tv [untitled] August 28, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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immigration and customs enforcement triggering a request to hold certain people in jail for extra time for deportation. these requests limit immigration retainers are based on the probable cause that a person is deportable. and indeed, they have been issued against u.s. citizens and whereas immigration is completely voluntary as clarified by the attorney general, and member ran um issued on december 4, 2012, indeed, other have declined to hold the people for extra time in jail pursuant to immigration detainers and scom and immigration detainers are wreaking havoc and causing 764 in the time since it was enacted to june 8th and up to may 2013. and scom under minds the public
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safety by des couraging them from seeking assistance because every arrest is a potential deportation, and they are afraid of cooperating with law enforcement. >> whereas the best way to submit the civic engagement is to create a clear division, and by declining to hold the people at extra time with no exceptions, the city and county will send a strong message that everyone should be treated the same. and whereas, the city and county of san francisco is home to the communities and is well regarded for its tradition of treating people equally, the due process for all will affirm the role as a national leader. the due process insures that everyone will be treated equally and they will not be
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held for tra time, due to the existence of an immigration detainer, and whereas, the board of education of the san francisco unified school district is mindful of its duty and responsibility to provide each child in the district, in the high public and free from conflict and intention, and to that end, the board of education, has previously passed resolutions supporting due process for immigrants. and such as resolution, number 9922 a2, supporting the restoration of due process to undocumented youth. therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district here by urges all members of the board of supervisors as well as the mayor, to support and pass the due process for all ordinance introduced by supervisors avalos, breed, campos, chiu, cohen kim and mar and yee in 2013. >> thank you very much.
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>> are there any public speakers on this item? >> okay. seeing none, actually i should know because i should have cards. >> any comments from the board? >> seeing none, roll call. >> ly? >> yes. logan. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> aye. >> six ayes. >> president norton, may we add the board of education members that the other colleagues will be see fit to do so. >> thank you. >> all right. the next item
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>> item f, public comment, i have one card, dennis kelley you may have two minutes. >> thank you very much. there are three things this evening that i would like to call your attention to, first is on page 171, 171 is, a agreement to hire black bear security for games, and i have been told by mr. truet that will be only be for games after the gten, the security aids for the school district have already chosen who games they can cover and these are the ones that are left. and this is particular concern for us because the ttens are people who have their hours cut by 14 percent, two years ago.
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and using them for these game is particularly important to us. and on page 207. and you have an item, which sends you to martin luther king and starts staffing martin luther king it looks like with teach for america folks. and i would like to raise that with you and know what is what your intent is there. and the concern that we have is that teach for america, while they may be nice people, actually do not have the background in all of that we expect for the teachers, and we have looked at the figures from the school district and they do not have, a record of staying in the school district. they do contribute to the turn in the schools and we do not think that martin luther king is a school that should be subjected to that kind of term and that kind of short term
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commitment. and page 217. this is something that i think that we all know, and i think that something that we all know that we need to do, something about. and yet, never does anyone come up with something to do. and we are reminded again thereof the over 13 million dollars that is being spent on non-public... 13 million dollars being spent on non-public placements and i think that it is, and it is a good time for us to review what these non-public placements are and see which of these we could create in-house and how much of this we can reduce. and you can see the two pages of lists of the schools, and the places we send the children to, florida, and devero florida where the staff list makes it look like you have to be very
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young and very blonde and very attractive to work there. i don't know exactly what we are sending the students there for. but we are sending them all around the country or at least we are potentially. we are trying to look at that and see where we can reign that in. thank you very much. >> thank you mr. kelley. >> all right. we are going to move on to item g. consent calendar. and may i hear a motion and a second? >> i so move. >> second. >> thank you. >> and are there any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >> no. >> and any items removed for first reading by the board? >> no. and any items severed by the board or superintendent for discussion and vote this evening? >> yeah. >> i think that under president kelley's suggestion that i would like to hear a little bit about on page 171, kten. >> right. >> thank you.
