tv [untitled] September 9, 2013 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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you. [ applause ] >> the final card that i presently have is from miss eileen hernandez. [ applause ] >> it's very hard to follow doris. i have been doing that for a long time. i think this has been a very unique evening because i don't recall ever having this kind of event, discussion how the human rights commission is working. the very
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facet for many of you who are here have been touched by the human rights commission in one way or another. i could not get out of the room today without saying something about what has happened with women. because what we have seen in this room, i think they can hear me. no, you can't. i hear you, sweetheart. what i was saying, what i was most interested by tonight was the differences in this room. how many people who are here would not have been here 50 years ago. what we have
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begun to do is to recognize that all the issues that we've been talking about touch every single one of us. if we aren't all working together, we will be another 50 years for meetings in this room. so i hope that we will give a lot of help to the human rights commission which came into san francisco unusually and did a lot of work, but there is so much more to do. we have a lot of things that we all need to work towith each other about. what i remember is this, i'm a brooklynite and went to the university and graduate school and there we began the fight at
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howard university. what i was doing 50 years ago was trying to make sure that all of us would come together and that howard university students down in washington d.c. and starting a whole lot of stuff in washington d.c. because that capitol of the united states of the country that we think is the best in the world was totally discriminating in those days. we have made progress and made more products as well as projects. what we can call on now is looking on the young ones coming behind us and doing more because we were stuck in so many ways not able to do it. but you are all here. where is the little young mother who was up here? your daughter is charming and i'm glad that we
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have released women to be part of all of these things as well. thank all of you who are in that. and let's all see each other again not necessarily in this room, but wherever need is necessary. [ applause ] >> seeing no further cards for public comment. madam secretary, would you read the last item. >> the last item on the agenda is adjournment. >> hold on a second. >> i would like to say something if possible for public comment. >> please. >> i just thought i would rise to the occasion to the people
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that spoke. i'm 59 years old. most of the people that spoke today have a rich history of documenting what was taken 20 years or so ago. i'm here to celebrate the situation and mostly everybody is on pins and needles now and wondering if i'm going to say something wrong. i'm here to say something good toin recognition of what everybody is doing. i'm 59 years old. i have 3 generations under me. i have children that have children that have children. and that's kind of unique in today's world as a black man. i'm also here to bear witness on what we have going in the last year in 2 or
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3 years. the population. i would be remiss to be disturbed to see that theresa sparks is not here although they maybe somewhere else, but nevertheless i do commend these honorees, but tomorrow is another day. day by day, whatever is going on in this city, the big boom, economy is at the top. there is nothing set aside and i'm going to say it for the african american black negroes in the budget. i want to record to show that i am here for my children's, children to say that we are still anatomy -- in a state of emergency and hoping we'll
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move more than we have ever before. we don't have time for era. most of what these people spoke about what they are doing, must add here to that statement. we have no era. congratulations to all and start tomorrow as a brand new day moving forward, thank you. [ applause ] >> final agenda item is adjournment. commissioner? >> for the record i would like to say commissioners mark hiller and todd davis were with us from the beginning of the meeting. >> i want to remind folks that in room 201 there are some light fresh refreshments. and
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this thing called met pole. it was part of sunday to participate in a pedestrian oriented family way. 3 years later. the ping-pong festival has taken on by itself and wanted to take on the diplomacy for china and also to focus on a community of youth, family and seniors to play ping-pong and pick up this exercise for all to participate in this community. a long time ago when i was little, i played for years on and off. now from the master, the station, he's been getting me back into ping-pong.
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i'm excited to play with the mayor and everybody else today. >> mr. wong said it was a tough match. it was very exciting when it got to two. you didn't know who was going to win. and then he has some from his friends on the side to win this match. >> he's really good. a little bit better than i expected. we'll have a rematch later on. >> even though in the beginning level, it was really competitive against the police department and he takes it like a great relationship with the community. >> playing with table tennis club since 1997. i'm one of the founders of this club and now our members starting from 7 people to now more than 200
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members. >> i have been playing ping-pong for about 8 months. my dad taught me how to play ping-pong and i have watched it on computers and then i tried it myself. >> a lot of people like this sport and it's increasing a lot of the members. >> i think all of the different youth and seniors and families really get something out of this. it is also a way to participate. it's great to have so many organizations that are reflective of what they do everyday and come out and play ping-pong. >> >> the public wants to access
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particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web based mapping systems. like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of
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san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to dig up the streets to put in a pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision.
