tv [untitled] September 15, 2013 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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group that does the healthy development measurement tool. at that time i took the opportunity to ask karen, has your department been contacted about analyzing the air quality and other health impacts on the community by the proposed warriors arena. the answer was no. so, i'm very concerned that the health impacts are not being evaluated for the warrior's arena. and i have a map that i received monday on the overhead. in blue shows the air pollution problematic areas that i believe the planning department is trying to help protect even more and pay attention to the sensitive use of the area. this is a chart -- this is a graph from sustainable it's basically the healthy development measurement tool
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data available for folks to look at. and you can see the yellow indicates much worse concentrations of particulate matter. and just last year the world health organization began recognizing particular matter as a carcinogen. in other words, like cigarette smoke, there's no additional amount that's not impactful, doesn't reduce a person's life-span. on june 5th, the budget committee of the board of supervisors -- another overhead, please. harvey rose, john avalos, socioeconomic equity showed that the pediatric hospitalization rate for rincon hill and other neighborhoods around highways is 26.7, 12.2 is the average for other areas. and the sfcpa is showing us 35,000 new pm peak auto trips already [speaker not understood] in the area. so, please have the department
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of public health get engaged. thank you. linda chapman for knob hill neighbors. i'm going to bring up the fact there seem to be quite a few people concerned in the neighborhood about not even just 1601 larkin that you heard from me about, but about the slicing and dicing of knob hill in general by these little groups of people who probably are not registered as lobbyists and probably are not registered as permit expediters, but are doing some of those kinds of functions and, in fact, some of them are registered as nonprofits which essentially precludes doing that kind of thing. there is a meeting at the library that i didn't organize. i was there and a few other people from our area. there were also some people who applied for permits. and, yeah, they're quite disgusted. they say here are these groups that come in and say, we're going to place conditions on the permit like at abc hearings -- pardon me, at the board of supervisors hearings, which cannot be enforced in the first
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place. or we're going to impose that bmr should be on-site in car share, and then somebody responds like in the blog and said, they didn't negotiate anything. they got exactly the minimum that's required by the city planning code anyhow, you know. and yet the neighborhood gets maybe a big ugly building. it is mentioned in this meeting that, you know, people are complaining that the members often don't know anything about this. they have no idea that, you know, the leaders of one or another group are in there. i think there is either favor or money -- you know, it may be just a party, i don't know. it's memberships like local neighbors, if you join us, we'll help you get permits. we know how to get you the permits in the city. they get 2.46 million for a cbd, they said. does anybody in the neighborhood actually know anything about this? i would see two people in the meeting down below the church and then we're being told, those are the public meetings about the cbd. that 2.46 million was for supporting the large version of cpmc that ultimately didn't
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pass. the contract was signed, it involved city officials also. you know, there is a sunshine act and a brown act. you're going to be hearing more about some c-e-q-a -- i probably won't get to stay for it, but we have three e-i-rs on three's projects there in which the developers can find some little group, you know, four people who are leaders of one group or say so, one or two in another. four people in another who, you know, nobody even knew who they were. the knob hill coalition, confirmed to me over and over four people. they will say we represent the neighborhood. we will, you know, take this [speaker not understood]. we want these conditions and so on and be down with c-e-q-a, be down with getting rid of the impacts analyzing the e-i-r, so forth. it's destroying the neighborhood. we have polk street, somebody said the architect has now turned it all into a whole area of drunks and bars and nothing else and now he's going to leave, except, of course, for the cbd. the $60,000 was mentioned again
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today at another meeting for not having seenier housing and the architectural treasure. somebody laughed and said it's humiliating somebody would even consider such a thing for so little money. anyway. >> is there any additional general public comment? okay, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> commissioners, it will place you under your regular calendar, items 12 a and b for the administrative code, chapter 31, c-e-q-a legislation, an informational presentation first and then your consideration for that c-e-q-a exemption determination. >> good afternoon, commissioners. sarah jones, environmental review officer from the planning department. i'm here today really as the culmination of the lengthy process to adopt administrative appeals and other improvements
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for ceqa procedures under chapter 31 of the administrative code. as you know, from holding several hearings on this topic over the last year, in july the board of supervisors approved changes to chapter 31 of the administrative code. and the overall concept of these changes was that with a set and defined window for administrative appeals of c-e-q-a documents, the planning department should institute new procedures for informing people of environmental actions as well as approvals of projects so that the public can be aware of their appeal opportunities and rights. so, the presentation today is on the steps that the planning department is taking to implement our side of the bargain essentially and meet our responsibilities under this chapter of the administrative
