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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2013 8:00am-8:31am PDT

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pass-through window through the kitchen. probably the sound goes through and rattles around the hood and everything else and goes out. and something that audrey said you could do back there would help a lot. >> to that point, the thing that is directly behind that pass-through window is a walk in. and nothing is more insulated than a walk-in. i think it's going through the other door and the wall itself. >> i want to comment that we don't feel like we are done working on this. and we are going to keep working on it. and working with the neighbors. thank you. >> well, i do appreciate hearing that. i feel like over the course of the past few months we have seen you a few times. and i think to see that good faith effort is recognized here. so thank you for that. i think we have one more comment from commissioner perez. and i would like to take a motion after that. or after public comment.
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>> following up on commission, the comment, you mentioned that you are communicating to your neighbors via e-mail? >> e-mail and cell, text. that's the quickest response i can get. and not only that, and i added the two managers to the text. so that they are getting it as i am getting it and i am reiterating to them to address the noise, if there is an issue. >> okay, thank you. >> quick one? >> one last comment i hope. >> ron, when you went back to do the sound check, did you go to the neighbors first? or did you go to brick and mortar first and then the neighbors? >> when i made my visit this past weekend i went to the resident's house first. and she saying i don't see any reason why you come by, because the problem has been solved her
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for. and i said i had to do this for the sake of the commission. but i detected no emission of sound in her space. and then i went back to the club to get a sound-sample reading. i can attest that the readings i have can get in one of the complainant's location. however i did not take a sample very next door to the adjacent space, i have not been able to coordinate with that complainant. >> okay. you can have a seat, we will take public comment at this point. any public comment on this item reviewing brick and mortar's condition and permit? >> welcome. >> hi, my name is alexandria deets, i am a neighbor on woodwood street. i was a neighbor that came three
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months to go to complain about the music. and i believe that i am probably responsible for one or two complaints filed in the last three months. but i came today because i want to give credit where credit is due. i think there is a significant improvement in the sound. overall i rarely hear anything. however there was a two-week period, i think at the end of july that the music was starting to creep back up and that's when i contacted mr. o'connor. and he's been very proactive in making sure that the sound is contained once i complained. so i am a little worried about raising the decibel to 95. but i am definitely willing to experiment and work with them personally. and come up with something that works for both sides.
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>> great, thank you. any other public comment on this item? seeing none. [gavel] public comment is closed. i am willing to entertain a motion. i think it appears that our applicants have met some of what we requested. just to provide proof of the sound proofing and a phone number and it's great that we have the public comment that says that relations are improving. where do you want to take this, commissioners? >> i want to ask a question before we go there. through the chair, what is their db now, 80? 85? >> the current conditions are 80 db and 11:30 and 12:30 for weekdays and week nights. and there is a request to go
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12:30 and 1, weekday and week nights. and as far as db's, inspector edwards report indicates up to 10 db increase is what he was able to sustain based on the reading and the neighbors he was accessing. so that might be a middle ground for you to consider. >> great. i would like to move to raise the db 10 points. is that how you say it? >> to 90. and also i would like to extend the hours to 12:30 and 1 for the entertainment permit. >> 12:30. >> weekdays, and 1 o'clock on weekends. >> is sunday considered a weekend? no? >> pardon me? >> all right, so there is a
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motion on the table. >> i will second that. >> and there is a second. any discussion? from commissioners? >> i want to say i am glad this is resolved and after going there and meeting the staff. i was very disappointed i had to be in any way responsible for a drop if their pay. but you cannot have people living with sound problems. and i am glad that this is being resolved. >> great. >> i would like to say something. thank you for your continued effort, both of you. >> great, can we take a vote. >> on the motion. perez. >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> lee. >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> congratulations, thank you for your hard work.
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all right, move on to the next agenda item which is 6, review and possible action to review and change the conditions on a limited live performance permit for jones, at 620 jones street. >> i am going to take this one. so commissioners this is 620 jones, which was before you for a limited live performance permit on february 19, as you might recall. and at that time there were some discussion around previous noise complaints. and some amplified sound that went on without permits some time ago. and at the time that the applicant, asked you for a more limited live performance permit. and at that time point you
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agreed to go ahead and issue the lop with conditions related to an 8 p.m. shut-off time as opposed to 10 that is normally on lop, and friday, saturday and sunday holiday conditions well. and asked the permit holder to come back after six months and ask you for more, if in fact there were no further complaints regarding the llp. and at this time that's what we are doing here, and mr. glitch are you here? you want to come up here? and we asked commissioner edwards to sound test from a residence nearby, and when we get to that point, we have that
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information for you. >> hello. >> good evening, commissioners, thank you, we are back, it's been a while. we have had a regular slate of events, initially when we opened up. we went and did one-day permits for our events. we don't do events in the sense of the word that you are used to. these are for the most part, nine out of 10 these are corporate, private events. where we close to the public and do an event for a company. and they bring in some entertainment. so we have been reasonable busy, we have had a bunch of these.
