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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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back down and once is police leave turn it up >> exactly it's a try. it's a college try. >> more than a college try. >> like a nice friendly amendment. >> i was wondering if even the officers would have gone to the complainants home. >> you know a lot of times they ask for a 9089 they would go directly to the source. i ran up all thecarditis and there's some that question a 9089 or an unanimously. when you have an unanimous complaint you're not holding a lot of water like water from new york >> because they would be
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lowering is volume kind of randomly that were exactly so to answer our question if the person claiming wants to meet with the people we would. >> all right. number 5. so we already said that one. that's the friday and saturday to 89 p.m. and all the times inside. >> great. >> right thank you. >> any other clarifying questions or comments. >> yeah. i have one sorry real quickly. are they not open on sunday increase you're open on sunday >> yeah, that's a clerical error. >> so friday and saturday are you friday or friday through
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sunday increase friday through sunday. >> all right. ron or kim or staff wants to say something. >> i have a question about sundays because sundays that baptist ichlz. >> i'm going to open it up for public comment and we have the police. >> i'm trying to move this meeting on. >> i'm inspector keller. myself and officer went to the business on august 6th. i'm asking that you give this premise a continuance because i
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think they have a hard time following any instructions whether from the health department or the abc or business licensing are the abc went out that on march 15th of this year cited them and seized a lot of evidence in regards to olds spirits being served there. they they have is a type of 41 which allows them to serve beer. i guess they have a hard time following directions because we found mixes and tequila and they said the liquor was $5. the business permits it was hard for her to find them they expired on june 30th of this
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year. but later on she showed us a receipt showing they made their business permits okay although they don't have anything posted. they've already been had several visits by the health department and we called the health department and they met us on that day. prior to that day they had over 25 health issues that hadn't been corrected. i will ask for a continuance but i don't think they understand instructions. and i think they need to get all the rest of their business in order before they even have people over for some sort of
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entertainment. >> good evening officer. i believe they're trying to facilitate with the business and the community and helping the business to him come to terms what laws are and conditions as well as the codes. they haven't followed any as inspector keller has described to you. there's two incidents which the abc considers open investigation. beyond that like i said officer is trying to do the connection between the community and the business owners >> i have a question. so is it not true there is a new person running the restaurants and taking care of of the
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alcohol and food? >> the alcohol license was under sanchez. that expired on march 15th when the absence absent went over there and said, you know, who's running it your alcohol license has to be put under the owner of the popcorn owning that restaurants. martha said she would take care of that. i talked to a her on the telephone i toddler to take care of that >> the sanchez is no longer running the alcohol part. >> the food part is being
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leased by marketing. >> they're still returning the alcohol? >> i understand that the new permitted on august 6th shows that sanchez still holds the alcohol license and the other lady is leasing is food part of it so it's kind of a partnership. >> let's clarify this. with staff and with you darcy. so am i given to understand the business changed hands. the business the whole business did the business get sold? the business has changed hands >> the business has changed hands and the business is food and beverage correct? to the business when i changed hands a
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real estate transaction also bought the liquor license? >> no. >> so have you hired margaret sanchez as the caterer alcohol in our premises. >> come on up margaret. >> we applied for a permit as a lesee and i'm the one who services the drinks i have to be there for all the events so i'm also there serving the drinks. the second thing there are not two violations. we serve margaritas. everybody on say pictures was
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completely legal so no problem with that. and there's no problem with the margaritas >> so it's the premix and a yes. the health department came and said there were an emergency but they couldn't find anything. there was no reason why they had to rush over. they renewed the permit so she didn't have it because she didn't get it in the mail yet so those accusations are not true and she told his to close the business down so they lost sales for that day because we didn't think we could be opened by it turn out out everything was fine >> and you have a receipt for your business?
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>> yes. >> we have the business license and we have it and . >> and what's the dates on it? >> renew by may 31st. >> renewed by may this or that. >> and our abc license was not expired. >> it's under sanchez 2013. >> so she can operate the business tomorrow without alcohol. >> i sell alcohol when i'm there. >> do you have a 41 do you have a catering permit? >> no, we have a license. >> if you're in the venue but if you're not a member of the
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venue and i come in to serve wine or beer you don't need a catering permit. >> that's what i was told. >> she's actually opening the bar under her name but can't sell liquor outside the business. >> yeah, but she sold the business. this is - here's my problem mashth. the last time you came you had a permit but i have issues with people who fudge is system i don't fudge the system because i know the permits are my bread and butter so when someone else does that i have an issue. i would go with a continuance
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because i think it's unclear to me. i'm not sure on a 41 if you can just - you've solid the business you no longer have the right to operate in that space i may be wrong but according to what we - >> the plan would be kind of like you know a bar has a restaurant we would have the events and collaborate with them. >> she sold the business and a right they have the kitchen. >> so i'm not clear and until we get clarity on that i mean, i would be happy to grant them f the permit if they sold food and soft drinks but if there's going
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to be alcohol on the premises i would favor a tennis going forward based on this testimony. >> i think i'd like to is that a motion? >> can i add something. >> sure. >> that's described i verified with her there was no transfer it was actually, they merely entered into a partnership it is in violation of the 41. it wasn't the consideration of the low grade mix there was actually tequila and basically tha was the case it was an all
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tray with the mixing glass a shot measuring for tequila. margaret told her to sell the to adequately for $5 >> we didn't kite them because they have been cited once. >> are you sure there was a march citation. without a citation it's hard to say whether they had rum and to adequately. >> we say the receipts.