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>> okay. so seeing no other comments from the boards members, that would be k10. >> okay. >> page 171. okay, mr. haney. >> k28. >> k10 and k28. >> all right. thank you. >> and roll call, will take place under section o. >> all right, we move on to item h. this will be the adoption of the project labor agreement between the san francisco district and the san francisco building construction trades council for the projects within the proposition a facility bond
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issue. and this was moved and seconded on august 13th. and i see mr. golden here, would you please mr. goalen, read just the recommendation to the board on the resolution? >> good evening, superintendent and president norton and board of education, i am david golden, the chief facility officer. and the second reading of this resolution, sort of brings the culmination of work that goes back to the introduction of the local higher resolution in november by the then commissioner yee fewer and now, of course, commissioner haney. and so with a long time of work, so i am pleased to bring forward the second reading of this resolution which i hope will culminate successfully us being able to move forward and
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implement all that the resolution contains. so number one, this is resolution 138-13 sp1. adoption of a project labor agreement between the san francisco unified school district and the san francisco building and construction trades council for the projects within the proposition a facility bond program. and i will read the first whereas and there after be removed. the board of education, the board is determined that certain properties and facilities within the san francisco unified school district city and county of san francisco need to be constructed and improved that are funded by the general obligation bond measure a, passed by the voters of the district in november, 2011. and leading to the final, therefore, be it resolved, that the board of education, adopt this project labor agreement. and of the san francisco
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unified school district, and that they resolved, and determined and find the following. that the above findings of the resolution are recitals are true. that the district shall implement the project labor agreement with the san francisco building and construction trades council, for projects within the district's proposition, a, 2011 facility bond program, as indicated in the agreement under the separate cover and at the meeting dated august 13, 2013 and tonight. and section, 3, the district superintendent, or the superintendent designee is organized to take the action to adopt the poa and before going any further i would like to basically introduce the district's project labor agreement team, general council, who we have sort of tag teamed this together since november, and without, his help
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none of this would have been possible and certainly, sometimes kept my sense of humor in track and when who represents wal lace and kelley who are the outside counsel, who co-authored here to answer the questions and, with that president norton, i will turn the meeting back to you. >> i have a number of public speakers signed up for this item. as i call your name, please line up at the podium and you will each have two minutes to speak. and anthony, berbina. michael terio. tony rodrequs. >> charlie labry. >> michael mckenna. >> good evening, my name is anthony and i am the business representative here in san francisco, for the sheet workers unit 104 and i stand
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here with the other unions, all, that are about to speak, and affiliated with the san francisco building and construction trades council council in tup sport of the poa that asks for no threshold to be implemented. >> commissioners michael, and san francisco trades council and i would like to thank the staff with the work on this and the approach to in the spirit of practicalty. which was very helpful. and without the contentious and one of trying to work together to achieve something. and that being said, i will, again, make a pitch for the elimination of the one million dollar threshold so that all work and the bond measure can be covered under the project agreement and the local divisions and while i will not repeat the arguments you will ask those who are here to support that position to stand.
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>> i actually am looking forward to the hard work that will come right after this pla is executed. and we have something in there about the multicore curriculum that you are all familiar with now and that will immediately require a lot of work from both of us and it will require for you to identify the negotiaters, that will begin the transition from the shop programs to our programs, and we will also require us to make provisions that will allow that to go forward. and to that today and in our trustees meeting, we discussed financing, and the classes for the training and the train the trainer classes for those who will have to bring the core curriculum to your staff that will involve sending them back east to the institute. and a couple of guys at least, on getting them trained, and
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coordinator probably from here and of course, i will have to start working on arranging those negotiating sessions between your staff and the communities and actually look forward to that this week. and i think that the inclusion of the multicore curriculum and in the context of the project labor agreement and something that we can show to the rest of the country something that is functional and works to get the students in to the apprenticeship and so we ask you to pass the pla thank you. >> good evening, my name is tony rodriguez and i am here representing local 42 and the native here in san francisco. when the bond was on the ballot myself and the community members, tried to get out the vote and in favor of the measure and i expected the board will rollover the new bond measure, they use the board, voted that the pla,
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wanted the pla to include the policy that included local hire, and then, it the program and other changes, and all of the changes, that you were calling for, were all good and much needed changes and sometimes the changes can be hard to implement. and so okay, so i am here to say that, i feel that the building trades, worked very hard to make everything work to include the policy. except for the threshold and i cannot understand why you would be so passionate about this policy, with the local hire and then, excluded from the people with a threshold. and so, i am just here to say that, you know, the facilities and the department speaks about the difficulties but i think that the building trade has tried to work with the policy. and i feel that the facilities should also be able to change and basically what they are saying is they are never going to change and that will always be what they don't have to hire, the local hire.
