tv [untitled] August 25, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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castro and 17th and the location of our historic car terminal. the street is a very busy commercial district. the picture on the upper right it's where we see trucks double parked. and the pedestrians level is very, very high and the sidewalks are crowded on the weekends and the street serves the automobile traffic as well. photo just to give you a sense of the roadways it's nearly 60 feet wide with generally 1 traffic lane for those two blocks which provides a substantial amount of excess
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pavement and we see double parking and this is a typical afternoon. i mentioned the pedestrian volumes are unusual from saturday from 8:00 p.m. and the four hundred street of market street we're seeing the high volumes and jennifer streets and higher volumes then on irving and valencia so there's definitely improvements needed. as owe mentioned the street is nearly 60 feet wide it has parking on two sides and 12 foot
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sidewalks speaker the project will widened the sidewalks by 9 feet. and generally maintain the on street parking. i want to highlight a few of the design features. this graphic shows the intersection of 17th, market and castro streets. the project proposed to realign the crosswalks to have more traffic. to remove the northbound and southbound traffic lanes justice approaching the intersections. is it proposes to revamp the plazas and make some aesthetic changes to the plaza itself. we believe this will help remove delays from the f line terminal.
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and it proposes a full upgrade to make some pedestrian improvement changes through timeing. moving down the street at the intersection of 18. you can see the widening of the sidewalks. the curb space will be maintained. in addition to the mid block sidewalk that's being proposed this is highest pedestrian crosswalk and the enhanced crosswalk markings. and the final block moving south to 19th and continuing the widening of the sidewalks and
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enhancing the sidewalks. and it proposes a mid block outside of the historic harvey milk place it is really going to provide a nice benefit for this historic building. and lastly making a number of upgrades to the proposals they will have now street lights and the overhead wiring structure adjacent to the new curb line. proposing new bike racks and other streetscape features to make in a pedestrian conditions on the sidewalks. the department of public works
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is working on this and wrapping the design and putting the project out to bid and beginning the construction next year with the completion of the fall 2015 >> great presentation. i think that's a huge benefit and those crosswalks are hugely crowd. a quick question. we've received a letter expressing concern about possible delays to the project. they're worried about it didn't address the traffic time for the buses can you briefly tells us about that. the narrowly of the street is
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going to discourage the impact of the traffic time on muni? i mentioned earlier the remove e removal of the traffic lane but multiple traffic lanes are provided at market street and 18th street and the project proposes to reduce the lanes at the market street where it approaches. based on our relatives that will add some details to the traffic and a muni buses. the model says we'll have a delay about 24 seconds additional the delay here is about 30 seconds. we'll tried to might those
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idealize. and the first, you'll see in your packet exempting muni vehicles from southbound on mafshth street. we've proposed american people - an inclusion to help mitigate muni delays and the bus zones are all proposed to be bracket up to standard length to help muni vehicles to get in and out of them. i agree with the idea we're going to have idealize and we've tried to enhance the pedestrian environment >> maybe we can have a caveat
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in our minds maybe we can see if we can tweak it a little bit to make sure we're not impacting the level of service for our bus passengers. >> so some extent we're hard wiring this. this was something that was a subject as the project developed. i think we took all the steps that the design to mitigate against transit details which are relatively minor. points fact we have those altercations of northbound and southbound gives opportunity for enforcement to make sure that the traffic control can keep the traffic moving and make sure we don't have double parking. we'll monitor this and there are
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some adjustments that can be made. we're continual looking ways to improve the service throughout the line that will also help might the impact. you have duty tin mentioned in the photos we've going got a lot of pedestrians here. we know there's a little bit of a trade-off and a last question. remind me if the 24 bus has a camera on it and there's a car that's double-parked outside his shop is that covered under our - >> no, the authorization we have is for transit only lanes. >>right. >> i think certainly when we - after we cut the ribbon we have
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pretty active enforcement by the police department to try to set the stage and retrain the car drivers. >> in this area and supervisor wiener's been a advocate for the enforcement of double parking and there's been a call for a hearing and to set the frozen the get-go once this project is complet completed. >> investigated. >> i think it's a real good presentation. have we looked at the needs of the commercial fleets that are out there. we can say one thing to modify that but can he take a long time that, too >> i think the director alluded to that.
