tv [untitled] September 23, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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wheelchair users. we are about half way done with those on market street. then the photo goes with this initiative to replace the worn out plastic detectable tiles with concrete tiles. over the last almost 10 years we've been putting in the plastic tiles but we found they are not holding up as long as we had hoped especially in high pedestrian traffic and they are wearing out and breaking. so we have a program for replacing those as they wear out and now all projects that involve curb ramp construction should be putting in the concrete tiles rather than the plastic tiles. that's been a change in our program. and that photo shows the
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plastic tiles along the left and the concrete tile on the right. again, it's the same bright yellow and actually when it's in place, it's very difficult to tell the difference. and then the last slide is information of how to contact me if you need to. again, i also have my business cards here on the side table. >> read it out for the record. >> ken spiel men, department of public works project manager. my e-mail address. kenneth do the spiel man @ my phone
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number: 415-437-7702. with that i will conclude. if there are any questions? >> yes. we will take questions from the council first and then the public. we have comment cards over there. if you would like to sign up and do public comment. we will take your questions after. tonya? >> thank you. i wanted to inquire, your presentation was wonderful. do you ever have community meetings for the public to tell them what you are doing? i think that would be very informative and that you are showing them and bringing
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the new age facility to our city >> about once a year i go to the physical access committee and give a more detailed update on what we are doing, where and provide a list of curb ramps throughout the city that we've constructed recently. i go into more detail on the projects. we don't have kind of general community meetings, but we meet with supervisors on occasion if need be. i think often, the mayor's, the mayor's office on disability has more contact with the community. it's more on a case by case basis. i work closely with the mta on many of their projects. i know that they go out and they have community meetings. sometimes i participate
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in those. >> how about schools? >> we don't have anything that -- again, our outreach program involves attending community meetings as needed. i will be going to a community meeting out at west portal in a couple of weeks. we've done a number of curb ramp up graems -- grapes grades in the west portal area. usually it's when the community invites us to come out rather than us sending out an invitation. >> thank you. harriet? >> thank you for your presentation, mr. spielman. i have a couple of questions. can you give us a location where there is a corner of a
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subsidewalk basement so we can see what they look like? >> it's pretty hard to see what they look like since the basement is underneath the sidewalk. there are certain things you can tell on the surface that indicates there is a subsidewalk basement. i can get you a couple of locations if you like and you can look at them and you can seement sometimes they are the glass circles that allow light to get in from the sidewalk down to the basement or there is the place where the sidewalk opens up. there are metal doors that open up for access to get into the basement or there aren't any utility boxes in the sidewalk. so there are different clues that tell us there is probably a basement there, but to know definitely there is a basement we have to go inside and look at it which
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requires us to get permission from the building manager and property owner and we have to go in and measure the size of the basement and see whether or not the sidewalk is right above the ceiling. or we can request from the department offen expectation to -- inspection, the plans of the basement. that's hard to rely on. we like to go in the basement and measure it as much as we can. >> is it like where you see in china town where the panels come up and the retailers inventory down the shoot? >> yes. >> thanks for answering that. how much is it for the cost of the ramp? >> that corner, that would probably cost, it would be less
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than $20,000. maybe like $18,000 to plan, design and construction. that whole project to put those curb ramps in is about $18,000 on the average. that includes the sidewalk, curb and gutter and roadway patching that has to be done and utilities boxes. if we have to move the storm water inlet. if that has to be moved, that can be an extra $10-20,000. it can be very expensive? >> what's the cost to the home owners? >> at this time, nothing. i had
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that funding slide that was up, that's city funding that constructs these programs. >> i'm the type of person that looks at everything out in the street. so, it's good that the tiles are being replaced from plastic to concrete. is there, do you have any idea of slip and fall reports? because i fell hard one time on clay street. but it was a rainy day and it was sliply -- slippery and i fell very hard and my daughter didn't understand to pick me up because she has special needs. >> clay street is a steep, was it a steep area? >> it's right on that corner. >> i'm familiar with that intersection. there are a couple of corners there that have subsidewalk basements
