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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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or flexible. as matt said in the last presentation we had, when we did the did the rehab across the street at 1 market. having the 1 market street restaurant open during construction was a living nightmare because they were operating a full-time class a restaurant while we were doing seismic upgrades. and that's just something you don't want to repeat. so, we drew it up in a way that we could do the phase 1 first, have the tenants with the food truck concept be flexible, and then come back if you decided in three years to award the second part. obviously as simon said, we both would rather do it all at once. by we tried to address it in a way that you could choose one versus the other. hopefully that's not an inaccurate statement. >> any other questions? >> i just want to thank you both for a really great
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presentation. you both sounded very experienced participants and i think it's a great project. that's all i need to say at this time. >> i want to piggyback off my fellow commissioners. too eagerly, this is just great. both different visions, both creative thinking, both out of the box. i just am impressed with both. this is a great project. wrong the port could be in a better position to have two excellent candidates. i really don't know what to say. [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> i had another question. is there any percentage rent considered in the tmg proposal?
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>> in phase ii we'd have percentage rent. i think in phase 1 we're paying the base rent. thank you. >> any other questions? comments? i might have more than one, but if i was reading the numbers right, simon, is yours going to cost about less than 40 million to do phase 1 and 2, or was that 26 million just infrastructure? >> excuse me. the 26 million infrastructure, project costs 118 million, roughly in the same ballpark with tax credits. about 100 million. >> and can you guys both just give me a cursory review of
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what your maritime components will be? [laughter] >> you know, i beat him because i put this little self-launch crane in. he missed my little self-launch 4,000 pound crane. there's one over in marina and sauselido where the public can go. i beat him. [laughter] >> thank you, commissioner. obviously maritime uses are important, both because it takes advantage of this wonderful asset on the water and because it's so important for trust consistency and bcdc approve. i think our proposals are very similar. in both cases i think the teams are proposing to rehabilitate the existing floating dock of
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the north. we are also proposing during the long-term phase to build and do guest stock along the south. the guest stock along the south would really operate part of the south beach harbor complex there and could be for both permanent docking and for larger craft that are guest docking. the floating dock on the north is more of a light duty facility and would be good for small craft launching for a human craft like kayak launching as well as ongoing taxi service which would serve both this project, of core, the brannan street wharf. in addition, of course, we would have some maritime facilities inside the building to serve the boaters who are coming and going. i had been -- was involved many years in the operation of south beach harbor which i'm happy to hear the port will soon be operating, where you have any kind of berthing use, you need rest rooms and showers and laundry and lockers and work rooms. it's just a lot of maritime
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facilities are involved in any kind of working small boat situation. so, we would have that as well. this is connected to separate from just the public access, which is the apron that would wrap all the way around the pier, new problemvs supported by the seismic upgrade. and of course the expansion and improvement along the north and south apron area near the embarcadaro. >> thank you. simon? [laughter] >> we have stuck to transient berthing. there's a difference between transient berthing having to do with bcdc. marina comes with filling the bay. transient if you don't stay more than two weeks is okay. so, similar to what amy said, we've got transient berthing. we have an elaborate plan which i made in the first thing -- the first presentation to
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extend the seawall for the south beach harbor to create a harbor for large visiting vessels. we did not include it in here. i have alluded to it and said it will be the subject of working with the port travel master at the south beach harbor and exploring that with bcdc because it is in everybody's best interest to get on with the mitigated negative declaration. if you start putting seawalls in you need for proper berthing, moffatt and nickel who has done an extensive study for us, [speaker not understood]. >> any other questions and comments? i want to thank both teams for your presentation and thank you for coming back again. we really appreciate it. and this has really been greater detail and a wonderful presentation.
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we really appreciate you coming. it's going to be a really hard decision, but thank you so much. >> thank you. >> item 14, new business. >> is there any new business? >> commissioners, any business? >> i would just like to ask if someone sometime in the future could give us a status on the complaints for darling delaware and what's going on there. >> certainly. >> especially their order complaint for hotline that's supposed to be in effect. >> any other new business? any public comment on new business? no? okay. adjournment? >> move adjourn. >> we adjourn in memory.