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currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis
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not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want. >> they are finding the same things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map
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>> good morning, everybody. it's sunny in san francisco, and we have a two-year budget. let's have fun. (applause) >> and i think maybe members of the board and other elected officials, but particularly the board, i think we're getting more and more used to calmness around our budget. and i really want to signal again my appreciation for the work and the hard work that it takes to have a unanimous vote at the board for passing the next two-year budget, which is very healthy. it's certainly a balanced budget. i'm proud of it. but how we got there was a reflection of a lot of good hard work and a lot of people to thank. i want to take this opportunity
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to thank the budget staff. they have been working really hard. and kate howard and steve, thank you very much for your leadership. (applause) >> and the entire budget staff is here. they continue to be labeled the fiscal geniuses of the city. they works, of course, very closely with our controller and ben rosenfield, your staff have been extremely supportive and helpful. thank you very much. (applause) >> then, of course, our supervisors, the entire board and their budget analyst. harvey, thank you again for working with us. (applause) >> and the entire board. i want to thank each and every one of you because you along with, of course, all of our great department heads, but in
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particular we continue to promise that when we bring this budget forward each year, we have that conversation. sometimes difficult, sometimes emotional, but always in support of our neighborhoods. and, so, when we come to each of the districts, each of you have been wonderful hosts. you have taken up a great responsibility to help all of us describe this budget because sometimes it's very hard to understand when people are just simply saying, i need to live in this city, i need to survive, i need to get a job, i need to have a safe neighborhood, i need to pay attention to the parks. i need to deal with all the things that perhaps the city doesn't provide. we need to pay attention to that. all those conversations have had -- each district has had a good opportunity to engage with our budget. so, i want to thank each of the supervisors for providing that kind of atmosphere where the budget could be discussed.
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in particular, this year for his first time, supervisor farrell led as the budget chair. i want to thank in particular his services for being there and having so many extra meetings on top of the ones he's had to find the consensus building that we needed. and then for he and supervisor eric mar, supervisor john avalos, supervisor london breed and supervisor scott wiener, all of them being great participants in the budget committee. thank you as a group, as part of the whole board, appreciate that very much. (applause) >> and again, i signalled at the beginning i was expecting cooperation from mr. rose. we got it. thank you very much for that cooperation. this budget is not only balanced, but it is a responsible budget. it is a fiscally responsible
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budget, one that we've learned over many years -- and when you look at other cities across the country who have not paid that kind of attention in their fiscal responsibility, you'll see some of the results that are horrible results to the rest of the country. and, so, we hope to continue being a model of how a balanced budget should have and fiscal prudence is always at a key cornerstone of it. we have the right attitude about our reserves and what we invest in. but this also is a budget about social responsibility and working with the board. and i know supervisor chiu is in abstein shad right now with another matter. but i want to thank him and his leadership as well ~. socially responsible budget also means that we engage our community leaders. we engage how we do services.
