tv [untitled] August 30, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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that do that to me. and i think that i want to say that i urge my board and my fellow colleagues to vote for this and approve this. i think that this is historic for san francisco. i think that we have a big win here. and i think that we are winning it for the families of san francisco and winning it for labor partner and for our students. as we create a real pathway towards these construction jobs. and i just also would like to say that, i would like to thank bright wine defense and the chinese, and the affirmative action and when i wrote the resolution i did not know a lot about local hire i thought that it was the right thing to do and they educated me and took a lot of time to show me what it is all about and they learned more about it, i felt, more committed to having this passed and actually, something that the board would vote on and approve. so i also want to thank, local
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261, the laborers, and operating engineers and carpenters, i met with them, i can't tell you how many times those guys know me so well and i know them and they even know my family and also educated me. and i just want to say that i also believe that we should not have a threshold because i think that a union job in this town is a living wage job and organized labor in this country sets a standard for a living wage and everybody should be paid that and everybody should have those benefits. and one of the most expensive cities in the country, and it is very expensive to live here, so a living wage job is so important for our families that we serve every single day here in san francisco. as we serve the students. and so, having said that, i just wanted to say, again, that this is a huge victory for all of us. and i thank my colleagues for approving this today if they do, and i hope that it is a
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unanimous vote as i feel that the staff has worked hard, thank you mr. davis and golden for winning this for our students and families. >> i just want to say, thank you superintendent, for his leadership in making this a superintendent's proposal. thank you. >> mr. haney. >> sure. yeah, i am also going to echo a couple of those thank yous. first commissioner fewer for her leadership, and supervisor yee for asking me to be a part of this and it was an honor and i learned a tremendous amount of this from being a part of this and seeing the commitment to getting this ton and superintendent for doing this as well. and there were so many people that were a part of it obviously the building trades council and the leadership and bright line and all of the folks in the audience and the affirmative action and our staff, and david golden and the legal council, and it is wonderful to hear not just to see the documents, and everything that is in it and that there was an agreement but also to hear that the process was as positive of an
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experience it was and i hope that it can be the standard and i know that there is a lot more work that needs to be done on this to make it happen and there is a lot that we still need to figure out and a lot that we are required to do together. moving forward and i hope that we can continue to have that spirit of partnership as we move forward, and i also echo the issue of the threshold, and we have this conversation last time and i continued to believe that if we think that this is the standard that we should have for everyone, and it should be for everyone. and that is something that you know we had a conversation about last time and we talked about when we used the public dollars we use it in a way that reflects our values and that is what the local hire was about and that is what this document is about and so thank you for coming here and reminding us of that and so there is a lot more that needs to be figured out and i would like to thank everyone who has got us to this point and recognize the work that needs to be done and i hope this gets a unanimous vote tonight.
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>> thank you. >> and so, if no objection from the rest of the board members, i would let the author's words speak for the rest of the board and call the roll call please. >> thank you. >> ly? >> yes. >> mr. logan? >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> norton. >> yes. >> six ayes. >> superintendent, you wanted to say a few words? >> i have, thank you, president norton, i just want to congratulate the commissioners and i want to congratulate the community members and i want to congratulate our staff, general council, and don davis, and our chief officer, david golden and as a son of a journey man sheet metal worker i think that the words that have been spoken
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this evening echo so true that a living wage is not aprivilege, a living wage is a right and what a joy it is to work with individuals that live in the city that values the right to a livable wage, a pathway to the american dream, however you define the american dream, and cotify that in policy it is a joy. to quote, church hill, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others. democracy is rarely, rarely neat, and tidy, it is very much, sausage making and for those of us who have had a lot of sausage through this process and now we can enjoy the banquet. so congratulations to everyone. i am so proud of everyone involved with this effort. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you are welcome.
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>> okay. >> we are going to move on to item i. board members proposals. there are none tonight. >> and now, we are going to move on to request to speak regarding general matters. i have two speaker cards. i guess that i have three. walter wal lace and bill ford, and it will take a moment and let the members of the trade, and we will do two minutes. i presume, >> i am a local resident, and i am sin tell, and it will help to preserve the reputation of
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the other votes in the future, and i got the idea a year ago after reading an article, about a young girl she was in high school and her boyfriend sent her an inappropriate picture and felt the social pressure to send one in return and when she did everything was fine for a few months and a few months lailter they ended up breaking up. they broke up, and when they broke up, her ex-boyfriend sent the picture around the campus and it got back to her and she was embarrassed and she had severe anxiety and felt ridiculed and she had to leave the school. and after she left the school she ended up committing suicide as a result. that is what prompted me to develop this application for the smart phones, the way that it works, any time that your child takes a photo on their cell phone that photo is forwarded to the parents e-mail address and they can monitor the child's behavior in real time. i went to the national tpa conference recently and it was relevant received and now, i am going back more locally to the
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local boards, and where i live and trying to garner up the reputation of young adult and save lives in the future. what i am asking for is i am going around to the different boards of education in the local area to see if we can add this as a resource to parents in the future, and because right now, there is and it is kind of going on around the country, and people are passing laws, most recently as a couple of months ago, a young man who was 17, sent a picture, a forwarded a picture, and he was prosecuted for possession and distribution of child porn, which sun fortunate, that the young people are making the poor decisions but they are the first generation to carry this level of responsibility and i am hoping that we can work together and hope to preserve the young adult social reputation in the future, thank you. >> so do you have like a web address? >> yes, i have it for you guys. >> we do, because there are people listening to the radio. >> sure.
