tv [untitled] September 18, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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>> next speaker, please. >> kelly edwards. and christy every. >> hi, that's my girlfriend. she helped me put this altogether. i have right here, this is the same schedule she was talking about the same weekend, the number of buses. the time started at 8:57 a.m.. i work from home and i'm going to put the city on notice. somebody is going to die on fulton and scott. i have plenty of pictures to show you. there is plenty of buses coming through neighborhood and there
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are pedestrians and children. we love tourist. i often give them directions. these tour buses have to goechlt -- go. they are going to cause a death. they have added to increased traffic problem. when they reroute scott and scott became the little golden ticket for visit der oh. i have every bus that you have seen. also from talking to people over the weekend, the city is getting big bucks for letting them run in alamo square. i have 104 signatures to amend code 503b. to get large tour buses out of
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alamo square. that is in 4 days. give me a week, i can overrun you this. somebody is going to die there. i'm going to put you on notice, there is going to be blood on your hands. >> good afternoon, directors. i'm just here to remind you about the serious crisis we are having right now with hundreds unlicensed unregulated commercial vehicles. we know they are -- sfuk sfpuc is coming up with rules. it's determined that this is not ride sharing. these are commercial businesses with profit and venture capital behind them. it makes a mockery
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of the existing taxi cab industry where anyone can take a car and make-up their own rules and start picking up the public. the consequences to that is going to be without a doubt possibly for the first time i'm really thinking the taxi industry may come to an end in san francisco. we have had years of poor regulatory oversight. we need to be a more reliable service. where are the medallions to make us compete, where are you are the standards and professional services that we need to put onto these cab companies. we must professionalize this industry, put out medallions put out standard and make us compete. now we are competing against hundreds of cars and making our own rules and regretting the industry very quickly. every cab company has now a real shortage of drivers because
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people are realizing why do i want to go to the expense to meet a driver when i can take my car and start picking up the public. it sounds great and about consumer choice and ride sharing. but it's about people not following the rules and making our industry come to an end. >> christy every? >> good afternoon. >> hi, this is my son maverick. we live right next to where the proposed parking is. how do you feel about tour buses. >> i'm scared about tour buses. >> i think that sums it up. we use that street to cross to go to the park, to go to school. not only that, we normally wake
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up to listening to birds, but ever since -- to ground ourselves and getting ready for nature. ever since the increase in tour buses, there is more fumes, we can no longer open the window for him to look out because it's covered with soot from the tour buses. i have lived there for 24 years. maverick is 5 years old. there is problems with asthma and kids developing their lungs. concerned about his health and also the congestion in the area is, it's already really dangerous and quite often several times a day there is screeching, honking and shouting. the fumes are horrible and not to mention
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they are talking about architecture and small animals and children. they have no visibility from these advance. it really is this neighborhood is a neighborhood for kids and small pets. and it's not for someone to make a dollar so my kid has asthma 10 years from now because they are making money or perhaps he gets run over. i don't understand why there is profiteering over safety of my child. >> mr. weiner? >> herbert weiner, stakeholder. one concern i have is about the inaccuracy of the travel panel at munis bus stops. they don't predict the arrival time. they say they are going to arrive 15 minutes and they arrive 3
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minutes later. this happened on the 33 line 2 weeks boo. what is being done to make these panels more accurate? i think it's very important. the other thing is that scott wiener gave it away with the brt matter when he stated that well approval of the vallejo street on the brt, there are other stops that will be, you will have to make that adjustment. that is going to cost a lot of money. the thing about it is you do have a responsibilities to serve the most fragile populations in this city. the thing is that this is being really unnoticed. apparently bicyclist and taxi cab medallions appropriated by the board are favored over mta
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service. it should be transit worse. you should really start giving transportation priority. i'm really concerned about this and also i don't like the idea -- supposed they were never given this again? what would it be? something to think about. >> tone lee. >> good evening. my name is toeney lee. you need a backdoor. when the building gets fire or the ship is going to waddle. it's a backdoor for
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a cab driver. who went through the abuse including mta policy abuse. this is a backdoor for them. i look at it. even though i don't like it. beings need a backdoor. that's why you come with your permit. they are making money on your street and money that you put it on the good street. you cannot eat at all by yourself. used to be we and you eat the money. the third and fourth party coming to eat and you cannot over rule them. you have to lose them. the america cup is today is the last day. over packeting and -- that's obl -- only liberty --
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a little bit that we got. this is a change on the public resource. like you do the same way. back and forth interest. don't care about the public and the cab driver. if i see now, i don't see any hope for cab driver. they are really a little bit hope now. more and more business are going down turn. san francisco business how can longer like this? we don't know. please, when the bicyclist we gneiss -- need to make it all the way to coma. this is a happy ending for the bicyclist also. >> thank you. >> mr. chairman, that's the last person who has turned in a speaker card. >> moving on to consent calendar. hold on. i think mr.
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oaka would like to address on a matter not on the agenda. good afternoon, mr. oaka. >> good afternoon. i don't know if i'm going to be able to get close enough to this. i will try this again here. just to follow up on what tone and hunter said. and to add one other point to the uber and mustache situation. you realize
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that transit users will not be able to access these new services because it is that technology that is required to get these services not all of us have. smartphones or iphones and i don't want the taxi industry to be hurt by these cheaper and i hate to call them fly by night because -- but, if the taxi industry is hurt by
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these new services, it's going to impact adversely the parra transit taxi program because the industry is going to lose a lot of good drivers who provide ramp and regular taxi services for our community. i just wish that you as the board and the sfmta would enforce and the board has the authority. >> thank you. it's time. we appreciate it. >> okay. thank you. >> moving on to your consent calendars. these items are considered to be routine unless the member of the board would like to have an item heard separately. i previously noted that item 10.2g was removed from the staff. i have not
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received the request that any other calendar items be considered separately. >> is there a motion? >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> okay, next item. >> moving on to the regular agenda, the van ness avenue transit project in the local alternative in the final eis, eir and overriding considerations and mitigation monitoring and reporting plans. directors, staff would like to offer an amendment to your resolution for several areas and i would like to read those to you at this point. >> so, in the 7th whereas clause. the language would be
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eis,eir, the right side platforms and single and medium terms. in the new language in performance attributes of a center running brt, faster more reliable services to require left and right door to quickly rebuild the median. that's new language. as environmentally superior build alternative and the only fully funding alternative. new language and is therefore the preferred alternative for project implementation. the 9th whereas clause is a new whereas clause, where as the vallejo northbound
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station variant for the northern park of the project corridor. moving on to the next whereas clause, the 10 where as you clause would say the sfmta certified and adequate objective and reflecting the judgment of sfmta adding new language now including amendment to include the vallejo northbound station variant in the approval of the lpa. going to your first resolve clause. resolve that the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors approve in the final eis,eir in the project. adding the language, including the vallejo northern variance. those are the proposed changes.
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>> thank you very much. >> peter who is our project manager will give a brief overview. this is something that's been before you before where do you live i think really a great point now with the transportation authority commission having certified the eis and eir, i want to acknowledge that we've been joined by the new director, chang and michael schwartz who led the environmental effort. it's great for us to be working with them and be at this point in this project. >> good afternoon, nolan, directors. we are here requesting approval of item no. 11, the van ness bus transit project as analyzed as a local preferred alternative in the final eis,eir, adopting the
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quality act and mitigation monitoring and reporting plan. the purpose of this item is for the sfmta to approve for the project adopt findings under the california environmental quality act. the project is a large scale plan to implement full featured bus rapid transit. one of the busiest transit roudz in the city and major north south transportation corridor within san francisco. when it's completed it will be an integral part of the munis transit network for all of san francisco. as recommended under the ceqa guidelines this should be a coordination of the preparation of environmental review documents whenever
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federal and environmental impact statements and environmental impact report under ceqa are required. the sfmta is prepared to join eis,e ir for this project. the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors an approved it in 2013. the estimated cost is $125 million. the funding will be $75 million federal funds, $36 million prop k funds and roughly $4 million of other local funds. any questions? >> does the board have questions at this point? >> if i may before we call public comment, i just want to clarify the amendment was making one kind of small
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technical correction, also making a change to reflect a change that the transportation authority commission made when it made it's approval last tuesday. i would also like to ask if she would like to have tilly chang from the transportation authority address the board before we go into public comment. >> thank you. >> miss chang, congratulations. >> thank you so much. nolan and directors. thank you for that kind opportunity. i'm really delighted to be here on behalf of the whole transportation authority organization and joint staff. thank you so much for your leadership on the project as we join you for approval of this item. this is a significant milestone for both of our organizations. this project would not have been possible without the leadership board commitment and this board
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and past boards as well of the mta as well. we've been working with your staff on this project since the early 2000s. we took an action and so did the board to adopt a fees ability study to this environmental stage. through the work of the two staffs, we've been able to bring to together a wide range of interest and issues from the communities that were raised from other agencies and through that partnership, i think we are quite pleased to bring forward a project that is innovative and that will serve to improve conditions for all travelers. it will increase pedestrian safety on the corridor which we all know is folks who work and live and travel on van ness constantly. this is really an important need. just a basic need to feel
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as any traveler whether you are on foot or bicycle on transit or driving that you have a safe corridor to use. i would also like to of course thank director reiskin for dedicating the resources of the entire organization to help meet this milestone and to deliver this project in a timely way. my counter part is not here but i have extended my thanks to him and the deep congratulate gratitude and his staff and all the division managers and deputies at the mta. a project like this is a system that requires the capital projects, the finance group, sustainable streets, traffic and the rest of the organization to work together to really define a new mode of transit for san francisco. i'm pleased to say we have the support of our cal trans partners as well. we
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would really like to thank directors and his staff for working with us through these issues up and down the corridor for helping with the tree lots and making sure the stations are comfortable for our riders. golden gate transit as well. we'll be utilizing them too. this corridor for regional transit services and the community m -- members who have served for so long and i understand the mta will be sta establishing a new mtac. >> apologizes we need to make one more language change before you take public comment on it. i am going reread the first whereas clause to you. so that
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whereas clause would read "whereas the final, eis; eir platform. new language in the term that it that is adequate performance of the brt, faster more reliable service while avoiding the need to require left right door vehicles and completely rebuild the median. the following phrase will be struck." as the environmentally superior build alternative and the only fully funded alternative "and then you add the project implementation. >> thank you, members have any comments or questions before we go to the member of the public. if not, members of the public can come forward to talk about the amendment.
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>> george philly. michelle rembrandt van rijn. >> good afternoon, my name is george sierra. we have lived at the corridor for 25 years. i have spoken to the group about this. i want to summarize briefly for the record what some of the facts are for the program and our concerns. first the 30 percent saving or with the 40 percent of reduction and stops. nearly half of the time savings can be limited with these stops. you can achieve this without the negatives. increased rider ship by 70 percent. the benefits come from auto. auto transit time is only 66 percent of the brt time even with the comprehensive plan. highly unlikely to change
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driver behavior. some of the routes out of the 19 routes. dimension of biker routes does not make sense. most are already walking the corner. that's how i got here today. it's a wonderful place to walk. we need improved pedestrian safety, absolute. pedestrian count down signals, curveball upgrades. none of these require brt system. does this improve safety? reduce munis operating cost for van ness avenue service. providing a cost of $2.4 million. is this fiscally responsible? there will be costly local chaos in our neighborhoods. van ness cannot afford higher density per
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traffic lane. studies were not completed. a complete evaluation of a no build alternative. substantial benefit could have been achieved by implementing the elements which are going to be funded or could be implemented without a costly brt proposal. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> phil chin and michelle brand. >> good afternoon, phil chin on the project. we would like to thank the mta for the work on this project and would also like to commend the hard work by the transportation authority. we are in full support of this item and we urge your approval. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> michelle brand. >> my name is michelle brand. i would ask this committee to postpone voting on approval due to inadequate eir at this point. i would want to confirm that everybody has received this for adequate review. i just want to highlight the things that i personally have real questions about. first i question whether the broadway tunnel that is capacity to absorb all the traffic going south and the comment that it's unlikely the trucks will deviate to golf street. trucks are already there. no one
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enforces that trucks over a certain tonnage. i have never seen that enforced. how are we going to deal with that? that's not even mentioned and there is no plan for truly handicapped people which is different from the elderly. no special shuttles during non-peak hours. and no discussion of the danger are of right hand turns which is greater for pedestrians. this has been mentioned sefrlt -- several times. but somehow it never gets into reports. there is a sign which afterwards which will guide people where to go during peak hours and no specific commitment to do anything, just a vague, we'll see where we go. thank you.
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>> stephen taiber. >> i'm the transportation chair for russian hill neighbors. russian hill neighbors has been involved in this project since inception represented on the city advisory committee. we are strongly in support of this project. we are very concerned that our neighborhood as most of the northeast neighborhoods is essentially isolated in this city with the corporate transportation running three 1/2 miles an hour resulting in market street. we welcome this project as well as the extension of the central subway to washington square. an effort to get good rapid transit into this neighborhood. we support the project very strongly. i have two caveats. one is that we do not support the addition of the boyar street station. this
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