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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2013 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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>> okay. thank you for being here. colleagues any questions? okay. thank you very much. we don't have a budget analysis report. anyone wish to commit. seeing none, public comment is closed. we're going to send this to the full board >> item 8 resolution reactive amendment to the amendment the membership of the 18 con tomorrow and directing the agency to expand the short to $53 million plus. >> i believe we have someone here to speak on this item. >> yes. good morning chairman farrell, david with the human serviced agency. the resolution in front of you say for our continued membership
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in the state membership and this is the 18 county that manages the county welfare information network. this contract is currently held with hewitt packard and all the oversight is included. the consortium is a two year renewal for $400,000 plus our administration costs and we're asking for a two year extension for $10 million that will it's approximately $2.2 million a year that will take us two years. the state is repursuing the
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contact and they're in negotiations arrest anything else at this time >> i think the budget analysis report covers the details. >> all right. colleagues any questions. >> thanks members of the committee on page 23 we report that h s a expenditures tend to prove participation the two year period from july 2013 to 15 is 2 hundred million plus on table 1. state and federal fund pay for 9.6 million with the city fund covering 8 hundred thousand
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plus. we recommend that you amended the proposed resolution to july 1st, 2013, and you approve the resolution as amended >> at this point we'll open it up to public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues can we have a motion without objection >> next one approving the contract with the in house certifies for the provision of i h ss for the period of july 1st, 2013, to july 30, 2017, for the
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amount over $200,000. this is approve for the i h s consortium which is our contract for in home services. as you probably know we have two modes we have the independent provider mode that handles the majority of the cases and that's under the administration of the public authority. this particular contract is with the consortium for the contract mode this provides a little bit more supervised serviced for the seniors who are not able to manage their own care provider. and the worker works closely with their supervisor to make sure their providing the initiative services that that senior needs to remain independent in they're living.
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this is a result of a recent rfp >> okay. any other comments. >> no sir, and a okay. mr. rose to our report and a mr. chairman and members of the committee as shown in table two on page 29 of the report the budget oversee the 4 year term from july 1st, 2013, to 2017 is 87 million and that's in direct provider costs and administration costs. the total proposed budget of 20.3 million is 6.3 percent more than the 2013 of 19 million plus. that's due mainly to increase in
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salaries and benefits. our recommendations on page 3 we recommend that you approve the contract as of july 2013 and to clarify the contract in the amount of this or that million dollar is not to exceed and we recommend you approve it >> okay colleagues any questions. >> okay. thank you very much. we'll open it up to public comment anyone wish to speak on this item >> ma'am? >> hi i'm margaret i'm the executive director of the in home director of the consortium i approve the resolution. those services are a credible component of the long-term care
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continuum services that the city provides for the elderly we provided the services for the most challenged. as was mentioned the workers are supervisors and they supervisor to insure a high quality of care and the rights of folks are respected. those support of the city's ability to comply with the supreme courts homestead decision allowing people with sdablts and the elderly to live in the less reasterisk environment in their home. without this the vast member of seniors would have to be in a
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constitution. i'd like to answer any questions >> thanks. any other members of the public wish to commit seeing none, public comment is closed. we have some other amendments can we take that without objection >> item 10 resolution approving the commission lease l-25255 with the east street for the restaurants space located at 295 on the boulevard in the central waterfront for the greater amount of 7 percent of gross receipts or 10 thousand and plus. >> supervisors jeff i'm the ports leasing manager.
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between the port and e street ventures. it was approved to request a restaurant operator for the operation of a restaurant on the site in the southern waterfront. there was proposals for the design and renovation for the existing building. the ports oufg what to seek the best qualified. following scoring the proposals and e street ventures was selected and the folks were approved as of july 21st.
