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tv   [untitled]    September 19, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT

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~ i do under >> [speaker not understood]. >> and also, i just want to make sure my colleagues, of course, understand and we're all on the same page to support this item. >> and for myself personally, i'd like to see clearer language in terms of what we're trying to do here. so, have somebody reword it, really appreciate it. okay. so, with no objection, let's move this out -- the item will be continued. >> take public comment. >> okay. is there any public comments on this? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> now i can move it -- consensus is to continue this item to some further meeting. >> call of the chair. >> at the call of the chair. [gavel] >> okay. item number -- where are we?
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can he please call item number 9 through 19? >> mr. chair, items number 9 through 19 are item regarding existing litigation. would you like to open up for public comment before we close -- move into closed session? >> okay. i see no public comment. public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, is there a motion to convene in closed session? >> yes, second. >> okay. with no objection, moved. [gavel] >>please stand by - >> deputy city attorney jon givner. the committee during the closed
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session voted to forward items 10 through 19 to the full board with recommendation and to continue item 9 to the call of the chair. >> thank you. colleagues, can i have a motion to not disclose what happened in closed session? >> second. >> owekay. without any objection, motion passes. [gavel] >> madam chair, is there anything else on the agenda? >> no, mr. chair. >> okay. if there's nothing further, this meeting is adjourned. [gavel] >> thank you very much, colleagues.
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- >> good morning. i want to thank everybody for being here. obviously i want to introduce the people the mayor, mayor ed lee the attorney general for california and representing sf city ron. it was about a year ago many of i were here and we're going to keep the san francisco below pollens or police officers on the field longer and a want to thank the folks for making that happen the pilot didn't that end up being the dies we were
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looking for it was too big and costly which was on the downside but we found the perfect dies and it paid humanely benefits during the world series and the playoffs with the 49ers. we're that close. anyway, the search went on and as i told you a friend from school we talked about we should be further long in technical and the police department can be a cutting age. i became friends with a lot of folks and when we found out we had no e-mail but thankful we're blasz blessed with a mare 20 who
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is about technology and a chief that's smart on crime. sue got the department e-mail and solomon is representing sue and $0.31 it's that 7, 8, 9 we're moving forward and we have a device that's in the hands of police officers and it's a roll out and as you'll hear from the speakers to come the san francisco police department will be fully equipped with those field devise that will keep them in the field 40 percent longer for a safer place. so first up to talk about this devise is mayor ed lee (clapping) >> thank you chief, sir and thank you. again for your leadership and your commander
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staff for your imbragz the technology in our city and utilizing the best way to serve the public and i want to thank ed harris and your purpose is extremely welcome and, of course, ron conway for your constant care about our technology. we're here at the dmaemd important several reasons one standing behind us a new class of recruits they look young and energetic and they represent, of course, our future. and i know your command staff is looking at them with eager eyes because they're under the proper training and we're here to talk
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about the present and the future of our police force and service and this is what the conversation about technology is with us. in the of the strong men and women we'll have to add to the spots that are being retired out and the need to increase our police force we have their training being at the heart of the center. you know wonderful talked about technology in our city but when it comes to police officers particularly in the field time management is of critical importance ghetto to a crime scene and understanding what's occurring before and during and after it's incredible incredible important to the police officers stability to get the right information but to all the rest of the staff working whether it's an investigation or
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response or group response. today we are announcing a not only a devise but the intelligence of technology helping our officers save more time. and still get the right information. we have on display today some smart phones those are not for calling our fellow officers or the mayor to inform them on information but it's also a assembly balcony of 40 importantly information thanks to our attorney general and is a and, of course, the police chief. we've had loaded up those smart phones and they went back to their police department hacked
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and went back to their stations and assessed themselves on a computer. it's information that's been collected by our city government and i know the chief will go into the details but that will have time saving and that's important. especially those days things have to be done quickly especially, if you're looking for somebody. we have information that alerts everyone to be cognizant about what's going on the the officers need that information right in the action that it happens. we announced this also in the of
