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tv   [untitled]    September 14, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i, kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener nay, yee i. motion passes. >> commissioner wiener. >> thank you, i look forward to voting for van ness brt project. as with any major transportation project it entails very hard choices and we have limited roadway and there are always going to be difficult choices and you're never going to make everyone happy. i completely respect those who have concerns about the project in terms of the parking, traffic impacts. i understand that, but now is the time for us to move forward
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with making muni work for san francisco and right now in many ways, muni is not working for san francisco and it's not reliable enough, it is not fast enough, it is not predictable enough in terms of when it's going to arrive and how quickly and officially it's going to travel. one of the reasons on why it is not predictable and reliable is because of the intense mixture of buses and traffic. it is almost impossible to predict with any significant degree of accuracy whether a bus will stick to its schedule because it'll get caught in every single traffic issue we have, whether it's a double parked car, traffic jam, accident -- whatever it might be. we absolutely need to move decisively forward with brt, with van ness as the first
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example and we can't stop at van ness. we need to have more bus rapid transit lines and we need to have a political will to do that. i do want to comment on the comment that was made about the 7 minute issue, which i think will probably get quoted in the press and there will be some sort of narrative out there about how there is $125 million dollars outs there to save seven minutes. i think that is totally misleading. saving seven minutes is incredibly con /seb conservative. all you have to do is ride on these lines when there's any traffic, not just rush hour, even 2:30 in the afternoon. i think the
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savings will be significantly more than even minutes. that is appropriately conservative which is what we try to do when doing an environmental survey. if you multiply that out for people who use that twice a day, that is -- i think i've calculated this correctly -- an hour an 35 minutes that one person using it twice a day has saved in a week, which i think calculates out to 80 hours of that person's time over the course of a year. if we value someone's time at $15 an hour, and that's about $1200 a year. now i'm really getting into economic analysis, but if we
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had ted egen and he were to calculate it, i'm told there are 16,000 boardings on these two lines of this stretch only, and that doesn't include the people who have boarded south of van ness or north of the northern turn so it's probably higher than that, but let's call it 16,000. ened you multiply 1200 times 16,000. you' talking about millions of dollars of economic savings a year, whether people are working or just in the the value of their time if they're not working. over years you recoup the $125 million pretty quickly. i think when you look at seven minutes of savings, which i think is too conservative, but it is what it is. even with that conservative number, the savings are quite extraordinary. and then expand
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that out to other parts of the city -- if we could have that level of savings all across our muni system, it would absolutely revolutionize muni, would save people an enormous amount of time, increase ridership which would increase revenue and it would be a virtuous cycle. it is not a perfect project, but is very good and a positive step for the city. >> thank you. i have some comments here. [inaudible] commissioner wiener is that we were actually building transit for the 21st century. we have so far to go with building out transit and different parts of san francisco, be it 19th avenue, et cetera. and brt is a real vie vital part for meeting future needs of future
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generations. we have to take into consideration that there's a ridership along the 49 line and [inaudible] we're going to see major development site at cathedral hill that will increase ridership tremendously. this actually compliments what we're going to see moving forward. travel times reliability, pedestrian safety benefits are going to be great as well. that's significant. the number of lives we'll be saving will have untold benefits in terms of financial costs and the lives of many people who will certainly be saved. the list goes on and on. i want to make sure as we move forward is that the [inaudible] plans that we have any milestones, implementation, i think we have to have strong oversight as we're doing the build out for bus rapid transit on van ness,
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that we have a clear report back from the ta and the mta as things are moving forward and really have a clear structure for management of how we're going to see that the project is moving along as we had planned so i want to make sure we can build that in the future that we have these reports to come to, transportation full body as we move forward. we do have our statement of overriding concerns. i think that statement really matches our need to assert ourselves with the transit first city. there are many challenges we face moving forward to increase or transit experience. it does have impacts on cars and on parking. that is certainly true, but i think if we do a great service to all of san francisco that we advance [inaudible] and i believe the approval of the overriding statement is going to be necessary as well. with that, i'll open up for colleagues to
