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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PDT

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and a mission streets it had been a high tech canvas with a focus on arts and it will - the intersections for the arts and tech shop and yahoo. next, of course, is the expansion of moscone center it's the key place for our tourism economy. the city has taken on this project with creating more space and more thanizing the building it will address much need public safety. did i mention we're keeping moscone in continues operation during the construction. well, the city is engaged in creating a new violation for our
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waterfront. 3 partnerships are focusing this discussion each looking at to recognize the project. pier 70 this is a 69 acre property in the dog patch neighborhood. it's operated a shipyard since the spanish american war. we have the preservation of 8 historic buildings. the plan incorporated o incorporates new planning space to encourage the entrepreneurs to become markers. their ref worldwide claim that make sure they have a product worldwide market. the plan provides 15 acres of
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open space 2 and one half a million open space. and just up 3 street the promise is striking a similar balance providing public amenities including an 8 acre park while phil in the empty lot with office space and a retail. as you'll hear from jack bear the giant are thinking big on how to engage our community that's the giant. you all know what's coming next the warriors arena. and we're blessed to have a world-class waterfront. it's x larter to have an
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exceptional project on piers thirty and 32. we're much more than this we have transformed over half the space so people can access and enjoy the by the way. wouldn't we like to see that than a crumpling parking lot that's there now walls off behind a fence. we're providing a new home for the san francisco fire boats and creating imply infrastructure for taxis and crews ships. i can't wait to welcome the warriors back home to san francisco. each of those plans in our downtown or waterfront builds on the know how of early effort. in san francisco we're growing the right way.
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we're looking at to build our neighborhood and a economy and with our help we'll continue this track of success. i'll close with those final thoughts mayor is our economy the envy of most cities how can we make other cities part of the success. it's by each of you in this room to keep invest in our city in businesses and innovative ideas. but also investing in our schools and in our community and in our neighborhoods and most importantly most importantly in our people. in particularly our young people. san francisco is the greater city in the world because we're deprives and innovative but we
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cannot be successful unless we work together on our critical challenges so i ask you to work with me help save city college. help us rebuild and reanything else our public housing no more poverty housing. help us invest in our schools with better education for our children and continue to help our young people. for those of you who helped in our summer programs just two days ago we had a goal of 6 thousand not only did we get it done but we created and gave out and established 6 thousand 2 hundred jobs for our
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kids that's reach. now let me give you fair warning now that we've met our goal public-private partnerships like summer jobs plus is the way that our city succeeds. and in fact, we have a popcorn in the audience who can help us with the bike sharing program. so i know that supervisor wiener is probably out here in the crowd somewhere and thank you for your leadership in expanding this program but your cities great success would be incomplete if we didn't help folks on the streets. if we work together we can move forward on really progress on
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homelessness. we'll sustain this economic recovery and extend our prosperity and we'll continue to build the economic and social structure for the city of tomorrow. thank you very much for your time >> you're watching quick bite, the show that has san francisco. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> we're here at one of the many food centric districts of san francisco, the 18th street corridor which locals have affectionately dubbed the castro. a cross between castro and gastronomic. the bakery, pizza, and dolores park cafe, there is no end in sight for the mouth watering food options here. adding to the culinary delights is the family of business he which includes skylight creamery, skylight and the 18 raisin. >> skylight market has been here since 1940. it's been in the family since 1964. his father and uncle bought the market and ran it through sam taking it over in 1998. at that point sam revamped the market. he installed a kitchen in the center of the market and really made it a place where chefs
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look forward to come. he created community through food. so, we designed our community as having three parts we like to draw as a triangle where it's comprised of our producers that make the food, our staff, those who sell it, and our guests who come and buy and eat the food. and we really feel that we wouldn't exist if it weren't for all three of those components who really support each other. and that's kind of what we work towards every day. >> valley creamery was opened in 2006. the two pastry chefs who started it, chris hoover and walker who is sam's wife, supplied all the pastries and bakeries for the market. they found a space on the block to do that and the ice cream kind of came as an afterthought. they realized the desire for
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ice cream and we now have lines around the corner. so, that's been a huge success. in 2008, sam started 18 reasons, which is our community and event space where we do five events a week all around the idea of bringling people closer to where the food comes from and closer to each other in that process. >> 18 reasons was started almost four years ago as an educational arm of their work. and we would have dinners and a few classes and we understood there what momentum that people wanted this type of engagement and education in a way that allowed for a more in-depth conversation. we grew and now we offer -- i think we had nine, we have a series where adults learned home cooking and we did a teacher training workshop where san francisco unified public school teachers came and learned to use cooking for the core standards. we range all over the place.
