tv [untitled] September 4, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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june, the june it is transferred to the trustee, but it does not pay out to the bond holders until august and so that is cross two fiscal years and in rops three, we showed that june transferred to the trustee as an expenditure but it is august and the transfer is not a expenditure and so that is confusing and so what we are trying to do here is sink it up so that we are all just paying everything in august. but for right now, what we want to do is be able to make sure that we have enough across the two rops periods that we can make our debt service payment and so we need to make a payment in january and then we need to collect the funds to have in hand and that is what we collect in the rops 14, 15 a to make the payments in august. so we created the debt service reserve line to spread it across the two fiscal years.
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>> here is our time frame with the milestones and i want to highlight a couple of things that are going on in the meantime. so, we are going through our workshops that october first date, in blue that you see there is the statutory deadline and so we have to get something in by october first but we hope to have something by september 23rd. and while we will be in the midst of meeting and confering and pulling that together and to just keep in mind that the long range plan is due in november on that due date and so we will be on working on tracks there. and gun, they should be giving us the final determination no later than december 18th and make the tax distribution on january second. that concludes my presentation. and i am available for any
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questions, thank you. >> thank you. >> i think that we have a few questions. >> do you have speakers cards. >> i have no speaker cards. >> oh, there is. >> i apologize. it is washington. >> yes. >> is collects so much water that is just squeezes. and so what i see now is my next project is going up to the rops to stop the rop. and so you, and you all are so bent on making the rops looking so good in sacramento and i will have to take a bus up there and testify, on those halls there so what goes on down here at city hall. you all? this is unacceptable and i have come up here in plenty of times and i ain't got time for errors no more, if you want to sit
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down and see how we can move forward and what we call the community reform so that you can report back to jerry, jerry been around twice so that he can report and say that you did it with the community. how in the hel are you going to move on and keep using fillmore or whatever and the way that the agency and the prior agency done to us? okay. bottom line, i am jumping and praying, immediately, that i could sit down and talk with the president and the executive director and the people who are in charge. to find out how we are going to move forward in a way that we can work collectively. because this is not going to continue no more. i am on this case. they are doing this 27 years, and i am not a lawyer, but i have got so much documents to say what you are all doing is not what you are telling the governor. it is not your fault. but if you continue on, you are going to be put in that category as either one are two
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that i am filing on and conspiracy? now, i am talking for real, and just like joe hinesfield and if you don't do the right thing and sit down at the table and talk about the fillmore situation, and immediately. you cannot continue on, i volunteer to see everything thatvy been involved before you all were involved with the jefferson put together what they called the mass lease and you are all spreading millions of dollars from there to now, there are obligations that you all owe us, and the community. and if not the community, sure enough on me. you know what this calls sweat equity and i have been doing this for 20-something years. now, these obligations that you are talking about is that you want to assent and sacramento and you need to sit down with the community and not only in this side, but the bay view side and i just lift up the document that say what you did in the bay view was put together for years ago.
