tv [untitled] August 15, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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~ allegiance. [inaudible]. >> i want to welcome everybody back. i hope it was a restful and productive summer. we're looking forward to the first day of school next week. i'd also like to welcome our new student delegate, mr. cooper logan. he was elected through youth vote -- oh, yes, he was elected through youth vote. and our interim sac delegate an gentlemen lin a wei is out of town and she will join us at the next board meeting august 27. we're on item a, approval of the board minutes. may i hear a motion and second on the regular meeting minutes of june 11 and july 2nd and august 6 of 2013? >> i so move. >> is there a second? >> second. >> thank you. are there any corrections?
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seeing none, roll call, please, [speaker not understood]. >> thank you. in the last two meetings, anderxerctiontion, the second and the sixth were special meeting. >> thank you. >> ms. bueler? [speaker not understood] ms. wynns? thank you. and ms. norton? >> yes. >> all right. item b, presentations to the board of education from the superintendent. mr. superintendent carranza. >> thank you, president norton, and you haven't lost that rolling of the rs, very good. so, good evening, everyone. i have some extended thoughts this evening to kickoff the school year. but needless to say, i and the rest of the staff are very excited for the start of the new school year. a few weeks ago we welcomed back our administrators and this week we welcome all of our teachers back to educating our students and collaborating with their colleagues in preparation for a great school year. we are not starting the school year with a lot of -- we're
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starting the school year with a lot of strong systems in place to support our students and teachers and we have multi-tiered system of support so that our schools know what it means to have support from a central perspective and our teachers who have the greatest need are getting the modethv services in those communities that have the greatest needs. as the year progresses, we will share more and more information and more details about just how our approach is rolling out. we also have a refreshed strategic plan for 2013-2015 and i'm holding up a copy. these are available out in the foyer and they're also available here at the district building. it's called impact learning, impact lives. and this is really a continuation of the beyond the talk, which was adopted by the board in 2008. but this plan outlines our theory in action. and it remains unsaid that we remain committed to our goals of access and equity, student achievement, and accountability from beyond the talk. while our vision and
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aspirations remain unchanged, we know now and we now want to share our strategy for our next chapter of the work. for the first time the board will use indicators of students' academic success and well-being as part of my evaluation, the superintendent's evaluation. the plan offers clarity as to what each of us can do at every level of the organization to support the instructional core. there is a coherent connection from what the board room, what's decided in the board room to what happens in the classroom. what the district and central office needs are and what they will provide to schools and what schools need to do to provide classrooms and the classrooms what they will do in order to ensure student learning. our plan communicates the san francisco unified school district 6 strategies for success which the board and i will continue to discuss over the course of this year. and for the next two academic years it outlines the prank practices which we aim to embody in the classroom ~, in
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schools, in the central office, and in the board room to meet our goals. there will be more information about this strategic refreshed strategic plan, but it provides clarity to our theory of action and our approach that we utilize to implement beyond the talk. with our new quality improvement system, an updated strategic plan in our district has clearly articulated an accountability system and a set of strategies that will help us reach our goals of student achievement and access inequity. the school quality improvement system, which may be known to those of you out in the public as the waiver of no child left behind, i want to be clear, we're not waiving accountability. what we're doing is waiving outdated archaic system to a more refined enlightened system which we in san francisco have been practicing now for a number of years. the system will help us to continue our ongoing commitment to focus our entire district on the goal of preparing every student for college and career. it will also measure school
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performance in a variety of ways that collectively indicate a students are being prepared for college and career. namely, it will foster a culture professional collaboration and continual improvement among teachers, school staff, parents and students. it also supports students that they can thrive academically, emotionally and socially. and it also will help us to accelerate our district transition to the common core state standards which will improve the way we teach and learn in ways that significantly prepare students better for college and career and participatory democracy in the 21st century. we will be sharing more information about just what this means for our community and we think the community will be just as excited as we are. last thursday the state announced statewide star test results including the results for san francisco unified school district. while the majority of california districts saw a decrease in student achievement, the san francisco unified school district held its own. this year proficiency rates in
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math continued to improve with a growth of 1.6% in grades 2 through 11, which makes us among the 10 largest school systems in california, one of the school systems with the highest growth in math. approximately 69% of our students scored proficient or above in math. when grades 2 through 7 and end of the year courses like algebra gentlemen onlitry are combined distance gains in math showed modest ip crease of .2% with a proficiency rate of 57%. student proficiency on the california standards test, cst and english language arts remains over 60%, leading the state. there was a slight decrease of less than half a percentage point compared to last year. however, when compared to other school districts in california, they saw greater decreases in student achievement. this was not an uncommon occurrence over the state. when looking at student
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achievement, i want to remind our constituents that the most informative per fewspeculative is to see trends and how students perform over time. ~ perspective not just one year of growth. it is important to note our students made significant gains in english over the past five years and a positive growth trend continues in math. we will continue to analyze these results. i can guarantee you there are many and deep conversations happening in every one of our school sites, in our departments, and we will continue to share the results as well as other important measures of student achievement and well-being and learn from them so that we can all improve. our school site leaders are actively looking at their data and will engage with their communities to understand how students are doing academically and socially, emotionally at every one of their schools. the percent of students proficient in our school district and the comparison of rates from last year to this year remain higher than the state in both ela and math.