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we really want everyone to feel like they can be included in the conversation. a lot of organizations i think which say we're going to teach cooking or we're going to teach gardening, or we're going to get in the policy side of the food from conversation. we say all of that is connected and we want to provide a place that feels really community oriented where you can be interested in multiple of those things or one of those things and have an entree point to meet people. we want to build community and we're using food as a means to that end. >> we have a wonderful organization to be involved with obviously coming from buy right where really everyone is treated very much like family. coming into 18 reasons which even more community focused is such a treat. we have these events in the evening and we really try and bring people together. people come in in groups, meet friends that they didn't even know they had before. our whole set up is focused on communal table. you can sit across from someone
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and start a conversation. we're excited about that. >> i never worked in catering or food service before. it's been really fun learning about where things are coming from, where things are served from. >> it is getting really popular. she's a wonderful teacher and i think it is a perfect match for us. it is not about home cooking. it's really about how to facilitate your ease in the kitchen so you can just cook. >> i have always loved eating food. for me, i love that it brings me into contact with so many wonderful people. ultimately all of my work that i do intersects at the place where food and community is. classes or cooking dinner for someone or writing about food. it always come down to empowering people and giving them a wonderful experience. empower their want to be around people and all the values and reasons the commitment, community and places, we're
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offering a whole spectrum of offerings and other really wide range of places to show that good food is not only for wealthy people and they are super committed to accessibility and to giving people a glimpse of the beauty that really is available to all of us that sometimes we forget in our day to day running around. >> we have such a philosophical mission around bringing people together around food. it's so natural for me to come here. >> we want them to walk away feeling like they have the tools to make change in their lives. whether that change is voting on an issue in a way that they will really confident about, or that change is how to understand why it is important to support our small farmers. each class has a different purpose, but what we hope is that when people leave here they understand how to achieve
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that goal and feel that they have the resources necessary to do that. >> are you inspired? maybe you want to learn how to have a patch in your backyard or cook better with fresh ingredients . or grab a quick bite with organic goodies. find out more about 18 reasons by going to 18 and learn about buy right market and creamery by going to buy right and don't forget to check out our blog for more info on many of our episodes at sf quick until next time, may the fork be with you. ♪ ♪ >> so chocolaty. mm. ♪ >> oh, this is awesome. oh, sorry. i thought we were done rolling.
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♪ ♪okay. our final speaker is a friend a friend to the business community. a man who understands was it take to a create a job which is an investment. mayor ed lee is a person who have's brought a lot of stability to san francisco especially, after steady eddy were because ed has a background in administration and being tasked what getting things done and maneuvering through the san francisco policies. so to talk about the future of san francisco from the mayors prospective and the city's prospective in relationship to continue to build our economy i want to introduce the mayor of
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the great city and county of san francisco. mayor ed lee (clapping) >> thank you. thank you for that introduction and good morning, everyone. i know you've gotten a lot of statistics their not only interesting and accurate but very guiding for what we need to do. thank you greg costco and bob and all of the members of san francisco chamber of commerce for extending this invitation and it's great to see a lot of the officials and the department heads to make sure and insure our cities skews. before i get started i want to take another moment to acknowledge and thank the men and women who over the past
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several weeks fought california's third largest wildfire the rim fire up in yosemite. and among those fighters the fire was our san francisco firefighters who stood alongside other fire department's across the country navigate over 5 thousand people fighting the fire. and, of course, the staff and crews of the public utilities commission helped and that helped and water industry. i'm proud of their work and while we're grateful everyday for our first responders who risk their lives to protect and serve and for our police
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officers and firefighters who lost their lives years ago it's important we reflect on that. and certainly for our city. we've had our own including the rim fire the police and, of course, the fire department were there the first responders on a crash that will stick with me. we're living in an extraordinary city and you can is new year it that a lot of our residents are back to work. when we took office on january lifting our unemployment rates was 9 and a half percent today's it's 5.5 percent. this streamer important year our
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city netted over thirty thousand additional jobs and think about what the professor said about the multipleer effects. it's not just one industry we're seeing board based job growth at every sector off our city is growing and beating the industry. we're successful because we've created the conditions that give the investors and enterprise in our city to innovative and grow and create jobs whether or not their neighborhood or small business owner or international firms or other companies. well, here's a new stat. since 2011, 2023.6 million secret of office space -
