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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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projects as well. the third concept that we are going to discuss is called smart meal technology. these are two concepts rolled into one. our students vision of this is the interactive system that gives students a voice in school food. a loyalty rewards program that will also be dealt in the system to reward students for healthy choices. our underlying financial vision of this concept is an interactive system to use data to make it more efficient and tail -- taylored and engage students to participates and leave comments and use
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preordered meals. students who feel like their opinions matter are more likely to engage and participate in school meals. from a system perspective, are is the more information we can collect on student preferences and participation behavior and attention, the more we can eliminate food waste. further a loyalty food program incentivised for school lunch and directs behavior towards more financially attractive. the program can also create incentive for students with no application on file to register in the system. our next concept
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is community portal. and our vision for the community portal is to create a platform to enable the greater community to connect with school food. there are many many many folks in organization and resource knocking on the door wanting to partner with us and bring food to sfusd food and this will help us to be able to open the door to bring them in. our underlying financial vision it happens to those resources to supplement those provided by the district. so what did this look like? it could buy behind the meter an online matching program. for example it matches a chef who wants to teach a cooking class looking for a culinary chef and also a
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membership program that allows any san francisco resident to become a member of school food. a resident who might not have children can participate and support school food. they can be a member. student nutrition, offers members benefits at different levels such as discounts at participating at major retailser and sfusd dinner kits. there is untapped market of individuals and organizations who are eager to contribute their time, money and expertise to school food. the developing online platforms and membership programs making it easy to give in direct resources to the projects that need them the most. so in addition, raising awareness for
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school among parents is also likely to increase participation. further , this portal can become a research for sfusd program beyond school food. the next concept is dinner kits. this is one where it's definitely falling under the lever of new revenue for student nutrition. the students experience vision is that we are providing families with healthy convenient choices for dinner. the underlying financial provision is to provide beyond meals and school revenue. our revenue will always be constrained under it's current business model because it's primary source of
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revenue, government subsidies is remiss, it's delivering on a mission to providing food to the sf community. what this looks like, there are several different options. one is that dinner kits can be produced by different parties such as foods and we have had initial discussions on them what this could look like. these can be purchased at school and brought home. those are the 10 recommendations with high level
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overview of four of the ones that we are excited about. from here i'm going to pass the presentation to back to oh keef to face road map to the next step. >> thank you very much, zeta. commissioners, i really appreciate that it must be difficult to consume a lot of this information in such a short period of time. i just want to reiterate that we are looking forward to multiple conversations about this and we are also just touching on some of the examples of the recommendations, the book is really comprehensive and it lays everything out and you just got it tonight. we look forward to sitting down with you one on one and going over more detail and the thoughts behind it because there are lots here. we just wanted to illustrate some tonight that will give you an at some point
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that understanding the thought that went into it, the logic behind it and the rigor behind the financial assessment and so you can see that we are trying to address the constraints of our system, but think of other ways to take advantages of opportunities we might have not thought about before that meet the needs of parents and families and an opportunity to generate revenue streams. we are going through this really quickly and i appreciate that it must be difficult. we spent 5 months working on it and we are happy to go deeper through your q and a and also outside of the meeting. in addition to the 10 recommendations that are highlighted and the road map is what you will see on ellis street moving forward because this is our guide to moving forward. there are other ideas that are kind of throughout the
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book as you are reviewing it. different ideas at looking at creative pricing and should we have different pricing levels with elementary levels and high and thinking about partners. in the interest of time because i won't have an opportunity to have q and a and discussion about this, i'm going to move forward to start talking about what it might look like to begin to implement these recommendations. so, one of the exciting exercises that we went after we come up with all of these different ideas and we are all committeely excited and the students and staff were excited. all the cafeteria workers they are ready for that to happen tomorrow. we know it's going to take time to do that, we don't want it to take too much time. we want this to happen as quickly as possible. we didn't put years or months.
