tv [untitled] September 11, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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happen, and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. >> call this meeting of the historic preservization to order. >> welcome to the regular meeting for august 7, 2013, the commission does not tolerate any disruption or out bursts. silence the mobiles devices please speak directly into the microphone, and if you care to do state your name for the record. i would like to take role. >> commissioner hasz? >> present. >> wolfram? >> here. >> hylan? >> here. >> commissioner johns. >> johnck, here. >> jo*ns. here.
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>> matsuda. >> here. >> and pearlman? >> here. >> first on the calendar is general public comment, at this time the members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except for the agenda item, your opportunity to address the commission the opportunity will be afforded when it is reached and each may address the commission for a th. >> two speaker cards. >> yes, president, hasz, and members of the cothe noagenda that you will adjourn the alice carry. and i think that u all alice was the preservation architect for this building and arou either that by e-mail or in john king's
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obituary think that there are a couple of other d possibly add to alice's story which are not known to one is that it was mentioned by befoheat she had a became an archect. and i think that the med at number tabatha n, edth ienting t circular saw d when i don't shertegan an orgatiho io tenants or rin tin for i these
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maritime museum anand wrote won adjourning 21, and to alice s johana and i want uced me i be board so to >> when i started working for her, she had house insan coteit to her office and one da my desk with copy of astation t alin thdingand asked me the rse stalls ioffice cubleshe had a wonderful ofhumor. >> alice was ined in ma important
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preservization projects in san francisco either directly as the architect or in directly in a review capacity such as being a part of the board or a member of the numerous communities including sf heritage. she also wrote the first city contract for the old company number two, she made a tremendous contribution to the city of san francisco. at first i felt like alice should get a grand gesture. a bronze cast of her fenly french car in the middle of the palace of fine arts or a gold leaf a on the dome of the city hall, but then i remember what she taught me and what defines her work. that the successful preservation project is the one that leaves no trace of the preservationist, she left her mark on me, thank you again for
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honoring her. >> thank you. >> i did put in a card. i am here too, to thank you for recognizing alice at the end of your meeting. i wanted to mention the fact that the memorial service is unfortunately the same time that you are supposed to have your second meeting in august. and i think some of you may wish to go, i know that staff may wish to go. and so i would like you to think about that. on the other hand, also, if you have to have a meeting, i would like you to not have things on that the preservation community would care desperately about, so thank you. >> thank you. >> my other card is still there. >> okay. >> good afternoon, historic preservation and i was looking around and taking a look around
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the lake and i think that they filled it in now and found a few good things and i was digging and looking around in there and i hope that you preserve that area and i am glad that they fixed the wall there around that historic mary speckles lake and i want to wish you a little rock ♪ and work it. preserve it ♪ out and you can make it very preserve ♪ a historic exciting. with a little lucky ♪ you can lay the plans down and you can make it ♪ no misunderstanding. ♪ with a little historic love. ♪ you can make it work out ♪ . make it all historic work out. good luck with the historic preserve vasing and i am
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reached to digging down in the north beach area and the south of market and there is a lot of historic in that ground. when you are looking through the ground be sure not to break the bottles and find those and be careful with the historic finds that we used to find in the ground, thank you. >> good afternoon president hasz and commissioners and thank you for remembering alice at this meeting and my name is katherine and i was not planning on speaking today but this morning i had a message about alice from a friend in new york, susan tunack and she started friends of taracata and alice was a member and a supporter and the message from susan made me think about alice's reach and her influence.