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and this is the first federal agency in this country, and you would not know if the last director? ace washington. and so, i am taking that and flipping and flopping it and calling community reform. because everything that is doing good right now is called community driven and anything that under mind it, i am going to recognize it and you call it the point system. and got in the is and the dots and so i am hoping and praying that when i make the phone call next week we can sit down and talk because this can't go on like this. >> thank you. >> do we have any other cards? >> no. >> thank you very much. >> okay. i am going to again, a poll apologize, i am going to step out in a couple of minutes. >> first is, i understand that the little bit of tricky because of the long range plan
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due in november and the timing issue there and do we anticipate any changes to rops 13, 14, b from the long range property management plan, for example, you know, our disposition of south beach harbor and would that impact any money that we would need in the first half of 2014? i mean, we have been talking about could there possibly be disposition costs? not knowing the timing of how long they will be taking to approve it? >> yeah. >> yes, it is possible. and we have not come up with any hard numbers now that will be that we have put on yet. and i don't think that we have talked through specifically the south beach harbor and we have been talking about appraisals or other things that we need to move forward with any dispositions. >> right >> so i guess that is what i am
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getting and i through that out as an example. but i can see how the long range property manager plans would either increase the costs in the form of meeting and appraisals and other consultants or whatnot or decrease the costs from potentially having to dispose of or otherwise, do something with the property that you had planned to spend the tax increments on the bonds. so i guess that the reason that i asked the question, is i am just trying to get a sense of whether or not dof would sort of delay, rops. b. because, they see something in the long range property management plan that does not jiv with what they are seeing in terms of the signatures on rops b. and i mean anything is possible with dof and our past experience with them is that they have had to tend to sort of divide and conquer when they had reviews and sometimes the two parts don't necessarily communicate between each other. and so we found that with the
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rops and due diligence review process that there were two separate teams working on them. but that is a good question to think about. and see if there is anything that we might want to include. and we do have an administrative budget that some of these things could be captured, but, we have not heard anything to date that would indicate that they might, you know, delay, a rops approval because of the long range property management plan and okay, thank you. >> going over questions? >> mr. ellington? >> yes, turn your mic o >> so the different funding sources here. >> and i know that the bond proceeds and are connected to certain items on the rops, but what are the are there any restrictions on the reserved funds and what the reserved funds can be used for? and what are the other funds
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and what are categorized as other funds? >> and so there are restrictions on those reserves depending on where they originated from. the prior tax increment and balances from say mission bay, are restricted from the agreement, or etc. and there are, depending on where it came from, there are restrictions, and then, the other is or has a variety of sources and so, i would say, it is a lot of developer payments, and so, for instance, in the shipyard, you know, the depositers and reimbursing or in transbay, the developer is making the payments that will be used for the affordable housing through a payment, from them verses using the property tax and that is what in that category as well as the state and federal grants as well. >> they are just lumped altogether. anything that is not prompt property tax is not reserved in the bonds. >> okay. >> thank you.
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>> okay. >> i mean, this is a pretty thorough and i know that the over site board will have the more specific questions because they are going to go line by line. nothing jumped out to me and i definitely bring it up to somebody if it does and does anyone have any? >> i don't have a question, but, i again, i am intrigued to see or perhaps understand and maybe this is not the point, where we talk about this, but there are a couple of items related to the western addition, outstanding loans. by, yosi, with josi, and with the resoles and the (inaudible) long and 1300 fillmore and i understand why they are on this schedule. and just so that the folks are not confused and members of the
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public are not confused as to why the matters might appear here, perhaps we should have some explanation. >> so, tracy ren olds or real estate director will come up and address that question. >> commissioners, i'm the manager of the real estate group. the loans, yes, the loans are on the rops and you can see that we put them on, and they don't involve any payments out because they are loans, and but, those agreements along with the other development agreements that don't involve the payments we made a decision many months ago to put every obligation that we can think of on the rops even if it doesn't involve a cash flow out and so those, that is why they are on there and that is why there is no, and there is zero, on there. >> but those loans are continuing to be active.