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23.6 million square feet that's 34 trans america pyramids put together. while we're licking lucky it's not all luck. navigate over the last 2 1/2 years we built the infrastructure of our city. where did we do that? let's see we worked together to create enlightenment for jobs and attracting businesses and making the san francisco the innovation capita of the world. we worked together to build homes by providing verifies with the conversation treating e creating a housing trust fund and a working with our zoning and planning department and rezoning aspects of our city and
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creating a fund for permanent housing and we can be insure we don't have poverty housing. we want all san franciscans that be living side to side. we're working together to support our young people through our summer job program by investing in 0 our skuldz and making historic investment in our budget for the san francisco unified school district. we've worked together to strengthen our neighborhoods through our innovates that's focused on 25 commercial districts throughout the city providing loans and phil vacancies and retaining the strength in the local business. we've worked hard to reenvision
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our waterfront with mixed seawall lots and 4 pier and, of course, we'll welcome in the gotten state warriors back home thanks for itself leadership of folks working with argue port and a city planners. a derelict pier will be transformed that will bring thousands of people out to enjoy our waterfront. we worked to get with our community. we created the transit city plan that incorporates gov. both businesses and neighborhood for places to work with open shops and more and the development community has imbraced that with 5 office buildings adjacent to
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the transit center. we've worked together i get the theme now? to fund roads and parks and libs and asking san francisco voters to invest they're hard earned dollars to build infrastructure to help families skewed. we've worked together to make san francisco the gateway to china and beyond. through china that sf it's a partnership for economic development we've attracted 2090 imply companies to 90 san francisco and we're setting our sites on latin listen to this latino sf. we've worked together to rebuild our 70 san with 5 hospitals, of
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course, our san francisco gunmen e general i'll be asking you for more help with furniture. of course, c pmc chinese hospital and uc san francisco. we've worked together to fix our that deficit with reform and 5 years planning all of which has maintained our strong bond rating and this summer we're going to tangle our health care obligation. well, it's bogging because of our layers focus on the infrastructure of our economy that that has allowed us to become the faster growing state not new york or los angeles but
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we cannot have done that without the san francisco chamber of commerce and without our business community that has vifrtd in our city in helping me create those jobs everyday. so, now this is not the time to rest in our success. i think it's time that we double down on our success by focusing and tackling with more vigor and more resolve by looking over that horizon to see what else we should be doing. this is not a buckle ladies and gentlemen. that first city college we're going to save city he college period no, ifs or maybe so it's too important to give up open our students or training of our
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workforce in the future. it's the fit and second the affordable care act is important. we're focused in marking our residents and encouraging resident to purchase affordable insurance via the california marketplace but we need to provide guidance to our local businesses how it integrates namely the health care security ordinance. this is a complicated policy issue that's why i've ask you to serve on our council with barbara garcia and many others. we'll lead a data process so we can make informed policy positions and file the gaps of everyone so we can all be
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covered. we're san francisco we're going to be a model for that prelims. i want to close with a few thoughts. people as me it is good economy going to continue? how are we going to extend the prosperity that so many of our enterprise part of the answer is the everyday decision by each of you to keep investing 90 in our city. yes investing in businesses and start up and innovative ideas but investing in our young people, our schools and community and neighborhood organizations. san francisco is the greatest city in the world not just
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because of our bay and at all beautiful buildings but our human talent we know is at the heart of our success. so i ask you help us save city college and help us rebilled and reimage our bettered education for our children. help us higher young people making our neighborhoods safer and stronger. i ask you to get involved and volunteer and i ask you to help with more resources to be able to do this. that's how we're going to be able to sustain this economic recovery and extend our prosperity we'll be able to continue to build the infrastructure structure for our
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city today and tomorrow. thank you very much
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>> good afternoon. welcome to our rules committee meeting for thursday, september 19, 2013. i am supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing this meeting. and to my left is supervisor cohen. and to my right is supervisor breed. the clerk is linda wong today. actually every meeting is linda work. the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff at