tv [untitled] September 19, 2013 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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and what he did for the city and what he cared about and it was just amazing and sad that he left us but honored to be in his funeral and it has been a busy time and i want to thank the police department. commissioners? >> just to comment on the medal of valor ceremony, it was not televised and i am glad that we are able to suggest that it be televised and it is like, i'm assuming this was one filmed and it will be televised but it is great that we now get to have that televised and the public gets to see the ceremony and i want to say another thing. it is actually great that we actually know the officers, and really it is a nice thing when they come here to shake your hand and you know them and you know, you just really, really, great. and when you know them, and you
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know, they are just, this is a great thing to do and so i am glad that we do this and the look on their faces, and you know, not only do they, they are very, like if they really really appreciative of that and you can see it as they come down the line and shake your hands that is why they became the police officers in the first place and that is great to see that and i just got to comment on that. >> commissioners any announcements? >> commissioner loftus? >> yeah, i just i think that i am going to echo a lot of what my fellow commissioner and what the chiefs have said but 9/11 is a hard day for all of us and so i want to acknowledge the families and the victims and the people who were either going to work at the fire station that day or going to work at the world trade center and said good bye to their kids and that was it. so i just feel really fortunate to be able to serve on the commission, and that has the level and caliber of first responders that this department has. and i just want to thank the
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chief, for his leadership and i want to thank the officers, because the reality is that nobody was planning for 9/11 to happen. and it is just the men and women of this department go to work every day and they go to work to run to danger not to run away from it. and they do it to protect the rest of us and so much is such a huge concept to keep in mind every day, but today, more than ever, i am very mindful of that sacrifice and grateful to our officers and their families. and the medal of valor ceremony i think i was very proud to be there and i was proud to honor the officers, for their bravery and i want to mention, you know, president mazzucco mentioned a number of officers and there was one officer, lieutenant chap len and he has a 6 and a half-year-old that is two weeks younger than mine and he has a beautiful wife and he was in the middle of trying to
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dampen down a gang beep and his life was in danger and he was incredibly brave and it was an honor to see his family there, and see his child there, and see his fellow officers there, and his partners of adult probation, and it was increds incredible for any member of this public or commission to miss an opportunity to honor our officers in that way. the police fire mass i would say that again, we had a lot of moments of reflection and it was stunning to me the number of officers that we lose from the fire department and the police department in one calendar year, that mass honors the officers that we lost, retired, and some of them retired and most of them retired this year, but again it is mindful that this is a tough job and i was grateful for the department honoring those families, because i think that the year after you lose somebody is really important and i am glad that the department continues to honor them. >> and on a lighter and better
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note, we have clutch on our mobile phones, and i just wanted to say that it was really powerful to do that announcement at the academy and to know that the recruits that are at the academy now and thanks, and almost, complete part to this commission, and the mayor and the board of supervisors funding those officers and they are not going to know anything different than having a mobile phone with that access. so it is really, sometimes we feel like the department does not keep up with technology or not keeping up with the world that is changing and so it was great to see that these officers will know a different way of policing that will hopefully i think that the chief estimated keep them on the streets, 40 percent more and so we hear at all of our community meetings we want to see more officers on the street and so a big congratulations to the chief and great to see the future of the department. and finally, i know that we are not, you know, always responding to things that are brought up at meetings, but, i want to acknowledge that it was said tonight, that i think that
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a third of people who are in california, are undocumented and that a third of them are criminals. or that they are more likely to commit a crime and i just want to correct the record that the data actually shows that undocumented people are people that i immigrate are less likely to commit a crime. i think that the debate should be honorable and it should be based on the facts. thanks. >> >> commissioner change, thank you for correcting the fact about immigrants and i appreciate that. and just to put it out tl, the only thing that i know is to be clear and straight forward and so it seems like there is a lot of frustration regarding the medal of valor and i would not sure if i could comment on why, but generally what i will say is that i was wondering about generally for the processes because i have been through