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and the basements are right there. there was someone else, an engineer recently inside the basement at the southwest corner. >> it's right at the street of folsom square. >> this is the reason for why we want to replace the vinyl truncated zones. they are more slip resistant. >> if we notice anything, should we have them contact your phone number? >> i would say the best thing is to go through 311. but also you can contact the mayor's office on disability or you can contact me. any request goes to kevin jan son for that initial
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evaluation request. >> thank you very much for your report. >> thank you. i wanted to ask a question. are you guys going to do the whole city? >> yes. >> are they priority areas? how do you know which ones need to be done first, second, third? >> that one matrix, the prioritization matrix gives the idea of what is the highest priority. essentially we are doing the whole city. we are looking mainly at areas where there are a lot of pedestrians, where there are a lot of people with disabilities. we are looking at areas where we have not done as many curb ram ps in the past. >> i think this is a good time to wrap things up and to
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summarize that we -- rely upon members of the public and use the system to call our office at 554-6789 to know which ramps need to be built. it is important to get the word out as you mentioned councilmember at community meetings that people should call 311 to get it into the system. that is our highest priority. that's why it's important that we have a good communication outreach to the community. i think with
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schools and children, they are very perceptive and look to see how they can help. this would be a wonderful program to involve them in. >> part of our program is looking at schools and making sure there is access from the school to the local transit. so that's been very important for us in the past and future. i work with mta and they have their safe routes to school system with federal and state grant funding for looking at accessibility around the schools. >> thank you. staff? thank you very much. public comment and bridge. we'll do the bridge line. is there anyone on the bridge line? >> no. >> okay. public comment?
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>> i'm bob. this is a request for our constituency to be involved in the reporting of this. but also i have a question of mr. spiel man because i recently encountered an amazingly bad situation that has been neglected. it's surprising. last week i came back from a lawfirm representing me. i rant into a corner where there is no curb ramp. instead there is an expectation from using access of a driveway into a parking lot. today i witnessed something more egregious. at san bruno, a transfer point. at the same time the department of
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public health. there is two curb ramps. there is none for either of those intersection. so people are expected to use gas station drive ways. i called that in. how could that have happened for so long that nobody noticed it. i'm just suggesting that our constituency who see these. even if you don't need it, somebody else might. my question to mr. spiel man. he mentioned a training for engineers at dpw. is there any communication to city staff widely public health staff, mta staff? city hall staff? requesting them to pay attention or is there an unstated expectation that is only people with disabilities who would be concerned and report it. mr. spiel man, is there any communication request that city employees actively
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observe and report these when they see them? >> thank you for those questions. first of all with the silver, i just want to talk about silver and san bruno because that's an easy one. that intersection has been designed and it will be constructed very soon under the silver avenue paving program. i know that's been designed and it's coming up soon. in terms of drive ways. whenever, that's not part of our standards to allow drive ways to be used for accessibility. if any situation like that is pointed out, we'll address that. and then in terms of the awareness of the city
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employees, certainly my staff in our curb ramp program we are actively going out and looking at what our needs are if we notice that there is something that is a real problem. we put that on our list. but, again our highest priority, our request coming from people with disabilities and we kind of have a backlog in terms of requesting those. but we do encourage all of our city staff to report any kind of problems out there especially the most difficult places where if they see someone in a wheelchair that is having difficulty getting across the street, then we try to take care of that.
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>> councilmembers. my name is peter mendoza. a quick question. i'm wondering when there is a request for an accessible curb ramp that should go to another jurisdiction if the data base i believe you said it's called chris. what are those request for track and what is the success rate of getting those issues addressed with the other jurisdiction?
