tv [untitled] September 23, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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stagnation of this body. >> thank you very much. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [gavel] >> okay, colleagues. >> i have a question. >> sure. >> i wanted to know if there is anyone from the local homeless coordinating board here. hi. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i want to be clear i'm not an appointed member of the board, i'm a staff to the board. my name is megan -- >> perfect, megan, you're the person i'm looking for. can you tell me how many people serve on this body? >> nine. >> nine people total. today we have an opportunity to appoint one person to three vacancies? >> there is one currently. >> correct. can you describe to me the current composition of this nine-member body.
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>> members are appointed three ways. members appointed by the board of supervisors, one vacancy in that group. so, three persona pointed by the board of supervisors. one persona pointed by the mayor and one persona pointed by the city controller. of the three named by the board of supervisors he is kim arm buster. he has a drop-in center at glide foundation. the other persona pointed by the boer -- i'll run through all of their names because i don't know where all folks are appointed. board of supervisors laura guzman. wendy phillips. ken [speaker not understood]. and eric brown. >> actually what i'm trying to understand is to get -- i want to make sure we appoint the ones that is a healthy mix. since we have three men obviously i can't make a determination on the gender, but maybe we can talk about the background of the three different candidates.
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is there a member that's the bo this by population, their service provider or some way associated with the homeless community? >> great question. [speaker not understood]. board members have notice throughout the [speaker not understood] so it's single adults. >> thank you. my other question is what is the number of folk that have been homeless themselves that serve on this body? >> currently there's one member. >> just one. so, one out of 9? okay, thank you very much. no further questions. >> breed. >> thank you. how often does this body meet? >> this body meets monthly from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the first monday of the month. every board member is also expected to take a leadership role in one of the committees. committees meet bimonthly or quarterly. >> do we have any attendance information that you can provide us with to understand
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if there are some challenges with some of the members who are on the board in terms of attendance? >> of the folks who are currently on the board? >> yes. >> there are two members who have missed three meetings in the past year. >> board appointment? >> one member is board appointed, yes. >> is there a attendance requirement? >> there is a stipulation in the by laws, people will be approached about attendance. >> okay. and in terms of the board appointments, so, laura guzman is the co-chair? >> yes. >> and she's still on the board? >> yes. >> is she a service provider? >> she is. >> wendy phillips? >> wendy phillips has resigned. that's the appointment you're considering today. kim is a service provider. and eric brown. >> he is currently a recipient
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of continuing the funds. >> okay, this is a really tough decision for us because i feel that we have three incredible candidates and i'd like to appoint all of them, especially if there are some members on this committee that are not showing up for meetings, i think it's time that we give people an opportunity. so, i know we only have the opportunity to appoint one person but i don't want to miss out on the opportunity to lose the other two as a result. this is the first time where i feel like each and every candidate is pretty outstanding. so, i am very concerned about making a decision that could discourage any of them from continuing to participate. so, i just wanted to get some
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thoughts from my colleagues they believe would be a good person for this seat. i am justly not a supporter of the residency waiver, hardly ever. and in this particular case, i feel that it's something i would support. so, any of these candidates i would be happy to support. and i just want to get some thoughts from my colleagues on what they think. >> so, i share your opinion, supervisor breed. we have basically three outstanding candidates. each with their own strengths and perspectives that i could easily see bringing it assets into this body. and, so, it is a tough decision.
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if you would, breakdown the role of this body in regards to looking -- there was mention of looking at funding and looking at&tly it and so forth and being creative and so forth. how much time is actually dedicated to particular aspects of the role? >> that's a great question. i would estimate service is a minimum of 5 hours per month of hard time that folk are spending [speaker not understood] where they are taking a leadership role. during a time of year where our community is reapplying for continuum of care funds with a $23.8 million grant that we reauthorize annually and this board has direct oversight of, folks are spending 80 to 90% of
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their board's service on a ranked listed of projects, creating a fair and accurate process to score against each other. during the rest of the year this board is focused on advisory capacity. that's when the more creativeness comes in, [speaker not understood], focus on hearing from other expert groups about the situation of hunger, situation of housing stability, situations of mental health [speaker not understood] that impact homelessness. >> thank you. doesn't make it any easier. [laughter] >> so, thoughts? >> so, i've actually come to the conclusion that i'm going to be supporting mr. del seymour for a couple reasons. one, i'm most intrigued by his background. clearly he's demonstrated the strongest support here today with not only letters of support, but also persons that have come to show up for us to
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testify. we're talking about a man that has a breadth and depth of experience that far exceeds the other two gentlemen. we're talking over 10 years hand on experience. i also want to think about the composition of the board. if there's only one other person there that speaks from that same experience of having experienced hoochlessness. i think an additional voice to the board is actually a healthy complement and would provide a robust discussion as we continue to talk about homeless issues in san francisco. >> supervisor breed, any thoughts around a particular comment? >> yes, and i would definitely be willing to support supervisor cohen's recommendation. i think -- and i'd also like to look at the possibility of replacing members who are not attending meetings with some of the persons we have here today
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who are interested in serving. clearly various perspectives are needed. people take it for granted when they've been in a position too long. this is an important [speaker not understood] in our city where we want people who really care about serving on this body. ~ to make a difference. and i think dan, it was mentioned that he had volunteered for six months, which to me is a part of demonstrating your commitment to a particular issue. and also the other gentleman, gary was actively engaged while in law school on this particular issue. to me, that is a part of demonstrating your commitment to serving and resolving some of these issues. and genuinely helping people. so, i just want to look at -- i don't want them to be discouraged, but i do want to also support del because i do
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think we need someone on this body that has that direct experience, and he has been out there and he knows what it feels like. we need that diversity in terms of experience on this particular board. and i would like to direct staff to go back and look at replacement of those who are not attending the meetings. but today i'm happy to support the recommendation made by supervisor cohen. >> great. s >> we'll make a motion, then, and vote on t. for the two candidates who have not been selected, i think all three of us feel the same way. you are great candidates ~ and we want to note our appreciation for you to step forward and apply for these positions. it's not always the case where
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we have really 100% of the candidates stepping forward to be such qualified people. and i'm going to echo supervisor breed's words that don't be discouraged. there are going to be other opportunities and we really hope that you will step forward again. so, i'm hearing that there's a motion. is there a motion for del seymour? >> i think we need to make a motion first to waive the residency requirement. so, i'm happy to make that motion. >> i'm happy to second that motion. >> okay, it's unanimous. that motion passes. would you like to make -- >> sure. i'd like to make a motion that we appoint mr. del seymour to seat number 2 on the local homeless coordinating board. >> is there a second? okay, by consensus, the motion passes. [gavel] >> congratulations, mr. seymour. (applause)
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>> madam clerk, item number 4. >> item number 4, hearing to consider appointing four members, terms ending june 1, 2014, to the reentry council. there are four seats and 12 applicants. >> so, we received a large number of applicants for these vacancies and many of these applicants actually just came in. there's 10 more than noted on this agenda. to give everybody a fair chance at this, we wanted to make sure we have time to actually look at the applicant's resumes and so forth. so, i will be asking for a continuance of this item for -- to the next meeting to allow us to actually do a better job in looking at all the applications.