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we've done looter communications with the merchants about truck loading activity. the agenda today includes several changes to truck loading zones and the net result would be an increase of about 8 new loading zones. and we're trying to cluster them together so we don't have an isolated zone we want to provide two or three or 4 together so some of the larger vehicles can maneuver into them. we also have numerous changes from the merchants. we shouldn't be using our loading zones after 6 so the proposal runs from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and that allows general parking in the afternoon to occur.
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so we'll be monitoring that and it's one of the ears change. if we find the loading plan it is not addressing the issues we can make some meter tweaks with low costs >> you would be cache because we do that on h p where it's a yellow loading zone from 7 to one and there's no place to park. it if we have that flexibility and say nobody is doing anything after 3 do we have that be flexibility to change that thing? okay >> yeah. i think your comment is well-taken. we did spend some time collecting observations.
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and although some merchants were asking we end-all loading commercial zoning at noon but after 3 o'clock it appears to die-off so that's where we came for the recommendation. there's the supply store on the 5 hundred block of castro streetcar were there some loading zones that go on until 6:00 p.m. for fedex and other companies >> thank you, chairman nolan. i appreciate the staff and all the great work that's gone into this year i brought this up and i've heard grumg.
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but we've heard this is a transit city and we should be expediting our transit but i want to reiterate the fact i believe you said it best director lee it's transit firts first not transit only. in some places we need to make sure we're recognizing the real use of the neighborhood and we're just not going to be able to prioritize transit everywhere. which stresses to make the improvements where we can like dedicated lanes and other parts of a transit lines route we should be making those accommodates because we're going to be running them through pedestrian areas.
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i know that this neighborhood really needs sidewalk widening. i frequently go to the castro theatre and i feel like i'm in a traffic jam in between shows and i want to get back to that movie theatre. i feel like there's been due diligence and i appreciate you folks looking for a great compromises and i appreciate supervisor wiener's letter to us that reinforces and i'm happily going to move this forward >> and before you take a motion and a hold on your emotions. control your emotions (laughter)
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>> thank you anything else for the - and a thank you, mr. white and mr. perry. members of the public who wish to speak >> (calling names) >> hi good afternoon. directors again. i want to make sure that the cab stand on 18th and castro is not going to be implicated by this and when they widened the sidewalk to make sure they paint for the cab stand and make sure it they put the right sign back up. i want to make sure that stays in place. i'm concerned and i think the transit union said by eliminating two lanes at the intersections you're going to be slowing the buses and it will be
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long-range 20 seconds. especially at market street a lot of can be drivers make the right turn from castro to market street. it's a popular street to go downtown to castro. they don't go that way to - that's not as popular a move after the other part why don't they start enforcing the double parking now. it's horrible. it's horrible i've come before this body 20 million times. people are going to double park to take out or the delivery companies and you have double
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parking on castro streets between 17th and 19th. i keep calling and no there should be someone there babysitting. that's causing all the transit problems. i think you should reconsider eliminating on market streets of elimination of the second lane >> now the last speaker and a good afternoon directors. i don't see how we can approve a route and people are going to battle about anything to speed up things. even as important sure the widening the sidewalks are great but that's not going to slow down muni.
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whatever i have to do you should start out and if that means less parking move it around the corner. so be it you can't win them all. we have to do this together. a few spaces that might help make the bus work better. cars never want to let a bus back into traffic. and they're the same as wider sidewalks. every line has places that are not wide enough for buses. that's going to happen many other places. we can't go into the system and says oh, well, it adds a few
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more seconds the minutes add up to millions and this should go back to find the left hand lane pockets and the renewal pockets >> would you like to make a motion. >> i make a motion to approve. any further discussion. all in favor >> is there a motion inform conduct a closed session and i believe we have 3 yes. >> okay. >> item announcement of closed sessions to discuss the t w-258
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>> hi. welcome to san francisco. stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. let's look at common earthquake myths. >> we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you
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think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard
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of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake. >> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the
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tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. >> southern california is moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse.
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>> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a
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conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get
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up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ?
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>> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't
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really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for >> >> >> good evening. welcome to the august 21, 2013, meeting of the san francisco board of appeals. the presiding officers is our president chris hwang and joined by our vice-president lazarus, frank function, honored a hurtado. at the controls is the board as legal assi
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