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some key items of the lease it's a 15 year lease we anticipate it will begin open october 1st. the greater amount of the represent is $10,000 or gross sales whichever is greater. there's a rent abatement period in which no rent is paid for the purpose of constructing the base believe core improvements. there's an annual percent of 3 percent to the annual rent. the tenant is responsible for all utilities and maintenance repair were we anticipate the lease improvements 41 to be about $2 million. there is a one-time tenant improvement credit for shelf improvements in the amount of
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$380,000. there's an option to extend and if this option the minimal rent would be adjusted. there's a formula of the previous grow sales 80 percent of that not less than 3 percent. i'm hoping and requesting i approve this lease and a thank you very much any questions for port staff? why don't we move to our budget analysis report >> mr. chairman and members as on table 4 on page 36 the port projects that east street will pacing pay the rent of 2 hundred million and over the 15 term of the lease estimated revenues will be 1 hundred and or 2
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million 59883 we recommend you approve this resolution. >> thank you, mr. rose colleagues any questions. >> okay. he we'll open this up to public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can we move this forward without opposition. next amendment to go to the tax review board that inspire on january 1st, 2013, and i'm from the controllers office i'd like to introduce the controllers office the gentleman who do so all the taxes and entities >> excuse me. are you the
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city attorney. >> i just called 11. >> yeah. i think our city attorney is going to speak on item 11 so why don't we hold off mr. whitaker. mr. city attorney. >> i'll be quick. the item 11 is just a pure clean up ordinance. john gibb in her from the city attorney's office. it's a clean up ordinance. a furious the board adopted an ordinance that eliminated the tax repeals board as of january 1st of this year and we're proposing this ordinance to clean up some code ordinances to that >> okay colleagues any questions. okay. we don't have a report on
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this and we'll open it up for public comment >> seeing none, public comment is closed. send item 11 to the full board. mr. clerk >> item 12 providing revenue and levying property takes at 180 to the city and county of san francisco, san francisco you've had school districts and bay rapid transit districts at the rate of .088 zero pursuant to administrative code chapter 3637 for the fiscal year ending 2013. >> okay. mr. whitaker thanks for being here. >> i'll be brief i have a slide
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for the last 4 years the ordinance is about the tax levy to establish .118 percent and it's per $100. proposition 13 passed by california voter no 1993 is property is assessed at the base rate. the bay area and bay area air quality districts for the fund for the bond account for the additional 1.84 levy above the
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taxation rate. it's based on an inflation rate. for the typical folks in the prior fiscal year the assessed value infiltrates the property tax bill will be 2 hundred plus higher than last year. i'd like to acknowledge my colleague for preparing the clauktsz and i'm happy to answer any questions and a colleague any questions >> thank you, mr. rose for your report. >> mr. chairman we completely agree with the calculations we used a single-family residence of approximately seven hundred and 34 you thousand dollars and
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based on that amount instead of amount that the controller used would be the same we recommended you approve the ordinance. >> at this point we'll open it up to public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can i have a motion to send this to the full board >> mr. clerk any other business before us. that completes the agenda today. we are adjourned. on behalf of
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commission. we are just proud to be a part of this great community event. >> we started this 3 years ago, this thing called met pole. it was part of sunday to
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participate in a pedestrian oriented family way. 3 years later. the ping-pong festival has taken on by itself and wanted to take on the diplomacy for china and also to focus on a community of youth, family and seniors to play ping-pong and pick up this exercise for all to participate in this community. a long time ago when i was little, i played for years on and off. now from the master, the station, he's been getting me back into ping-pong. i'm excited to play with the mayor and everybody else today. >> mr. wong said it was a tough match. it was very exciting
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when it got to two. you didn't know who was going to win. and then he has some from his friends on the side to win this match. >> he's really good. a little bit better than i expected. we'll have a rematch later on. >> even though in the beginning level, it was really competitive against the police department and he takes it like a great relationship with the community. >> playing with table tennis club since 1997. i'm one of the founders of this club and now our members starting from 7 people to now more than 200 members. >> i have been playing ping-pong for about 8 months. my dad taught me how to play
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ping-pong and i have watched it on computers and then i tried it myself. >> a lot of people like this sport and it's increasing a lot of the members. >> i think all of the different youth and seniors and families really get something out of this. it is also a way to participate. it's great to have so many organizations that are reflective of what they do everyday and come out and play ping-pong. ping-pong. >> ping-pong. >> aah! i'm a lion! yes, you are. come here. let's see how this looks. hey, how's my little horse? she's a lion.