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since we were here last, we had two complaints that i am aware of regarding sound. we are busy and often neighbors take issue with a crowd noise, that doesn't have anything to do with entertainment or event that we are having -- sorry about that. this is an odd one. but like i said in the last six months we have had two incidents of neighbors taking issue with noise levels at our venue, and one of those took place on gay pride on sunday afternoon. so that's a tough one, because obviously the city goes a little bonkers that day. that's what i got. and we would love to be able to
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just have the permit extend as a regular permit at this point. >> so you want to get the conditions that we applied to you, the apn on weekends only to be removed so you can use at any time? >> that's correct. >> questions, commissioners? hyde. >> yeah, so i know the last time you were here, we talked about where the stage was and the big glass windows. right, is that right? >> yes. >> so big glass doors. i am onwondering did you make adjustments to where the stage was? did you do something to mitigate the sound or not getting the complaints because of the neighborhood? >> the windows happen to be our most secure point of entry.
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they are four-layer windows with a vacuum seal in between. and they are very heavy doors and thick. generally -- >> if you were open. >> yeah, we have taken better care that those windows/doors are shut when we do have entertainment. >> okay, but you didn't move the stage? >> we don't actually have a stage. >> did you direct the sound a different way or anything like that? >> no. >> do you think you attribute the better sound retention to keeping the doors and not allowing the noise to escape? >> correct. >> commissioner joseph. >> so you don't have a stage. >> nope. >> you don't put up a stage. so -- are these live music show a and :-- shows and you do them without a stage? >> yeah, basically. the way that the place is laid
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out. we don't generally have a stage or big act. i think you have been there. it's not a music venue, it's a restaurant. so our ceilings are 8-feet tall at best. if we put a stage in, you would have to have people sitting down. >> so when someone sends us an e-mail and complains that you are breaking down the stage and loading heavy equipment into vans. and the noise of loading out, that is incorrect? they are exaggerating? >> there is equipment that gets loaded in and out for sure. i think what they are talking about is towards gerry street, there is a raised area on our patio. and a lot of times when we have speakers that's where they are placed. when we have the big fashion event for pride, that's where the run-way is. >> so your event for pride was
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anita moore? >> correct. >> it was well attended, very popular event. >> it was fabulous. >> can you tell me what time it ended? >> it was over by 10 o'clock. you stole that event from the phoenix. [laughter] >> that's correct. >> that's okay. all right. okay. thank you very much. >> commissioner hyde, you have something else? >> yeah, i wanted to ask a point of reference, like i know there is a time when street noise is like they do drilling on the street and everything. and i think it's until 8 o'clock that noise on the street, and then construction and stuff like that? >> i think 7-10. >> 7-10. >> yeah. >> so the noise of loading and unloading is within city guidelines of noise on the street and stuff like that. i wanted to see what the guidelines for that were.
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other comments from commissioners? >> yes, i have a question. your llp is for the contained space, not for the courtyard; correct? >> i am not sure. >> it's for indoors. llp is an indoor permit. it's not? >> it was. >> but they can have windows open to a patio for brunch? >> so initially the llp was something that was created and was limited to indoor space only. and the very recent charges to 1060 and 1070 included the ability for that llp to reach to a courtyard space as well. but the commission has allotted as far as the llp's to make whatever conditions you feel are necessary based on the situation. >> so do you want to use it
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outside on your patio as well? >> in an ideal world, yes. >> do you fear at all it will aggravate your current issues with your neighbors? >> it's tough to say, we are on a busy street. initially before we were open, we thought to apply for a full entertainment license. and we had a sound person come out from this commission to measure. and they were not able to take a sound reading at ourgerr street fence or railing, whatever you want to call it. and the reason for that because the traffic was too loud. and this was around 8 o'clock at night. so you know -- i think in the context of what we do, generally it's not a raucous dance party, it's generally a corporate event. and the music is there to
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provide a background. in the context of what we do, i don't know it will necessarily be huge -- i don't know that will put the neighbors out because again gerry is extremely loud. >> commissioner hyde. >> yes, i have a question about that then. so why did you come here originally then? it was noise complaints correct from neighbors. >> no, we came to apply for a permit. >> okay, but it was restricted because of the noise complaints from the neighbors about sound, is that correct? >> it really was their request for such a limitation as i recall. these limitations came from the applicant themselves. because they had the intention to activate the space in a really limited way. >> that's right. >> (inaudible). >> talk into the microphone. >> we wanted to prove to the
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commissioners that we were doing the right steps, six months ago by how many complaints we had, if any. and if we did it properly over the next six month and readdress you. >> yeah, i was having trouble remembering. >> yeah, and to give you context, to recall this is a very unique space in san francisco, we don't have too many spaces with roof-top decks, and a lot of square footage of jones is indoor-outdoor, if pu-- if you will. it's a roof-top deck, there is inside business serving meals. >> we do a lot. >> and service outside too. it's a unique space without amplified sound there is quite a bit of activity outdoors. adding this piece of
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entertainment, initially there was a lot of discussion is it inside. can you contain it, and can you not add to the den of people eating and drinking, and the buildings from this roof top go higher than the roof top itself. so you can again given the circumstance right now sort of consider the consequence of giving them further allowances with this permit inside and outside. and/or outside or outside during certain times and dates and inside other than that. be creative about what i think you are about to do. and you might find the right balance. >> thank you for clarifying that. >> commissioner joseph. >> so how would it affect your business if in fact we decided
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you could have your limited life to 10 p.m. inside, but outside your db's would be lower. and maybe your limited live wouldn't go to 10 p.m. maybe it would go to 9 p.m. or 8 p.m. would that impair what you are trying to do? >> no, it would help things, because right now that is not what is happening. anything that happens that helps with hours and days of operation obviously would help. >> are you open seven days a week? >> we are open six days a week. we are closed on monday and open for brunch on sundays from 11-4. tuesday through saturday we are open for dinner service. >> brunch on sunday. 11-4, and then open sunday night as well? >> no. >> you are not open on sunday night. >> we do not plan to open on sunday night.
