tv [untitled] September 1, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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geographical and geological viewpoint as far as et indicational value. i mean that it has been transformed, you know, it used to be... taken down and we had that long bridge that at one time went from the site all the way over to the creek, as i remember. those kinds of land use transformations and i guess that where is that kind of information? is that going to be plugged into some of this other interpretation? or is that going to come over more into the forest city and the orton area? i think that is a fascinating piece of history about the site. >> no, the port staff and our development partners, we realize and recognize the need to do the interpretation across the entire site and so we think that the park might be the project that drives it first but we are in early conversations with our partners on how we do not only
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interpretation for just the parks site but how we interpret the entire site so that it reads as a unified program and so that is something that we are definitely thinking about and working towards developing a plan for. >> >> fantastic, what you have done so far. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioner pearlman? >> yes, i want to congratulate you all. i mean that it is really incredible what you are doing there, i know the area well and i go through there all of the time and i was thrilled that i first heard that tim kelley had written the reports on the cranes and so years ago and so i knew this was coming and i love the idea, also, it is like the slip away two and three are the high line of new york and whatever was there now, is kind of in terms of the plant life is encouraged to propagate there as well. >> and the only comment that i have is that you had in the slip way four and in the keel
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park the skateboarding and the picnic area and it was skateboarding slash picnic and i thought, number one i am going to picnic and skateboard at the same time. >> if they are there i will not want to be picnicking there, it does not seem like a realistic thing and the idea that all of the blocks are there and they can be moved around and which of course will be the most attractive thing to skateboarders i would imagine. it could just be problematic in terms of the conflicts of the use guide and over all the traces and all of those things, are just beautifully done and i think that it is going to be incredible addition to san francisco and the water front, thank you. >> and i just wanted to thank mark and david and the staff that we have been working on all of these pro-jeblgts and we have been working on the water front and all of the projects and we have been taking a larger look at it and i made a presentation to the port
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commission and the planning commission about a history of the water front planning and how all of these projects are really implementing not only the city's and the port's water front land use plan but also implementing the plans that we did which are much and many of what has touched the water and really we are about how to bring the water and the neighborhoods together and so all of these projects the public spaces that the development and the orton development site as well and the city site are all about bringing the neighborhoods to the water and vice versa and i want you to know that we are working closely with the port on all of these projects to make sure that the plans are implemented the way that they were intended ethank you. >> yeah, i wanted to second some of the other comments that were made and to say that a lot of park designers have a fear of kind of industrial sites that they want to make them all pretty and not erase the investor heritage and i appreciate that that heritage is being kept and that but i
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would also encourage you to get rid of that wharf that might be gone and i don't think that you need it and will help as well with the budget. and i would encourage you to simplify that perk >> i have a couple of comments as well. it is just stunning and there has got to be one of the only shipyards that you have turned into a park i don't know. obviously this will be an example for the nation as well as honestly probably anywhere in the world. and one thing that i already have the port folks here is that i would love to make my pitch and i made it to ram before and it is not just in seattle, they have a pocket park and a beach. and you get away from the traffic and you hear the water on the beach and it is fantastic and so i love seeing the water meeting this park. but i would love to promote it in more spots along the wharf downtown and stuff so you can drop in and where that new park
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is down at brannen and i would love if we had a pork ket beach, otherwise, i would agree, anything interrupting your access to the water i would love to see not there. slip way two and three and that would be great if it that was open. >> anyone else. >> no. >> and fantastic, thank you guys very much. and any public comment on this? to be official? >> no. and great. we are done. and we are adjourning in the memory of alice kerri and all of the work that she has done in the buildings and also for the movement in preservation, and again to alice kerri.
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we're excited because we're going to be breaking ground for the first block of homes in the shipyard. i would like to recognize mayor ed lee. you may applaud (clapping) >> i also to recognize mayor willie brown (clapping). >> also ms. bonner (clapping). >> by the end of this project will be a leniently and also form supervisor sophie maxwell. >> and we will get to any introduction to the rest of the folks on the instantly. at this time i want to bring up
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our mc. she's brought the news to our living rooms for years this is ms. pam. (clapping) >> and the journalist she's been inducted into the arts and sciences and she's receives any with regards honoring her contribution to california. it's a great principle she will join use it in come mentoring this celebration >> ms. pam (clapping). >> thank you supervisors cowen and wow. what a beautiful day in san francisco wow. arrest (clapping).
