelters were. there weren't adequate procedures in place so their information would flow from the sheltser manager to the red cross and the county doc. the emergency operation center or eoc is the city's command center. participants here felt under utilized and they were accessible issues for wheelchair people as well. it was accomplished at the meeting. one, attending the after action review meeting which occurred on the 17th. the commit fee thought it wise to have someone from the mod or the mdoc to be a guest speaker
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at a red cross monthly meeting. finally a member of the mod mayor's office on disability will meet with a red cross representative about the experience that people with disabilities had at the exercise. there was a short discussion about establishing a standard operating procedure check list for sheltering for the disabled. included in that list was items was insuring minor children and what to do with [inaudible] that arrived and determining the special needs of the shelter. a more comprehensive information will be accomplished. they heard the presentation on the role of social immediate in a disaster. we went to text or multimedia shared on on online environment
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such as a blog, forecast or forum. social network is the ablth of socializing in an online community and using facebook, twitter or you tube. social media imbed in each posting. during recent disasters people have posted photos and videos to online communities. this information along with the imbedded stamps allows relief workers to make charts of the affected areas and see where the greatest needs lie. there are challenges to using social media with those with disables. folks with visible impairment, and dyslexia and other learning disables may have difficulties. we have software available for the visual impairs and facebook is having its captioning ability and translating into different languages. this is
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helpful . right now there's no standard on social media for a disaster and further work is needed. the next ddpc meeting is on friday september 6th in room 421 at city hall from 1:30 until 3:30 p.m. please join us. thank you. >> thank you. is there any questions? council members? staff? okay. thank you very much. chip. we're going to go on the next item which is item number 9. is there any public comment? i'm sorry. i'm getting it down packed. i'll
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be rolling by september. thank you. >> good afternoon council. i'm ben and i'm the emergency response coordinator for the human services agency and i'm a member of the ddpc. we have heard the issues that have happen at golden guardian and i know members of mod and my agency are taking this very seriously. unfortunately members of the red cross aren't here. this is something that they definitely need to hear and will be hearing. one of the things that i do want to point out to the group about the way that we structured golden guardian was that at the sheltered location, it was a training for city disaster service workers from my agency to be trained in the red cross model on how to be a shelter worker. there are several
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levels of staff at the shelter and we're training to the basic level. the incident that we have talked to chip and other members of the mod about -- came from staff members within the red cross. so that is definitely a concern. it's being addressed. and additionally my responds to shelter -- when there's a disaster that will displace low income people from their housing, so such as a residential fire, if we open up a shelter here in the city, i'll make sure that i am at the shelter and i'm making sure that the needs of the most vulnerable residents are being addressed and we are doing so in a culturally confident linguisticly manner. so i appreciate the work that you
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folks have done. i share your concerns. we are moving forward and in september we are doing a tabletop exercise with the math care group for the city and county of san francisco that's going to be including mod and we'll have -- its going to be a tabletop exercise where we present several is a -- scenario and we're going to sit down with them and make sure the issues with those with disabled will be addressed. if you have questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> are there any further comments? no. we're going to move onto information item number 9. summary report of upcoming 2014 and 2015 ada barrier removal facilities and status of current projects.
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presentation by john paul scott, deputy director for physical access, mayor's office on disability. >> thank you chair and council members. so this is my yearly update. we have an approved budget. what i'm going to do is for some of you who are new and haven't heard this presentation before is go over in general and very quickly what is our ada transition and talk about the big picture funding for the next fiscal years and go into specific projects that are being funded in this cycle. as you may know we have a plan that was dated in 2004, a dopted by the board of supervisors in 2007 and that is coordinated with the city's yearly capital process. that way we're at the table to be
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able to ask funding from the directors and the mayor's office and the board of of supervisors. it has moved into a two year cycle. it used to be yearly. our ada transition plan is to remove barriers within the city's buildings and facilities where we provide programs to the public. there are more than 600 facilities. these were surveyed back in 1999, 2000. and then from that we distilled which projects needed to have specific attention where, say, other departments such as the library were fully funded for building renovations and repairs through bond work. we pecked up the projects that weren't -- be picked up the projects that weren't going to benefit from
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those capital programs. so our goal is -- the ada transition plan is a uniform physical access strategy. it is a list of proposed design and construction projects, not program access. its goal is to do better than the minimum requirements of the ada and have accessible services through the facilities and opportunities for accessible employment. we do have an exception and that's the recreation and parks department which has over 40 sites and of course they've had over $700 million with the bond and gifts to renovate many of their facilities and that program is ongoing with the 2012 clean and safe parks bond. enter price departments are responsible for
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conducting ada improvements in their facilities like the library or mpa or the airport. that is where the bulk of the improves have occurred in the last 20 years. approximately $4 million in construction has occurred since the ada was passed and i'm not talking housing and streets and public right away. i'm talking about buildings. in this fund -- this funding has come from many sources, bonds, other mechanisms and from the general fund. mod, ada transition plan is a safety net. it catches projects that aren't going to be -- that aren't otherwise benefiting from those bond funds. let's see. our plan has -- had more than 55 projects. some of these have multiple sub projects like san francisco general hospital where we're doing 24 to 21
