tv [untitled] August 13, 2013 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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and scoped. and that is in the planning phase and we think that we will be in construction of march of 2015. joe demagio and i think that you are familiar and we held off on the design design awaiting the out come of the challenge and so on and so we are now in the design of that hope to be done next month with that. and begin the construction in march of 2015, balboa park has undergone the significant renovation already with the trust for public land and we have done the fields there and the playground has been redone and these are focused primarily on the pool building. and we expect to begin the planning phase for that project
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late this year. the playground and relatively a small site. and we expect to begin the planning early next year and hopefully be in the complete design in october and start construction in 17 and be open to the public in 2017 in spring of 2018 and i should mention to you that what we tried to do is keep our capitol staff is funded by our bond program and so, you will see this bleed of 2008 projects overlapping with 2012 projects and if we are lucky enough to have a bond approved moving into it is weather, 2018, type of projects, so that we keep our staffing levels consistent, so that in addition to the way that the bonds are issued by the office of public finance and the board of supervisors,
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it contributes to our phasing of the projects and the sunset project is currently in planning. and we expect to begin construction in the spring of 2015. and the scope and i hope that you have on the side and the scope on the sides and why i am not going into too much detail and hope that we can answer the questions as to how we arrived at that. >> mountain lake park this is a project close to supervisor ferrill's heart and the community has raised the money to redo the playground and we are leveraging them with bond dollars and this is the first project out of the gate of the 2012 bond and we are pretty excited about having something so quickly for the bond. >> garfield square is another one of our pools. we have 9 pools in this system. at the end of this bond, all of
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our pools will have been upgraded. and will have been touched between the 2000 bond and our 2008 and and this bond and which is important for the public to have a nice facility and also for the department in terms of maintenance and energy usage associated with those facilities. >> the recreation center and there is a playground that you probably might even know exists if you are facing the rec center. and actually much smaller, and old, and the play grounds to the right and so we be upgrading that and begin the programs for the use of that site in a few years, in 2015. margaret hayward, spoke about briefly, this is a complex site
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for us and really exciting, the site as you may know is really choped up right now. and there are buildings in the middle and there is a trailer that was actually never intended to be a permanent building and it has been there for i believe 25 years. and the usable life of it is essentially gone, however it houses a lot of the infrastructure for the department of emergency management and so this is going to be a very interesting and challenging project for the department to navigate how we address the department of emergency management issues not just the infrastructure in terms of all of the technology but the requirements around the perimeter and there is always secure it and all of those pieces will be layered on to obviously what the public and the community are interested in seeing out of that site. so we actually are working on that now, but all of the work is internal at this point and then plan to go out to the community, and start community
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conversations in the summer of 2015. and this is a playground that i don't think that there is a spec of green on it. so we are really excited about greening that playground and reno renovating it and we will begin the conversation in 2015 with the hope of being open to the public by 2018. >> the project for the planning excuse me, for the gilman playing project has already begun and we expect the design to be complete by 2014. and i should just let you know that the way that i went through the community design process but after we have an agreed upon design from the community, that is when we bring the designs to our
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commission. and they will take the public comment and they get community from the operation's staff and then they actually approve the design and at that point, is when we have to have our environmental document from your staff. so, as we move through that process we will keep the planning staff informed as to the changes in scope. >> wrapping up the neighborhood park projects the potrero hill recreation center which is a $4 million project, and we begin planning in the summer of 2015. so the playground, we hope to begin the planning in the fall of 2015. this is an 8 and a half million dollar project as you may know there is a pool on the site as well. and hence the large dollar value there and our goal is to have that facility reopened to the public in the fall of 2018.
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>> we found ourselves and one of the things that we strive for in putting together a bond is geographic equity. and as i know that have you heard about at this commission, through the transbay hearings and other hearings, we have a birth of open space in the six and there is not a lot of recreation and parks open space and there is new space being created not, although much of it will not be under the jurisdiction of our department and so this is alone and one of the two spots in district six and right out of here in the tender loin, in the straight forward project and we begin to plan in the summer. south park began as a community driven project and we worked with the supervisor to include in our bond they were originally slated to be at $185
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million, under the plan. and working with the stake holders and understanding our need which is over a billion dollars in the entire system and we raised the cap of the bond a little bit and added the south park which is currently in the planning phase and which we hope will be in construction this time next year. >> and i think that is it, i am happy to answer any questions that you may have about our projects >> thank you. that is a very good comprehensive but quick overview. i actually can't recall what commissioner requested this, but i think that it was a great idea that we had this overview. as many of the projects that we see are city wide and getting a feel for how wide of a scope your impact in the city is important. and so maybe there are some questions, commissioner antonini, thank you for a nice report and wonderful job with the playground at lafayette where my grandchildren have discovered it and like it.