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and so any way. i just ask that you rethink the threshold and that everyone that does work under the bond will have to follow the same rule and adhere to the policy and the pla. thank you. >> good evening, superintendent carranza and members of the board i want to start by thanking you all and the teachers that were recognized this evening for your work with and for our children. deeply appreciate that and we live in the city in the fortunate city, where it is vibrant and it is progressive, and you know, where we merge and from the recession before everybodiless and we also live in a city with one of the highest union densities in the country and those two facts are very closely linked. and i work for the operating
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engineer's union and we represent the surveyers and conception inspectors and heavy equipment operators and so we have have a broad range of careers available to kids and we look and we actively recruit from the school district. with that in mind, please consider the threshold, why would we want to exclude anybody from something that is so positive as a career. and with that, i hope that you will reconsider, thank you. >> and support the pla. >> could you state your name? >> charlie.... >> thank you very much. >> good evening, board members, my name is michael mcken aa and besides being in a union, representative, i am also a fifth generation generation san franciscan and a product of this school board and my mother
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was a 30-year teacher at george washington high school and the assistance principal and the first principal of (inaudible) high school and so i have strong ties to the city and the schools and what i like to say is the opportunities that were presented to me by the unions should be presented to all of our young people and this pla should go forward and no project should be excluded that every one of these projects should include, the local provision, should include the apprentice ship and should be covered underneath the pla and we worked hard to get the measures passed to benefit the schools and the district and we hope that you would work as equally as hard to make sure that all of the projects are covered under the project agreement and the local hire and the apprenticeship and no project should be excluded and our young people should not be excluded from being able to work on any of these. >> we have seen from the past plas that the non-contractors have an equal opportunity and they have performed, almost, to
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the same amount of the contractors on pla covered jobs, and it does not prevent them or preclude them, and so i would urge you to move forward and include all of the projects up to the pla. thank you. >> and i did call anthony arobina but i don't see him at the mic. >> i did get your card. you have been here enough times to know that i do not allow new cards, i will since we have one speaker not show up, if you like to take a few minutes you may approach the microphone. >> thank you, president, norton, you are right it has been a number of times and i rather sheepishly tried to get in there i figure it was a role of the dice and i wanted to thank you for the ability to say a few brief comments. speaking as community advocate, and someone who worked with the host of community
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organizations, throughout the city, and i think in an increasing kind of capacity, over the time to find the common ground that we have, tonight, found, and before you, with the building trades council is amazing. and it is really a testament to what people can do when they come together and work together as commissioner maufas said, the leadership from the board of education has been tremendous and from the superintendent to the staff and from the building trades council and this is a serious major step forward in this agreement. and i think that there is going to be some amazing things and there is a new era of opportunities for public school graduates, graduates of the students and folks who want to build a career and pursue the college down the road and remember that the career in the building trades is also a college career and you go through college to get a degree when you go through this and these are good paying jobs and this is incredible what has happened here, and what i want to say is that the folks look
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at this stuff regionally what happened in san francisco, there was amazing pla that came out as the community workforce agreement. and coming together to do this, no one is excluded, local contractors, minority earned firms does not exclude anyone or drive up costs this is a fantastic document. the way that you can make it a little bit better, eliminate the threshold, because when people say why should we do something like this in other parts of the bay area and parts of the state and the country, if you want to say that it is because everyone wins, community wins and the way that we all win is by eliminating the threshold and we would like to see that discussion because it has been a core part of the conversation tonight to look at what it would mean to apply this agreement to all of the projects, zero and above. thank you for everything. >> thank you. >> okay. comments from the board? all right. i think that when i saw this...
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okay. yeah. we have a lot of people like that do that to me. and i think that i want to say that i urge my board and my fellow colleagues to vote for this and approve this. i think that this is historic for san francisco. i think that we have a big win here. and i think that we are winning it for the families of san francisco and winning it for labor partner and for our students. as we create a real pathway towards these construction jobs. and i just also would like to say that, i would like to thank bright wine defense and the chinese, and the affirmative action and when i wrote the resolution i did not know a lot about local hire i thought that it was the right thing to do and they educated me and took a lot of time to show me what it is all about and they learned more about it, i felt, more committed to having this passed and actually, something that the board would vote on and approve.