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mostly it reminded me about alice's extreme generosity to so many organizations, large and small, and her willingness to lend her name to campaigns to save the historic buildings, to jump in and mentor individuals and grassroots groups who are interested in a particular cause such as saving a mission which is how i had the opportunity to meet her and get to know her so well. there are so many things to say about alice, but today i simply wanted to reflect on her generosity and spirit of time. and she will be much missed, and irreplaceable actually but not just in san francisco thank you. >> we will close public comment. >> if there is nothing further we can move on to the department matters, item one, director's announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioners, tim, the
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department staff and director's announcements are included in his report in your packet and i am happy to answer any questions if you have them. any questions? seeing none? >> item two, review of passed weeks of the planning commission and the staff report and announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioners, tim, department staff, a couple of items to share with you, in correspondence whether there is a memo from mary brown of our staff outlining directions on how to access the sunset survey historic resource findings. as many of you recall we moved to an all electronic. we have made a full departure from the hard copies and everything is located on-line and so you will no longer be receiving printouts for the forms or the cd with the
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material. all of the material is located in the google map on the website, if you have questions about how to access that information please give me or mary brown a call and we are happy to walk you through the steps in accessing the information. and we also wanted to give you this memo now, to give you the most time to really digest the survey findings and this is in anticipation of your adoption or consideration to adopt those survey findings at your september 18th, hpc hearing. >> and also, regarding the sunset survey, there was, and there are still a couple of events that we are hosting, regarding the sunset survey over the next few months, or between now and mid september. and last saturday, the department staff hosted another walking tour within the sunset
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neighborhood and there were about 25 people in attendance and over all the event was well received and including an imp romtu house tour by given by one of the owners of a property in the potential revera heights district and so everybody, and i was not in attendance but i heard from a couple folks in attendance that that was an unexpected treat to be able to walk through one of the homes. there will be another walking tour at the end of the month and we did forward you a list of the events if you like to attend please rsvp so that we know, and we have tour guides to accommodate the size of the group. additional information, for the public is also located on the planning department's website. the board of supervisors, heard the appeal of the historic preservation commission's
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approval of the major permit to alter for the 706 mission street and after the presentation by appellants and remarks by planning staff there were a number of people that spoke in support of the project and surprisingly no members speaking in opposition, at least during public comment. the board found that the hpc is the city's expert on historic preserve action acted in an appropriate manner and voted unanimously to up hold your approval of the major permit to alter. >> i also wanted to give you an update on the mother's building located near the zoo. as you know, the mother's building is on your landmark designation program along with the pool house which was demolished due to fire at the end of last year. the joined zoo committee heard the special hearing on the
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condition of the buildings on july 25th, recreation and parks department and the arts commission gave an overview of the current condition of the property and the good news is that sense the building closed in 2002, rec parks has done the work to stabilize the building and also protect the murals on the inside. there is still a good amount of work that needs to be done to make it publicly accessible. and one of the fund-raising efforts that we would like to do in the future is to get about $90,000 to conduct another assessment on the property, to figure out what really needs to be done to get it into working order. the good news about the murals is that all of the murals are in good condition, except for the one on the interior west wall, which naturally faces the ocean and the city has taken steps to stabilize and protect that for the short term in
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hopes that once the report, or the conditions assessment is complete, we can begin engaging you and the public and the arts commission on a strategy to rehab taiting the building and keep it on your program until you tell us otherwise. and just to remind you that the building is already listed on the national register of historic places >> that concludes my comments to you and there were not any items at the planning commission over the last few weeks that related to historic preservation. and so i don't have anything to report on the planning commission, but if you have any questions we are happy to answer them, thank you. >> >> seeing now questions we will move on. >> commissioners that will place you under commissioner matters, and president's report and announcements. >> thank you, i have a couple of items.
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>> we met again at the planning department with the director, and several other members, president fong, and regarding... and now we are going to start cutting that into smaller component to get the specifics on commercial signage, large and small business, neighborhood district and commercial district, etc.. one of the things that we are going to do and i will bring to you folks is that we will ask, on high-rises, what do we like? what do we not like or what we do not want to see. i will reach out to the commission and give the examples of the items that stand out so that i can take it to this group. it probably would not be, and i don't knowhow we do that legally. with the condition business, but we will work that out. and figure that out. second item is, with the passing of kerri and recognizing her at the end of the agenda and giving a small synopsis of her career, it is
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new for us and i hope that the commissioners are okay with taking the liberty in add thating to the end she was so instrumental to the city. and so it is something new for us. and that is it. >> i am sorry, i was waiting for your report. and then back on the commission secretary search. this is a legal wo nky matter that i have to do, basically when we created the two subcommittees, one from the planning commission and one from the art commission, and we gathered as two separate subcommittees, in one meeting. to vote, we actually need to be one single subcommittee and so, my announcements here is just recognition that our search committee is a one whole committee. and not two separate committees coming to meet and voting separately. we will vote as a group.
