tv [untitled] August 31, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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chinatown in chinese language and we called up hong kong and asked him what worked best and the hong kong police had those reusually bags that seniors use and tips on what to look for not to be a victim of scams. so we stole their idea and the bags were paid for by asian peace officers association and members of the central station and tom from the district attorney's office. it didn't require any taxpayers' money. in the central this is community police at its best. we have ping-pong diplomacy who is challenging the mayor. our school resource officer is
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part of the program here at the school you can see him in the picture. this is our community police advisory board many members are here and represented by fisherman's wharf. we have mr. campbell and mike from russian hill and well represented by steven lee. and others. david represents lower knob hill and mickey jones represents north beach and tom rubbing i think so aquatic park. this is our assistant district attorney who is assigned to the
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sales tax. and she'll give a brief presentation on what she does. we speak 15 lawns at central station we have italian and mandarin and others and, of course, english. so i feel that community police has gone global in the 21st century and with global stylists we have to be realistic about terrorism. we have a lot of iconic buildings in the central district like the trans america building and the historic cable cars all along the waterfront. we have 23 different consulates in the central district and over
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20 big hotels in the central. global police means carrying an open dial with police agencies across the world. in the upper left is with the singapore police with the top brass we challenged information and talked about our careers. and on the right are thirty over thirty international students that came in here last weekend. they attend uc san barbara an international study program and undergrads and they're from 8 different countries. they wanted to know how we did community police in san francisco. because in their native countries they don't have
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community police. we have a lot of foot beats because of the population density and the traffic. we have them in chinatown and at the fisherman's wharf. some need no taxpayer money and union square and fisherman's wharf hires additional foot beats to supplement our beats. ♪ ♪ okay. when tony bennett was singing he left his heart in san francisco he left if in the central district and when he was talking about cable cars he was
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talking about a gentleman who spent 29 years at metropolitan and annoy finishing his 22 year in the police department. so officers of the central district they have big hearts. here's steward and our former chinatown beat officers. constituting just retired after 35 years he wants to come back as a reserve and volunteer his time in the community. leon just retired about two months ago after 40 years of service and we decided to come back and organizes the senior give away. both officers have volunteered and they are coming into the
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central. tom is in the union beat he's a tough irish cop. he taught at the academy. our next officer here is north beach man fred. (clapping) >> let me tell you about fred. during last christmas there's a guy named roy. he's not a model citizen but he's been around here for decades sometimes he didn't act well, but roy needed a new set of technicality and we pass the hat and took dominations and he
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got a whole set of deny what is your for christmas. the next thing he did here's a picture of fred and he's with a special child named o democrat. i got a letter from his grandfather. i'd like to read the letter. dear chief there are few events that would motivate me to write a letter of this but the compassion shown by the san francisco pd. our grandson who has special needs and don't speak he got a lot of compassion. we were fortunate to visit the scare and we met the officer.
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they spent the next hour together and we were about to leave with officer chris asked us where we were staying and we mentioned we were going to dinner. when we reside for dinner there was a passage waiting for the boy with stishgdz and he was thrilled that. and sergeant showed at the dinner and presented the boy with the cap and multiple banldz around the world and a san francisco shirt >> the boy was taken to the local police station in hawaii to show them off and our heartfelt thanks that you went out of your way for this boy.
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so there's a lot of things they do they're not heroic or brave but little things that mean a lot (clapping) so is chris here. is he here in the audience. fred is on the back and i'd like to acknowledge him (clapping) >> i don't know if steward is here but i guess he's not here. is carl pain in the house? ongoing but i want to acknowledge them. and right now i'd like to introduce melissa rodriguez our assistant district attorney. she's going to explain what she does at central station >> good evening everyone.
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thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to speak with you. i'm the district attorney here in san francisco. i'm the district attorney that's assigned to the extra district. you are have the privilege to work with some of the best officers like chris and the officers who take the time out of their day to speak as you can see their wonderful people and have big hearts and do an incredible job. i want to talk about the neighborhood court program and why i'm actually a part of the central driblth. i'm the district attorney assigned to the district. i work with the police department as a liaison. i work with the community like
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with the community adversities board that the captain mentioned earlier essentially every other community group that exists in the central district. i work with the neighborhood court. it means i review all the lower level quality of life offenders and the lower level i miss determine cases. or i look at the cases for the different cases. our neighborhood court consists of people who have invested interest. those individuals make a
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determination habitation to how the person who offend can give back to the community. and it's been a great process and it only works because i have the privilege of working with the central district police department. in particular captain tom who's been open and responsive and generals reduce. when working with the community like the that community advisory board i get to put my ears to the ground and figure out issues. again working with the captain at central states. he mentioned briefly the broadway corridor that was of concern it was almost a military
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zone last year and it's not like that today because of the members of the police force and as well as other officers. but an incredible bunch a of officers that work the béal beat. in addition, we focus on your work. i work closely with the port authority in identifying the issues that are for the individual we care about the most. those folks come to enjoy the hearst of the city. at any time important we protect the safety of all folks against beak ins and cell phone theft and in addition pan handwriting and pedestrian lifeguard without a permit.
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we want to make sure that our community is safe. also our parks our city parks are very important and many are here in the central district. again, i work closely with the captain to make sure safety t is important and i work with fredcytes to make sure that those parks will save. right now, we're working on creating a program that will work with the court. those people who have offend in the parks can clean the parks as part of the program. thank you so much for allowing me to speak with you. i'm honored to be the district attorney. i hold an office hour on friday between 9 and one. if i'm not there because i'm 81
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a meeting i can be reached because the officers and everyone knows me. thank you very much (clapping) >> for our last one more speaker. i'd like to introduce dr. dennis chu the principle of gordon j low and he has some special guests for us. he's going to talk about a program to get the kids to know the police officers on a more personal level. >> first of all, i want to thank those students because to sit quietly for over an hour and a
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half is incredible (clapping). >> second will ily i want to thank the parents for setting here with the children. okay. and also want to recognize we - captain tom talks about community we have representative johnny from the ymca and from the church. we're all in this together like the teachers. those teachers have been here 12 hours annoy. this is all about the community. one thing that's important to our community is that we know we know for a fact that a lot of the asian the chinese parents and grandparent make very good victim's because when their victims of a crime they don't want to report it because of too
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much trouble. i cannot educate theen give up. what we've down in the past couple of yea couple of years we have a gentleman who would go into the classroom and the students would get to know him. we have a fingerprint program the fingerprint cards are given to the parents and in this day and age you just don't know. the students get to go on a field trip to central station so if mom and dad and the family becomes a victim they can say i
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know officer courtney and whoever it is. it takes the fear away from them. we make sure that the students know the privileged and adults are there to help them. we demand the respect but you have to understand if the students fear the adults and then you lose that respect. i had to teach our parents. a lot of our parents tell their kids if you don't do their homework the cops will take you to jail. if the parents say if you don't listen and don't do your hoeshths dr. chu will kick you out of school. i'm saying we're trying to change our students and children to respect authority and not be
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afraid of authority. and another thing we do with our students is the police department also takes them on field trips duo to angel island. it has a historical value as most of you know that. our families have spent time there my father and grandfather have spent time there. but kids this age this generation have no concept so it's good they get that exposure. furthermore, the officers could by and say hi. the parents have to help us with that. a lot of the kids go to the house of courtney.
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tonight kids have been setting here for an hour. those kids are not first grade and let's hope this works. today, our in the auditorium and now i'm going to ask you a question answer out loud. what is officer courtney's favorite color? >> red and a who is officer courtney favorite super hero. >> - >> what was officer courtney's favorite food. inaudible. >> he got it right and a last year, it was a hotdog and this year it's a hotdog. how many children does officer
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courtney have. that tells us he's an adult and an police and he's got four kids and his favorite super hero is super man and so forth. i want to thank the captain and all the officers at central station for making our students feel comfortable in dealing with the police. thank you (clapping) >> thank you very much dr. chu and that will conclude my presentation and i want to thank
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you, officer dunn and for the presentation she the great job and thank you to tony bennett for singing i left my heart in san francisco. thank you very much captain tom. and that was a pretty incredible presentation especially at the end. this is great. we really seeing community being involved there's not just take about community there's community. unless the staff has any pressing questions it's time to hear from the community and nouns the public comment. >> the public is now welcome to address the commission on items that don't appear on tonight's agenda that were speakers should address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals.
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when the police officer rules of order during the comment no commissioners is required to respond but may provided a brief response. individual commissioners and occ personnel shouldy refrain from entering into debate and please limit our comments to 3 minutes >> just to be clear tonight because we have language access in the room. i can give public comment in any language >> good evening i'm detective director at the chinatown community center. our organization has serviced chinatown by providing affordable housing and work with resident and tenants to engage
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the community. i want to thank the wonderful officers over at central and to recognize the incredible job that captain tom a dog and particle engaging the community. captain tom himself is a one-man community police unit. i see him everywhere he comes and meets with our staff and community on a regular basis. he was there on superfluous saturday with low income residents to talk about the senior scams. he i remember when he first start he had a broken leg going to meeting after meeting after meeting. sometimes, i think i see captain tom that more than i see my family and wife.
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i want to thank him for the incredible job he's doing. i'm confident we have the best captain and i didn't realize we had the funniest. i want to say a speech hello to angela. >> thank you. say hi to our husband (clapping) >> good evening i'm phillip chin on behalf of the committee for better parks and recreation. i want to point out while tailor. parks in china the core of chinatown has the least
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amount of open space. the resident of this community has the lottery per capita of open space. so as you may be able to see open space is dear and precious to us are a little earlier there was some real problems are port smith square. while we recognize the right of anybody to use the open space we recognize that some folks were trying to take over the parks throughout the city and ports a square was one of those places. we felt it was deriving people of their living room.
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so we quickly contacted captain tom, of course, without any delay captain tom and other officers were able to clear out the space and essentially return that space back to the members of the community. so we want to thank captain tom and his officers. we also want to thank him for the work he's down paying attention to the traffic along kirsten i didn't street. it's a busy through fair but it's a street where a lot of people who may be rushing to work are often violating traffic codes and making illegal turns
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and endangering pedestrians >> thank you commissioners for giving me this time to speak. i have a little bit of a switch in this conversation. i noticed it was going a little bit more to basically to policemen - well, here's my situation on february 22nd i was coming home from work i got off the m train on market and on my walk down to the mission street mission and 11 street to catch
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t 14 bus i was stopped by 8 officers with their guns on me so i was approached by 8 officers with guns on me and forced me to the ground and give me all diversity demands in regards to an african-american being involved in a shooting. i knew nothing about it i was just coming home from work. it was a terrorizing night it was a night i'll never forgot. i've been going through so much after this incident. i'm sorry everybody just to think of it hurt me because the force on this particular night i saw my life particle flash
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before me with 8 guns drawn on me for no reason other than the color of my skin that's the only thing i could think of. for a person who works everyday who has no criminal activity a law-abiding citizen. i participate in organizations of community organizations that help people. i'm not going to say what i do but i've been doing it now b for about 6 months to help the community. just reasoning about this from time to time it hurts to bad to know that those officers almost took my life for no reason at all. it hurts to bad to know that when i come home from work
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