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when we contacted abc the second times on march 6th they explained them the process of transferring the license and they didn't understand or didn't know they had to do this until we contacted abc. several factors were explained to them >> there was no intention to sell the liquor license. >> it's not for me to do that just follow the law it's an open investigation for the march 17th incident. there's still spierts on august 6th after they've been seized one on a prior date >> any other comments or questions. >> basically, what i'm hearing
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is she did previous owner controls the liquor license. everything she does is still on the liquor license so there's no new owner >> there's a new owners. >> it's two separate real estate operation. i know the liquor license is not under our preview but whether or not sometime is a truthful >> i want to continue this but they're saying it will continue because there's no transfer. >> i'm for the continuance. >> right as the abc says the abc
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didn't fall in our real house by, however, the state law says that your permit is violated because you're not going by the laws and just so you know an entertainment and beverage a note defined as alcohol but they still need an entertainment permit. >> the police department will be fine with a limited live performance if they follow other rules and at this point it's notes happening. and i've asked ms. sanchez to come down and show me when i had
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to call the abc to make sure that something as taken care of and they said that the ladies was put in as a partner for the food only. so nothing's changes other than she put the other woman's name on the place >> in the interest of time we're moving in a direction but let's do public comment. if there's anyone that's here please rise and a line up towards the mike. looking into my crystal ball we'll continue this item so there will be another opportunity and please know your have that opportunity.
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>> hello, i'm gabriel and i'm speaking on behalf of the ms. sanchez. she's been a great neighbor for several, several daengz before my time. and all that time, you know, as one of the top 10 in the history of san francisco businesses they ranked in revenue and innovation to mass market. but i want to address some of the concerns that were addressed tonight and one it the truth physicalness of the relationship. for other charitable causes on
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those merits and on my personal attendance of those events when they didn't have the sound like permits but they're good neighbors and they respond to the needs of the community whether in the corridor or the latino community and really for small businesses. so the mission is for local investment and local businesses is an asset to our community. ms. sanchez helps to keep the revenues in the community. i can tell you from personal experience they've been also a former client and every time we work with them they've been a great partner and we can continue to work with them. i urge that the entertainment
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commission i urge you to issue the permit once again. this is a question of can they operate a business within the rules every time i've seen them they've been operating with the rules. i didn't hair any violation and that's a separate matter entirely. the community needs this to operate whether on sundays or whatever we need them and we you're going to approve this >> please line up. >> i appreciate i - me skip is
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line. i work with those folks and i actually had the pleasure of working with the sanchez. and when their family owned another business on fourth street that was displaced and the property was acquired. so, now she's able to operate with this great partnership with the sanchez. a little bit unconventional. i think it originally operated as a pop up and all along mission street and in the city. they've taken a creativity approach to make this work for two long-term businesses and have managed to real be successful and follow rules for
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over 40 years especially in two different venues with who different families running those multiple generations businesses. i urge you to support them and grew up around the corner and it is a great asset to the community and i urge you to support it >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening i'm the president of the merchants neighborhood association. we're here in full support of the sanchez. i won thing that's occurred along the corridor and will be happening a lot more is that there's a lot of businesses because the rents is going high
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we have another one that moved into together they doing the same thing their operating in the daylight as one business and at night as another. the permit process gets xufg but it's something you'll be seeing a lot more. the pop ups are here for a week or two or maybe a day. we're seeing more that are long-term. i know there's several cafes that are able to sell margaritas and other liquor store to create like other liquor store so people can serve is alcohol not
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specifically for one drink by it has to be a certain amount. i grew up on 12th and hamming sure my appearance live right around is corner and their 82 years old. they're very up standing individuals. another business habsz has been operating on 12th street and another thing i want to bring up we've seen an increase in calls to a lot of our businesses to the health department to the fire department and harassing a lot of the businesses on 12th street. this is suspect to us. we've seen a lot of calls through 311. they go out to suspect and it
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still goes into the files of the businesses so that's one thing i wanted to bring up it's suspect to me. >> thank you. next speaker, please hi. i've known been familiar with the sanchez for the past 25 years. when i worked for a large company downtown i if they had they were looking for grant money and i got a half a dozens of people and sanchez was able to facilitate getting them grants that was about 10 years ago. i've been going to the live events and i've gone probably at least 20 times and i haven't seen any visions when i've been
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there. so - i know they also end the mieveng when their sfoeptd to she's strict. i've lived in san francisco for thirty years so - thank you. >> thank you. any of the remaining speakers here against the sanchez. you have every right to speak but i'm going to speed the meeting along. >> i don't have no fancy title but she's my mom. i want to ask you guys to grant this. we've been through a lot of turmoil lately and to get krichd
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and go somewhere else and now we've got an up to this point it's difficult. i think this new little entertainment in the patio would help my mother a lot because we're struggling. to do that man i'd appreciate it nobody wants to see their mother struggling. we need your help, you know. i'm not afraid to ask but i want to ask you guys grant it and not look at it as negative. if you koo can look at my mom's name it's clean. you see the absence abc laughing
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i ask you grant it. thank you >> thank you. >> i'm here to ask for you to support sanchez. i've gone to many fundraiser and she opens her doors to everyone. thank you >> thank you for keeping that short. >> hi i'm an employee with the city and county of it san francisco. i've lived in the mission district about 20 years i've seen changes wave after wave we've had the dot comers coming in. now we've got this new wave of money coming in. it's like the dot comers on
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steroids. we're seeing is pattern over the mission district. and sanchez has been an important asset to the community and now they've changed ownership to try to carry on it's traditions. the very fact we got this merging going on with two traditional businesses trying to keep things going on here. there's going to be unchartered territories that not everybody understands. a lot of this kind of stuff is new. and right now looks like that for whatever reason this establishment has been targeted i don't know if