tv [untitled] September 22, 2013 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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similar needs haven't developed their voices in city government. i want to participate to be that voice >> excuse me. what's our name, again. >> jason whitney. >> i think you live in district two; right? >> okay. is that the border. >> yes thank you very much. >> hello, i'm joel i live in san francisco on golf and gary which is district 5. i take the 38 on a regular basis i take the go giants bus. i'm applying to be on the committee because i'm obviously a user of the corridor and do
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errands and work downtown am in the software project manager and take the bicyclist to bike share bus and i'm excited to contribute whatever i can. i think i've lived in other cities king important and copenhagen where they have higher transit and i want to make it happen here thank you >> was is joel. >> oh, sorry. >> commissioner breed and i want to make a comment when you give your name be clear and we need a minute to make sure we get the right name for the right materials so for the future speakers thank you. >> o fret.
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>> next speaker >> good morning commissioners i'm peter. and thank you for the opportunity to speak and your consideration for the tenderloin and dentist seat on the c ac. i'm a resident of the turned out and i live at the are corresponding of gary. i'm a transit rider don't own a car and rely upon the 38 and i'm familiar with the challenges with the offer crowding and believe this project is a real suspended u opportunity to address the issues. i work for the san francisco environment in the clean transportation division where i support the implementation of policies and programs that support the transportation use in the city and hopes in
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reducing the trips. from the management prospective projects like the gary brt is critical to the city reaching their goals by 2018 and also to reserve the trend for transit mode share loss. if asked to sit on the committee i'll make sure that the project easy the needs of the tenderloin and throughout the corridor and i think to achieve that direct outreach and education and this is critical to make sure that all voices are heard. i think this project is critical to improving the experience in san francisco for everyone. i want to help implement brt as quickly as possible and also
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sells the envision and goals of the project >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors and thank you for this opportunity. i'm benjamin horn. i'm a 15 year san francisco receipt and a resident in district 5. for the last seven years i've been consulting with san francisco nonprofits in particularly the last 4 years i've been the manager in the finance district. i'm a avid san francisco walker and, of course, work with the union square where the office is on gary street. i have not owned a vehicle since 2003, i'm a transit rider. i'd like to give a voice to small businesses. i believe in participating in
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local government and hope you'll consider my application >> can i ask a question. >> supervisor kim. i apologize i didn't ask this from the other candidates at any time important how you get on and off the bus and i get off at the 38 and get on at gary and fillmore and get off at farrell. >> commissioner breed. >> the time period oournl. >> late morning and coming home i get back or 5 or 6:00 p.m. >> can you i ask wore more question. what do you think in terms of which the vision for the gary
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corridor do you have a specific vision and can you attribute to making a difference on this committee and i think i have a broad understanding of government and how it works and committees and structures. i like to hear the voice of everyone i believe in reaching out to everyone. in terms of a vision you know safety is a priority. i think that's an important this thing that's a problem on metropolitan and needs to be addressed. it's scary and it puts citizens in danger so i believe live ability and cleaner streets that's also a big thing for me. having a well-kept public space and a transit
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>> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi i'm matthew murphy. so one thing i like to focus on as you're considering applicants is demographics. you have a lot of folks from interesting demographics homeowners and environmental experts and have plannerers. i'm a unique combination of all those demographics. i live lila stones throw away from the gary corridor at the van ness. i take the 38 on a regular basis. i use it to access medical care so my ability to do things like
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get to my work and doctor the same day depends upon on taking the 38. i'm a homeowner and sit on my h board and am active in my community. i'm 26 i've lived in the los angeles and san francisco area. i've never owned a car. i'm totally interested in the success of transit. i come from a background of civil and transit engineers i'm an engineer myself. i think that understanding will be important for the committee. i'm also part of the some of the boarder regional issues and i'm a private shuttle rider.