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some important information that everyone has been helpfully and i say thank you to the numbers of community partners that we voluntary throughout the city. today, we're looking at a 40 percent difference - a 40 percent drop in homicides year to date in the city and county of san francisco. that's on incredible reflection of the work we're doing in partnership with our communities. we have a 20 percent deposit in shootings in san francisco. i say this knocking hard on this wood because you've heard the other announcements with our sister cities across the bay and they're hurting and they need the kind of data that we have and the kind of collection and i want to say thank you to the
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community. thank you to all the departments to united way working with our judicious and violence prevention system it's invaluable we do the other things that our police officers may not be able to do but are part of creating those jobs and announcing that we have 6 thousand jobs this summer in san francisco. i know you know how important this is because you've had kids getting internships and we believe this will lead to the helpful partnership they have for the kids they see jobs and education and activity in this city and also reaching anti though them so they can see a
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future and not occupy themselves with street activity. that's part of this strategy that the police chief and i have embraced and the patterns we see and use our technology to do better policing and then through jobs and community support through advocacy organizing our community. we say while we're in a good place we need to use this opportunity to excel and today, it's been smart phones and getting good information getting it into the hands of the officers for a better context in the field which it's necessary. with that you i'll turn it back
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to achieve, sir >> so smart phones. what's so special about a smart phone. other police departments have smaurpdz. the smaurpdz we have they can access our crime data lab and cal photo for our e-mail system and the sfpd network. the current phone xablts obviously they'll take phone call and police officers can text be sure they have a camera and a videorecorder and google translation all making for better cases but that wasn't enough for the mayor or me and thankfully for our attorney
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general. the attorney general has been a friend to the police department at least for the 32 years i've been around and she didn't look it >> (laughter) and that wasn't written down i'll stay on the script now. but she's often quoted on saying you need to be tough on crime and smart on crime. san francisco is ahead we want this a safe place. so without further ado to three what makes this smart phone the best phone attorney general (clapping) >> so i stand here as the chief law enforcement officer of the biggest state in the country and
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a proud san franciscan to nouns with my law enforcement and community partners what is going to be transform active for the state it's you called the justice mobile app. we've known each other a long time. she'll remember the first time i was elected attorney general in 2004 two-thirds of our lawyers didn't have e-mail. it's shocking that a law enforcement office didn't have e-mail. under the chief leadership under mayor lee the san francisco police department rolled outs e-mail poor some people wonder why we're just now functioning the way the rest of the world
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works. but san francisco has leap frogged above and beyond the technology. and why is the adoption of technology by law enforcement so critical and directly recommend to public save were p. one of the greatest tools is our ability to communicate. through the support of people like ron conway and silicon valley technology has afforded us to the ability to communicate faster with more accuracy and efficiency and let's connect that to what we need to do in government be faster and hopefully accurate. so we're going unveiling the
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first police department in the state of california to work with the california department of justice to roll out the app. it will allow patrol officers out on the street that walk up and down the mission it will allow them and the police maid insure that every officer has the ability to do this they'll have on their smart phone the ability to get realtime information about criminal background and information about a suspect. they've also had that ability by not quickly. let's talk about the evolution
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of the one way radio so in the 1970 and fast forward to e-mail and now this. so it allows that officer with he or she primary function of keeping the streets save they can look on the smart phone on their galaxy smart phone look at the department of justice and letting the officer know that the person their cracking came back is a practicely and letting that officer know whether or not that person they're contacting is on the dfkts app lists which
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means somebody may have purchased a gun or be mentally ill and not allowed to own a gun or found by a court they're a felon. the officer on the street on the beat will now have the ability through their smart phone to get that information in realtime. they don't have to radio someone to give the information. what's that information you gave repeat it and then get that person they're calling get that information it takes time because they have to go onto the computer system and repeat it what's that it's raining and give it to me again. we cut through all that that can be redundant and every officer
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every law enforcement professional will tell you time matters for that cop on the street. there is a huge significance to the passage of time and that can mean the passage of second in terms of that officers safety and the community. so what we're unveiling is critical. and this is we're supporting our law enforcement and what ed lee has done bring in the tending to work with us in government and law enforcement to do our jobs better. i'm excited the los angeles police department is going to be following lead and rolling this out in the coming months and we expect this to be picked up in the state of california in the next few months.