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we want to move as quickly as we can and we know what we need to do right now and then we move from phase one, two and 3. i know the print is small. the poster for the audience if anyone wants to get a closer look at it and we have the executive summary. i'm going to be talking about the last page of the executive summary and it's blown up in poster size here. we are also really excited about this book, this road map and the generous donation from the williams foundation we are going to be able to share copies with our stake holders. we are going to be able to share it with the food and fitness community, with the students nutrition services staff and the
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superintendents. this is in the road map and the more people who have access, the more feedback and the more likely we are able to bring it to fruition quickly. we have organized it to where we are now and what we need to do immediately. one of the key pieces is the development plan, thinking about how do we begin to develop and secure the resources we need to bring many of the ideas to fruition. that's a key piece. we also want to begin to explore fairly quickly the idea of a take home dinner. that's something that doesn't require and investment for the district at all but it has a tremendous potential. we want to, as zeta mentioned we want to explore more of these and conducting surveys and
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having focus groups to explore that more. we need to do an assessment. we wanted to hold off until we knew what we were assessing for. now that we have these recommendations there is a deeper sense for the kinds of things we need to assess to determine what kind of upgrades are needed for the facility in order to bring this to fruition. we are looking forward to creating career ladders and new staffing patterns for the children's and nutritional staff. so we are looking with 21, if we brought these into fruition, how do we find those jobs and responsibilities and create staff to work hard. many of the staff are just working three 1/2 hour shifts. if we have
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more kids participating, if we increase breakfast and lunch and supper, what does that mean in terms of career opportunities if we are able to serve our children three meals a day. that is part of the now that we want to do. the mobile carts and the vending machines, we are already doing that in some schools. what we want to do is roll it out at all of our middle school and high schools. what we didn't talk about and we are happy to go into more detail. we know that what children's relationship to food is connected to their academic health. we have nurses and pe teachers and workers. we want to coordinate that with the whole child's needs that are
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being taken care of and we need to think about the resources that we need to leverage all those opportunities. we think that will have a direct impact on participation as well. the more children who eat more meals they eat, the more financially sustainable it is. in the enter of time, i will say we've bun deld them. there are some that we start that we are going to do pilots with. this is something the board might be interested in with the financial implications. this is in the summary. we have put together all of the recommendations for phase 1, 2, 3. in the event this is a participation of 10 percent, 20 percent, what do we think the one time cost would be, the annual cost and our opportunity to generating additional revenue each year. that's what this graph represents here. the
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one time cost would be a range between $370,000 to $450,000. the annual cost is $280,000 in terms of the revenue, it's a separate number. we've already factors in the operating cost. it could be anywhere from $29,000 if there is no increase in participation, to $1.5 million if there is increase in participation. there is a lot of rig ori behind these numbers. there is a tool. we can go through it with you and we can plug and play with you and we can show you how we put it in with if participation was with this and labor with that. we wanted to show you at a higher level and go deeper on a financial level or we can just
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focus on the model. and from phase 2, it's assumed that phase 1 has happened and shows what the re knew could be and phase 3, that's the paradigm shift where we start to implement the revenue option that we mentioned tonight. as i mentioned we are interested in creating greater opportunities and career ladders and we obviously know that we can't create a paradigm shift without creating a staffing structure. in the book you read the recommendations it talks about the additional staff that would be required and the cost of that as being considered when we are generating the potential revenue streams. here are some examples. for example for school dining operations and production staff if we have a regional kitchen and we would also need regional kitchen
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managers and the elementary community dining we need elementary school noon for helpers. for student family engagement and also dinner kit coordinator and central office operations, this is actually a key piece. the idea of having someone doing local purchases and menu planning. for example if we go with the warehouse option which we are suggesting in renting. we don't have to worry about health and safety and food storage. if we have that central warehouse ks we would be able to move from the by right model and have staff who can purchase local agreed audience, get more competitive with pricing, that's how we actually could reduce the cost because we can take advantage. there is lots of different ways
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to leverage purchasing. you have to have a resource that can focus in doing it. a pilot coordinator and the data analytics manager. you probably heard tonight where there is data basis where particularly the high school is important for the students to state their preferences. we can remind them what they have ordered and thing at any rate food so we can change our ordering parents -- patterns based on what the children have desired the. these are some of the roles that we are imagining that will work very closely with our labor releases team and our staff to develop and flush out some of those concepts which is part of the now. that concludes the staff's presentation. we'll turn off the data projector so
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the board can sit comfortably and we look forwards answering any questions that you may have and scheduling any additional discussions you may have. thank you. i want to while we are closing up, again thank all of the ido team. leadership, it was phenomenal. when you bring together an organization that don't typically work together and you have the public private sector we have this incredible opportunity. i have been at the district for a while and i have never had this experience. i feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to have that experience. so we want to thank the team for that and thank young lee who without his
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sponsorship and support and guidance, we would not be able to do this work. he's an amazing leader and we are fortunate that he's our team leader and he's got a few closing comments before we conclude our staff presentation and go back to president norton. thank you. >> thanks. i will try to be quick because i'm sure you are dying to dig into this discussion. i just want to conclude and put this work into a little bit of a historical context and i have been the neighborhood historian. many of you are familiar with the history over the last 10 plus years in student nutrition and some of you are less familiar. i wanted to put this work in an a little bit of context. i