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code. so, today -- jonas, can you put the -- laptop -- thank you. so, today i'm going to be covering, in general, the types of new requirements that the planning department is going to be carrying out. we're going to highlight certain steps of that. specifically, what the legislation requires in order to become effective is that we demonstrate our new approach toward posting on our website of cad ex's through a map. and also i will touch briefly on the training of other departments that we'll be doing. so, great. so, new areas of requirement under chapter 31, we have several topic areas that i'm going to go through. we'll start with the exemption map and posting and laura lynch, planner on my staff who has had a huge part in making
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this map happen which is such a key part of this legislation, is going to present to you and give you demonstration of how somebody can find cad exs that have been issued. >> good afternoon. i will start by demonstrating how to navigate to our new page. simply go to the environmental planning home page and at the right of the screen you will see exemption. once you click on exemptionses, it will take you to our new exemption posting page. a little background information about our new page. we have been posting exemptions since january of 2012, and we have received feedback that the previous manner that we posted the exemptions was not considered to be user friendly. the new page which was published on july 1st, 2013 is the department's attempt at
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improving the public's experience. there are three ways of finding exemptions on this page, two of which are found through the map. the first way is you can search by address. you can type a specific project or your own property and the map will zoom directly to the property and all exemptions in the area will appear. the second way is by panning through the map. so, you can zoom in to a specific district or neighborhood and see all exemptions in this area. once you find a specific exemption, this box will appear with limited information similar to the property address, and two links will also appear. one will take you directly to the permit specific information on the department of building inspection's website. and the other will take you directly to the exemption. the exemptions were posted in two manners, one is a certificate and the other as a
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checklist. the certificate will address specific topics and the checklist is mainly used as a property -- the planning information center and for smaller projects. the third way of finding exemptions is through the table located below the map. this table demonstrates all publicly sponsored projects. if the project is associated with the specific block and lot it will appear on the map and on this table. if it is specifically associated with a larger geographic area, then it will only appear within the table. once you find an exemption you're interested in, click on the row and the exemption will appear. and here is an example of our cad ex checklist. and thank you for your time and i'll send the presentation back over to sarah. >> thank you. >> thanks, laura. i'm going to start going through some of the other major areas of changes that the
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planning department is in the process of implementing or has already implemented. on the first is we are identifying the approval action for projects and this is something that was -- that is now defined in chapter 31, what constitutes the approval action. it's very critical for the entire ordinance because the approval action -- the occurrence of the approval action is the beginning of the window for ceqa appeals, but it is my belief also that this is in general an improvement in the clarity of our planning process to really have a good definition and understanding of when the city has, in fact, taken the step to allow or commit to a project occurring. so, it's defined -- [speaker not understood] defined for both public and private projects and that approval action is defined on the -- on
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each c-e-q-a determination that we make. next area is the content of our exemption determinations. this was not something that was described particularly in chapter 31 previously and now chapter 31 sets out clear expectations for what all of our exemption determinations have to include. either the checklist or certificate or something else that's produced by a department under a delegation agreement. so, we put in the project description, type of exemption because there are many types. as i said, we have to identify the approval action and provide whatever information is needed to support the determination. the next area that is now in chapter 31 is project prioritization. the department actually has a much broader nonlegislative list of the types of projects that are given priority through the department's development
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review process. but the chapter 31 legislation specifically defines 100% affordable housing projects and bicycle and pedestrian safety projects as those that are now required by ordinance to receive priority in the environmental review process. the fourth area is electronic notification, and this refers to the subscription-based e-mail system for people who are interested in receiving information to have information essentially pushed to them. there will be several types of subscription categories as to find out. we're putting this system into place as part of our department's larger permit tracking system and also other, other notification systems. so, this piece of the legislation is not ready to be implemented at this time, but we are taking the steps to work towards it.