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>> so the website is and you can e-mail me at info at >> thank you. >> i have a card from bill ford. and you have two minutes. >> hi, good evening, my name is bill ford and i have been in san francisco for 12 years and at the moment, my younger son, chance heart is broken, he is supposed to be starting 6th grade, but this year he has no school to attend. he sent a letter from san francisco unified saying that he has not been registered at this school that he was assigned, and there is no school for him to attend. when i heard the superintendent describing the excitement and the joy of the first day of school of all of the students,
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my heart sank too because on the first day of school my son was at home, he has gone from being a student body president to being truent, my son is on a wait list with 500 students waiting for space at one of the middle schools in san francisco unified and i went today and looked at the list and counted up the number, there are 500. this list has not changed in months. and school has started and the list has still not changed, told me that there has been no movement and never seen this before. my son has been told that if he cannot attend the school, that has space, there is one middle school that has space, then there are no other options this school is over an hour away by public transportation from where we live, some of the upc, what we were supposed to do if after september 6th, when the wait pool ends, what are our options? we were told that we can put my son in private school. my son, i don't, my son, my
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wife, and myself do not think this is right. so i am here on behalf of my son who is a little nervous and he wanted to come to speak, but he was nervous, we wanted me to ask the superintendent and the board of education to do something about this situation that my son and 500 students are in. that is equal to an entire school. i cannot believe that san francisco unified two want over 500 students to leave the district. economically it does not make sense and it does not make sense, i understand... for the district and proclaims to be dynamic and ininclusive to have this happening. we are asking, please, do something about this situation, my son has already missed 7 days of school and 500 students have missed it and he has missed trying out for the baseball team and missing his education, and please do something about this. >> >> mr. superintendent? >> sure. so sir, if you could, if
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someone from upc that we could have him talk to? >> so what i am going to ask you to do is if you would not mind, could you get this yes's contact information and make sure that someone follows up with him as well. >> thank you. >> all right, i have one more card, miss marian chat field tailor. >> thank you, so much. i didn't quite know the procedure, but i will for the future. i'm here from citizens of public initiative called public engagement for public schools. and we are not an organization, we are a group of volunteers, who are trying to develop a strong (inaudible) of cheer leaders and people who love our schools, and will be vocal and organized to advocate for our
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schools. and we just don't know quite how to go about doing that. and we don't want to start a new organization. and we want to just figure out a way that san francisco is not necessarily with kids but just everybody, and all of us. would, band together to be really vocal and dynamic and passionate, and organized advocates for our schools. and so we have been at this for a couple of years and interviewed a lot of people including the people sitting right around this semicircle and we have also conducted some civic dialogues and we have talked to hundreds of people from every neighborhood and from all ages, from middle school to very old people. and we have a report to present and we are going to do that on september the 11th. and at the public library. >> and there are fliers that i want you to pick up on your way out. with all kinds of information about how you can get a hold of
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us, and learn more about it but basically the thing to do is to show up at the main library in the latin o hispanic room on september 11, from 2 to 3:30 and you will hear what other san franciscan his to say to us in conversations for over a year about how to support our public schools. so join us and thank you so much we will see you there. >> thank you. >> >> all right. >> public comment is now closed. >> we will now move on to item k. advisory committee reports and appointments to the advisory committee by the board members, are there any this evening? >> seeing none, okay >> we will move on to item l. special order of business. the first item the tentative agreement between the district and united administrators of
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san francisco has been withdrawn, and so i would like to call to order the public hearing and adoption to the following tentative agreements, to all of them but there will be an individual vote on each agreement. number one, the hearing to the centive agreement between the district and the international brotherhood of electrical workers. local 6. and number two, glazer architectal metal and glass workers, union, 718, iron workers, union, 377, united union of roofers, and water proofers and allied workers local 40. carpenters, and locksmith