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make statements before going on to a vote. commissioner mar. >> thank you. i wanted to thank the public for giving such great input. i wanted to also echo what some others have said that this will help us begin to construct our rapid network that we so direly need in the city and to increase the number of people that are getting on public transit with more efficiency, effectiveness and higher quality as well. definitely speeding it up and making it higher quality experience for many of us to use more frequently i wanted to ask mr. schwartz and miss change from the ta if they could comment. peggy referenced the institute [inaudible] or itdt standards for assessing brt's, whether
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they're in brazil or in cleveland and they analyze them based on five basic essential elements -- busway alignment, dedicated right away, platform level boarding and they evalwait them on a gold, silver and bronze level. i know annie from itdt will be visiting next week, but i'm wondering if you have any sense of how this would be evaluated by itdp. >> thank you for the question. we have received several visits from them and they don't rate the system until it's already been built, but from their initial assessment they think it would be at least a silver, which -- this would be the first system in america to get a silver. there's one bronze out there so we're hoping for the gold. one of the silver -- >> that's not bad. >> we're hoping for gold. one of the key points is having
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passing lanes, which we know may be a possibility on geary, but there's not enough right away on van ness, so sometimes the standards don't fit the exact context we have, but we'll try and include every feature that would help us go for that gold standard. >> thank you. if no other members of our body would like to make comments we can go on to a vote on these items. >> on item number three as amended, commissioner avalos i, breed i, campos i, chiu i, cohen i, farrell i, kim i, mar i, tang i, wiener i, yee i. item passes. >> item passes. very good. our next item is our closed session on executive director
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search. it is 1:1 8 right now. i'd like to propose we go into recess now. allow the clerk's office to get the board meeting set up and return after our board meeting. it seems cleaner that way we can have the full discussion about the executive director selection all together after the board meeting. let's take a recess. we'll return after the board meeting. okay, colleagues. oard meeting. we can back from recess and we have remaining three items left to go through. of course, we have our closed session on the selection of the executive director for the county transportation authority. why don't we do this. we have introduction of new items, public comment, and
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public comment on item number 4. let's do introduction of new item while we're fresh and public comment. and seeing that the audience is virtually empty, i'm not sure we'll have very much public comment, then we'll go on to item number 4 so let's call item number 5. >> item number 5, introduction of new items, this is an information item. >> colleagues, any items for introduction? items for discussion? i do have one myself. and it's actually calling upon the transportation authority to write a strategic analysis to review possible future models of governance for the bay area bike share program. right now the bike share program is contracted out from the bay area air quality management district, but it's a bay area air quality management district will not be the overseer of that program in perpetuity and we're looking at how we might be able to look at a nonprofit or other
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organizational structure that would be the oversight and governing structure of that program. so, i'm asking the transportation authority to do a strategic analysis report on that. and i have talked with the bay area air quality management director jack [speaker not understood] who supports that process for looking at the future of the bike share program in the bay area. and that's my one item for introduction. and if no one else has items, commissioner mar? >> yes, i just wanted to say that chair avalos and i got a really good presentation on the bike share program and it's very, very easy to use the bike share right outside city hall. i've been riding it to meets andtionv i'm getting used to where the other kiosks are. once we key the bay area quality management moves to
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main it will be ease toy get over there. there is a station real close to it. my [speaker not understood] in 2014 all of us have new inputs into where new kiosks can go so it will be effective as possible. i love riding those bikes. they're well built. i hope we can get sponsorship so this can be expanded and be the premiere place in this country as well. >> that's great. yesterday i did sign up for my key as well hopefully will come in the mail. so, we can open up this item for public comment. any member of the public would like to comment on that item? okay, we's lonely we'll close public comment. [gavel] >> next item. >> our next item is general public comment. >> next item is general public comment. item is open for member of the public to comment on the transportation authority. seeing no public, we'll close public comment. [gavel] >> madam clerk if you can call our next item. >> item number 4, closed session, executive director.