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i want to thank larry the director of law enforcement and steve and their leadership in bringing this to my agents and the firearm department. we've been sending our agencies out across the city and my agents are legally responsible for patrolling gun shows to make sure that people who have long been convicted of felons and they don't purchase firearms at the gun shows so this technology the agents have long been going out though gun shows and having the ability to interact where before perhaps 20 individual as much as 80. it's allowed them to multiple the number of people they can
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contacted to see if those people are engaged in a crime. so this is being that smart on crime and being smart on crime means solving crime and reducing crime and this technology is going in this direction. with that, i want to introduce agent farley who's going to come up and give us a brief display of how this work and he's the ceo of the department of justice. >> thank you attorney general and thank you all for the opportunity this has been a tremors partnership in the city and county of san francisco and the sfpd.
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this is an explanation that's available and secured on any type of smart mobile devise. in this example you'll see there's a application on an i phone so this is the highly secure application so somebody will put in their cerebrals and they'll have access took the databases. people will be able to look at license plates and they'll look at driver's license and criminal information and other identifying information. they'll look for those in our mental health system that
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shouldn't have weapons and information about firearms and other you types of property that may be stolen. in this example weigh to look for somebody we've come into contact with someone who's wanted. we need to find out whether or not it their minded so we choose the name system acquire and go and search for this person by their name their name is john do we submit and we find out that the person is, in fact, wanted and we're able to apprehend them. in short this is the power of technology and this is going to be available for all law enforcement across california. thank you >> again, i spoke to a mutual
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friend of ron mike who was constantly proceeding and unfortunately mike has passed away but he leaves behind ron and he is always calling and wondering how we can push the department forward. and the point to make san francisco a better and safer place. i'd like for him to speak >> thank you greg. sf city which is almost two years ago and delighted to bring the technology community in san francisco where the technology has never been before. we have over 6 hundred companies and we're delighted over a year and a half ago we were an interrogator in trying to get
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technology and innovation here in san francisco and that pilot has lead to this mobile devise solution we just saw which greg said it going to have police on the street 40 percent higher. so it's great that san francisco is a leading innovative city given the technology presence in our city. it's also nice to see the chief of police have and the attorney general have an app for that (laughter) >> so we're almost at the at the end. i wanted to speak to some acknowledges. to be a thirty plus year low in
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homicides on september 10th is unbelievable. the last time we were close is as heather fong closed out her time as the chief but there were 3 hundred more police officers here it was a year before our assistant district attorney would be elected and while everyone is going through the time it's through the corporation of that rank and file and the police department of the many officers that line the walls here and the police officers association to make schedule changes to work more nights and weekends the mayors programs of engaging young people 67 thousand jobs last summer and hundreds of jobs it
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all makes a difference. it's unbelievable when i guess i was a sergeant you need iron we find susan and lee and the team when we get here all they needed was the go. we have is a mayor who said you've got to get us from here to there and i'll get you over the bump that and naomi is a great chief officer and if this is what the mayor wants it happens and we get a little bit lucky and we catch suzy on our team and jean harris and the next thing we know we get lee and susan group and it happens for the first time ever in the state of california that the cops are going to have those on
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the beat which can't even appreciate it the fact they have the pictures and the police reports have the voice of the victims and the attachment literally of a movie and scene it's all good. i'll speak to the ability you have a hard intoxicate even you have to have to have both things to get access to the dies and we can't access anyone else's negligence because we worry about privacy rights. this is a law enforcement tool as the attorney general spoke to. in 1920s we have one way radios
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and now you wouldn't be able to match this new technology. if you have technical questions we have technical people and we have phones over there if you want i would like to welcome