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there are also a variety of requirements in the legislation for the clarity and in some cases visibility of posted and mailed notices. again, so, this is consistent with -- this overall premise of providing the public with clear information on actions, determinations, and appeal rights. and then the final big area of change is in the issue of substantial modification. this is some safeguards within the ordinance to make sure that projects that are determined to be exempt, in fact, remain exempt and that exempt remains valid as a project goes through its development and -- development process and changes subsequent to approval. so, this legislation now clarifies when a new exemption is needed. it also provides the public with an opportunity to ask for reconsideration of whether a project has indeed been changed
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substantially. so, you may in the future hear some reports back at your planning commission hearings about those reconsideration hearings that would be undertaken by the ero. just moving on to training which i'll touch on really briefly, obviously all of these new requirements are going to involve some training. we want to make sure the entire department staff is involved in this work is up to speed and doing it. we also do environmental work on projects undertaken by several other departments or in the case of the county clerk they interact heavily with us around c-e-q-a appeals. so, we're going to do individual outreach to the various departments. it's a good opportunity to connect with them in general, but also make sure that their projects are not susceptible to any incorrect procedures. and that's it. i just want to wrap up. first of all, i want to
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acknowledge the many people who have worked very, very hard on this effort. obviously supervisors wiener, kim, and chiu and their various aides who put a ton of time into this, ilene warren from the city attorney's office, we heard of her heroism on this effort. also there are a number of people at the planning department who have really thrown themselves into this. i'm going to start with laura because she's gone above and beyond. also tanya shiner, andrea contrayer as, noni [speaker not understood], chris kern who are all in environmental planning, mike wynn and elton chin in our information technology group, and jonas has been a very helpful advisor and really greased things to make things happen and let us make changes. so, thank you very much. i'm happy to take any questions or comments, and then i'll be
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able to open up to public comment. >> i'll take public comment first and maybe there are some questions. >> okay. >> thank you. >> i have no speaker cards. >> okay, opening it up for public comment if there's any on this item. sue hester, i had a hard time reading that screen. there are community plan exemptions. and every time this commission adopts an area plan, you adopt a process to basically gut c-e-q-a noticing requirements. major projects in south of market, in the mission, in potrero hill all used to have the notice at the getting of the project. it was an environmental notice
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and you became aware there was a project. now there is none because a lot of the projects get exemptions. and they get exemptions at the end and there is no notice of the project. this area of the planning department sequence is down in the weeds in the other neighborhoods, but it doesn't solve the problem for cpes. in cpes are tiered from the transit center plan. you recently had 350 mission and no one was notified. even those who had submitted comments on the underlying e-i-r, the underlying e-i-r for the transit center were notified. i have been trying to figure out how to follow projects along the 2nd street corridor. my voice just disappeared. and it is impossible.
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no one knows what is happening in eastern soma at all. there are no notices. you get notices after an approval. the process is a process that starts with the planning commission. every time you adopt an area plan and you adopt the resolutions at the end and basically -- basically say no more notice, it's on you and the board of supervisors. people are not paying attention to environmental notices being wiped out in these areas when we have a large process on an area plan. i know that because i was involved in them. and i know -- i know notices because i'm a person who gets a notice. you haven't solved the problem around community plan exemptions at all. i am not about to scour every
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single day the entire city to find mission and south of market and financial district projects. it doesn't work that way. thank you. >> is there any additional public comment on this item? good afternoon, commissioners. rose hillson. i tried the newly refined map with the exemptions, all the green dots, and i don't know if there is going to be an additional presentation with a live feed with this map in 12 b., item 12 b., but i was trying it and i can't get all the cad ex permits on one street sufficiently. sure you can zoom in, but sometimes there's a large parcel. let's assume the large parcel is golden gate park. when you try to zoom in on golden gate park's parcel, you
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might end up with a message. there are too many permits to show at this scale. zoom in to see permits. so, you zoom in, but then when you do that you lose perspective and can't figure out where the center is because you have to center the map. those are the instructions on the website. so, basically you can't get information for that. the other thing is it's not very efficient. i like the map. it's very graphic and everything. it's nice and colorful, but the old list, some people said it wasn't searchable but i was able to search it. you have to know how to do it. and i think a lot of people didn't so they were complaining that they couldn't search it. the easiest way in order to solve this problem is to put a link under this wonderful picturesque map and provide like maybe an excel spreadsheet, portable file type, cov file types are actually very useful. they don't get all bogged down by de limiters that sometimes cause error codes when you access these web links. the other thing is you might want to use dvf files but sometimes those are kind of tricky. so, the thing is the old list
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actually provided more information. it's not too hard to put that link in because all the data field is being used between the dbi system and the planning system are already there. it's just a matter of what you really want this new mapping system to bring up for data. if it's not efficient, the public may be stirring around different maps including the [speaker not understood] permit maps and the property information map. there's a lot of maps out there under the planning website. if you don't integrate them all, you don't get all the information and it's true because i was playing around with it last night and i played around with it this morning thinking maybe there are amendments that would have made it better before this meeting but it didn't get any better. and a lot of times, here's the other thing. the kicker is these green dots, they vaporize after a amount of time. i don't know what the criteria is when they disappear, but they do. and the old list, it never disappeared. you could still go like in to see memorialized cad exs, but this way you can't. so i think it's not quite ready
