tv [untitled] September 14, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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years with shell. the actual green benefits of clean power sf do not come from the power revised from shell but building local renewable generation sufficiency here. the funds to provide that come from selling power, for example, from shell or another provider. the power from shell is not the main event. the rates the mayor was discussing are maximum ceiling not to exceed rates. humans will not actually pay these rates. the actual program rates are yet to be set, but currently puc staff say they are competitive with pg&e brown power rates. that is being completely ignored. i would just like to point out that when we talk about homes being under water in the bayview and we're talking about mortgages, the more time that we spend debating this issue, we are actually talking about homes under water in the bayview, real water. we need to act sooner rather than later. i support everything that you're doing [inaudible]. >> thank you. next speaker.
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and final speaker. if there are any other members that wish to speak in general public comment, please step up. i am now come forth to give you skill and understanding. those words were spoken by the angell gabriel to the prophet daniel and he gave him the greatest rev yoution in the entire old testament. he gave him the year of the a nowthctionving of the messiah and he gave him the actual year of the death of the messiah, 4 87 years before he died. now, i can't say for sure that in two months from now on november 10th that the world is going to end, but i think there is a high likelihood that it's going to happen then because in daniel 12 it talks about this blessing that will come in 13 35 days, which is certainly related with the seven-year cycle and that will end 13 35 days. he was told secondly to go his way because he was to die and then be raised at the end of
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the days, whether the days, the 13 35 days. now, getting back to the 70 weeks prophecy, the 77 jubilee prophecy, it's an amazing thing. 9/11 was the sixth trumpet and it's really quite easy to explain it and it's based on the number 666. if you count to 36 -- if i had a stopwatch and i clicked off 36 seconds and stopped that watch at 36, that's the very unique number because if you count the 36 and you add every number, you get 666, and god said, here is wisdom. him that has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, it's 666. that was the stop number, if you will, okay. when 9/11 happen, this is the easy way to figure it out. when 9/11 happened, it was after 36 70s of years from the destruction of jerusalem. now, in luke thatthv 3 when
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jesus was baptized there were seven synchronizations and seven rulers. that was 28 a.d., it was the sabbath year 28 a.d. when the lord jesus christ [inaudible]. >> next speaker, please. hello, good afternoon, supervisors. i'd like to read off the newspaper headlines courtesy of the chronicle. and i hope everyone does read it. first one, i would like to urge the immediate resignation of the fire chief, the first headline in the chronicle [speaker not understood]. if anyone would read that article, you would throw up to see how a black firefighter was called "house boy" and was forced to do very menial jobs. if that doesn't qualify for
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resignation, the second headline, s.f. firefighter faces discipline for helmet camera. everybody in this room knows the [speaker not understood] of two firefighters. third headline, which i feel that this board has neglected for obvious reasons, s.f. school group linked to alleged theft of [speaker not understood]. i know many of you were affiliated with the school board. so, i'll just leave it at that. next headline. c-c-s-f head has plan for $95 million concert hall. after reading that article, why didn't the mayor's office and the board of supervisors even talk about that fiasco? now, this is the greatest headline. this shows how the city does business -- does business.
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nephew up for sfo job despite disciplinary action. please read that one because the lesson learned is if you want to be a high-paying city employee, keep breaking every rule. somebody will cover you and that even includes internet pornography. thank you. >> thank you. members of the board of supervisors, i would like us to remain on the overhead until i remove it. [speaker not understood] san francisco open government was mentioned by a previous speaker, city librarian luis herrera is under investigation by the fair political practices commission and several of us went to sacramento to testify
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before the commission regarding this investigation. over the years, mr. herrera has accepted gifts that were directly beneficial to him such as travel, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for expenses, office supplies, so forth. he has also accepted gifts that indirectly benefited him by giving a large [speaker not understood] that he could pass out to staff members to silence them in their questioning of the relationship between the library and the friends. none of these gifts for years have been reported as required by state law or by local ordinance. they have been simply accepted and spent and kept quiet. in return, both the city librarian and the library commission have been negligent in the performance of their duties under the law and contrary to public policy. the friends have raised and expended more than $53 million between 2000 and 2012 and the
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library commissioners and the city librarian have nothing to show where that money went. in the effort to cover up their negligence, they have sensored and abridged public comment. they have been found in violation by the sunshine ordinance task force on numerous occasions and i have mentioned one to you that you six months ago referred to you which you will never take up because it uncovers your own negligence. it also violated the california public records act. and in the order determination 110 83, thatses what reflected to you but ire not going to take it up because it covers your own negligence in the matter. ~ you're not going to take it up ~ [inaudible].
