tv [untitled] September 15, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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>> yes. >> any other announcements? >> okay. >> so we will now move on to... and what i will do is the recess of the meeting and then we will do the report of the closed session, when we resume and we are going to go to closed session and i must ask the public to leave the room. this meeting is in recess. could i see the adjournment, that before so that it is on television? >> okay. >> yes. and we can do that. so, hold on, we are going to skip ahead to item v, the adjournment, but we are not actually adjourning, the meeting commissioner wynns? >> thank you. >> and sorry, i have to get back. and the board of education, will adjourn its meeting this evening in memory of marshal and markasa hunt who passed away on april 11, 2013, 72 years old and died of a heart attack, she was an sfud parent and executive director of the san francisco school of
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volunteers and the director of government relations for the san francisco unified school district in the 90s. she was one of the first advocates for and facilitators for s use of technology in san francisco and san jose and became a successful business woman running a retail business and will be remembered as a fierce advocate for woman's rights and a leader of the san francisco chapter of the national woman's political caucus and however, the thing that all who knew her will remember most about her is her passion for her family and friends. she was married for 49 years, to jay, b hunt and had two children, david and deborah and two grand sons who i had the pleasure of meeting. if you visit the website and built and maintained by her daughter you will be amazed by the depth and the friends that they share for the decades, she was born in connecticut and earned degrees. and she was the person most responsible for turning the san
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francisco school volunteers from a small, volunteer organization, into that recruited the volunteers into a strong and viable non-profit organization that remains in the merger with the san francisco education fund. and an essential component of the community partnership infrastructure. the 1980s and 90s were a period of significant expansion of the professionalism of many of the rolls in the education community, and the lobbyist for the school district and significantly raised the political profile of the san francisco unified school district. i had the opportunity to work with her, both as a parent activist and as a school board member. the first four years that i served on the board i worked with her, fighting the annual budget battles and traveling to sacramento and walk the halls of the state capitol and advocate for our students in district's interest she was a great partner and incredibly effective lobbyist and many in
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sacramento remember her as one of the best. we often traveled together and sharing money by sharing hotel rooms and the first meeting of the schools that i ever attended we were snowed in at the plaza hotel for several days this was the first year of the clinton administration and it was an amazing conference and we had a lot of fun, during an event, and sometimes referred to as a once in a century blizzard. after living in sacramento for many years, she had relocated to sacramento and although, the board of education and i personally want to express my sorrow to the hunt family, and i also want to say just for a minute, about the san francisco called zspace which is a theater in the mission, for those of you who have lived in san francisco a long time, it is used to be part of project arto on 17 and this harrison. and marsha was a member of the board of the zshape and also, of a wonderful performing troop
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there called word for word that performs plays which are the reading word for word of short stories. and i have actually been to two word for word performances and the most recent one was in honor of marsha and where her husband, jay, bought out the house and all of her friends came there and saw a wonderful play called infriendship and so, i just want to honor marsha as someone who made a huge difference in our school district and will be remembered and the last thing that i want to say about her and if you ever saw her, and you can see her on the website she was a very striking, strong, looking person. and i have to say that i she would like to be remembered as really a great broad. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner wynns. >> okay, at this time, we are going to recess, this meeting, and go into closed session, so i would ask the public to clear the room.
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>> mendoza. >> why would there be two absent and only mendoza. >> apparently there are one or two absent, someone was absent. approved the contract for one supervisor and one program administrator. >> public employment, the board by a vote of it was in fact, 5-2? justin? >> yes. >> justin? >> yes. >> okay. >> by a vote of five ayes and would absent, approved the contract for one supervisor and one administrator. and existing litigation in the matter of gm verses the san francisco unified school district voted by a vote of 5 ayes and two absent, gives the authority to pay up the to stipulate you lated amount.
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>> ae verses the school district, five aye and two absent, haney and mendoza, give the authority to pay up to the stipulated amount. gd and the board, and two aye and two absent, haney and mendoza, give the authority to pay up to the stipulated amount and now for the read out of the september, 10, 2013, closed session. public employment, the board by a vote of seven ayes approved the direct and her two directors. and existing litigation in the matter of zow, 3. and verses the san francisco unified school district, the board by a vote of 7 ayes give the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount. >> and we are now in view of the informational items and no other staff reports this evening and we, did hear item v, adjournment and we heard the memories of marsha hunt and we
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are going to adjourn, would you like to say something about miss wilson? >> you were looking at me like you wanted to say something. >> oh,, okay. and item v, adjournment and we are adjourning this meeting in memory of marsha hunt, and miss evelyn wilson and we offer our sincere condolences to their family. meeting adjourned.