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so that is all that i had to do, thank you for reminding me commissioner matsuda. >> nothing further we can move on to item four, consideration, of adoption draft minutes for july 17th, 2013. >> commissioner johns? >> do you want to have public comment first in >> no, thank you. >> number one, i wanted to say that i was very impressed with the change in the format of the minutes and the additional information which you included and i just think that it is wonderful. so i move that we adopt the minutes. >> thank you. >> and i will comment on that as well. is that miss allen put in a lot of time on updating our agendas as well. and i know that is not on the
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subject but to get more information in there and so thank you very much. >> do i hear a second? >> commissioner johnck? >> i want to second and i made a point earlier on about having some little better expense of the minutes and that is great. thank you. >> thank you. >> second. >> okay. and then do we have any members from the public who wish to comment on this? >> seeing none we will close that bring it back for a vote. >> commissioners on that motion to adopt the minutes? >> hylan. >> yes. >> johnck. >> yes. >> johns. >> yes. matsuda. >> yes. >> pearlman. >> yes. >> commissioner wolfram. >> yes. >> and hasz? >> yes. >> and that passes 7 to 0 and if i might say that is just not my work it was the other people behind the scenes that work hard on these minutes and the format of the calendar. but i do appreciate that and commissioners item five, comments and questions. >> commissioner wolfram? >> i was wondering if you might
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consider the hearing and i will cancel, and we could attend the memorial which i think is at 2:00 p.m. that is just something for consideration. >> my comments. >> and comment echoed by commissioner matsuda. commissioner johnck? >> on a separate matter, do i want to comment on tim fry's report about the sunset survey and i did go to the walking tour on saturday, and was just totally enlightened by some of the fascinating works of art literally that are there in formed of the architecture and i encourage anyone to do that. and look forward to adopting the findings in september. any way, thank you. >> any other comments. >> seeing none. >> i move forward. >> just a matter of the 21st, i can check with the city hall
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and i am certain that no one meets here before us and so we can work out a time probably. >> commissioners it updates you to the consent calendar all of them constitute a consent calendar and routine for the commission and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote and no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the public or the staff or public requests, in which it will be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing, item 6, 2013.0247h (lily yegazu: 415-575-9076) 500 sutter street northwest corner of sutter street and powell street. assessor's block 0284, lot 004 request for a major permit to alter >> any public wish to pull this off of consent? >> none. >> i move to approve. >> second. >> on that motion, to approve, with conditions, commissioner hylan? >> yes. >> commissioner johnck. >> yes, commissioner johns.