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>> captain tom [speaker not understood]. >> yes. we adjourn in memory of captain tom [speaker not understood]. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. [adjourned] so it is my complet
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to be able to welcome so many wonderful people and so many people that support our school and all of these excess where having and i guess i want to introduce mayor lee. mayor lee, please stand up and wave to our
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community. [applause] >> so, as everyone was gathering in our main office we have come up with, we were brainstorming what we wanted to know from the mayor and from the superintendent. our students here we read the book of but not buddy this summer. have either of you read that book? well it looks like oregon have to mail the superintendent and the mayor are book. we definitely want them to know what were talking about, right? very good. so then let's substrate. let's remember what our three rules that we always lived by? >> be responsible. be safe. be respectful. awesome. i want to make sure that were all showing our democrat on the south side right now and we are going to be welcome back to school by our mayor. please give them a round of applause. [applause] >> thank you. good morning
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everyone. well you should know i only live less than 3 min. away from here. just up the hill. so i get to watch all of you. but, i am very happy to join our local supervisor of this district by john avalos this here this morning. it's a pleasure i was very much care about our education. i want to thank teresa ship for welcoming me here to your first day of school. i'm of course here with your superintendent. mr. carranza, thank you. we caught a couple of school board members and school officials and teachers representative here as well. mr. mendoza on our school board emily goshawk as well. and we have of course a number of school districts rep. as well as parents. all
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the parents are here today. [applause] >> well, first of all welcome. welcome some of you back to school. welcome some of you who have just started here at james jim and school. we love our students. you are happy, yes? well, i hope you are because we got a lot of great things this year. i think we believe we have a new classroom in fact. i have been working hard over the summer with hydra and a company called salesforce and they are here today, salesforce does a lot of great engineering in san francisco and they do something called the cloud. how many people know what the cloud is? anybody know what the club is? you will learn. you'll learn a little bit. some of the teachers know that for sure
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they can explain to you. but, this company is headquartered in san francisco and they are helping me help all the middle schools in san francisco get modernized. that is, to get technology, get wi-fi service, get computer tablets to the teachers, to of course, our principal. to help with the modernization of this school so that you, as students, and also as parents, can actually get a lot more science done, a lot more math done. a lot more engineering done. and become even more skilled because some of you, in fact, i see somebody here that's going to be the mayor of san francisco get somebody in this crowd is going to be the next mayor. how do you like that? do you want my job? [applause] >> well you can have a lot of fun. i think when science and the math and all the other skill sets that the school
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district wants this school and so many of the other middle schools to have more of, you're going to be the beneficiaries of it. i know you're going to be motivated. i want to thank you for not only getting up early, brushing your teeth, getting a good healthy breakfast, and running down here to make sure you meet your new teacher this year. this is going to be great. again, i am just 3 min. away. but we're also going to be working very closely. this won't be the first and only time you see me. there'll be other times you see walking around the campus because i do care about all of you as our middle school students. you're going to be the best minds. your point of great jobs when just a few years from now you're all going to be and up in college or some good jobs. and, if you need some help with a resume, ask me or ask supervisor apples. we'll be glad to write you support for resume for the best job.
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you could be the head of a company. you can even be the start of a great sports team. or, you could be a scientist or a doctor or a lawyer but anything you want to be. you definitely have it begins right here. so congratulations good morning welcome back to school and have a great grade year. thank you, teachers. and administrators. [applause] >> thank you. thank you mayor lee. what an exciting day. wow. admin. we are so proud. we also have another really special guest. who remembers what is our superintendent's name? >> superintendent carranza. please welcome him back up so we can welcome us to school. >> [applause] >> good morning. wait a minute. you've been resting all summer.
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rights were to do this i want you to blow the roof off of this auditorium. when i say good morning i want you in your loudest most excited voice to say good morning back. are you ready? take a deep breath. sit up straight. here we go. good morning >> good morning >> that's what i'm talking about. it's great to be back in school. it's great to welcome all of you here. i want to especially welcome the parents and our teachers and our paraprofessionals in our demonstrators would've been here for, believe it or not, over a week preparing for this very day. to get ready for the first day of school something of great experience. now if i understand correctly your sixth-graders, correct? >> yes >> no? this is what i want you to do. by the way, i was very impressed that you actually knew my name. so thank you very very much. this what i want you to do. i want you to think about when he went to
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kindergarten. do you remember that? then after kindergarten you went to first grade. do you remember that? did you have fun in first grade? did you have fun in kindergarten? yes. did you have fun in second grade? yes. this is just another transition. so since grade may be scary but it's not that scary because you can have fun and since grade. you know how i know why you have fun in six great because of excellent teachers at denman. they are going to help make learning fun for you. they are going to encourage you and support you and you know why i know that you're going to have fun weekly here because the secret is that denman is a fantastic middle school. you know high note the secret is out because denman has a waiting list now of kids that want to come to denman middle school. did you know that? did you know that? >> [applause] >> so there are other children
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i want to come to denman they just could becomes there's not enough room. you got into denman. you should be very proud of the fact that you got into denman and that other people want to come to denman. you know it's going to happen? next year when people want start applying for middle school they're going to see the great year that you've had and didn't want to come to middle school as well and they say i saw merely walking the halls because he's my neighbor. he lives down the street. it is a wow, the bear comes in the busy supervisor below supporting you to say the supervisor is here. you know why we're all here? more than anything we are here because we want to thank you for the great job that you've done and the great job you're going to do and we are so proud of denman middle school. you're doing a great job. so as six graders, i want you to have fun this year. can you do that? that's not very convincing. can you do that? >> yes >> i said can you do that? >> yes >> are you going to do that? i want you to have a great start
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to the year before i give up the microphone, i want to thank your principal, and your assistant principal for the great job they're doing. how about a big round of applause for them? >> [applause] >> yes. they're going to work to support your teachers and your teachers are working to support you. it's one big community. parents support everyone that here. i also want to recognize some folks that are in the audience because they wanted to come and be part of this visitation as well. you party met our mayor, you've already met our commissioners. you've already met our supervisor mr. avalos, but i want to introduce you to our deputy superintendent for policy and operations, leon lee (sp?). our general counsel who is sean davis. our assistant superintendent for middle school, jeannie bond. our special assistant to the chief of staff who is overseeing this wonderful middle school project from the district side budget
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kiara. then the best for last, the president of our united educators of san francisco, mr. dennis kelly. and our executive vice president for united educators ms. susan solomon. we're all here together to tell you how proud we are of you a you have a great grade school year and i'm going to ask >> is [music] >> >>
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