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>> thank you for the question. the only data we don't have is presidio. so rec's and park, we have those and we would address any others with the request that comesen and we work with the mayor's office in disability in determining whether our program should do it or whether rec's and parks should do it. we make sure that request is addressed. >> thank you. >> is there anymore public comment? okay. seeing there is no more public comment. we will move on to line 9 in informational team by the san francisco
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municipal transportation agency program update. >> thank you very much. i appreciate your inviting us here. i'm with the mta and i have staff here. kate toren is our project manager in the blue, virginia is our coordinator for capital projects. sandra padilla on the other side is our new and ak -- accessible coordinator and jonathan chang is our parra transit planner. the other thing i wanted to mention before is kate is going to talk to you about things in the
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transit area. we have two very active advisory committees. one account parra entrance council. the dates are on our website and there is many in that community. so you can be as active or not as you like. the other is a mobile advisory committee which advises us on all of the other areas under mta other than parra transit. that meets every third thursday from 1-3 at one south van ness. that's at the corner of van ness and market on the 7th floor. let me give you our contact phone number for our program is 701-4485. let me give you kate
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toren. >> hello, thank you for inviting me here an getting me out of the office and out of my chair. it's nice to be here. i'm going to give a brief big picture of parra transit services and then get into some of our recent initiatives and coming transaction. we've got a lot going on in parra transit. munis has been providing parra transit since 1978 long before ada required it in 1990 and we are proud of that fact. many elements of our transit program exceed the requirement of the ada and we have to meet them in many cases. we are proud of that. we are also proud of the fact that our transit corridor
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council, our advisory committee has been working with us so we have a long relationship in working to improve the system. we have contracted out with the parra transit broker since 1982. the structures sf mta is required to provide transit services, the mta contract for the day-to-day management of the program and then the parra transit broke in in turn contract with the provider. we have a complicated system. we have three main modes. we have the parra transit taxi service that is the 100 percent ramp accessible and van service that's what we call sf access and we have our group van service. that's the groups of individuals going to a location
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such as an adult day center or work site. we have approximately 14,000 registered riders in the system and average ages about 74 years old. we have provided 800 thousand trips in the last fiscal year. our annual budget is about $20 million22 000-0000 we recently had an until satisfaction customer is survey. we have our bumps on the road. we have a 95 percent satisfaction and 83 -- 93 percent of those
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rated good and over all 83 percent are satisfied. room for improvement but a lot of positives. our drivers rate very high in our system. i want to thank the drivers. they are the backbone of the system. some recent improvements. where they are paid with a debit card and they are equipped to process with the cards and they go back to our data base. the debit card system has allowed us to ramp
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taxi to our driver. we have distributed over $100,000 to drivers and $17,000 go to companies for that ramp service. we are trying to get money back in the program to acknowledge the hard work of the drivers also we've done more work with medallion reform. we have oh you are 26 new parra transit vehicles are dedicated to parra transit advocates that have worked hard in the system. and you may have seen these vans going by in the community. they
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have a new striping system. they look real nice. they have big white stripes and they have red on the doors. both sides driver and passenger. parra transit advocate name and this is something that contributed to the program and who has sinced passed away. also inside the van is a poster with a person in the picture who has it to honor in their community. look for those because we are really proud of those and it's nice to see someone's name and who you may know. there is a software system with parra transit system and allows new scheduling and allows us on the on board computers on
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the van system. now that those are all in place we have 120 on board computers and we have a van, the next step is branching out to a phone call system and we are piloting it now as we speak. this is for sf access riders who would like to be notified the night before of any scheduled trips for the next day and for the day of the trip to get an eta, a call with the van arrival information . we think it's going to be helpful for customers planning their time. it's frustrating that the advance know it but you didn't know that you can have a cup of tea. so we give information to our customers to improve the communication in the overall service. >> we have a new service called the shop round. that's a place and i have come before you to talk about that.
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we talked about shop around in a grocery service for individuals who want to go grocery shopping and have a higher level of difficulty. that's for seniors but not necessarily for those that are parra transit capability. it's going well, we have expanded it which we call it van gogh shuttle for a group of individuals who are going to a social or cultural event. we are just rolling that out now and providing the individual request for agencies for groups and individuals who have gone out to museums and the zoo and community meetings. that's been working well. as part of expanding that shop around to the van gogh
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shuttle we've included a staff for the management specialist to take a look at the big picture of transportation in san francisco to seniors and people with disabilities and see if there are better ways to achieve efficiencies and coordinate and we are interviewing for that position and very excited to bring awe -- a new staff on board. the website has a new look. it's sf parra and we are planning on adding functionality to the website for parra transit taxi riders to have a portal where they can log on and look at their debit card and taxi transaction and also add value to their credit card online and
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being able to order tickets online. so coming soon. >> i hear that the scanner isn't working or it's never turned on or not communicating and also telling people they just don't accept debit cards or they won't accept. it's my understanding that they are required to. i have been in a cab where they say the debit card is down and
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