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and i'd personally like to thank every individual that touches the students' life because they're the ones that are responsible for these gains in student achievement. so, to our paraprofessionals, our classified staff, our teachers, our administrators and all of those support staff that touch our students' lives, thank you. you're keeping our students on a track to academic achievement. finally, i would like to again welcome back all of our teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators this week as we prepare to welcome all of our students this coming monday, august 19th. so, let me repeat that. monday, august 19th is the first day back for all students. for all students as was mentioned in my article today in one of our local newspapers, all students should begin to get on a school regimen of getting to bed early, rising early. [laughter] >> getting a good breakfast, and getting prepared for school. we are actively waiting to see you walk through our doors.
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thank you to everyone for all you do and your hard work and all that you do to support the children and families in san francisco and our children and families in the san francisco unified school district. welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. >> thank you, mr. superintendent. will you record that message for me to play for some students at my house who need to know that they need to get on a school schedule? because they're staying up too late. >> president norton, i also failed to mention that starting today there are automated row bow calls where i'm calling every family in san francisco in english, spanish, and chinese to welcome you personally back to the school year. >> all right, good. we'll have them answer the phone at our house. i also neglected to acknowledge a couple of people in the audience. i'd like to acknowledge one of our youth commissioners, ms. lilly marshall stricter who i believe is going into her senior year. is that right, lilly? will you wave to everybody?
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she's here visiting our meeting this evening. (applause) >> and mr. judson steel is a new face at the south table, a new board liaison start thing month or a little bit last month. so, welcome. we're glad to have you. (applause) >> and i would be remiss if i did not also acknowledge dr. crawford who we will miss as she goes on to other activities. [laughter] >> greener pastures. i don't know, professor. (applause) >> okay. item c, recognitions and resolutions of commendation, there are none this evening. item d, student delegates report, mr. logan. >> hi, my name is cooper logan and i'm a senior at lowell high school. i'm the youth vote elect student delegate and i'm very excited to serve as a representative for the students this year.
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that safety doesn't meet over the summer, but we have 30 representatives and we're going to get started next week on monday, august 19th. and we're also going to have a retreat on the 24th and 25th, which is next weekend. angelina wei is going to serve until september 9th when the sac holds elections but she's out of town right now and she'll be at the next meeting. this year we also have a new sac coordinator whose name is salvador lopez [speaker not understood] and he's also out of town this evening, but we'll introduce him at the next meeting. >> welcome. all right, item e, the parent advisory council report. i see ms. -- i always do this. is it williams spratt?
