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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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test. >> good morning, everyone.
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welcome to the tuesday september 17th meeting of the plans and i'm the chair of the committee. our clerk could you please call the roll >> roll call. (calling names) we have quorum. >> thank you. we have a pretty long agenda are there any announcements. >> no announcements. >> i wanted to jump right in to the first item. >> to approve the meeting of the july meeting. >> seeing no comments from colleagues. supervisor campos >> move to approve.
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anyone from the public wishing to speak >> colleagues can we move this forward without objection. >> number 3 this is an information item. >> and we have mr. flanagan. >> good morning. commissioners my my name is joseph and i'm the vice president of the citizens advisory committee. i'll be providing the c acs chair report today. we have one item on our august agenda is before you today. as an action item and that is item number 4.
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item 4 allocation of the property k and aa funds for 8 requests. the c ac passed them unanimously as part of the consent calendar. additional items 5 are consent agenda. update on the t d m partners project was also on the august agenda as an item of information. questions for the item - items focused on private shuttle
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particularly the willingness of private companies offering shelter service to comply with any mta effort to regulate the program mta represents respond and they couldn't speak to the question at this point in time. the c ac also expressed concern with private shuttle, pickup locates not designated as bus stops such as a street corners in locations like 24th and gary are a and asked how this use the
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city streets by private shuttle impacts planning and implementation. sorry. the qualifications of drivers and employees employed by the private companies to drive the vehicle and impact that has on public safety mta representative respond that they are exceeding the training needs and have began responding with providers regarding the topic. results of the survey concluded by the mta much of the
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discussion was focused on the question not including in the survey the question beginning how many people would not live in san francisco if the shuttle service was not provided. according to the mta representative this question was asked on different surveys and the answer was 35 percent. in addition to the august c ac meeting the c ac had a special c ac meeting on september 11th to discuss the program categorized and used sponsors and the ta to choose projects for funding.
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the hope is the meeting in the future opportunities to discuss program categories criteria and help the c ac better communicate as group regarding expectations and project outcomes that impact the city. thank you very much. and that concludes my report >> thank you voice chair i see no comments by you thank you for the hard work of the committee. ms. chang the next can i ask if any items would be severed oh, anyone from the public want to speak. seeing none, public comment is closed. so on the consent calendar any
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items i want to sever. seeing none, none >> 3 hundred and 44 thousand in the prop k funds significant to the attached year and the amendment of 5 year and prop strategic plan and an update on the partnership those are the items on our sxhevent calendared. >> anyone from the public wish to speak on item 4 and 5. seeing none, public comment is closed. can we move those forward without objection. ms. chang >> recommend an appointment of two members to the citizens advisory committee. >> my understanding is that supervisor or commissioner kittie changing would like to
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continue until our october meeting. so we have a report >> courtney this begins on page 53. we have a regular 11 member board and the administrative code we recommended and appoint a citizens advisory committee none myself make any remedies. and you can see the folks who have submitted plagues on page 55. and you can see the listing on our current members that you are to quality for the appointment you have to be a san francisco resident and appear once before this committee and we currently have two vacancies requiring
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current action and this has to do with a termination those two candidates are not seeking reappointment. >> so my understanding is commissioner kittie tanking would like us to continue this until she's had enough time to review applicants. i think the district 5 seat obey vacated i'm wondering what you're recommendations are commissioner breed >> thank you. i have had a chance to review the applicants and i would like to move forward with an appointment of mississippi la. to the district 5 seat >> thank you. so are there any other comments?
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we should ask if the applicants want to say a few words >> correct. >> is there anyone here, please come forward. >> morning committee members and citizens. i'm a resident of district 5. i live at st. france square one of our largest cooperatives in the city it's mostly populated by elderly and disabled folks. i'm a member of the conservation committee and i live on gary boulevard. i wake up to trans by a terminals every morning. as a profession i work for caltrans. i work in transportation
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planning. we work in all the bay area counties outlining all 9 of them. i'm involved in planning from environmental analysis to advanced planning to making biological decisions i'm very qualified for this committee. and i've just wanted to appear had this morning and i've contacted ms. breed regarding my application. so should you have any questions i'll answer them >> thank you. anyone else want to speak. and this is on not on the gary corridor c ac it's on the members of the boarder transportation authority c ac. is there anyone else who wants to comment on this item if so. seeing none, be public comment is closed.