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ladies and gentlemen of the audience and supervisors, good afternoon. for the record my name is emil lawrence. i've spoken before this commission, many other commissions [speaker not understood] to other commissions many times in the past. for the record, i think also that what do we have to do to get dennis herrera to investigate luis herrera? are they relatives? is that what's stopping you? what's in your power to get to you do that when the corruption is on the surface? i'm not going to spend much time on this issue at this moment, but i think you should look at that. your job is to basically observe and also listen to citizens of the county. and when you see corruption, to get somebody to investigate it. very briefly for the rest of my time, i'm going to ask this
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commission, this board of supervisors to have a moment of silence for mr. paul courier who ran for mayor, had the guts to run for mayor, spent 5,000 with no political machine, who died of a heart attack earlier this year. if we have more citizens of the county and city doing likewise, we wouldn't have many of the problems that we have in san francisco if it had more citizens that were empowered in such a way. so, the remaining time is in silence for mr. paul courier. i thank you for your time in this. >> thank you. any other members of the public wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public comment is closed. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please read the adoption calendar? >> items 4 through 7 are being considered for immediate
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adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote [speaker not understood] these items. if a member objects a matter may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, would anyone like to sever any item? supervisor breed. >> [inaudible]. i would like to sever item number 5. >> okay. colleagues, any other items? madam clerk, can you call the roll on the balance of the adoption calendar? >> yes. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those resolutionses are adopted and motions accepted. [gavel]
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>> and item 5. >> item 5 is a resolution reiterating the board of supervisors's support for clean power sf, citing the board's role as the preeminent policy making body in san francisco, urging the public utilities commission to set not-to-exceed rates for clean power sf without any further delay, and promising further action if the public utilities commission fails to set rates. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. colleagues, i would like to ask for a continuance for this item to next week's board meeting. >> colleagues, supervisor breed has made a motion to continue for one week. seconded by supervisor avalos. if we could take that motion to continue without objection. that shall be the case to the 17th of september. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you read the in memoriams? >> yes, mr. president. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. on behalf of supervisor mar for the late ms. susan heron zib ot. on behalf of supervisor tang for the late young kevin john mcguire.
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on behalf of the full board of supervisors for the late ms. gail bishop. ms. evelyn wilson. and ms. christine vandemere. >> and is there any more business in front of the body? >> that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> ladies and gentlemen, i want to thank sfgov-tv and greg burk for their work. with that, unless theretion any more business, we are adjourned for the day. [gavel] okay. our final speaker is a friend a friend to the business community. a man who understands was it take to a create a job which is
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an investment. mayor ed lee is a person who have's brought a lot of stability to san francisco especially, after steady eddy were because ed has a background in administration and being tasked what getting things done and maneuvering through the san francisco policies. so to talk about the future of san francisco from the mayors prospective and the city's prospective in relationship to continue to build our economy i want to introduce the mayor of the great city and county of san francisco. mayor ed lee (clapping) >> thank you. thank you for that introduction and good morning, everyone.
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i know you've gotten a lot of statistics their not only interesting and accurate but very guiding for what we need to do. thank you greg costco and bob and all of the members of san francisco chamber of commerce for extending this invitation and it's great to see a lot of the officials and the department heads to make sure and insure our cities skews. before i get started i want to take another moment to acknowledge and thank the men and women who over the past several weeks fought california's third largest wildfire the rim fire up in yosemite. and among those fighters the fire was our san francisco firefighters who stood alongside
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other fire department's across the country navigate over 5 thousand people fighting the fire. and, of course, the staff and crews of the public utilities commission helped and that helped and water industry. i'm proud of their work and while we're grateful everyday for our first responders who risk their lives to protect and serve and for our police officers and firefighters who lost their lives years ago it's important we reflect on that. and certainly for our city. we've had our own including the rim fire the police and, of course, the fire department were there the first responders on a
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crash that will stick with me. we're living in an extraordinary city and you can is new year it that a lot of our residents are back to work. when we took office on january lifting our unemployment rates was 9 and a half percent today's it's 5.5 percent. this streamer important year our city netted over thirty thousand additional jobs and think about what the professor said about the multipleer effects. it's not just one industry we're seeing board based job growth at every sector off our city is
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growing and beating the industry. we're successful because we've created the conditions that give the investors and enterprise in our city to innovative and grow and create jobs whether or not their neighborhood or small business owner or international firms or other companies. well, here's a new stat. since 2011, 2023.6 million secret of office space - 23.6 million square feet that's 34 trans america pyramids put together. while we're licking lucky it's not all luck. navigate over the last 2 1/2