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thank you >> thank you. commissioner kim and a mr. murphy to clarify because i know that a member of my office spoke to you, your also open to the at large seats as well >> yes, that's correct. the seat is not the determining factor for me >> thank you mr. murphy next speaker. >> good morning. i'm henry richardson i live at fifth and gary and commute to gary and tailor so i'm interested in the richmond seat. i work for a company in the design consulting firm and this awe lions with my interest we do master plans and we actually are
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a small firm but access our environmental impact so this contributes to your overall improvement of environmental quality. i as the bus between 8 and 9 and from 6 to 7:00 p.m. i used it this morning. so my criteria for the bus system is not so much in focusness we're analytical and we have to make sure in is for environmental impact. any questions? >> no. thank you, mr. richardson. next speaker >> good morning. i'm joel. and i have lived in for the last
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40 yearss i was born in san mateo. i spent a lot of time grouping in san francisco. i know went to school in the west and east coast. i developed a life experience for the gary corridor. i've used the 38 for 35 years out of the last 40 and 38 limited as well. and i've come to what would you say have a vision of what might happen. it's not a vision that i want to promote but in terms of the whole process needs to be develop a collective opinion about what to do but my background is i'm is an architect and an urban designer and i'm degreed in all those
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categories. when i was in boston i was on the - i was a key member of the boston transportation planning view i was a ground breaking project that established the participatory projects in the department of san francisco and it's a model for transportation planning. i have about 10 transportation projects under my belt and i think that i would approach as a candidate and member i'd approach my work in a way that represented a collaboration that focused on the safety compacts of the corridor itself and reducing conflicts and creating harmony a vision harmony particularly in the area of 20th street. i would thank you very much for
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your consideration and a 20th avenue >> yes. 20th avenue. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. i'm picking up u paul changing i've lived in the richard anyone district between 17 and 18 avenue. i take the bus on an average of two times a week and i play volley bail in hindu town i take the bus back around 8:30 though in the evening. i take the business on the weekends because i think that the bus is definitely the way to go from the richmond district to downtown. the other times i take it i'm a
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structural engineer i take the debar so i'm a big proponent of public transit because that is the future of the urban transportation. on my way here i got here a little bit later than i thought i would because you know the bus stopped a few times and the bus runs on the right side of the street because someone is striving - trying to find a parking space. you know, to figure out, you know, what's an efficient system. i've been practicing engineering for 15 years i think what makes
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we valuable i've got great strategic skills and i love people. i went to the last attain hall meeting and saw people yelling and streaming at each other. i believe in a balanced approach and i think you have to make sacrifices for the greater good day but understand how people have thought about issues and i think i can bring this to the table empathy. i hope i can be part of that process to create an amazing system >> thank you, mr. changing any other speakers. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. mr. fong we have let me look at my cheat sheet we have 11 brt c
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ac seats and there's 6 incumbents or 5 that point to be reappointed and bruce does not seek reappointment is that right . can you make it easy >> this has this large table to break the c mc into a structure so on the first page is told them one the richmond set of seats there are 3 all the members seats are expired and the first two members listed are seeking reappointment. so i know that john an contacted
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our office but did jeff send any message >> she communicated she wanted to seek reappointment and we suggested they print herself today. >> so do you have any sense why she's not here today. >> i did not. so there's the 3 richmond seats and fillmore and western addition >> yes. i'm sorry the second package of your attachment that shows you the japan side of fillmore and there's two seats there and both seats the members are seeking reappointment james and the other gentleman. then if we want to move on to
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the tenderloin downtown there are two seats there and one is expired and that's the lady who's listed but she has not gotten back to us >> she did reach out to our office and wants to be countered the prop for the at large seat. that's my mistake for not mentioning that >> okay. >> i guess i might suggest that you go through the table and start at the richmond and, you know, make the appointments for the expired seats there and just continue down the line. >> okay. so colleagues on the 3 richmond seats i recommend we
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reappointment john o joe man any objections. commissioner yee >> so do we do them one at that time. >> i'll trying to get through this as quickly as possible. >> can we do that without objection. thank you. on the vacant seat i've had communications with paul from it outer richmond really ganld in the russian and immigrant communities would be a great addition for the second vacant seat so i move we appoint paul to that seat. any comments? can we do that await objection?