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so colleagues oh, commissioner breed >> let me add i know that ms. blog used to live in the richmond district and we're not looking at the gary boulevard brt but i thought it was a great fit for her because of her understanding of transportation on a region wide level as well as her - the fact she uses public transportation and has used it all over the city and having that board prospective is important for district 5. i'm hoping we can move her name forward >> thank you, mr. chairman and thank you to commissioner breed for her comments.
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we give a great correctness to the district so it's my pleasure to move this candidate forward for the county transportation authority c ac >> colleagues can we do this without objection? and to continue this until october. thank you >> number 7 recommend an appointment of bus transit and this is an action item. >> before you make the comments this item the gary corridor citizens committee didn't just involve my district but it's been a long process with any
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different dialogues of the gary brt and i thank you for your effort. we've been engaged and it's a critical project for our whole city and the who's also western united states because it's the heat it used bus line in the whole region of our country. with the help of any citizens and students and others who depend on muni everyday we're trying to make sure that the gary brt will be successful. i think there's some experts around the country who are visiting now and engaging with them how to build it as quickly as possible. we're trying to expedite the brt systems and i really thank the
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folks for developing a strategy to develop the project more than 20/20 but hopefully by 2018 but most of the energy is coming from the residents and transit riders who want a efficient transit city in the city. we've got some great applicants with that i'll introduce mr. chester you fong >> thank you committee members i'm the principle of the transportation with the authority. i i know there's a lot of appointments on your calendar this is for the gary citizen advisory committee. it begins on page 57 on your packet and the attachment is a summary of the application.
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i've give a few remarks and close up. this item is a remindeder it's from an action to a two term gary dedicated c ac the results is 8 members have expired terms. now the board can reappoint those folks or appointment someone else. it's been meeting bio monthly but in relation to this item the staff said we're recruiting in august we're got many languages russian and chinese and we did an e-mail in multiple languages and also tasered it on facebook and we also previous applicants
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from the spring >> just to remind i staff doesn't make any recommendations but i'll note we welcome new members in any prospective they bring. we help keep the project moving quickly by - i'll walk through the structure and vacancies quickly before i enclose my remarks so i'll turn now to the attachments to the memo. there are 3 sets of seats on the gary c ac each one dedicated to fulfill our neighborhood we have a seat for china and one for
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turned out downtown and finally an at large category the richmond has 3 members all seats are expired two of them are seeking reappointment and the last one bruce is not seeking reappointment but two of the folks are. just a note those two folks are transit riders and that information dropped off i apologize for that. so for the richmond 3 seats expired and two seeking reappointment the first two on the table. now in the next district two of the seats are expired and two
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members are seeking reappointment there. and then moving to 20ir7bd downtown one of the seats is expired and we haven't heard whether this member is seeking reappointment but it's expired for tenderloin downtown. and finally at the at large category 2 seats are expired that's joseph than and john both of them are seeking reappointment and jonathan is indeed a transit rider. so with that we did encourage the candidates to appear today to speak on their behalf and that's not mandatory for seeking reappointment. i'll conclude my speech >> i know we have a number of people. i wanted to start with the
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existing c ac members who have expired seats in john an and jeff and anyone would like to speak, please come forward. i'm note i've been in contact with joanne and she had a conflict and coincident come today >> she did notify our office as the district one supervisor but i really appreciated her follow-up. where other applicants? >> good morning. i'm anthony. i've tried my hardest to make most of the meetings i believe i've been there 90 percent of
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the meetings. i'm a fourth generation san franciscan. i worked at the fillmore auditorium on the corner of gary and fillmore for 29 years and i worked at another that is right. not only am i a rider i'm a business manager of one of the larger businesses in the area as well as i'm a rider and a motorist. i think its important to see both sides of the issue i want to make san francisco a better place to live and work. and if i'm not chronological i'm still going to go to the meetings >> thank