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>> i. >> i. >> item 3 public comment executive session. commiters before we go further, item peer 38 under legal council has been taken off the calendar. vene a session. >> second. >> move all in favor. >> i. >> i. >> i move to not disclose anything discussed in closed session. >> second. >> all in favor. >> i. >> okay. pledge of allegiance. "i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
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>> please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar electron devices are prohibited at this meeting. be advised to the chair may removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. a member of the public has up to three minutes to make public comments on each agenda item until. item 8, public comment on those not listed the on agenda. ? >> any public comment? hearing none. >> item 9 executive directors report. >> good afternoon commissioners. members of the public, port staff, thank you for being here today. especially missing the second part of the great race day,
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although i understand they executed their one time waiver so we had one race today. i have a few things on my agenda report and i'm going to ask my staff to stop talking i'm talking if you don't mind. the first thing is great story to tell which is about the urban air market which took place on august 18th. i reported this it is last port commission meeting but it's part of our goal of rerehabilitating peer 70 and getting a chance for most of the city to experience the great buildings that are there and the site it has been. august the 18th there was an urban air market hosted by ford city at the peer 70 development which is the first time that building 12 had been opened to the public since 1941 so i like
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to invite jackie and tell us what the air market experience and how the members of the public were available to enjoy pier 70. >> thank you director moyer. >> president wuho and other members of the commission, it's my pleasure to be here to talk about something that is in plans and paper but something that happened in reality. just -- we've talked about this before, i think forest city is unique in the real-estate development. and we're focused on long term parks and infrastructure but with he think there's a part to play in activating the pier 70 sites, it creates momentum for the planning process that we're
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engaged in. it engages with the community in a way that they can understand what we mean when we talk about the type of activities in culture that will -- that we hope to bring to pier 70 and that creates value in the land. one of the opportunities that came across our door was -- is urban market which happens two or three times a year in his valley. it's an outdoor market sustainable design, home accessories, furniture, clothing, jewelry, all local art sins and they were interested in being our guinea pig with us to try something in building 12. we weren't sure what was going to happen. but it was a great opportunity to test it and we had been hoping to get -- to draw 2,000 people
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out to the site. there's a little map right here that -- so building 12 is what's labeled as urban air market and it's about two or three blocks from third street. light rail in the main part of dog patch. it's funny when the organizationer sent out the e-mail to venders, they got responses like tell us about this. we were nervous if we were going to attract people on a day where there was other things happen nothing the city. at the end of the day, one thing we were really lucky. pier 70 displaced its best colors. it was totally sunny and warm. there were 5,000 people that came out to site. they were pouring down onto the site with bikes. we were with
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the bicycle coalition and there were 400 bikes parks. it was an amazing success and one of the things that was probably on -- one of the lessons we've learned the most was a victim of our own success is we needed more food trucks and bathrooms and places to sit. there an area set up -- there was an area set up. they partnered up and they set up a pop up galore inside of the building. there was kid play areas with hula hooping and there's an organization called scrap that set up tables for the kids. there was live music and an area for people to enjoy that. i'm going to show you pictures
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and i'm going to read off the notes on my phone. >> this is what the inside of the building looked like with the vendors. it's a really amazing space for this type of market activity. on the bottom right you see the beer garden and you can see the area on the bottom left where the -- this is actually early in the day. that is at 11:00. the mayor came out and spent an hour walking around. he have was really excited about what was happening out there and about the opportunity to see these first glimpses of transforming the ports properties into these amenities for the community. one of the great things that we were able to do is engage with
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a bunch much people who had not actually been participating in the public planning process so we had all of our presentation boards out and we had probably 1,000 people come and look at these boards and actually give us feedback on the picture on the left was a big comment sheet and also what does an open city look like to you and getting people to provide feedback and what does the city mean to you. here you see an example of the vendors and the food trucks. one thing that's interesting for us is we've done some research on who are the entities that are these entrepreneurs that run the food
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trucks, that are the vendors in these stalls and what we found is that 66 percent of the vendors are first time business owners, 55 percent are minorities and 31 percent are women. so this is fantastic not just because we're generating activity in a new location but it creates a low cost of capital for these entrepreneurs to start their businesses. here you see some more of the kids activities and the music. another thing, we actually did a survey of some of the businesses in the adjacent neighborhood of the dog patch and a couple of them were kind of slammed. they knew this was happening. we were told that their traffic in sales was between 25 to 50 percent higher that day and a