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>> and i want things changed. we hope we have zero complaints but obviously in trial there's problems. i don't even have any letters of support. saying that it's been working. i'm just questioning >> we went out and got a few letters for people to testify at our initial he and she. i mean we've lived in san francisco for a long time. i think that not having a single complaint with running your business in san francisco is like walking across the san francisco bay. it's one of those thing. we have a pretty active neighborhood outreach. we have a forum and then unanimous forum on our we are
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talking about english is the second language. an unanimous form that people can go and fill out and give us feedback of their issues. we - anytime anyone comes to complain we have a policy of handing out jordan's phone number and he's i mean, i would give mine out i'm not there at night only g until 6 or 7 but he's there all week. anyone who has any issues has it's cell phone and they can call him >> i guess we'll wait for public comment. >> i'll take one more comment from commissioner hiding and one from commissioner. i'm just wondering can do i
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want? do i want to use this outside that if i can that is that is something you want to do. i'm wondering about your saturdays do - >> we're not a dj bar or dance place this is exclusive for corporate events and a for us to close on saturday night we have to have something in the realm of an important event. >> i was just wondering like without outside sound on a saturday night you want to use that until 10:00 p.m. >> anything would be great so if you guys went out and said you'd do sound. >> it's not like you have a
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lunch thing. >> we do have dinner service and serve food until midnight during the weeks but we don't do entertainment on a regular basis and don't plan to. >> i absolutely understand i want to come up with some hours for myself. >> okay commissioner and some public comment. >> i want to address the noise outside our facility. i know it's part of the regular noise in general but you have the power to address our vendors to be more sensitive to the neighborhood. could is it be part of our policy to instruct the vendors to keep the noise down like sliding doors or whatever could that be part of our policy to talk to your vendors to be as
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quiet as possible >> absolutely. we do that do that the times we run up against problems in some instances that's not our vendor so they say you're not signing our checks and they keep doing what they do. our staff is instructed to make sure that our clients are as respectful and wes we can make them. we try to get things loaded during hours >> thank you you guys can have a seat as we take public comment. >> i have a question not for them. >> go ahead. >> for inspector edward's were were you able to do a assigned test? >> i ran ought to do a sound
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test but not able to do it this weekend yet. >> let's hear public comment. if someone's o anyone's re radio willing to speak up about 620 jones. >> i live on turkish. i believe in making sure that when someone comes in front of the - one of my community like district 678 and even go to cbc board meetings and attend other ones also to keep up on what is going on in the neighborhood. things may be done on trials but
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i think during the period of 6 months you can attend i know at the police department they have meetings even last tuesday of the month and you can attend 6 meetings and say what, you know, hey, i'm a neighborhood i'm here to support people because i know they've come to my meetings so at 620 concoction i ask who are you. so i ask you to continue it for another six months so they can have a 6 month trial to attend some community meetings. so like i say knock and the door will not be opened or denied. thanks
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please come up to the microphone >> commissioners i live in the 6 hundred block of jones street and since 1989 i've seen the neighborhood go through many changes and the newest change from the bar is a blight to the neighborhood. i'm here to talk about what i counted 8 apartment buildings and 8 hotels that are probably going to the effect by the 620 zone bar and their noise. since they opened i dread weekends. for me it's not a time to relax it's a that time there's noise and fights and there's a time when it is cars screeching and loud music on say street and
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thank god i traffic for my work because some of the times there's been music i've been away. and people have been effected negatively by that. i happen to be away you during the gay pride. i have spoken to the hotel california which is adjacent to their patio and they have to install the expense of the 620 street venue. there's another person who just moved and their lives have been effected. i don't want to say his name's. i had a run-in with myself on the street and was