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years we built the infrastructure of our city. where did we do that? let's see we worked together to create enlightenment for jobs and attracting businesses and making the san francisco the innovation capita of the world. we worked together to build homes by providing verifies with the conversation treating e creating a housing trust fund and a working with our zoning and planning department and rezoning aspects of our city and creating a fund for permanent housing and we can be insure we don't have poverty housing. we want all san franciscans that be living side to side. we're working together to
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support our young people through our summer job program by investing in 0 our skuldz and making historic investment in our budget for the san francisco unified school district. we've worked together to strengthen our neighborhoods through our innovates that's focused on 25 commercial districts throughout the city providing loans and phil vacancies and retaining the strength in the local business. we've worked hard to reenvision our waterfront with mixed seawall lots and 4 pier and, of course, we'll welcome in the gotten state warriors back home thanks for itself leadership of folks working with argue port
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and a city planners. a derelict pier will be transformed that will bring thousands of people out to enjoy our waterfront. we worked to get with our community. we created the transit city plan that incorporates gov. both businesses and neighborhood for places to work with open shops and more and the development community has imbraced that with 5 office buildings adjacent to the transit center. we've worked together i get the theme now? to fund roads and parks and libs and asking san francisco voters to invest they're hard earned dollars to build infrastructure
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to help families skewed. we've worked together to make san francisco the gateway to china and beyond. through china that sf it's a partnership for economic development we've attracted 2090 imply companies to 90 san francisco and we're setting our sites on latin listen to this latino sf. we've worked together to rebuild our 70 san with 5 hospitals, of course, our san francisco gunmen e general i'll be asking you for more help with furniture. of course, c pmc chinese hospital and uc san francisco. we've worked together to fix our
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that deficit with reform and 5 years planning all of which has maintained our strong bond rating and this summer we're going to tangle our health care obligation. well, it's bogging because of our layers focus on the infrastructure of our economy that that has allowed us to become the faster growing state not new york or los angeles but we cannot have done that without the san francisco chamber of commerce and without our business community that has vifrtd in our city in helping me create those jobs everyday. so, now this is not the time to
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rest in our success. i think it's time that we double down on our success by focusing and tackling with more vigor and more resolve by looking over that horizon to see what else we should be doing. this is not a buckle ladies and gentlemen. that first city college we're going to save city he college period no, ifs or maybe so it's too important to give up open our students or training of our workforce in the future. it's the fit and second the affordable care act is important. we're focused in marking our residents and encouraging
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resident to purchase affordable insurance via the california marketplace but we need to provide guidance to our local businesses how it integrates namely the health care security ordinance. this is a complicated policy issue that's why i've ask you to serve on our council with barbara garcia and many others. we'll lead a data process so we can make informed policy positions and file the gaps of everyone so we can all be covered. we're san francisco we're going to be a model for that prelims. i want to close with a few thoughts. people as me it is good economy going to continue? how are we
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going to extend the prosperity that so many of our enterprise part of the answer is the everyday decision by each of you to keep investing 90 in our city. yes investing in businesses and start up and innovative ideas but investing in our young people, our schools and community and neighborhood organizations. san francisco is the greatest city in the world not just because of our bay and at all beautiful buildings but our human talent we know is at the heart of our success. so i ask you help us save city college and help us rebilled and
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reimage our bettered education for our children. help us higher young people making our neighborhoods safer and stronger. i ask you to get involved and volunteer and i ask you to help with more resources to be able to do this. that's how we're going to be able to sustain this economic recovery and extend our prosperity we'll be able to continue to build the infrastructure structure for our city today and tomorrow. thank you very much
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♪ ? an incredible program because we take regular kids teach them the love of the game. we have no emphasis on winning we only have an emphasis on learning and trying as hard as they can that's it and the chips fall where they may. when students leave our program whether or not adults or kids they'll have a mechanical understanding of what they have. you don't have to be 7 feet tall
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can claim that and you have an historic building that has been redone in a beautiful fashion and you have that beautiful outdoor ping-pong table and you have got the art commission involved and if you look at them, and we can particularly the gate as you came in, and that is extraordinary. and so these tiles, i am going to recommend that every park come and look at this park, because i think that the way that you have acknowledged donor iss really first class. >> it is nice to come and play and we have been driving by for literally a year. >> it is kind of nice. >> all of the people that are here. ♪
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