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this is an information/action item. >> colleagues, this is our big moment to discuss the selection of the new executive director. it will be in closed session. and all that discussion will happen in closed session. prior to that, i do want to allow for any member of the public to enter into the room and provide public comment and we'll give a moment for that to happen. and seeing no one come in, we will close public comment on the closed session. [gavel] >> and can we prepare the room for closed s [gavel] >> okay. colleagues, we are back in open session. and closed session on 6 to 5 vote, we selected our preferred candidate and on unanimous 11-0 vote selected our secondary candidate. we also discussed terms of offer that will be negotiated
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and vetted by the personnel committee. the items that are the terms of the agreement we'll talk about will include goal setting, review process, a six-month and 12-month review process, a review of other departments to check in on how the candidate or the new executive director will be performing involving an executive coach, and also using the standard employment verification moving forward. and we expect to have a personnel committee next tuesday on the 17th to fully vet those items. and the chair will be working on negotiating those terms of agreement. they'll come before the full transportation authority board on september 24th for final approval. colleagues, any other comments on discussion?
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and seeing none, madam clerk, do we have any other items before us? >> no, item 7 adjournment. >> we are adjourned. [gavel] so it is my complete ho to be able to welcome so many wonderful people and so many people that support our school and all of these excess where having and i guess i want to
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introduce mayor lee. mayor lee, please stand up and wave to our community. [applause] >> so, as everyone was gathering in our main office we have come up with, we were brainstorming what we wanted to know from the mayor and from the superintendent. our students here we read the book of but not buddy this summer. have either of you read that book? well it looks like oregon have to mail the superintendent and the mayor are book. we definitely want them to know what were talking about, right? very good. so then let's substrate. let's remember what our three rules that we always lived by? >> be responsible. be safe. be respectful. awesome. i want to make sure that were all showing our democrat on the south side right now and we are going to
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be welcome back to school by our mayor. please give them a round of applause. [applause] >> thank you. good morning everyone. well you should know i only live less than 3 min. away from here. just up the hill. so i get to watch all of you. but, i am very happy to join our local supervisor of this district by john avalos this here this morning. it's a pleasure i was very much care about our education. i want to thank teresa ship for welcoming me here to your first day of school. i'm of course here with your superintendent. mr. carranza, thank you. we caught a couple of school board members and school officials and teachers representative here as well. mr. mendoza on our school board emily goshawk as well. and we have of course a number of school districts
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rep. as well as parents. all the parents are here today. [applause] >> well, first of all welcome. welcome some of you back to school. welcome some of you who have just started here at james jim and school. we love our students. you are happy, yes? well, i hope you are because we got a lot of great things this year. i think we believe we have a new classroom in fact. i have been working hard over the summer with hydra and a company called salesforce and they are here today, salesforce does a lot of great engineering in san francisco and they do something called the cloud. how many
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people know what the cloud is? anybody know what the club is? you will learn. you'll learn a little bit. some of the teachers know that for sure they can explain to you. but, this company is headquartered in san francisco and they are helping me help all the middle schools in san francisco get modernized. that is, to get technology, get wi-fi service, get computer tablets to the teachers, to of course, our principal. to help with the modernization of this school so that you, as students, and also as parents, can actually get a lot more science done, a lot more math done. a lot more engineering done. and become even more skilled because some of you, in fact, i see somebody here that's going to be the mayor of san francisco get somebody in this crowd is going to be the next mayor. how do you like that? do you want my job? [applause] >> well you can have a lot of
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fun. i think when science and the math and all the other skill sets that the school district wants this school and so many of the other middle schools to have more of, you're going to be the beneficiaries of it. i know you're going to be motivated. i want to thank you for not only getting up early, brushing your teeth, getting a good healthy breakfast, and running down here to make sure you meet your new teacher this year. this is going to be great. again, i am just 3 min. away. but we're also going to be working very closely. this won't be the first and only time you see me. there'll be other times you see walking around the campus because i do care about all of you as our middle school students. you're going to be the best minds. your point of great jobs when just a few years from now you're all going to be and up in college or some good jobs. and, if you need some help with a resume, ask me or ask supervisor apples. we'll