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different sets of toilets and we have to space that project out into almost 15 building permits where we cannot do all the work at once. we have to be careful not to disrupt the operation of the hospital. we've done 15 medical clinics throughout the city. we are making improvements to three others at san francisco general hospital which were fully funded and we've got the permits from the state to do that work. we are currently doing work in four of the community art centers which i'll talk about those in a minute. we've done work in more than 10 other civic buildings including this building. and many of our projects we have to break apart in multiple years because we don't want to overburden of the funds and the capital program. we want to get our fair share, but not break the system. so
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in that way also we can be more strategic and ask for the design funding in one year and be able to do intelligent planning and get proper estimates than to ask for the construction funding the following year and if it's a very big project, just break it into two fiscal years of funding. so to date we have received 33 million $3,380,085,204 of funding, not including curb ramps and sidewalks. our original plan was $21 million. for fy 2013, that's january 2013 this month to june 2014, we are receiving 7 million $7,147,005. usually our funding was in about $4 million range, so we're doing
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very good this year in the years where we had the economic crisis. we were down to 2.5 million. for fiscal year 2015 from july 31 to june 16, we're received 4 $4,450,000. we'll have another funding request in fy 17 but it's much smaller because we're expecting to sunset off projects especially as we open up the new san francisco general hospital. so our total plan as it is today, i might ask for more, i always do is 46 million 1 hundred $46,177,371 which is really good. as i said we're looking to complete construction in 2016 especially as we're
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gearing up for the san francisco general hospital. that's a whole set of work that will happen at san francisco general. so now i'd like to go into the specific projects which are funded for the next two fiscal years. for the department of public health our funding is 5 $5,000,585,000. all of our work inside of the san francisco general hospital is completely funded by believe combrus years. so with this money, we're rebuilding the building nine entry court yard and ramp. we just finished building one entry ramp and this is parked -- planned to create an access infrastructure across the three blocks of the campus that's inside so you don't have to come out on patrell avenue. we're putting in a new ramp into building three and the car auditorium
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which is our main assembly space for public hearing. we're doing a study for a new pedestrian entry from patrell and 21st because right now you have to walk on the side of the block to get into 8090 or go upstairs or up a vehicle ramp and that's where the bulk of the clinics are in that building cluster. at lagoona honda, we're adding a ramp to the exterior court of the building. it's a ceremonial space but it's a place where they do outdoor gathering for the residents that live at that facility. we're doing ramps, sidewalks, hearing rooms and other improvements at 101 grove where we have the clinic, especially the rear sidewalk. i don't know if you've seen the hatch there. we've done the
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curb ramp. we got the final funding for the san francisco std clinic on 7th street and also for the elevator installation at the maxiseen health clinic. these jobs are designed and in drawing as we speak. we have the final funding for the renovation at the elevator and the elevator rehabilitation process in the homes. that's a $6 million project. building 8090 building and we had elevators that was in critical need of renovation and that project is $4 .2 million. our 8090 elevators, we have our building permits and we certified the contract last week so we're
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happy. yay! for the arts commission, the council made priorities as to which project should we do first and which should come later down the pike and obviously public health and human services were important. it's hard to do work inside of san francisco general hospital so we knew we had a long ark of projects there. we finished up our projects in civic buildings so we're moving into the arts commission chlts we've done work at the african american cultural center and we're finishing up at the second floor restroom in the children's area and we're working on the mission cultural center for latina arts and some arts which is in south market. we received the design funding last year so these next two years, we obtained the construction funding. last
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year, by the way, we received $600,000 to help fund the bay view opera house renovation and they're received another million dollars of the general fund this year for the outdoor plaza. this is one of the projects where we lever ourselves and we put money on the table where very a $4 million project. this is the case with the clinic. they created a $3 million -- we're trying to be smart with lever ageing with other departments and we've had good relations with the department of public health. another project that we're funding this year is some -- ada transition plan at the
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youth guidance center. this one fell off radar. we thought it was taken care of it and it turned out it wasn't done to our expectation so we did the master planning for the ada transition plan for the building and this upcoming year we're receiving $400,000 to do all the design construction drawings and cost estimating in contracts and then $2 million to do the actual construction work next fiscal year. but at present we're spending $600,000 in this building to renovate the elevators because they're in bad shape and also to put in a wheelchair lift at the front entry which has a set of stairs. they come up this steep ramp into the entry lobby. go figure. we've been
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assisting the department with access ability improvements out of the law cabin ranch for boys and we're not having to put in money, we're putting in our expertise and we've guided the construction crews to make their dorms and the restrooms and the gym accessible and that's being done by our department of public work staff at bbr. for the human service agency, as i said we did work for them earlier in the project, but we're coming back with $200,000 for next fiscal years to do maintenance of accessible futures at three homeless shelter. that work is undefined. we'll go in there and make an assessment as to what we need to do to polish these facilities and get them back in shape and hopefully that will be enough funds for
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