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several medal of valor votes and if there is a pending investigation and even if it might be almost closed, if it is not officially closed what do we do about that? >> anddy not want to single out an officer, and so when i looked back and reviewed my record of what i said that night to be sure that i was clear, what i said was the commissioner loftus rightfully asked, why i was voting no and i said on the record, it is involving a particular case, and i want to talk about it off line because i don't want to call out any particular officer, i don't want it to be about a particular officer. i want it to be about a process that is consistent for all medal of valors for us to figure out what they want to give them depending on the process that is pending, there is a lot of frustration there and i don't want to take away from the officers earning their medal of valor and i am proud to shake the hands of the officers and see the families. and i attended the moral mass and i am proud of our department and i just want to
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be clear that it is a process, concern that i had. and perhaps, reflecting back on it, the best thing to do would be to say that i would like to continue this matter to check with the city attorney about how to address my process question that i had. i want to put that out there and i know that there was i commented in the chronicle and they asked me about this issue and i said no comment about this just like i said no comment at the time because i don't want to talk about any specific cases and i said generally i am concerned about any pending investigation and giving an award and i did not mean it at all to be any, offense, oif it was taken that way i apologize. really my concern is that over all consistent process and i am happy to work twa right side that and if the over all commission is concerned, i am happy to do that and any individual commissioner wants to talk to me i am happy to do that. i want to make that clear that i respect the work and the sacrifice of our officers. thank you. >> commissioner dejesus. >> i want to thank the chief
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for the technology and i am proud that san francisco is one of the first to debut it and i am hoping and i am sure that it is just going to work wonders for our department, and so thank you, thank you so much for all of the hard work you did and all of the people that assisted you in getting that for the department. and commissioner loftus, i want to thank you for your comments as well for undocumented and i think that was really appropriate and so thank you so much. >> i have been on here a long time and in all fairness we have handled it in different ways in different years and sometimes we have prolonged giving a medal for a variety of reasons and sometimes we have not and i think that maybe, we should agendaize in the future a policy or a process of how we want to deal with that so that it is done one way and there is no one end commissioner or any
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commissioner who is just that we have a process in place and that we follow property is hes and the department has department has guidelines on how the commission is going to forward with that, with the medal of valor issues that we have but i do want to say that a tended it and i thought that it was wonderful and it is a joyful event and it is alarming to hear about all of the different positions that our officers were put in and how hard it is to get to obtain those medals and so we recognize them and we think that the commission as a whole recognizes that it is fair to say that we handled it in so many different ways and sometimes we postponed it and perhaps we should agendaize this policy and how we want to go forward and for whatever reasons, if there is a civil trial pending or other things pending and all of the possibilities that might ask us to hold off or delay things. >> i think that we should put it on the agenda and talk about it.
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i know that commissioner kingsley is good about process and sometimes, it benefits all of us as well as the department. >> thank you. and i want to know for the record that commissioner dejesus brother was one of the medal of valor winners and so it was quite a scene to give it to his sister. >> commissioner turman? >> i thought that i probably had made my points on this. but i will say this, i do not have a problem not now, not ever, with the way that any commissioner votes on any issue. yes, no, up, down, with me, or against me. that is not the issue, i have no frustration over how anyone voted or any frustration about how commissioner chan voted. she has a right to vote and i hope that she exercises it in the way that she sees fit and my problem is and it remains,
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to hear the reasons expressed for why she voted, in reading that in the chronicle, instead of why it was not presented here, when specifically asked. i have a problem with that, it decreases the effectiveness of this commission and we are here to sit as a body to discuss among each other to pass on the issues that effect the police department, the occ and the community. and taking that away from us, and making it appear as if we have overlooked and not listened to a particular commissioner, bothers me. and to want to ago ahead and answer daize this and talk about it, i will talk about it. but i will share my views as i am sharing my views now. and you will not read about it in the chronicle, you will hear it from me, right here. >> thank you. >> commissioners?