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won't go way back. but in the not too distant past we had a very different reality in terms of school food. we had, let's say, 6-7 years ago we had cavity -- cafeterias that had food for eligible based on subsidize and those that were not eligible and you can see the students difference and we had an all catch which was not in the system and we had compliance problems in many or most of our cafeterias that led to the reimbursement of the $12 plus million. in this work, as the superintendent said at the beginning that this is all exciting that all of those critical improvement were made
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over the course of years and that the state of school food and cafeteria in the last year especially has really gotten to the place where this work can really become possible. we have very different and much more pleasing meals in the past year that the students are taking advantage everyday and at this time it feels at the start of a behind to have a quantum leap breakthrough in terms of nutritional experience and we have a unique opportunity and community support really widespread and deep community support. championship from the superintendent that has been a critical liever. he states that this is one of his top priorities that we look at
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reimagining school food and the staff took that to heart and we had an amazing opportunity with the william foundation who took a strong step in this and we've had an incredible partner and deep and amazing team from ido to do the staff work and i hope that the commissioners, that you can see the depth and rigor and the combination from the students perspective as well as really hard analysis on the viability and fees ability which is a lot of what is near and dear to our hearts to and hopefully you can see this work applied. we don't know that we have all the answers. we've got a great amount of analysis that's been done. it's not every aspect is not going to
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play out. we will see that variation. we have enough, we know more than enough to get started and that's the exciting part. hopefully you will agree and we'll have lots of opportunities to vet further. i really do think that we are on the vernal -- verge of something very exciting. >> this you for the presentation. i would like to before we go to board discussion i would like to do public comment first. so if there are any members of the public present who would like to make a comment on what you saw and heard, you can come to the podium. okay. seeing none. oh, i do see one. two minutes.2 minutes. >> hi. good evening. i'm dennis
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chew. the principal of the elementary school. i would like to say that i really look forward to this new design. i would also like to say that if it's possible, i would like to have elementary school's pilot program. one of the good designs about this is that round table concept, that round table teaches the students to develop some social skills. as you know or maybe noticed that if you look at how people have been dining in public, whether it's denny's or a chinese restaurant, what you see is a lot of kids with their ipods and earphones and texting. there is not a lot of communication going on with the children and the parents. this kind of concept would teach the children to bring those values
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back. the younger kids, i worked at elementary level and i'm telling you, the element school children are the best teachers for the parents. it's what the parents can learn from the kids. vice versa. another thing about this is the way they bring out the food on carts. i have a school where we have almost 700 students. majority of them are asian, el students. for them to assimilate into the american culture, it's done through the food. their exposure to american culture is really coming from the food that student nutritional services is providing us. a lot of our students don't have the opportunity to experience food other than asian food, but with this experience and they are rolling it out on the cart, there is some restaurants where
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they roll the food out. this disciple it's not asian food. the point is that the concept is going to work very well at our school. i would really like our school to pilot the program. that's all. thank you. >> dully noted, principal chew. anymore members of the p be that wish to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we will now move to board discussion. board members? i offered but she's not. >> okay. i will go first. i want to thank everybody. most of you know with a lot of people in the room that we should acknowledge, this has been one of my areas of
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interest to say the least for a number of years and offering the rules and policies which began the way we serve and manage food. i appreciate the work that everyone has done. it's really really important. there are many i'm sure as was acknowledged here today demand our discussions, many of our ideas are things that we talked about for years and that we have believed we were danced not have the resources to implement. and in fact many of the dreaming what is called the food and safety committee that is committed to this work. they were basically told we can't do any of those things. we don't have the money to do it. for us to begin to do the work, to figure out how we could do some
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of these things is really important. it's something we've been trying to do for a long time. and i would like to thank them sincerely for their support and their interest in their work. i do, i am interested the financial analysis and i have some questions, but i can forward to you things like i'm an little concerned about the baseline analysis. i'm a little worried that we've had in the past not strongest our own financial data because of the weakness of our own systems, largely. if we base all of our analysis and all this good work on what maybe not the strongest foundational data, i think the board needs to see what that
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really is so that we can do the serious reading. i would be happy to sit down with people and look at it. that's something that need to be done for my analysis and my learning, i need to not only have more in depth analysis and at some point to have the tools to analyze the financial analysis that was done here, but the numbers on which they were based. so, that would help me a lot. i am of course and i believe that all of the board members here are excited about all of these recommendations and appropriately and skeptical and nervous about the cost and the ongoing cost. i will just say that i would want to know about the operating cost for
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communal eating in elementary schools and i see that you have put thatten and i'm already nervous about that because we are making presumptions about changes and rules and how many additional staff we could actually, the minimum would be if some think it's more than that. as your analysis shows we have a high labor cost which we support as you, and i want to credit you with that which is what i have always said. that we have the highest food service workers in the country. good. first i want to continue to support my principal difference which i have always supported that public money should be used for the best jobs. that's what we teach