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and monitoring them and a couple of them, should be amended soon. and so i am planning to bring an amendment two of them before you. and for your consideration on two of them. the rop loan went through a bankruptcy process and came out at the other end with a different structure which is being followed at the moment. and so the loan continues, the yosi one is tied up in the bankruptcy proceeding. and then, the other two sheba and 1300, there is a couple of loans, associated with those, entities. and 1300, they are both making payments, but slightly different than what their loan agreement actually says, which is why those are the two that i will be bringing and amendments to you as soon as i can, probably after the property management plan. but we will see, as fast as
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possible. >> great, thank you. okay. >> thank you, very much. >> and there is not an action item. so i think that we can move on to the next item. >> the next order of business is item 7, report of the chair. >> oh, that is me. >> i do not have a report this week. >> the next order of business is item 8, report of the executive director madam director? >> thank you. madam secretary. commissioners, just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that we are having a meeting on the 17th of september, and it is our regular meeting day. and but we have a special meeting time as our secretary indicated at 4:00 p.m., in the community and it will be considering a number of items that are actually related to
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urbabeuena and transbay. and that cons includes my report. >> the next order of business, questions and matters, madam chair? >> okay. >> anyone on the questions or matters that we can see sfgovtv is here until further notice. taping all of our meetings and i hope that we will get the people to tune in. >> okay. thank you very much. >> next item is item 10, closed session. >> 10 a. under the california government code, section, 54956.9 and confers with the legal council for the existing litigation and the 765 market street and residential owners association, et al verses all persons interested in the matter of the validity of the resolution on the community investment and infrainstruct stur and of the success and agency of the redevelopment agency of the city and council of san
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francisco and two, resolution, 8, 13 of the over side board to the redevelopment agency of san francisco. et al superior court. >> i guess that we will go into recess, sorry. to the public comment? >> yeah. >> okay. before we do that, do we have any public comment? generally for you? do we not have no? >> no. okay. >> and thank you. >> okay. so i believe that we do stop taping. i see, that. perfect. >> and i am going to go into the closed session. and thank you very much. >> and so the question is complete and we are ajournd at 3:12.
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>> thank you month and a new week and a great time to enjoy events and activity here are my top three, can't get enough of the america's cup? if so check out the free exhibit this monday at the sf maritime museum, see the rare model, of cup as well as photo and artifacts from ten to four p.m. through november and after
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the museum, try a luck at fishing, the department of fishing games, saturday, september 7th. fish without the expense of a license this saturday only >> and on sunday, rock out at pay us sf record fair, the place to be for the music lovers and will feature vendors from all over the country telling tons of rare and hard to find items including posters and more, this event is one of the biggest events of its kind in california and so get your tickets early. and so that is the weekly buzz, for more information on any of for more information on any of these for more information on any of these aah! i'm a lion! yes, you are. come here. let's see how this looks. hey, how's my little horse? she's a lion. yes, she is. grrr! ha ha!
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>> good morning, today is wednesday, august 21, 2013, this is a meeting of the abatement appeals board, i would like to remine everyone to turn off all electronic devices and the first item on the agenda is roll call. >> president clinch? >> here. >> vice president melgar? >> here. >> commissioner mar? >> here. >> commissioner mccray is expected. >> commissioner mccarthy? >> here. >> and commissioner lee? >> here. >> commissioner walker? >> here of the >> we have a quorum and the next item is item b. the oath. would all persons that may be giving testimony today please
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stand and raise your right-hand? [oath >> you may be seated. >> and have an announcement that item d, for a new appeal case number 6779, 3580 san bruno avenue has been withdrawn and this case will not be heard today. >> the next item, is c, approval of the minutes, discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for the meeting held on may 15th, 2013. is there a motion to approve in >> i move. >> second. >> are all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> are any opposed in
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>> is there any public comment on approving the minutes? >> seeing none, the minutes are approved. >> next item is item e, continued appeal order of abatement. case number 6778-326330. the owner, brandon acase no. 6778: 326-330 presidio avenue owner of record and appellant: brendan a. quinlan, 63 wawona street, san francisco, ca 94127 owner of record and appellant: elizabeth quinlan, 63 wawona street, san francisco, ca 94127 action requested by appellant: the appellant is requesting the aab's assistance in securing the tenant's cooperation to
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complete the necessary repairs. >> this is testimony, delibation and possible action to reverse or modify the order of abatement. >> the department? the department their staff representative? good morning, members of the voting session and mr. president, my name is senior housing inspector and i'm here for inspector who cannot make it here today, i just want to give you a quick synopsis of the case and you have the staff report for all pertinent information regarding the case. the property at 326, 330 procidio avenue is a 6-unit apartment p building. >> housing services roefd a complaint on october 8, 2009 on the same day we inspected the