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couple of the businesses had record sales so this is, you know, the -- seeing the first examples of pier 70 of how the ports property is going in this part of the city. and then of course we talk a lot about making sure that we're tying the culture of the place to the creative and design components and so you see the buildings, temporary galore space, there's a local galore called a work shop and they set up a booth and you see them on the bottom right, their vendors. that's it. it was incredibly satisfying to see the place come alive. it's something
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that i think from the fact that 5,000 people made it out there, demonstrates this is something that has legs. we're working with the port to find ways to keep making this possible and i would like to thank the leadership of director moyer and the staff that really worked hard with us to make this possible that included byron and benson and lamb. so thank you very much. >> thank you jack. con congratulations to you all. >> is there public comment. >> jack, can you tell how far do you think these 5,000 people came? was it more than just a dog patch or all over the city. is there any way for you to know? >> one of the lessons is next time we need to find out where folks were coming from. it was clear that folks were coming
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over all san francisco. there's 500 in the dog patch itself. one of the reasons that we were able to be successful is we partnered with an organization that has a draw. it's a brand that people will travel for, so people were coming from all over the city. >> it sounds like you might repeat this again. >> that is certainly our goal. our goal is to be able to support an ongoing series of activities like this that could include a flea market and farmers market. so that's what we're working with -- working with staff to support that model. >> terrific event. thank you. >> i was going to say thank you
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for the ways you guys have reached out to the community and if you remember one time you were here, the artist was saying that you guys hasn't been talking a lot and it's good you had them highlighted here and they reached out and you're working together. and i wanted to say it's hands on and good to see that the mayor came out and like i said this project is really going to blossom and we're really going for our community and thank you for the invite. thanks. >> thank you. >> and thanks for your support in this. it's truly helpful. >> thank you jack. thanks for coming down today to share that with us today. >> commissioner, my second item is to talk about the america's cup to date and particularly to note for the benefit of everyone that there is a bike lane that has been posted beginning of the intersection of washington and barcardara and running up to pier 23 which
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is the corner of green street. the american's cup events to date for the final match which began saturday september 8th have been very fun, very exciting, despite the fact that the us is trailing. its still been an event that has attracted people to the water front to have the pleasure of being on the water on sunday and could see that the pier was packed in the free areas which was part of our vision, so you could see people behind pier 16, 17. you could see people behind -- at pier 27, 29. you could see people around pier 29 and fisherman warf and watching the race. a stream of people coming on the non race days so eve opinion dprat -- graph
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gratified. dominating in natural courses and the port's property including our port of san francisco sign on our terminal. we're glad we're been able to participate. it was populated if ever by the public in this way. really excited about that. the bike lane has proved successful in some ways. it's hard to measure just kret. he pushed hard to have the bike lane to be for two way traffic. the bike lane is open to two way
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traffic. there's signal to if you were riding your bikes you would come off which would warn you when to go into an intersections depending on how the lights have changed. we've found through the reports of the americans cup event authority that the bike line lane lanes have produced so many people. they were happy this was a successful way to get to see to the america's cup at pier 27 through 29. on the non weekend days we haven't seen nearly as much bike traffic as we saw on the weekend and as we saw for the week for the america's cup event last year. this is a pilot program, we're using the america's cup event to see how it can work and we're learning from it and we'll have a more detailed report we think after the events are over, but i wanted to share some thought was you. the current bike lane
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will continue on through this coming weekend. and be final as of september 15 assume that the race goes that long. stay tuned. more to follow on that. the next item on my report is to talk about the brandon street warf project it just opened to months ago and it has been singled out for its first award. it has awarded the project of the year by the american society of engineer. the american is the oldest society in the united states and san francisco sector runs from monday ray to oregon and out through the valley down to fresno. it's a sizeable area and to be awarded the project of the year for either airports or ports is a high honor indeed. the award will be presented september 19th at the regular meeting of the american
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society of civil engineers which will held at the city club in san francisco. and again kudos to all of the team members on the project which included port staff and dan and wendy proctor and a million others. jackry and company and do construction and landscape and numerous other consultants. it's fun to see people enjoying the park and we hope to get many awards. we have two days in september with are we encourage people to come out and help clean out our port property and our coastline. the first is the annual coastal clean up day. as you know that is actually an international event. particularly popular in all of california. in 2012 over 65,000 volunteers were moved over 700,000 pounds of california beaches along and
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the port participates every year. we're going to have opportunities at five port sites which including harris park, warm water cloefb park. the miss works with the east county which is a woman name lorena and we volunteer to provide resources such as supplies and track pick up and they do a lot of the trash pick up as well. it's great event and it's happening saturday september 21 from 9:00 to 12:00. warm water cove. creek park, or mission creek park. if you missed that one, the following saturday you can join the department of public works, what do ey
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