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and that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? okay, being none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> i had one question regarding your slide on electric notification, sarah. your first bullet point is subscription based e-mail notification system. who are the current subscribers, who will subscribe in the future and if that is the only way to access information partially because not everybody has the type of computer and the capability of downloading and viewing these large files as was indicated a few minutes ago. >> i think we're a long way from subscription-based e-mail being the only way that people might be able to get information. and i don't envision that that would ever be the case. the steps -- right now we have neighborhood notification lists
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for each defined planning neighborhood. and, so, we are going to be getting the people who are on those lists the option of converting to electronic notification rather than paper mailed notification, and also opening the list to others who might choose to receive this information. ~ giving but at this time in time we're not seeing the e-mail subscription notification as replacing any other information or notification that we provide. >> thank you. >> commissioner borden. >> yeah, i think this is really interesting. i wanted to ask a question about whether or not -- you brought up overlaying data with existing property map database that you have when people search and you can actually get all that information in one spot. >> that information is all available via the property information map, but there was a desire to specifically provide information about cad
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exs that are issued. and the idea would be on those dots on the map would stay up for the period of the 30 days after the approval action has occurred. and once the appeal window on that project has closed, then that map -- that dot would be taken off the map. >> it will show in the property information section -- >> yes. so, the information doesn't go away. >> okay. and i guess if you looked at how -- is this data available like if i were a map developer, [speaker not understood] i can't remember the name of it, where someone is tracking moving permits and the cost of a construction project for homes and things that people are doing. you could overlay all those -- so they're actually able to track the permit and how much money they paid based upon what the construction costs, which i thought was interesting. is our data available if somebody wanted to take it and do something more robust with it, they could? >> i am not the best person to
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ask on that question. but i can have a discussion with some of our data staff about it. >> yeah, because i think that would be helpful. and i also think that, you know, looking at developing an app, the property information thing would also be a helpful thing for those people who like to look at things on their phone and other sort of form. the other thing i was thinking is that in general -- and this is not c-e-q-a specific, but a website specific thing, you know, our website is too crowded. even when i was looking just to go find this sort of like, oh, where exactly is it? i feel like if we could maybe just start with the planning website and just do four areas and then you click through a little more, i think one of the challenges that people have i think is that it's hard to -- the page is overwhelming. and we now know in web design it's much more simplistic information people are drawn to. if you have four choices and
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people said permits and projects, supplying, planning commission, whatever, you did four categories. again, this is not specific to c-e-q-a necessarily, but something that i've thought about because i do think our site is overwhelming in that regard. but i think that it might be useful in your map that you say -- that when you log or scroll over things or maybe a disclaimer about the 30-day notice window and please see the property information map to find out. also, the community plan exemption appear anywhere other than like if you were to look at a project in c-e-q-a, you would see part of the community plan exemption and can you also run queries to export a map of a street? i know that was something someone brought up. >> in terms of community plan exemptions, those are shown -- if we just do a community plan exemption, we don't need to do
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any other focused environmental review. yes, those are shown with exemptions. and i do want to note that neighborhood -- we have by practice been sending out those neighborhood notices at the beginning of the process of the cpe under the chapter 31 legislation we are now required to send neighborhood notices on those, particularly the process ~. but specifically about cpes, we don't at this time provide sort of in one place information about all of the cpes that have been issued pursuant to any one area plan. we can gather that information as required. >> maybe one of the things that could be overlaid on the map, then, is just kind of like an outline of community plan area. so, like an overlay where it would show the market octavia area, so when you are looking at the map, you would know this
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is eastern neighborhoods, you know, just show the borderline and people would at least know projects in that area could be subject to community plan exemption and they can look up specific addresses. anything we can do to make the map a little hotter so thats it's easier for people to say where things fall in. obviously in an ideal world you can scroll over and see general zoning and much more detailed information. but at least if we could just hot -- do the borders of the plan areas, then people at least have a sense of whether an area would be -- could be eligible for a community plan exemption even for a project that comes forward. >> we might want to do that in the context of the website dealing with those specific plan -- with those plans themselves and provide that as an ongoing information source. >> in terms of search and query, can you pull up a list of -- i saw that there was a list for a particular site. are you able to pull up a list for like if you want to say,
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you know, market street or market street between this block -- is there any other way to pull up permits like that? is it pretty much just a visual -- >> i don't believe it's set in that way at this point. >> something to think about just for being able to in some way have a list or be able to view a list would be helpful, i think. thank you. i think still it's great work. i don't want to [multiple voices] >> absolutely, thank you. no, thank you for the constructive suggestions and steps to take. right now the concentration of our effort is in getting to the point where we're meeting the requirements under the new chapter 31 and then we will always hope to -- we'll find things and make it more usable for the public. >> it's a great first step and i think we can do a lot more with this. >> commissioner antonini. >> yes, sarah, thank you very much. following up on the
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