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we understand from the work of the departments that they can't do it alone. and, so, we look at all of our partners and have a budget that reflects the level of social responsibility that will carry out whether it's in the health area, in the homeless advocacy area, in the mental health area, all of the different needs. we have an opportunity and i want to thank the community-based organizations for being such effective leaders in our communities because without them we wouldn't, i think, accomplish the social responsibility that we all want. so, thank you cbos and community leaders for your participation. (applause) >> finally, this is also a budget that is about investment. it investments in our neighborhoods. it investments in our infrastructure. and in the broad way, it investments in our city's
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future. and the future is incredibly important to the people who are standing right in front of me, the young folks, because we've always said that our budget should reflect the values of the city. well, we're putting a lot of value in our youth so we have to invest in them. we have to invest in infrastructure that will last a long, long time and we'll have to invest in technology and all the future that we have. so, this is a very forward looking budget. it's a very expensive one, but it's a very forward looking one. and, so, when we look at the classes that we'll create, whether it's our police or fire or sheriff's department or all the other public safety departments that are challenged with heavy levels of retirement, or we're investing in departments programs or we're investing in education, like $105 million in our public school system in the next two years, people know what investment does. (applause)
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>> so, all of this, if you're a budget studier, you'll know that i'm speaking the absolute truth, that this is fiscally responsible, it's socially responsible, and it's great investment. and with that, i really want to again give a great thanks to all the departments that work hard, the people that work in capital planning, all the fiscal officers for each department that cuts to come in, to compliment the argumentses the department heads make. i value that because i often leaned on my fiscal entities in my departments that i served to be the thought provoker for me to make sure that i was able to look around the corner and anticipate costs. and, so, when we are now doing two-year budgets, we have to do a lot better anticipation. we have to have better tools to do that. that's why we lean on our
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controller and the auditors to give us a good look, our capital planners to give us good looks. five-year financial planning is no longer an exception, it is the norm. 10-year capital planning is now the norm. and we hope to breed that kind of fiscal approach to agencies that we don't fully control, but i know they appreciate it. whether it's a school district, the housing authority, city college, or all the other partners that we value, that they need to be a great part of this fiscal approach. then we can say to cities like detroit and others, we've got the answer, that you don't have to do what you did in the past or don't fall into the traps that we have the answer here in san francisco. and that will continue to be a consensus building approach taking care of our responsibilities. with that, i'd like to give the
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podium for a while to this year's chair of our budget committee, of course is mark farrell. (applause) >> well, thank you to mayor lee for his great leadership during this process. you know, after months of debate in city hall, after six town halls in our different neighborhoods, after an online town hall, i think what i'm most proud of today is that we're signing a budget that is not only representative of the mayor and his team and the board of supervisors, but as we stated in the beginning, we wanted a budget that reflected the values of san francisco, of all san francisco. and i think we've achieved that today. i want to take a quick moment to thank all those involved, starting off with my colleagues on the board of supervisors, to everyone. i think we had all 11 members there the night we signed our budget, late into the night. i want to in particular thank my budget and finance committee
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members as well that we serve together, and single out in particular john avalos, supervisor avalos for your leadership in this year's budget, supervisor avalos. (applause) >> who is real a great partnership working together. and i also want to thank so many people, but to quickly highlight what mayor lee mentioned and the people he mentioned ~. it's hard to -- you cannot overestimate how important so many people are in city hall to getting this budget done. it's a $7.9 billion budget. it's incredibly important and it matters to the residents of san francisco. and a few people in particular, first of all kate howard, the mayor's budget director. (applause) >> kate and her incredible team as well. every single person on kate's team. (applause)
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>> for those of you who don't know, they spend countless hours here in city hall, late, late nights, early mornings, hopefully no all nighters in particular, but without them we wouldn't be here today. to ben rosenfield, monique zamuda and the entire controller's office team, thank you so much. (applause) >> kate and ben were really partners in crime in getting this budget done and with us every step of the way and such an integral part of what we do. to harvey rose and his entire team, thank you, mr. rose, for all of your efforts. (applause) >> to severn and deborah, your entire team, thank you for making your funds available so we can redistribute them at the board. [laughter] >> and also mentioned earlier our city attorney's office, jon
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givner, our board city attorney and to his entire team, thank you all to our city attorney's office. (applause) >> and certainly everyone else from steve on down the entire mayor's staff that made this budget happen, thank you so much. and i want to give a special shout out from someone i continue to learn from on a daily basis, our former budget chair , assessor-recorder carmen chu. (applause) >> and last but not least the people i think at the end of the day are critical and most important, i want to thank the staff of all of the board of supervisors members. in particular, my staff kathrin stephanie is here who was on budget with me the whole year. thank you, kathrin. (applause) >> margo and jeff on my staff as well, but again, to every single legislative aide, to all of the board of supervisors members, we can't do without
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you and you play such an integral role. so thank you for all of why you support this year. with that, i want to thank everyone for being here. i want to thank mayor lee for his incredible leadership not only on the budget but everything he does here in city hall. let's get this thing signed. thank you. (applause) >> somebody's check is in here. [laughter] >> today is? >> good question. >> 24. [laughter]
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(applause) >> good morning, everyone. all right, good morning. this meeting will come to order. welcome to the regularly scheduled meeting for the government audit and oversight committee. i'm supervisor malia cohen, i'm chair. and to my right is supervisor katy tang and to my left is supervisor david campos. i believe supervisor eric mar may be joining us. we'll find out shortly. the clerk of the committee is the
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