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union, local 22.united association ofjourneymen and apprentices of the plumbing and pipefitting industry of the united states and canada, local 38; plasterers, local 66; sheet metal workers, local 104; auto, marine and specialty painters, local 1176; teamsters, local 853; and automotive machinists, local 1414 (joint common craft >> and number three to the tentative agreement between the district and the international union of operating engineers, local 39 and at the present timive agreement and between the district and the service employees and international union. local 1021. >> moved and second. >> i see no public speakers for this item. and so, at this time, i would like to call on the superintendent to read the recommendation for each agreement. >> thank you. >> president norton, i would like to call on executive director carm elo scarloto to read the motion. >> thank you, superintendent. >> and board. >> so the recommendation for the tentative agreement between the district and the international bother hood of workers, has got the san
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francisco board conducts a public hearing and adopts it in the related public disclosure documents. >> are there any comments from the board on that agreement? >> i know. >> okay. >> roll call please? >> thank you. >> ly. >> yes. >> we are going to vote on that. >> i understand that. >> but, since, they are all the same. do i have to not vote council, on any of them? >> i think that i do. >> yes. >> okay. >> and so, yes. >> so the advice is yes, not vote on each if that is your intention. >> okay. >> just for the record, as said that i have been advised by the council that i need to tell you before any of you vote that will be abstaining for the purposes of conflict of interest on all of these, my husband is a member of the union and has the financial
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interest in the contact. >> you will be abstaining on all of the agreements? >> okay. we are voting on the ibw, local 6. >> yes. >> thank you. >> ly? >> yes. >> logan? >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> abstain. >> norton. >> yes. >> five iayes. >> the agreement between the joint common crafts the recommendation is that the board of education of the san francisco school district consults a public hearing and akopts the agreement and the related public disclosure documents. >> okay, are there any comments from the board on this agreement? >> seeing none, roll call please? >> thank you. >> ly? >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes.
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>> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> abstain. >> norton. >> yes. >> five ayes. >> proceed. >> tentative agreement between the district and local 39, the recommendation is that the board of education conducts a public hearing and adopts the agreement and the related public disclosure documents. >> thank you. >> any comments from the board? >> seeing none, roll call please. >> thank you. >> ly? >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> miss wynns. >> abstain. >> thank you. >> and miss norton. >> yes. >> five ayes. >> thank you, proceed. >> tentative agreement between the district and the service employees international union, local 1021, recommendation, that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district conducts a public hearing and adopts the tentative agreement and the
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related public disclosure documents. >> i want to just make sure that because you said that 1021, i read 102, which is how it was presented in the agenda. >> okay just to be sure that we are squared away. >> i see no comments from the board members. on this final agreement, roll call please? >> ly >> yes. >> logan? >> yes. >> fewer >> yes. >> hain y >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye, not being the same agreement. >> thank you. >> you you did vote aye. >> yes. >> norton. >> yes. >> six ayes. >> thank you. >> item m, discussion of other educational issues, there are none tonight. and item n, consent calendar resolution rhees moved at a previous meeting for a second reading and action, there are none this evening. item 0, vote on the consent calendar. roll call please?
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>> ly nyes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes, except abstain on 138-27 b3, k24, 25, and 33. >> correct. >> mendoza, murase? >> aye. >> wynns. >> aye. >> and norton. >> yes. >> thank you. >> okay. item p. consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion and the immediate action. and there are two this evening. k10 on page, 171. thank you. >> thank you, president norton. and so, i think i know that
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associate superintendent kevin has given us a similar explanation of this and a little bit of background on it but i thought that it is, it was worth sharing in the public since it was presented in public the issue. >> thank you. >> and kevin true, the community support department and as per the practice of the past couple of years, what the commissioner of athletics collins distributes a sign-up sheet for all of the athletic teams and all of the middle and high schools and the security and the security t10. and security guards have the opportunity to sign up for any and all of those games the deadline for that sign up was actually yesterday. and so that we can collate them altogether and then give an assignment as to who is going to cover the days and the left over for games that are not covered for this is just for
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fall now, are covered under this black bear but that is a maximum contract and generally, out of that 60,000, it is a small fraction of that that is used but it is only to cover the games that no one signed up for. >> thank you. >> so just to clarify, i am sorry, i was distracted for a minute. so we have your insurance, that our employees will have the first crack at whatever gains they want to have hours for and this is only for the games that we have no other option for staffing, correct? >> that is correct and i actually have confirmed that this week because commissioner collins asked me to send a reminder that we need the sign up sheets back. okay? >> thank you very much. >> and all right, any other questions, comments from board members >> seeing none >> ly. >> yes. >> logan. >> yes. >> fewer? >> yes. >> hain y >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza, dr. murase. >> aye. >> and miss wynns.