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>> i just want to reiterate that i think that we should agendaize the issue not behind us just going forward, regarding what our process will be and clarity for us, and clarity for the department and i think that will be healthy. >> chief? >> i want to reassure the commission that in this instance we did follow the prescribed policy and i did run it by the occ by prescribed policy and i did bring it before the full commission and the vote went forward and i can assure you that i sat in the session and i casted my votes, for the different medals and every medal that was awarded was earned and deserved and sadly, the medal that would have been awarded to the officer that chose not to
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appear was also. >> i would add that one of the members of this body, commissioner turman also sat in deliberation and made a recommendation that very night that we as a commission approve those medals and so i think, you know, i agree with my colleague commissioner dejesus who has been here a lot longer than i have that procedure matters and at the end of the day we have a job to do here and to the extent to which there was an issue for us to deliberate on and an issue that will be raised or concerns and i think that we come here on wednesday night to work issues out and to give the people a chance to vet them and when it comes to something like this, to not have that done ahead of time, i can't according to commissioner dejesus it could have resulted in a postponement or resulted in a number of things but it did not result in that and it resulted in a story that suggested that we don't have a process, and are irresponsible in the way that
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we award medals of valor which could not be further from the truth from the way that this procedure was followed and i think that we should addendaize this and we should include in the presentation the factors that the department considers after an incident happens delays in acknowledging or honoring any service and what effect that has on our officers because the reality is that it goes both ways and it is very difficult on many of these officers what they go through and closure is important and so i would like to hear the department's perspective on that when we agendaize this item. >> okay. >> and let me just say. my memory serves me, correct, and i think that it does. and you know, we have gotten to a point here with that list, at some point, we generally said, okay, wait let's go back and make sure that everything is cleaned up, we have always done that and it does not matter,
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and it matters how many steps that we have taken and we get to that final step and somebody says the fcc, or any commission has a question, we generally have said, let's get it cleaned up before we vote, it is not like we bypassed any steps here. let's get that straight and so if you want to agendaize the process again you can do that but the process will stop as far as i am concerned and it has been followed and you will get to the point where somebody has a question and we say, okay, let's have everybody be on the same page with the process before we vote. to me that is twhait this one happened just like all of the others. >> commissioner dejesus? >> i am not saying that you don't have a process. i don't want to be misunderstood i think that there is a process and i think that commissioner chan said that she omitted by for whatever reason she omitted saying what sher certain was, she was concerned about privacy
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and i think that we should be consistent on what the process is. and that i think is all that i means, just going forward let's just talk about, i agree with commissioner... >> (inaudible). >> i agree with commissioner loftus, that the ramifications of delay, and also, i understand when there is if it is a civil case pending or someone else going on or in internal review, do we want to put a hold on that or not? it is something that we should discuss going forward and i am not saying that you did not follow the process, i think that there was an error in, and she made, you know she should have brought it forward but she was concerned about the privacy and you know it was just a mistake but it does not mean that you did not follow the process, i just think that we should be clear going forward what that process should be. >> okay, and just to wrap it up because it is not an agenda item and i can see the city attorney looking at me. we were a very diverse commission with different opinions and we work well together. but we have to be careful
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knowing the process, and one commissioner here that is actually handled numerous officer-involved shooting as a state and federal state prosecutor and i know what the process involves and i know that you can make these terminations quick, whether or not they are good or not. and i think that it is very important as a commission that we realize that you know, sometimes misinformation is out there, and you get very misleading headlines like we had in the situation let's be frank it was a misleading headline and so we need to be careful and have the process and people need to understand our process and so we should agendaize this matter to explain to people the process, that the police department goes through in selecting it and it is vetted and the command staff and everybody is involved and there are questions and you have to be there for the ceremony it is incredible and we have to realize that the net result could be an officer that kills. >> there was no killing. so we need to be on-line with