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be glad to write you support for resume for the best job. you could be the head of a company. you can even be the start of a great sports team. or, you could be a scientist or a doctor or a lawyer but anything you want to be. you definitely have it begins right here. so congratulations good morning welcome back to school and have a great grade year. thank you, teachers. and administrators. [applause] >> thank you. thank you mayor lee. what an exciting day. wow. admin. we are so proud. we also have another really special guest. who remembers what is our superintendent's name? >> superintendent carranza. please welcome him back up so we can welcome us to school. >>
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[applause] >> good morning. wait a minute. you've been resting all summer. rights were to do this i want you to blow the roof off of this auditorium. when i say good morning i want you in your loudest most excited voice to say good morning back. are you ready? take a deep breath. sit up straight. here we go. good morning >> good morning >> that's what i'm talking about. it's great to be back in school. it's great to welcome all of you here. i want to especially welcome the parents and our teachers and our paraprofessionals in our demonstrators would've been here for, believe it or not, over a week preparing for this very day. to get ready for the first day of school something of great experience. now if i understand correctly your sixth-graders, correct? >> yes >> no? this is what i want you to do. by the way, i was very
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impressed that you actually knew my name. so thank you very very much. this what i want you to do. i want you to think about when he went to kindergarten. do you remember that? then after kindergarten you went to first grade. do you remember that? did you have fun in first grade? did you have fun in kindergarten? yes. did you have fun in second grade? yes. this is just another transition. so since grade may be scary but it's not that scary because you can have fun and since grade. you know how i know why you have fun in six great because of excellent teachers at denman. they are going to help make learning fun for you. they are going to encourage you and support you and you know why i know that you're going to have fun weekly here because the secret is that denman is a fantastic middle school. you know high note the secret is out because denman has a waiting list now of kids that want to come to denman middle school. did you know
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that? did you know that? >> [applause] >> so there are other children i want to come to denman they just could becomes there's not enough room. you got into denman. you should be very proud of the fact that you got into denman and that other people want to come to denman. you know it's going to happen? next year when people want start applying for middle school they're going to see the great year that you've had and didn't want to come to middle school as well and they say i saw merely walking the halls because he's my neighbor. he lives down the street. it is a wow, the bear comes in the busy supervisor below supporting you to say the supervisor is here. you know why we're all here? more than anything we are here because we want to thank you for the great job that you've done and the great job you're going to do and we are so proud of denman middle school. you're doing a great job. so as six graders, i want you to have fun this year. can you do that? that's not very convincing. can you do that? >> yes
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>> i said can you do that? >> yes >> are you going to do that? i want you to have a great start to the year before i give up the microphone, i want to thank your principal, and your assistant principal for the great job they're doing. how about a big round of applause for them? >> [applause] >> yes. they're going to work to support your teachers and your teachers are working to support you. it's one big community. parents support everyone that here. i also want to recognize some folks that are in the audience because they wanted to come and be part of this visitation as well. you party met our mayor, you've already met our commissioners. you've already met our supervisor mr. avalos, but i want to introduce you to our deputy superintendent for policy and operations, leon lee (sp?). our general counsel who is sean davis. our assistant superintendent for middle school, jeannie bond. our
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special assistant to the chief of staff who is overseeing this wonderful middle school project from the district side budget kiara. then the best for last, the president of our united educators of san francisco, mr. dennis kelly. and our executive vice president for united educators ms. susan solomon. we're all here together to tell you how proud we are of you a you have a great grade school year and i'm going to ask >> is [music] >> >>
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>> san francisco parks, golden gate park transforms into one of the greatest music festivals of all time, let's journey, inside, outside land. ♪ >> to this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with san francisco, rec and park. and we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local police department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have san francisco and we have golden gate park and we
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have the greatest oasis, in the world. and it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. >> i love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great. >> they have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. >> celebrating, and that is really hot. >> 36 local winerries in northern california and 16 brewers out here. >> and you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make