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>> aye. >> and norton. >> aye. >> six ayes. >> item, k28 on 107 severed by commissioner haney. >> sure. i would like to ask the chief of staff... >> good evening, this resolution is part of the middle school leadership initiative funded in partnership and the sales and as many of you have heard about the technology component and also a strand of work that we are working on leadership development and school reform and support and so this year, at mlk, we are working with parters in school innovation and a small grant with each for america, the partner was in similar ways that we are doing with the other schools with the new teacher center around building capacity, to support and retain, our highly qualified teachers. and so this is a non-traditional, very small contract with tfa that actually
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is about helping us change the paradyme, the tsa board asked me to come and speak on richard's behalf, probably six or seven months ago and talked about how they want to shift the relationship that they have with the districts from just staffing people with tsa teachers to really looking at how they can be a supportive partner around all of the leadership development activities for the teachers and this was an opportunity for us with the sales force grant, who also really wanted to promote the partnership work and look at different ways of partnering with tsa and who does have an interest in our school district and being a partner, but in a different way than they have in the past. so we felt, the superintendent and i, and others working on this felt that this was a good opportunity, for a very small amounts of money to look at a different way of working together and it is a part of an over all initiative that if you want more information, i can, and i think that we sent it to the board before but it is an
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over all initiative with the middle schools and this is supporting martin luther king middle school. >> thank you for that. >> and is this the first time that we have worked with tsa in this sort of way? is it, it is normally something that we don't really have and the teachers come in and we partner with them in sort of a more strategic way in helping us with the school and is that a new thing for us? >> yes, do you suspect that there is going to be a lot more of that and is it kind of the new vision of how we work with them as an organization. >> first of all it is a new way of working so the contracts in the past have been about having the certain numbers of teachers feel a limited amount of teacher openings and this is about trying to change that approach and it is a pilot and it is a one year pilot and it is funded for one year and we are going to examine how it goes at the end of the year and as you know we are going to be looking at all of the middle grades and looking at what is the vision for them going forward and we will be
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evaluating everything that we have invested in and the ipad and the development and the work and partners and school innovation and so, that is what, that is why we agreed to do this work together. >> yeah, just one more question about it. it says that we are going to work on teacher recruitment and retention and so since there is a teacher recruitment organization, is there any kind of question there about sort of conflict or a certain approach to that? do you see that kind of influencing the teachers that are brought in and such, or obviously there is a broader approach to the teachers that are recruited? >> it is a broader approach, they are not looking at how to bring in more tsa teachers, it is about how to help to build the structure to retain, the good teachers and partly there are teachers at mlk and one of the things that we have been
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looking at is how can we retain the teacher longer than the 2-year period, so i think that is a complaint, you know, our school district and other school districts have had that it is great to, you know, as many of these tsa teachers are wonderful but it is a short commitment and it contributes to turnover and so i think that one of the things that we are exploring is how can we look at ways to keep both tsa teachers and other new teachers whether it is the urban teacher residency and the new teachers and the intern programs and what can we learn about how do we create the supports with the principal, to keep all of the great new teachers that we are investing in. >> and so that is why it is very different approach and why it is a small contract. >> okay. >> vice president fewer. >> thank you. >> i think that the thing that concerns me the most is that they have a problem with retention, and i think that we look at nationwide, i have heard the figures as low as 9 percent that we see in the classroom and so that is why i
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have some questions about, i can understand that the recruitment and so they are really good at recruitment and i think that they are struggling also, and i think that is why with tsa they are sort of not, i would not say that they would be, that the organization that would be helping us with retaining, building, a city teacher, workforce in the classroom. which is what we are trying to do, right? especially in these schools like mlk, so i sort of question that role. i mean, i think that 32,000 is a small grant and i think that it is reasonable to look at for a year and then we reevaluate it and i think that we should be sure and be cautious that we are looking to in our school district retain, teachers in the classroom, and so that they will see it as a career and commit to our classrooms and especially in those schools that need ak celebrated
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learning, you know? and the students who have the most challenges and so i know that we have many teachers and the relationships, and with the tsa teachers they do not say and they stay in the world of education, but they are not particularly seen in the classroom, which is what i think that we need help with too. and where we looked at our human resources and i think that i spoke to mr. bush man about this, and it was. we looked at these and it is different if they had it down, but we don't have it down and i don't think that they have it down really. so i think that is why we are going to give them a grant and i mean, that i think that 32,000 is a minimum investment and a small investment to see how we can collaborative and i think that we should be collaborate and i know that you are doing this and i will just say this with the labor partners because
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