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property and found the violations and issued a notice of violation, it is to be regarding maintenance repairs and peeling paint. over the course of the complaint, the owner and the tenant, were allowed to work out accessibility to the unit to conduct the repairs. and prior to the notice of violation has remained outstanding and the director's hearing was schedule and the order of abasement was issued against the property if work that was not done. it appears that the owner is willing to do the work and the case before you and his abide by your decision, our recommendation was to up hold the order of abasement. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, appellant? >> apologize, i forgot to
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announce that each of the department and the appellant have 7 minutes, and then there are three minutes of rebuttal time each. >> good morning, my name is brendan and i am the owner of 326 precdido avenue and i bought the building in 2005 and met with mr. paxton because he had issued that he wanted to present to me. i met with him in his apartment and he showed me the various things that needed to be corrected and i agreed that all of these items needed to be corrected and so i told him that i will take care tf and i wanted it to be caken care of as soon as possible and soon afterwards, i got a letter from mr. paxton where he laid out, and backtrack by saying the major part of the repair was in his bathroom and so soon afterwards i got a letter from
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mr. paxton saying that he wanted to have a more elaborate bathroom constructed and he had drawn up a sketch in detail about how he would like to have it enlarged with a shower bench and a soap niches and the frameless glass inclosure and a new sink and new tile and much more elaborate job than what i was required to do. at that point, i told him that we could not do that and we were not required to do that. and that is where the controversy has developed from. and so this has gone on for all of this time. we have been willing to do the repairs and he will not allow us in to do the repairs because he wants to have this very luxurious bathroom where he now has a regular bathroom and it got to the point that he decided that he would stop paying rent and use the money that he would normally pay for
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his rent to purchase a shower valve which he intended us to use in the bathroom and i have the receipt and it cost $1621. and mr. paxton rent was 772 dollars, and so he stopped paying rent for two motorcycle and partially for the third month to reimburse, himself. of course it was not anywhere in the realm of a reasonable for us to install and so this went on for longer and long and her then we came to the issue where, you know, he called in the housing inspection division and the inspector showed up and was able to verify that these issues were real and we never denied that they were real and we acknowledge that these problems existed and we wanted to take care of it. and so the housing inspector issued the notice of violation and i responded immediaty to
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mr. dicks by which is on the record and we received the letter by acknowledge that the problems existed and that i was fwoeg to forward that to the management company and for them to contact him to make a plan to move forward with the repairs. and the reply to the management company was, and this is in quotations. he said that you will never enter my unit. he said to the manager at the time and so he denied him access right tl. i contacted ron dickks at the housing inspection and this went on. and so this continued and continued and, to the point where now here we are with all of these hearings and we are not any closer to getting it done. he wants to be able to decide, which is in his lease and i have no problem with that and he wants to be able to decide the color and the quality and the style of the replacement
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parts. and i have no problem, and he specified a green tile and i went to the store and i ordered the green tile and i have the invoice that i did. i gave him all of the colors in the world and he could pick any of the colors. he said that because this may be disruption to his family life that he wants to be relocated during the work and he suggested that he be willing to move into the laural lynn hotel and so i went there and i prebooked a suite for his family. he still refused to do this, we gave him everything that he wanted but we did not agree to this out landish remodel that he wanted. we are at the stage that we feel that cannot go get into
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the unit. i am not going to break the door down, we can't get in. he says that he has let us in. he claims that he has let us in on numerous occasions and he has. he will let you in to look at it and when you call back to schedule the work he says no. so it is a catch 22, we don't know what to do. i at this point i have exhausted every rememberty to me. it is how the residential lease is interpreted legally, i have done everything that i can and i have taken out a permit to do the work, and it is just impossible for me to move forward with this. and i urge you to think about take all of that into consideration, you can see in your package the scope of the work that i submitted.
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and i submitted, and he goes back and test the heating and it is working fine but he continues to complain about us and he has taken us to superior court where it was dismissed and he has taken me to small claims where the cases were dismissed and he is a difficult guy to work with and i just can't understand why we can't work and get this thing done? it is a straight forward simple job, i am a contractor i do this for a living, i could be in and out of here in no time and over and done with, but we simply are not being allowed to do what we are required to do by the notice of violation. from here on i am going to have my legal counsel handle it because it is going over, thank you very much.
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