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>> yes, matsuda. >> yes. >> pearlman. >> yes. >> wolfram. >> yes. >> hasz. >> and that motion passes 7 to 0 and places you under the regular calendar, item 7, 2012.0400a (lily yegazu: 415-575-9076) 722-728 montgomery street - east side of montgomery street, between washington and jackson streets. assessor's block 0196, lot 30 - request for a certificate of appropriateness >> hello. and so you do have to. >> and do i need to make that announcement. >> okay. >> commissioner hylan needs to make an announcement real quick before we move on. >> on this agenda item arg the firm that i am with prepared in 1998. and the mason evaluation for the building and the agenda item. and conducted with the city attorney and they feel that i do not need to recuse myself since the firm is no longer involved specifically with that project so i will be remaining here. >> and commissioner if i might,
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you also sat on the arc committee? >> i did not. i was not... >> okay. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, the department staff and the project before you this afternoon is a certificate of appropriateness request for a property located at 722 to 728 montgomery street and the project street includes two buildings,, they were designated as landmark numbers 9 and 10 under article ten in 1968 and the properties are also located within the jackson square landmark district. the properties had multiple entitlements and approvals issued in the past. and construction, work was under way until all work was stopped in the late 2000s. since the time, construction activities seized the building has been neglected and had been
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deter ating by the control of the property was the subject of the dispute. >> the current certificate is to resume the construction work of the two buildings with the modifications with the scope of work specified in the 2005 certificate of appropriateness and specifically the modifications include changes to the facade, and by replacing the missing bricks on this with stucco finish and installing new windows and replacing the windows that have been removed. changes from the north and south elevation, and replacing the incorrectly installed metal sidings with no metal panel and in addition of the window on the third level of the south elevation and changes to the courtyard include rotating all of the facades in the stucco and the played window and
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painted wood trim. and additionally the change of the roof level and approximately 814 square feet. and deck area. and an elevated penthouse and the skylights are also proposed on the roof >> the project was approved on june 19, 2019, the arc provided comments and recommendations on the proposed project and primarily on the finish in the roof deck and specifically the recommendation was that the facade should not be finished as proposed and instead, the finish be considered and they felt that the use of bricks in here may create a false system and rather than guessing what the facade needs to be and it should be utilized and should utilize the stucco finish,
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given that the stucco finish is supported by the historic and photographic evidence indicating the use of it prior to 1958, in existence and it was in the district. and the arc also considered the project sponsor to conduct the additional research to identify and document the where abouts of the original materials that were previously removed from the building. additionally, the arc recommended that the roof deck be included in the request and although, the staff original recommendation was consistent with the landmark preserve vasing advisory denial of the construction of the deck on the building back in 2005, staff concurs that the arc that given the reduced size of the roof deck and the substantial set back provided from the edges of the building, the new roof top
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additions appear to be minimally visible and will not result on the additional impact on the roof. >> based on the reveal of the proposed drawings and the specifickations it plans to meet it for the article plan for the following reasons and that the use of stucco finish is appropriate given that the building was finished in stucco prior to 1958 as documented in for by the photographic evidence and as evidenced in the analysis of the bricks as well as the existence of other structures and stucco finish for the immediate vicinity of the building and that the new windows will match and reference the windows along the facade and pattern for the side and the proportion and based again on the photographic
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evidence and that the north and south side elevations will be appropriate on the secondary elevations of the building and will be painted to match the finish as conditioned. based on these findings, the department recommends the approval with the following conditions of approval, revised drawings should be included as part of the building submital and including the attachment details for the rail on the roof and revised drawings shall be included as part of the building permit submital and including the windows that closely match the configuration and all exterior profiles of the buildings based on the historic photographic evidence. and after issuance of the building permit and prior to installation, a mockup of the metal and the materials and integral cover or finish shall be reviewed and approved by the
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department preservation staff and more of a stucco finish shall be reviewed at the project site and on proved by the department staff and the panels along the north and the south sides shall be painted to match the color of the stucco. the color and panels should match or pick on the colors and on the colors found in the jackson square landmark district. the project site was posted with the hearing notices and the notices were sent out with the requirements of the planning code and the department has received five letters and 103 signed copies of the form letter in support of the project. and the department has also received telephone calls with concerns about the scope of work that is proposed currently and additionally, and a letter from mr. morton was received yesterday after the publication of the report further out lying the concerns regarding the
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proposed work and a copy is available for the public and also been forwarded to the commission. >> and specifically the letter raises the concern that as proposed, when you try the extent of any alterations do not meet the standards and are to contend and cannot be exempt from seca. >> it should be noted that the project was evaluated in 2005 after the removal of the materials except for the montgomery street and had received a certificate of approval. the project was received an exemption at that time. the current proposal is a
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