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what is appropriate. and that is just my take. >> okay. >> all right, please call line item 2 d. >> commissioner announcement and scheduling of the items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. >> we justify identified one. >> i appreciate the discussion that we have had tonight and i am happy to continue to engage in it and i think that in terms of the constructive use of that as it came out, and i think that to have it be very clear about the processes, and i think that would be great. i would appreciate it. so if you want to agendaize that. >> and what do we look at this is probably, let's be candid and it is probably in october or novice you. >> that is fine. >> because it will require the attorney to keep using it because everybody is leaving. require the significant amount of work and so let's shoot for a date in october if we could. >> okay. >> there are, the five ones are in october and i believe that we will not go to the fifth and the third. >> the chief has a five
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wednesday rule. >> okay. >> for the ninth. >> the second wednesday. >> that is too soon, i think. >> yeah. >> if i might, would you like to hear a report on the current procedure and decide if there should be any changes or additions to it? >> that makes sense. >> okay. >> presentation on the current procedure. >> on the 23rd. >> okay. >> and in the southern district. and the 30th is no meeting. so then you will look... >> well, we don't have any medal of valor ceremony schedule before that and so it is not something that is urgent. and we could do it the first wednesday in november. >> that is the second? >> no. >> commissioner dejesus would like you to do the second. >> after november 15th. i will be out of the country
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for three weeks >> after the 15th. >> i will be back on the 15th. >> okay. >> is it the 13th. >> i will be back into the 15th. >> okay. >> you will not be back until the 15th. >> i mean, there is no medal of valor coming up and maybe we can do it the first part of december? >> sure. >> we could offer that. >> and this is the fourth? >> okay. >> i could be here? >> commissioner and chan and everybody? the fourth? >> thank you. >> commissioner loftus, my question was just about the community meetings that you say were at southern i feel like we are asking when we are going to go to the bay view and unless i missed something i have been on the commission for a year and a half and i don't think that we have had one in the bay view. >> we did. >> the opera house. >> we did it on oak dale. >> that is correct. >> at the south east. >> march, was before, and for
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me, i will say the request, i came on may last year and i talked about the concerns that i have and so i would love to my colleagues and if we could go to the bay view. >> we don't have anis with you that, issue with that. and i have been to them twice and that is why i am confused. >> i don't know if the location is and it could be just a clerical. >> i am happy to go to the bay view. >> no offense to southern if you are watching. >> no problem, he was happy and ready to go. >> and i don't mean to do that. it could be in the future. if he is ready for us. >> and yeah, i could call. >> okay. >> redmond. >> yeah. >> sell sullivan >> that is fine. could we see a chart, you know, a listing of where we have been because with ten, we don't want
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to overlook, you know, certain stations too. and so that is, and so i don't think that we make it to all of them each year. and so, seeing what happened, or where we have been over the last two years might be helpful and then, schedule bay view accordingly. but make sure that everybody we have had a visit to every station. >> sure. but we can set the bay view for october. >> and inspector? >> yes. >> could you please, first check to see? >> what, before we schedule bay view, a second time, when maybe some other stations have not, and we have not been there. >> okay. >> and let's take sure that we have been to all ten before we can circle back and if we are putting bay view first, and if that is okay with you, commissioner loftus, and we put bay view first, on the recycling and you know when we are starting all over again but
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i think that we need to complete at least seeing all ten districts before we start going back. is that... i don't think that we want to leave any part of the city out. you know on in? >> is that... >> yeah, i think that is an open question. which is if there is another one and i guess that the bay view is on my mind because i worked there. but if there is another one that is in better order, i completely defer to you inspector. >> we will check it and get back to you. >> great, thank you. >> commissioner loftus for bringing that to our attention. >> i am going to be out of town on november 6 and 13, and i am going to be on vacation those two weeks. returning on the 20th. >> okay. >> so then, on i just want to touch base again where are we at with what week do we have captain on the police reserves for that issue?