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on another subject, i know that there are only five million dollars towards you call it water conservation but it really should be, you know, irrigation when we call it. >> because i remember years ago, in the 90s, if the memory serves me right, we passed a bond issue for golden gate park and the idea was to build a reservoir in the sunset heights and get enough pressure to have the sprinkler system like every other municipality has for the parks and save the labor of the gardening dragging the hoses around and having to go out and every day remembering to water and the money got spent in other places and we never got it. and we did not have the bond oversight committee, and commission in those days. and that was one of the reasons that we have that but it would seem to me, that if not in this bond issue, because i know that you have got it ear marked for other things but there should be something, because it only makes sense fortunate enough to have lawns at my home in the city here and you know not huge, but large enough that i can see the results of putting
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a new sprinkler system in on a timer you use half the water and you do it every day and it looks really great and you know, so i would encourage you to look into that issue. and on that same subject, i don't know and i know that you have hearings about with, the subject, about how parks are going to be restored, but this idea of putting the bent grass in a lot of places, you know, it grows tall and it is supposed to stop at a certain place and i guess that the advantage is that it uses less water and does not have to be mowed and it is a great place to collect the tokens and i got rid of the juniper around my house for that very reason because you had to go out and dig through this every day and it supports weeds more easily and i think that we should rethink that. and maybe, you can find a way that that can be mowed or maintained in a better manner. you can see how raty it can be get a sunset boulevard, which
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is a project that has not gone to it and i would hope that you take a good look at that and finally, i don't know what is going on at west sunset. and you brought up some things, but some years back, there was an offer that was made to my knowledge from an adjoining institution a college to work with staoet and do the maintenance and restore the baseball and perhaps the soccer field and something did not work out and they ended up putting the money into the daily city and pacific where they have the fields that they are maintaining and serve as the public parks and they are not exclusive for the usage and i hope that we can work with the private institutions in the future so that we can maintain the fields in better condition. >> those are just the general comments but i think that if we can look into more effective
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ways of irrigation, because you see the nice parkways and parks everywhere else and we seem to have a problem maintaining ours. >> absolutely, and thank you for acknowledging that. >> some of our infrastructure is aged and we have been fortunate enough to be the beneficiary of a couple of gifts in golden gate and including one from the late warren homeland and to put the irrigation into the hollow and the meadow and that is one of our priorities from the perspective and just to layer on top of that, there are now requirements from the state level when you up great the irrigation to start implementing the recycled water which brings in a host of challenges as well. and that is definitely on our radar screen and thank you for acknowledging it. >> thank you. >> commissioner moore? >> thank you, for your presentation, it is very interesting to hear what the ix tent of your responsibilities are which begs the question, and in the 2012 bond, is the
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money being spent on the large open spaces just *f like in the plaza which is under your jurisdiction that seems to be in need of serious repair in a number of areas and i will not try the issue as to whether it needs to be redesigned, and i don't think that it is a good moment to talk about that. >> on another note, as we all know, and participated in the remissioning of the eastern neighbored and the interpretation of how we look at market octavia regarding the genderation and the open spaces and what plans are you pursuing to take the stewardship and leadership? establishing and taking new open spaces under your umbrella. and and just a couple of questions, because we find ourselves just a few minutes ago, in criticism, of not really be able to participate successfully in that discussion. >> i can answer both of those
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briefly and then perhaps we can continue the discussion, and the plaza is not a 2012 project and i think that we acknowledge that there are issue theres that we should address in the future issuance and in terms of the new open space and in terms of the open space, fund, and it is 25 cents of every 100 dollars, of the valuation of the property tax comes to the department and is there a portion of that is set aside into the acquisition fund, and specifically for the purpose of acquiring new property. and we have what is the those are the dollars that we purchased to 17 and parcel from the pec from and we revamped our acquisition criteria and i am having to show those with the department in by a year long process. with the park recreation and open space advisory xlitty and adopted by our commission in
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terms of all of the criteria that we will need it to meet in order to purchase it and obviously some of those things are most importantly is the open space within a short walking distance and we used the metric of a half mile and much of this is also reflected in the general plan and we are currently in conversation about a couple of parcels. and two parcels in particular in india basin. to connect that and i am not... and i don't know if you are familiar with the area but there is haren park out there and a couple of parcels, and one is in bankruptcy and there are others that we are talking and to other people about and we have to have a willing seller. and the other thing that i will add to that, and the open space task force that i mentioned earlier and is a challenging spot for us and i am working with her staff and to identify