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>> and want an exciting day per it's my pleasure to be here today to the official project 25 years in the making. (clapping). >> this really is a historic moment in time for this community and today's celebration assigned to honor all the people who have fought for this. but to build on what is already here for a bright future and a for those who live here in the future. there was a song it's a long time coming but i know change is going to come. oh, yes, it is (clapping) >> change is coming.
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we're honored to have a number of people who made this project possible. we want to acknowledge the key citizens and supervisor cowen the mayor of san francisco and the former mayor willy brown and supervisor cowen thank you for being here and senate file if he maxwell is here to make this day happen. her form colleague and the community thanks you for your support. congresswoman nancy pelosi and dining feinstein are holding down the for the in washington. welcome to leroy king and also
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the executive director of the office of investment and a infrastructure (clapping) and we're board members (calling names) also, we would like all the members of the shipyard advisory committee to stand up. this day wouldn't be possible without i (clapping) >> we'd like to welcome michael executive director of the building trade. sorry michael for blowing our name there. today, we're here to launch the construction of the new homes for the bay hunters community. today is the start for 14 hundred imply homes thirty percent of them will be
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affordable housing. and can you get a discount on getting a house. approximately 25 acres of parks and trails and open space with those spectacular views and programs to gunmen the community. small business assistance and home ownership opportunities and, of course, the preference of the shipyards artist colony. i'll so happy about that (clapping) >> there's much to celebrate so let us begin. we have an accomplished agreement and he works as willie brown chief executive city voirsz. he left the bay area a bit
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becoming the first african-american to hold a title in the national football league but he, he had to come back home to the bay area for this project. known for his bold vision and his can do vision. it can't stop cop but please welcome the president. (clapping) thank you, thank you >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you very much. good afternoon everybody what a great day in the city and bay view (clapping) and a, you know, this portion of the shipyard was constrained in 2004 and you can see we've completed the utilities and we
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have street lights. i'm proud to announce the beginning of construction right here on this hilltop (clapping) >> it's been quite a journey and and a complektd journey. we wouldn't be here but from the strength of our partnership. our partnership has required courage, conviction and commitment. so many of the elected officials have been courageous and structural in supporting our effort. at the federal level nancy pelosi and dining friend of mine at the scene have been
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wonderful. we have a - mayor willie brown took the lead at the local level and now governor newsom and now mayor lee. the last 8 years former district supervisors calmly so calmly engineered the critical approvals through the board. first with then president of the board erin and then but now president of the board david chiu. and, of course, the majority of the supervisors. and i thank supervisor cowen for her friendship. we have many evenings we chat
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about how to carry on this support. we have been fueled by the conviction of this community. the stalwart members of the advisory committee and the project area committee members led by my colleagues have sat through hundreds of difficult committee meetings and providing input to us and the commissioners who are here and currently on the commission and certainly those in the past. i commissions for several years and it's anchored by commissioner king. thank you for coming applause. but you know neither courage or conviction would have made this
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happen without funding. so, please indulge me to thank our ceo and some of our partners. we have also believed the best of the bay view and we have placed our resources alongside our belief. we've been fortunate to work with some folks. and others ms. roberta. (clapping). i can tell you without my colleagues and associates who reside me downtown san francisco the rest of the urban san francisco we wouldn't have that
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made it thus far. so courage commitment and conviction have delivered us to this great beginning. i'm extremely pleased to tell you that we begin today and in the next 3 six months almost 11 hundred market rate homes will be completed and occupied on this hilltop (clapping) 20 acres of recreation space will be available to the entire community. the artists will have a new studio building cementing this relationship with this profile property. candle stick stadium will be gone but in its place is will be
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the beginning of a retail and treatment center with a grocery store for the community. and perhaps most syllablely to this community and certainly to our public partners a hundred and 28 of the 2 hundred and 56 families that currently reside in another area will be living in they're new homes (clapping) >> and those new homes will be on the alice parkway with the remainder of the homes to follow shortly after. so i can't tell you how pleased i am to be part of this transformation. i certainly look forward to seeing this dream become a