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>> and the 25th of this month, so. >> that is great, that is perfect. >> anything else that you would like to add to at again da. >> i am sorry it is me again. >> commissioner loftus, yes. keep on coming >> this should be easy. this is for you city attorney, sorry. the dvdgo or in expecter are we calendard for that? >> can we calendar it as like an incentive point? is that... i mean is that... >> my understanding is that we are close and there is one of the advocates that raised the last minus you and we are very, very close and we could calendar it. >> our dance card get booked. >> and we want to get it approved before october. >> we have it penciled in before the 25th. >> and could give us more time. >> this month. no. no. >> okay. >> and then that won't work.
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>> why? >> and we will meet... >> we can, leave it on for the 25th and we will try. and we can vie vacate it if we can't get it done. >> thank you. >> okay, i think that we are now, ready for the public comment, regarding line items 2 abcand d, please call it inspector monroe. if i can announce that we will not have a meeting next wednesday and we will be back at city hall on the 25th. >> thank you. >> and public comment? >> >> ladies and gentlemen, and the audience and commissioners, good evening, once again. i just like to make a quick comment. we get to have a full understanding here of what your job actually is as a commission.
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and we know that the police department has a tough job, and we know that they are on the street and can be shot at, there is no doubt about that whatsoever. but your job is not to bring up that fact non-stop at this commission and praise yourself and them. and your job is to bring the news to the public. the citizens at large have the right to know what the hell is going on, that is your job. that is your only job that you do have here. not to say... the exceptional, report, and i think that the occ is a horse and pony show and i am not alone in this city. and the police department has 99.5 percent good cops. but the occ protects bad cops. you know it. we all know it.
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>> we had the african american after a few weeks ago was jumped by san francisco policeman and a gun put to his head. where is that occ report gone and to outer space, siberia? where, zero. and on the vacation with officer woods. and going back three and a half years ago. and zero row in front of 12 police officers they could not find a witness. and he thought that he could verbally assault me because he was a san francisco police officer. and going to throw me out of the hall of justice physically, the thing here is that we talk about the agendas but i don't see any agenda of what the next four or five weeks are going to have presented here so that i can make a presentation on the occ or we can visibly or verbally talk about positions like what miss chan took at the last meeting. they does not have to humble herself, i don't generally agree with her at times and i
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think that she talks too much sometimes. but she was write on the particulars and you miss and the attorney were wrong. >> you know the protocols of law and you were wrong, you are attorney you know what the rules of law is. and you have to go back to law school to find out, you don't let a guy out of prison before the judge says so. this woman was not cleared of anything. and you did not get a letter from the city, city attorney or the district attorney or anyone and you went ahead and voted and i don't know if the power is coming from the police officers association or where it is coming from. but the public is not happy when you do things like that. i thank you for your time on this you. >> any further public comment, hearing none? public comment is now closed. >> call the next line item. >> 3, discussion, regarding the status and compliance report on patrol specials. discussion.
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>> >> for someone that talks a lot i will do the introduction and i will wait you for to call the item >> you don't talk a lot. you say what you need to say. and so i just want to thank you for the hard work that i can tell from the packet of information, about the patrol specials there are a lot of work that went into this and i want to thank you for that and what i would ask for is has been asked by president mazzucco to try to figure out where we are with the patrol specials and i had several metings with the police department and i know that they are difficult and must be complied with and they spent a lot of time to analyze and put it in a con size manner and so
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it is the green fold and her it is in chart form and we will dive into what we find after you call these items. >> >> good evening commissioners and chief and members of the public, from the community and engagement unit and this is officer carly brown and she has worked to try to answer some of the questions that have came up regarding the patrol special and she is ready to plenty on some of the findings and again open it up to discussion if there is anything else that needs to be addressed. thank you. >>
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