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parcels of interest for the department to purchase. >> just want more on your plate. as we are looking to identifying the city with the aback discussions being in full swing, i hope that a lot of you currently have a lovely distribution system of open spaces in the city, that we look ahead. and not lower the open space per capita, which is really the measure and the metrics that are successful to the development and the open spaces and that we stay abreast for the need of it and to be ahead of the curve because i do not want to purchase of the opportunity sides and the driver to ak youcysings and forsite for planning to place those open spaces in locations where there are of the benefit to the most. and where they are creating distribution relative to density and type of population,
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which has a look into the future creates a broad and equitable way of how we can have the people participate in the open space and i do think that the health of the future is one which has sufficient and a lot of open space. >> commissioner sugaya? >> continuing on that note. i would hope that supervisor kim in 60 6 is look taking a look at all of the current building plans and direction that the department is looking at, with respect to the south of market and the central corridor plan because there is going to be an increased amount of density going in there and we are already seeing some of the earlier high-rises that were already approved coming on-line. and there is going to be more in the future and if you have heard, john aberling i think that there is a real concern in the south of market area about the relationship, not only will
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the office buildings, but the apartment and condo buildings that are coming on-line. and more to come i understand. the other question that i had is with respect to the bond measures are strictly capitol improvement oriented and can't be used for mate nens and operations. and maybe we could get some idea in the future and the continued capitol improvements. and new open spaces. that will come on line, and the ability and maintain in the adequate fashion, and it is triggered about the fashion that it is now called park now. and it is not a strange relationship, but it was some what controversial because it was not the conventional and we
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will turn it over to the city and they can maintain it and now we have the kopt versecy i guess and can't read everything and can't believe everything in the papers. but with the transbay and the elevated park and who is responsible for it and not responsible for it. it seems to be in public's eye so to speak. >> and i appreciate with increased property comes the increased maintenance burden and frankly more money for us to be able to do our jobs. and it would appreciate the acknowledgment of that. >> i wanted to thank sarah to coming in and we were trying to establish an earlier involvement for planning in the parks and there have been issues that come up under the parks that are historying resources and so we are trying to improve that process.
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and i think that we are doing a better job of kind of flagging the issues earlier, than we did in the past. and i think that the point about new open space with new development and growing areas is one of those things that we are very much aware of. the transbay plan besides the roof top park has five or six acres of new park land that is proposed. it is not clear yet if rec park will be the owner or the operator of any of those parks but it is still a possibility and i think that is something that we want to engage in if we go ahead. and the good news is that the projects like that, the density and the impact fees do generate a fair amount of money to actually build those parks but the maintenance does become an issue, with respect to the roof top park and the transbay and what is discussed is the community benefit and still the business improvement district that i guess, that would pay for it and it was in the paper was this discussion about who
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should be which owners will be part of that district or not. and i think that we are in the middle of those discussions with the mayor's office and others on that but there is the expectation that the collection of owners will pay for the main nens of that park. but the future parks, clearly is an issue and as we add to the open spaces of the city, we really need to collectively figure out how we not only build the park but maintain them and it is a big issue and we cannot use the impact fees, and just like we cannot use the bond funds, we cannot use the impact fees and so that increases our challenge. >> if i may just to speak to the commissioner moore's question, our commission has asked that i work with your staff to present to them, the overview of the neighborhood plans and the impact fees associated with those. and so that they can understand your role in establishing the open space and where it will
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come on line and we will report back to you about how that hearing goes. and i think that we have an interest in discussing this collectively. >> commission moore. >> i want to make a comment about maintenance it is not just the increased number of people who are using the certain parks but it is the addition of a significantly larger amount of dogs. with the rental buildings now allowing for the dogs and i don't have anything against the dogs, they are cute and foun to watch because many of the parks are small and then have the play areas and there is a significant area of conflict and health issues and most people and have done everything, and most kind of take care and it still does not address the issue that there are residual health effects right after your dog and the effects still remains in some form and it is not conducive to having children who stick
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everything in their mouths but there is a line by which the dog's owner are supposed to be on that side and they are cute and enjoy them. i do to an extent but there is something in there that i consider to be unresolved. >> you think that is a fair assessment we. have 37 off-leash dog play areas in the system. the entire system allows on leash dogs, which is actually pretty rare for a urban park system. the only place that they are not allowed is in the children's play areas which are fenced. there was a conversation with the dog advisory council in the 90s that worked for years to come up with a program and there are challenges and it is something that we have to face with any new parks that come on line. >> there is one other thought to think about and whether it was a licensing fee or something like that. but there has to be i think, something has to give. as fun as it is to watch, as