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yes, she is. grrr! ha ha! announcer: you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. when you adopt a child from foster care, just being there makes all the difference. >> i understand the mayor is on a tight schedule. i would like mr. mayor to come up, please and say a few words. thank you. >> thank you. officer monroe. good evening, everyone. this is a really happy occasion, and i did when chief suhr notified me that this would be happ happening. i wanted to be sure i put in time to come before you for a brief moment and share my appreciation for the police force. to the commissioners and president mazzucco and the
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commission, and to the staff and awardees tonight. i know there is 41 of you out there with family and friends. but i want to say to the 2,000 sworn men and women in the san francisco police force. i am very proud of you, and as hard as i work, i know there are people that work harder than i, and i don't put my life on the line every day when i go out there. but for a world-class city to have this status as one of the best cities to live in, and work in and visit. you have to have a police force that rises to world-class standards. and the san francisco police department is world-class standard. tonight with the recognition of the medals of valor, we continue, i think, a very important culture.
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a culture that is measured by the performance of its officers and those who tonight exceed that standard in every way. and you know, it's kind of hard for me to get to know everyone up to 2,000 officers that work in our police department. i do see the results though. and i don't think we could have landed the bid for the super bowl hosting 50 without a world class department. we could not have landed the americus cup in san francisco, without the signaling of the best police department in the country. we could not have landed so many of these world-class events and continue the pride of being one of the fastest recovering cities in all of our country without a good police force. and so i made it a point tonight to come here and to let you know, i may not know each of the
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officers allegiance to your favorite baseball team or favorite football team or favorite basketball team. but i will before i am done. because i do know that we share in common the success of this city. i know that on a daily basis, whether you are walking the neighborhoods of south of market or tenderloin and bay-view or any number of neighborhoods, you are doing the best you can. you are looking out for people. and i know that as the mayor of this city, we also got your back covered as well. because we don't have each other back's covered, we don't have the trust that we need to have to move forward in this city. i want to say thank you to each of the 2,000 men and women that serve in this police department. the commission. the commanding staff. the police officer's association that works closely with all of
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us as well. and not only thank you to all of you, but tonight for those who have earned the medal of valor. you know it's important to have these events because the particular event that caused the bravery to occur, are no longer on the front pages of our newspapers. but they are in our memories. in the men and women, the people you work alongside. the family and friends and commissioners, they know who you are. and the rest of the city, 26,000 people that work for this city, we also know who has put themselves on the line to save others, to bring more efficiencies to the city, to bring pride and who you tutor, the kids, the extra time it takes to get at-risk youth to turn their heads. and to make a pause and suggest
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a better life. the extra hours that the officers put in, all of you, i see that every day. and i know there is results. in fact if you look at the numbers today, knock on wood -- we are still at the historic time of low homicides in the city, we want to keep it that way, we want to keep the success going. thank you for your mayor, i want you to know that i am a grateful mayor to this police force and to all the people that serve it. and tonight i celebrate with you the recipients of the medals of valor to know that i appreciate the extra effort that its taken for you to get this award and recognition. i am proud of you, not only as officers and employees of the city. but proud of you being our city's heroes tonight. congratulations and thank you very much. [applause] visit us at
11:59 am and click on buzz, thanks for watching. >> hey there, san francisco, here with the weekly buzz, it is september, and you know what that means? it is summer time in san francisco. you want to burn some calories while enjoying the great views enjoy a work out this friday, they are different each week
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and exist with the work outs including running hill and core, and be ready to feel the burn, after your work out, recharge with the healthy goodies from the farmer's market. this saturday, will feature a free cooking demo and check out the class at eleven and rock out with treats and recipes. >> the 33rd annual comedy day is the event for you, laugh your socks off with a full line up of 40 comedian and this free, five hour comedy show is the biggest biggest day of the year in san francisco so don't miss it, and that is the weekly buzz, for more information on any of these events, visit >> commissioner adams. here. >> dwight. >>