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i got it right this time. >> good evening, commissioners, superintendent, families out there listening. and i want to say special welcome to the newest student delegate, you were taking on that position in representing that important voice at these board discussions. so, thank you. this report is a brief update about the work we did over the summer. as we're preparing for the school year, we look forward to working together to continue to close the achievement gap, support student success across the district and to bring parent voices to the board on important key initiatives for the district. traditionally the pact does president meet over the summer, however p-a-c members and staff met about different district initiatives ~. pac members and staff met with a small working group from the family engagement network to help provide feedback and shape
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the core values and standards that support the san francisco unified school district's family engagement vision. these standards were adopted by national research models that provide reflect the diverse population of the district both families and students. and ultimately they support the overall goals of the district of accountability, student achievement, and equity and access. also in that same capacity, the pac is supporting the planning, the outreach, and coordination of the family institute that was scheduled for september 28th, which is saturday coming up. you'll be hearing more as time goes on. so, please save the date. the idea is to bring families, district staff, and community partners together to talk about ways to build capacity, to engage parents throughout the district. in july a couple of new pac
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members with preschoolers participated in a round table discussion that was hosted by the u.s. department of education director of community outreach and communications from the local regional office, joe bayerson. this round table discussion was on the federal initiative preschool for all. and although this initiative was for federal initiative,way trying to do outreach for stakeholders as part of a national outreach to different stakeholders while the initiatives in this formative stages. this put stakeholders group was primarily mono lingual, spanish speaking latino mothers. so, i just wanted to highlight a few of those points that were raised in that round table discussion, although it was not intended for our district, i think there's some value in sharing that and keeping that in mind as we align the pre-k through third approach to education here in our district
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to support student achievement. and those points are that location is key for pre-k programs. many of these mothers don't drive and, so, it was to stress the importance of being able to either walk to pre-k programs that are in the neighborhood or that are easily accessible by transportation, especially when they have to take their other school age children to school sites and get them there in a timely manner. bilingual pre-k programs are highly desirable. these parents stress the importance of wanting to have the home language supported while their children are still receiving english language development instruction. and the last point that i really want to highlight is the special education expertise is important, that they really felt like it was important for pre-k staff to be trained and familiar with special education services so that students who needed additional service could be identified early enough to get them linked up to services as soon as possible.
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several pac members and their families participated in the first phase of the district's initiative on the redesigning the food experience here in the district. several pac members and their families participated in june on the workshops where they gave feedback on the concepts that are being developed around how to improve the food experience. and in july, several of the students themselves actually participated in the co-design of the new experience at the both the middle school and high school levels and this process allowed greater -- for them to build on the idea of these concepts and also to have a greater active role and also provided increased student leadership opportunities the way that this model projected itself. several of our pac families, children are actually featured in the radio that is on the website of the district under student attritional services which is a great video.
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and finally, just wanted -- one of the things that came out of our year-end evaluation was that we want to increase our visibility across the district. there are still several families who are not familiar that the pac even exists. to that end we're looking at how we can expand our out reach and visibility. we'll be participating in the annual back pack give away at the bayview hunters point, b magic organization is response oring this coming saturday from 11 to 3:00 p.m.. we'll have an information table there. at the same time we have a questionnaire ~ that we present. it's about home to school connection, about communication -- best way to communicate with parents. so, we've been collecting that information. and we're hoping to do our outreach there. we've also been looking at redesigning our own website to promote the work we do, increase our visibility as well as our outreach across the district to other families that
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we haven't been able to reach. and finally, we're preparing for our first meeting of the year which is scheduled for wednesday, august 28th, and we look forward to welcoming superintendent carranza who will be attending that first meeting and welcoming our newest pac members as well as our experienced leaders who will be returning. so, thank you. any questions? >> yes, [speaker not understood]. >> thank you very much for that very thorough report. i'd just like to know for the september 28th family engagement institute whether you have a time and location yet. >> we're looking at that right now. it's possibly -- that is being negotiated right now. i don't want to say what it is. ruth [speaker not understood] is the one kind of spearheading that, office of family and community engagement. and she's been coordinating the collaborative working group through the family engagement network to help make sure that the planning has community based organizations calendars' in mind, school staff calendars in mind. that was the date that came up
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there was any particular conflicts. ~ there wasn't any particular conflicts. >> thank you very much for your report. we will now move on to item f, which is public comment on consent items. i have four cards all concerning 2q c-2 which is on page 39 and 40 of your agenda. as i read your name, please come and line up at the podium. ~ you will each have two minutes to speak. jeantel washington. keith ward, and carl walter [speaker not understood]. hi, good evening. i have a letter addressed to the board that -- >> i'm sorry, your name? sure, my name is carl walter.
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