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there are other consequences which i am not comfortable. >> >> the great to see the two departments working together and i think that this is a conversation that they are interested in. i will add one more department to it xh is i saw a presentation from bph and they have the sustainable index and i saw a interesting heat map of the need of open space and it not only looked up proximity but also the size of that but it is no surprise to anyone that the entire east side of the city was red meaning that there is a great, great, need and i think that it is great to think about the future developments and the need for existing space. >> thank you for the presentation it was great. >> and we are going to talk about the need to renovate the fields and the additional fields. and in kind of putting aside that it is the first grass got
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all of the city fields foundation, and is that an ongoing relationship with the city, on renovating new fields in >> we have two fields left in that program, commissioner. the field that the beach tell a which you are all familiar with. and then, we are about to award a contract for the field that (inaudible) the completion of the project with the city field foundation which is a private partnership and no new turf fields contemplated in our system at this point. we do get some marginal benefit depending on the field. and and the new turf for example, the west sunset. and if you recalled and the conversations was the study of the off site alternative for that site. and it gave us the increase necessary, because the west sunset is a great field and it actually dries easily and up on that hill and it drains and the
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first field to open up after rain and there is a complex rubric that makes it worth that investment but that program, will be wrapped up when the levy is completed and the goal of that program was to meet the need as identified in the assessment that was in 2007 and when we complete it, we will have met that need. >> we have the growing need in the growth port. more to come. >> you know, are there opportunities for new fields obviously you need a lot of open space to build soccer fields, the port project at 337, and i thought which is being adjacent to the ballpark would be a good place for the fields or even 3032, i don't know if you can work it in there or if you are planning to build the fields. >> the candle stick redevelopment has a ton of fields and you are probably more familiar with the details of that and we spoke about when it comes to that point, using
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our permitting process. we actually have worked pretty hard over the last decade in particular, to really stream line the permitting process for the agent athletic fields and make it efficient and i think that our concern of these different things pop up throughout the city and whether they do the redevelopment and office of investment property or is that the system of allocating them, first and foremost to use to send them to schools works well. and so the women that i am aware of or that we are aware of, is candle stick where there are a fair amount of fields and i don't know much of the contemplated. >> they struggled to keep the field that they had and i think that rec park has or is more focused on some kind of active recreation and the redevelopment and the developed fields and developed open space in the mission bay and the ports.
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>> and the processes, and it would be good. and that is a large open space. >> i don't think that it has fields that are incourted and it is not active where you look at your parks. >> right. >> commissioner antonini? >> yeah. a suggestion on that subject, i know that mcclarin park has a lot of acres and only a small part of it is due to active usage and most of it is uninproved and that might be the site where more fields could be put in and the city already owns it and it might be a benefit and make the park more welcoming. >> it is one of the major goals is to activate that space. >> thank you. >> and then, on the dogs issue, i know that we have spent a lot on creating these dog runs and unrelist tick to expect someone who goes to the park not to bring their dog with them and allow them to rom p around.
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but for parks, that are areas that are planted areas that are not recreational areas, it would be good to keep the dogs off of there for a possibility if that can be possible if it just makes the maintenance even harder, if there are no areas, where the people are allowed to go on them any way, it would be good that they don't let their dogs on there too. and finally, we have heard for years, that i forget these numbers and that we had 90 gardeners and now we have 35. and i am just throwing out the numbers and i am not sure how accurate those are. the point is that we have a lot fewer gardeners than we did at one time for the parks. >> and the question for outsourcing make sense to me because no one will be losing jobs and we don't have enough people to do the work as it is. and if you employ somebody on the outside, they can do it a lot less cost, if you don't have to pay the benefits and all of the other things and it is the possibility of the firm
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that brings in the help, and obviously, we would like to have the money to hire more gardeners back and there is a limit to that. and we were able to add, i believe that it was about 25 gardeners, through our budget last year and this year. >> that is good. >> we are working on increasing that number. >> commissioner borden? >> thank you, for this report. and again, it is great to know that you are working with the planning staff and i support many of the comments and my commissioners have made, could you talk about your how early you are getting to the arts commission because i serve on the civic design review and i know that is a challenge because they have a three step process in which they do the reviews of projects which can delay the design process and i want to know how soon you are getting to them. and it depends on the project and so we interact with the two silos. and one is all of the projects
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