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reality. thank you (clapping) >> thank you. and what a day of celebration all over the plays for the mayor of san francisco today. mayor lee became the first asian american to be the first mayor. and throughout the day he looked for opportunities to courage opportunities for all san franciscans. he believes in the opportunity of parks and because of his work the golden gate park and the small neighborhood parks will have the financial resources to give folks time to spend with their family and friends and to
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protect and preservers housing mayor lee led this project creating a $100 billion stream of money for low income housing and first time home buyer assistance (clapping) >> and his goals and his core values are on full display with the parks and the open space and the housing please join us in welcoming mayor ed lee (clapping). >> thank you pam. >> welcoming to the bay view. oh, my gosh you've got to hear all my thoughts coming right now but i've got to say what's on my heart. we're in the bay view we're with
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people who are beautiful people out here many years comemented by the those views and we need housing. bay i'm going to get a pair of the glasses that willie's wearing. obvious mary a cowen has expressed all the names but i want to make sure we recognize the historic efforts by so many people from years and decades placed a lot of hope and tears and the hope was created to get to this point. i greatly appreciate them from speaker pelosi and congresswoman feinstein and to the hours and
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adheres that some of the folks did to put this together. we with the new commission on investment and 70 san we get to deliver on those promises not just talk about them deliver on them. that's how we honor all the people who have touched this development and project. every former planning director is here. yes, he helped us. so many people touched us. the only way to honor those folks is to deliver for the residents in bay view. deliver for a hope sf residents who want the hope and deserve
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it. deliver to this section of the city so no one can say we have unfultd promises. and deliver to others. and y c, d, and working with a b u they're going to be helpful in this they're not just going to do barbecues. we've get to get everybody working. this is why we do the projects in the not just for the business this is for the people. people here in the bay view and all over the city. we work with the one hundred percent of all the community in san francisco. in bay view we're proud of the patience and the com radical and the sacrifices people have made.
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and when you understand that the bay view planning committee the committee that was formed back when art was a mare. over 25 years ago they've been working for two decades to figure out what to do it the shipyard. everybody needs housing and we're going to get the housing for all classes of people here to create more community at the same time. not just you housing by the way. we're talking about community and housing but they need parks and open space and good transportation. they need the greatest world-class education this city can find. we've got to put all that together to build community. this is what the commission on investment and infrastructure is all about.
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i'm not afraid to say they've been there all those years. thank you for your sacrifices. (clapping) and even though the state got rid of that development. we've also done this right the people have also held us you t getable. pitting the promise first and we'll see to that that phase one is going to be completed during our lifetimes we're going to see 5 hundred thousand housing units on this shipyard how about that as a goal
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(clapping) >> in the morning promises. the dirt is being turned over at the buildings is being started. we're hiring local labor and putting people to work building the communities beautiful bay view we're lucky to be in san francisco. thank you very much (clapping) >> this project is firmly grounded on the foundation of community involvement and the key folks who were involved have had big challenges but they never gave up or wavered for a revitalized bay view community. dr. verna gave her heart and soul of the chair of the advisory you - how do you feel
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today. please welcome dr. honey cut >> i really want to holler we're so glad to see the vertical construction. good afternoon, everyone. yes (clapping) >> let's give glory to god for allowing us to witness this wonderful occasion the beginning of the vertical construction is in the shipper yard. i'm pleased to see the mayor brown on this poumd. your vision to revitalize this part of san francisco has laid the groundwork. you're the reason we're all here
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today. thank you very much (clapping) and we want to thank our great mayor edwin lee for his wonderful work to make sure this was a priority for the city and county of san francisco. our economy has sewer passed most of its counterparts in the country. we made sure that jobs were a priority in his area. he's listened to our concerns and received our feedback well. we thank you, mayor lee (clapping) and to this wonderful man of the hour mr. bonding solid
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commitment this shipyard wouldn't have made it thus far. mr. bonner i make us proud with your resistance we thank you for keeping us engaged and focused despite all the distractions. and to my colleagues on the citizens advisory committee your past and continued efforts have sustained our community. year in and out you have given our time commitment to this work. you have worked without - today, our work is repealing dividends. i would be remiss in i didn't
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