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thank you. for jeff swans seat i want to continue that item until we can consider a number of good applicants. and i guess i'll just do my best to make sure we reach out to commissioner swan but there are a number of other people that came forward today who could add an additional voice to the richmond seats as well. i move we continue that one and i guessed we don't have to move on that one right now we're not reappropriating jeff right now. and commissioner breed we had a gentleman speak earlier he's the
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- i'll leave it to commissioner breed >> well, thank you. i would like to appoint a resident of the district. benjamin horn to that particular seat. the two seats i see there are members who specifically are not residents of our district although i know for certain james is actively engaged in doing a lot of activities in the community including being extremelyly involved in the japan town task force and so when i'm looking the appointments i want to see
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people who regularly use this line and who are active so i'm not necessarily - i'm sorry if i mispronounce the jazz name >> he lives in the bureau heights area. you have no problem with him being considered for the at large seat but i want to appointment one of the residents of my district to that particularly seat and that's benjamin horn >> so colleagues for those two seats the one gentleman and mr. horn. can we do that without objection? >> i wasn't clear your nominating who and i'm
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nominating benjamin horn for one seat and james for another seat. we have two open seats >> so are there any objections to that? commissioner campos >> i want to say that i'm pleased that this gentleman has served but i'm going to deter to the supervisor here. it's also hard when there's so many great applicants >> so colleagues can we do that without objection appoint mr. hopper and mr. messing in her. >> mr. fong is next are the two tenderloin downtown seats commissioner kim. >> thank you similar to commissioner breed it's important we select residents in
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the district so in district 68 i've had an opportunity to sit down. we reached out to all the candidates and we spoke to mr. murphy and but i've spent quite a bit of time talking with this one gentleman and have really appreciated his dedication and passion around neighborhood planning. have laundry a lot of information about the neighborhood the tenderloin and we certainly want proper representation and pete have commented to several meetings to our office. so appreciate his enthusiasm and inebriating also the fact he works in the department of
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environment. we look for diversity and a professional background that can address a lot of the issues. i'll be making a motion to appoint peter for the second seat >> thank you colleagues any objections? thank you. and now comes the tricky part of the two expired at large seats. there's jonathan goldberg and he was here and has been serving for several years now. mr. fong >> and this lady has a case in sacramento so she sent her apologizes but expressed an interest to continue to serve.
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colleagues. >> colleagues, i want to speak in support of mr. goldberg he represents a demographic somebody brought that needs a voice and he's done a good job. my office has been looking at the c ac members and looking at the boarder transportation authority c ac and with the transit riders union and it's been a wonderful process by i'd like to thank him for praert in that process and i'd urge his support as an incumbent. any other questions about those seats and a supervisor kim >> i want to make sure we have a good balance of a lot of
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different factors we want to see. so far we've appointed 5 men and one woman. so i certainly would hope that with the at large seats we consider trying to do some balancing out. of the gender and looking at the city as well. i know how challenging it is our office did a lot of diverse background. but i certainly would like to see that >> excellent point commissioner campos. >> thank you, mr. chairman i want to echo our comments with respect to mr. goldberg i think in having that continuity is
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important. i share the concern that commissioner semioutlined. i do wish making sure with we have a diversity representative sample of the community and i do worry there are not more women on this body. i won thing i >> the clerk will read the journal from the previous day add to the applicants that, you know, you have to - you can this is a hard process because we have so many incredible applicants and that's hard to appoint people but i hope you take out of this process we want people who want to serve and the fact you're not appointed today
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doesn't mean you won't be. continue the involvement because that's how most people end up getting appointed to those seats >> so let me ask colleagues on those two at large seats i do strongly support what the commissioners are saying and one of the folks wants to be considered for the at large seat as well. commissioner breed >> i want to marry are we certain she wants to be considered. >> so far we have 8 men if we considered who we've made a motion to support we voluntary two open seats one at large. why not moved with the at large
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and continue one at large and one richmond seat. so do you want to make sure that she continues to be interested. i assume that would be for any seat but we should make sure and give her an opportunity to speak to the projects committee because i didn't give her a head up >> so it sound like there's a motion to continue the second at large seat and can we reappoint jonathan goldberg for another two year term. out objection. thank you >> thank you very much mr. fong for making that as painless as possible and for all the people presenting. so ms. chang call the next item >> 8 recom
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