tv [untitled] September 18, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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san francisco city attorney dennis herrera for filing a lawsuit again this commission and against it's flawed evaluation process. we should also applaud city attorney herrera for filing a legal action against the california state board of governors for improperly relinquishing. >> thank you. >> thank you mr. green baum. you are exceeding your time. please be fair to others and
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let others speak now. please let somebody else speak now. mr. clerk? if you can have some basic respect for other speakers, please let somebody else speak, mr. green baum. mr. green baum, please respect the next speaker on the list. mr. green baum please stop speaking and let the next person speak. thank you. >> so there are 2 minutes to speak. we just ask for respect for everyone. so as many people can speak. >> hi, my name is wendy
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kaufman, an engineering instructor and i have been there for 30 years. i love this school because of the opportunity it offers my students and i look and see how much it serves. i want to thank supervisor mar for having this study done and having miss campbell doing it. it shows so much important work about how this economic and i want to add the social health of san francisco. it mentioned it really didn't address many questions it could address. i want to address some of those here. the impact of the actual accreditation process on city college has been enormous. both financially and also in the resources that it has taken up. peter signarthr repeatedly asked for reassignment. he's the chair of finances. he acid
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-- said it would cost $11 million. this is a manufactured crisis which is shown by the lawsuit he has filed shows that acc has a political bias. this is not accreditation standard. this is a political fight. the moral on campus, the affect that our interim administration has taken the faculties in the college has taken a toll on the respect of the administration and other constituencies. that need to be looked at. i hope this commission and the mayor will speak against this. >> thank you, next speaker.
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>> hello, i'm evelyn with the music department. i have been at the city college since 1965. yes, the economic impact studies is a different topic. the town in both statistical data and also entrepreneurial activities. we are a very creative town. we are known for this. we train our students in music and art and theatre and how to be good audiences and how to be good creative people if whatever major they take. they are the social fabric. the artistic fabric. shutting down the college would be the core of the city. we have to be very
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careful about this. the many majors out there say they wouldn't stay in these majors unless they learned to play the guitar. it's a whole other concept at the city college and we have to look at the impact of the tenure project that the plug has presumably been pulled that say we want a performing center at the college to have a decent place for their art. if we don't build this project, we give $38 million back to the state that doesn't come to san francisco. i do not believe that turning the local bond money into deferred statement which is the states responsibility is the answer. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hello, my name is diana scott. i'm going to try to save
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some things for myself and some for colleagues who is teaching who couldn't be here today, simon who has headed women's studies at the city college. she writes as a san francisco resident i have taken classes at the college sos as my children with the san francisco unified school district which allowed them to gain high school credit while an obtaining college credit. they are now working professionals. and have fond memories of their first experiences from post secondary education. my husband took classes after he retired. when i studied at the college i enrolled in social justice classes which enriched my teaching. i also studied spanish which helped me launch
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my legal components and my daughter-in-law has enrolled in the paralegal studies program. we are a typical san francisco family who love city college san francisco which have met so many of our needs. it maybe hard to quantify the economic impact. but clearly the city has a much better educated work force and a risk -- rich cultural environment. i would like to say that, city college, i have occasionally subed this. many students, i'm losing my place. many students could not
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survive hard times in this city without the stills they get at the city college and it would be much more expensive to try to create ways to provide these resources which have been homes at ccsf. >> thank you and please thank -- leslie simon. >> mr. jackson thank you for being here. >> i want to thank supervisor mar and the committee for having this hearing. i want to focus first on just the impact if we were to lose city college. a lot of folks in my are trying to main tain their ged and an a a degree is
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millions of dollars in wages not earned. if we were to lose that, there would be a significant impact around the work opportunities of this population that does not have the high school diploma and ged and they would not be able to live here anymore. they would have to continue the migration of working class and people of color from this city. i also want to focus on the child care. we also train the bulk of our child care professionals here in the city. most working families know that it's very hard to pay for child care. someone quoted me a price just two weeks ago of $1700. i said that's more than i pay for housing. the more folks that we
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can educate. that makes more slots and we can lower the cost of child care and that helps families especially single head of household. the economic impact of just those two programs is something that should be quantified and keeping working class families in the city. i definitely want to highlight those two programs that city college does and those are the programs that help our working class. >> mr. jackson, can i ask a question. i know that you have been involved in work development and you mentioned you have pulled people from poverty and helped with the diploma can you talk about the green jobs and other types of health care force training. >> we are the educator for the
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city's grant program which come from the work force and economic development. one example is our city program in bay view hunters point and they are college instructors teaching those folks. those are working class jobs and those folks would not have a pathway to the building trades. i have to acknowledge supervisor avalos for the local higher initiatives. those help our folks get on the local higher jobs and one of our prime examples of how this is a part of the issues of these cities and if it's not there i can't imagine where the education component of the city build come from. >> for the san francisco unified school district, the
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academies there is a number of fact easy intertwined with our school system as well. >> their several academies and this is a stronger link. one of our programs is gateway to college program. we work with sf unified students. they come to city college through the gateway to college program. there is the entire risk assessment program of city college which helps enroll students into city college while they are jrs and seniors. if you register you are much more likely to attend colleges. those are partnerships that have started 2 or 3 years ago. those are partnerships that would definitely be in danger and
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this is private money that is helping this through the gateway college programs. >> this is millions of federal funds as part of 11 million or more that would be lost to the city. >> everybody understand this. i just want to thank you for having this hearing. we say it's important to the economy, but having quantifiable numbers, the loss would be very important in terms of our on going dialogue with our state and accrediting commission. thank you for having this hearing. >> hi, my name is diana green, the chair of the fashion department which i started at city college 35 years ago. if city college were to close, the fashion merchandising, design, image consulting, styling,
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textile students would have very limited options. private fashion schools such as if fidm cost much more. skyline which is the only other college in proximity to city college has a very limited fashion program plus most of our students rely on public transportation so it would be difficult for them to get to. how would closure impact san francisco economy? they are city college fashion students working in every establishment in san francisco. our work experience classes have given them -- entry to many fashion
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businesses. the closure of the college would have a devastating effect on the fashion department at city college. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker? >> thank you. good morning. my name is jose louis. i work with young people in the violence prevention work with san francisco about 20 years now. i'm a public social worker at san francisco hospital with the project. we work with victims of violent crimes with gunshot wounds and stab wound victims. according to the university, they call the national drop out prevention center, the majority of, actually people that drop out of high school are way more likely to depend on public assistance and 82 percent of
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prisoners in the united states are high school drop out. it is my professional opinion, i didn't bring data today from the hospital, about the it's my professional opinion and that of my colleagues that the majority of the victims of violent crime coming into hospital do not have a ged or a high school diploma or barely obtained a diploma by the skin of their teeth. i set down with men who are 18-30 years old who are illiterate and cannot even sign an e-mail. city college is a pathway out of poverty. you cannot replace it with a corporation or a conglomerate
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of non-profits. you cannot provide a scale of sources for college. it's like asking the public sector of non-profit to rebuild the bay bridge. it's economically impossible. we need the city college. i would like to ask the last thing to extend the study recently done to the department of public health. let's get concrete numbers about the victims of violent crime, the health disparities and let's analyze how many of those people do not have a baseline education and there is the direct core. >> i think the point that is changing people's lives especially those that might go into prison complex, with the second chance program really helps people get back on their feet. it's hard to quantify
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economically how that helps. i think it's tracy faulconer's program that helps with that reentry and help something get skills and if there is a way to help someone out of poverty. i thank you for the presentation. >> sure. thank you. >> next speaker? anyone else that would like to speak? >> good morning, thank you board of supervisors and thank you for helping city college out. we desperately need your help. city college will not only affect those who can not afford college but those who have had a problem with education in general. it's when they come to city college is when they start to gain confidence and believe in themselves and continue to get
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in college and get a degree. the impact they have would be a large percentage. more importantly, city college will affect if it were to close, it will affect african american studies, latino, asians, disabled students, women's study, music and arts. it will affect all of those students and many many more. we have great counselors that support the students in case they are struggling. the counselors are excellent. without city college, i think many of these students will just go by the way side and it will be a large population of more homeless people, people with no hope in anything. skyline is a 2-hour
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bus ride from san francisco. that's a half of a person -- the jc is down sizing our college. i don't know why, but it maybe they are trying to sell out our businesses and some foundations so they can make more money. i ask if you can all continue to help the city college be accessible and affordable and open to all people regardless of race and gender. >> what was your name for the record? >> bridget skeeb a. >> thank you, are there any other speakers? please come forward. we are going to wrap up the hearing in a moment. thank you. >> hi. my name is veeld. i'm a life coach also an activist
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with the safe cc coalition. i have a brochure with all the career and technical education program at city college. city college offers 46 different majors for the associate of arts and 130 certificates. i have met many people at a crossroads because the job prospect is dim. in a way it's a holding tanning for unemployed people, the young, and the older ones. the older ones want to take the non-credit course to improve their skills, the younger ones want to get a certificate that they have the piece of paper their employers need. what the
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city college not only offers them a hope for a better life by getting their skills and their degree, but also it adds to the community of employers because employers often require that. it benefits the individuals as well as the businesses. so, that's why it's very important that we keep it open. i would like to see that money that the voters voted in the measure a in partial tax to be released to the city now to fill in the gap with the loss of millions of dollars from the state and federal. i would also like to see community college board of trustees restored to fulfill it's function. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> i'm judith, a retired teacher and activist. my husband and i are part of the valley -- including leslie who is an exemplar of some of the best practices of education. i caught many student ended up going to city college. i myself went to city college after graduating from berkeley when i wanted to learn chinese much like my colleague. i decided to amplify my talents because i had many chinese students. i speak spanish. this is a question about active education. i feel firmly about that because we don't want privatization. we want opportunities available to our community at large and the generations to come. thank you for your good work on our behalf because we are a city college, all of us.