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so i also want to thank, local 261, the laborers, and operating engineers and carpenters, i met with them, i can't tell you how many times those guys know me so well and i know them and they even know my family and also educated me. and i just want to say that i also believe that we should not have a threshold because i think that a union job in this town is a living wage job and organized labor in this country sets a standard for a living wage and everybody should be paid that and everybody should have those benefits. and one of the most expensive cities in the country, and it is very expensive to live here, so a living wage job is so important for our families that we serve every single day here in san francisco. as we serve the students. and so, having said that, i just wanted to say, again, that this is a huge victory for all of us. and i thank my colleagues for approving this today if they
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do, and i hope that it is a unanimous vote as i feel that the staff has worked hard, thank you mr. davis and golden for winning this for our students and families. >> i just want to say, thank you superintendent, for his leadership in making this a superintendent's proposal. thank you. >> mr. haney. >> sure. yeah, i am also going to echo a couple of those thank yous. first commissioner fewer for her leadership, and supervisor yee for asking me to be a part of this and it was an honor and i learned a tremendous amount of this from being a part of this and seeing the commitment to getting this ton and superintendent for doing this as well. and there were so many people that were a part of it obviously the building trades council and the leadership and bright line and all of the folks in the audience and the affirmative action and our staff, and david golden and the legal council, and it is wonderful to hear not just to see the documents, and everything that is in it and that there was an agreement but
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also to hear that the process was as positive of an experience it was and i hope that it can be the standard and i know that there is a lot more work that needs to be done on this to make it happen and there is a lot that we still need to figure out and a lot that we are required to do together. moving forward and i hope that cacontinue to have that spirit of partnership as we move forward, and i also echo the issue of the threshold, and we have this conversation last time and i continued to believe that if we think that this is the standard that we should have for everyone, and it should be for everyone. and that is something that you know we had a conversation about last time and we talked about when we used the public dollars we use it in a way that reflects our values and that is what the local hire was about and that is what this document is about and so thank you for coming here and reminding us of that and so there is a lot more that needs to be figured out and i would like to thank everyone who has got us to this point and recognize the work
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that needs to be done and i hope this gets a unanimous vote tonight. >> thank you. >> and so, if no objection from the rest of the board members, i would let the author's words speak for the rest of the board and call the roll call please. >> thank you. >> ly? >> yes. >> mr. logan? >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> six ayes. >> superintendent, you wanted to say a few words? >> i have, thank you, president norton, i just want to congratulate the commissioners and i want to congratulate the community members and i want to congratulate our staff, general council, and don davis, and our chief officer, david golden and as a son of a journey man sheet
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metal worker i think that the words that have been spoken this evening echo so true that a living wage is not aprivilege, a living wage is a right and what a joy it is to work with individuals that live in the city that values the right to a livable wage, a pathway to the american dream, however you define the american dream, and cotify that in policy it is a joy. to quote, church hill, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others. democracy is rarely, rarely neat, and tidy, it is very much, sausage making and for those of us who have had a lot of sausage through this process and now we can enjoy the banquet. so congratulations to everyone. i am so proud of everyone involved with this effort. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> okay. >> we are going to move on to item i. board members proposals. there are none tonight. >> and now, we are going to move on to request to speak regarding general matters. i have two speaker cards. i guess that i have three. walter wal lace and bill ford, and it will take a moment and let the members of the trade, and we will do two minutes. i presume, >> i am a local resident, and i
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am sin tell, and it will help to preserve the reputation of the other votes in the future, and i got the idea a year ago after reading an article, about a young girl she was in high school and her boyfriend sent her an inappropriate picture and felt the social pressure to send one in return and when she did everything was fine for a few months and a few months lailter they ended up breaking up. they broke up, and when they broke up, her ex-boyfriend sent the picture around the campus and it got back to her and she was embarrassed and she had severe anxiety and felt ridiculed and she had to leave the school. and after she left the school she ended up committing suicide as a result. that is what prompted me to develop this application for the smart phones, the way that it works, any time that your child takes a photo on their cell phone that photo is forwarded to the parents e-mail address and they can monitor the child's behavior in real time. i went to the national tpa conference recently and
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