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>> thank you. next speaker? >> hello, i'm a student at the city college. thank you for the study. i believe what happened on july 3rd was for a lot of people in san francisco that support the colleges when i heard the news i have devastated. i went to a baseball game and i did not care because of what happened with city college. city college has done so much for so many people. i have seen the gamete of is known for so many people the radioology department was rated no. 1 in the country. it beat out mit and harvard and all the great departments throughout the country. what city college does is it's affordable. it's great and
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provides so much for so many people. i know for me personally with doing broadcast that i have learned so many life skills, met so many great people that have provided me a job in working part-time doing work for a spanish broadcast. so what city college does is enumerable and great. i know some people have said about city college that it truly is the harvard on the hill in san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. anyone else who would like to speak. seeing none, public comment is closed. public comment:at this time, members of the public may address the board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the board will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception. when the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the board has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the board must be exercised during the public comment portion of the calendar. each member of the public may address the board for up to 3 minutes. if it is demonstrated that comments by the public will exceed 15
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minutes, the president may continue public comment to another time during the meeting. 1234134 >> i would like to say, i just remember after july that actually 20 years ago i taught a bridge program with people from the san francisco conservation core. many who are from the southeast san francisco at city college and really trying to make sure that a lot of people who barely made it through high school and many who didn't would have the exposure to the city college. everyone in the conservation core comes from poverty situations. it was actually showed me just how important this institution is. this year, in my district there has been a great program that has been teaching journalism for a lot of students in the southern part of san francisco. for me it was great to see city college have that great connection to the community that a lot of people in san francisco yearn for and find in the institution. and i'm glad that the performing arts center was mentioned here today too. if it were built, unfortunately it's on the trajectory of not
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being built because it would bring a great economic activity to this area to ocean avenue where i'm going in a half hour. it would provide small businesses and provide businesses opportunities and advance the arts. there are many other aspects of the city and it's economy that are founding on what happens at city college. over all, the devastation if city college were to be down sized or closed that it would have on communities that are very reliant on communities that it has to offer. i agree with many in san francisco of people who say the accrediting commission is completely unaccountable. i was very happy to see our city
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attorney file a lawsuit against the accrediting commission. to me, [ applause ] it shows that city hall we don't have a completely unified voice. we have a diverse iv opinion about how we need too move forward and see if college city stays around and one of the questions was about the accrediting commission and the department of education as well to make that completely undermined the validity of the acc, jc and what they have done here. the fact that the president's own husband took part in the review of the college shows that the conflict of interest and also speaks to a real political bend that was behind the commission's work. i
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think it's important that it's been exposed. i have an on going hearing and i will be scheduling again in the next few weeks. >> thank you supervisor avalos. i just want to thank campbell again. my hope as some recommended looking at other issues on the impact. i know there is no way to quantify the institution's support for a city of lifelong learners that not only become relevant to their students in the classroom to speak other languages or understand their cultures, but there are certain benefits that we can't quantify. my first focus is to other bridges to hire education that those might be key areas and others brought up in public health. i did want to say that programs like eops
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and the various coaching and counciling programs at city college provides isn't only about the education there, but also getting people on the right track to as chris jackson says to pull people out of the poverty or out of a difficult situation orren cars -- incarceration. i want to say how lives are transformed and how city college has that latter for some level of mobility for being held in and locked into poverty. it's by losing the accreditation and to losing a college would be like kicking the ladder out of the most vulnerable populations. , not only the english learners but the five
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