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colleagues, so, at this point are there some people here for this item that would like to speak for an applicant? i wanted to give you to do this since you're here, but understand we're not going to vote on anything today. so, you have two minutes to come up here as part of the public comment. >> i have a comment. i wanted to ask for clarification. >> go ahead -- hold on a second. >> so, mr. chair, you're asking us to continue the item entirely and not take any action on any of the particular item? >> yes. yes, i have not seen these other 10 applicants. >> so, -- >> and we did notify some of
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the people not to come. >> okay, because there was a time when we had filled one of the vacant seats with a member listed here and i came prepared today to make sure that he continues his service. will this delay his ability to continue his service? this term expired on july 17, 2013, for robert bowden. and i was wondering if this might impact his ability to serve in his current capacity. >> let me ask the city attorney. i believe when people term out of a committee and they haven't been replaced, they can continue? >> okay. >> so, there shouldn't be any issue about their continuation until we actually take a vote. is that correct?
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>> deputy city attorney jon givner. that's right for advisory bodies like this one. for bodies that are created by the charter, people whose terms have expired can only hold over for 60 days. but that 60-day rule doesn't apply to advisory bodies that apply to ordinance like the reentry council. >> so, i guess we can hear public comment and i can make some further remarks. i know we're going to discuss a continuance, but i am interested in not continuing seat 4 and appointing seat 4 in order to move that particular seat forward and narrow down the number of other appointments that we have on our list. so, i'd like my colleagues to take that into consideration. thank you. >> okay. so, yes, sir. good afternoon, my name is omar breed love. i'm here to speak on my own behalf and express my interest to be appointed to the reentry council.
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i am a former prison inmate, a former drug addict, former homeless person, and i have turned my life around and i want to thank the city of san francisco for identifying the need to address the importance of people coming out of prison and having the resources that are needed to get their lives back on track. in turning my own life around, i want to be part of the solution. i've been a part of the problem so long. i now want to be part of the solution and help -- i've taken away from the community for so long and i see this as an opportunity for me to be a part of the solution and help not only my life, but the lives of other people that have been in the same situation as i have, which helps not only the individual, but helps the family, helps the community as a whole because of the crime
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that's committed. and it helps the children because of the recidivism of parents going in and out of prison and stuff like that. so, i would just like to express my interest and put my name in the box and let it be known that i'm interested and that i be considered. thank you. >> thank you. >> excuse me, what's your name again? >> omar breed love. i'm not on this list. the clerk just told me my name is on the other list. >> you're one of the more recent -- >> yeah. >> thank you very much. any other public comments? come on up. my name is it james hooker. i represent the allen community development corporation in the western addition as well as the crease project which stands for conflict resolution education and employment services. first let me say that ~ i've
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been attending reentry council meetings for the last 26 months and i'm also a member of the m-3 movement as well as the alan's community development men's group. my interest is in expertise in employment and education for under developed and under served people. unfortunately, many of the candidates who are now coming out of prison were people that i was working with trying to keep them out of prison. we have a recidivism rate that's going to require that we have a successful, as i like to tell them, poster boys, who can effectively represent the communities in which they come from. the sheriff's department, public defenders office, all
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have qualified programs for reentry and what we'd like to see is the community become an equal partner in the reentry concept programs that are being developed and a key to that is going to be having representatives from the prison population. so, we look forward to your selection. i did speak with a gentleman who asked me to come forward and his name is kevin bass. he's not here today, but i do know that it's been two years since he's been out and this is something that he's really interested in. and once again, i a plot the fact that we're going to be getting four new candidates or at least three new candidates for the reentry council that will be representative of the [speaker not understood] supposed to serve. thank you. >> thank you very much. ♪
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[speaker not understood] the city will softly dig and i know you're so all alone but you've got the tools to make it i know you're gonna take every opportunity and take it reentry love is all around no need to waste it you're gonna use all your tools you're gonna make it you're gonna make it after all city hall they're going to make it after all thank you. >> any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, as i indicated, i would ask for a motion to continue this item to call of the chair. supervisor breed.
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>> okay. so, i realize there are other candidates, as i said before. when we, when we address the vacancy of seat 4 not too long ago, we heard a laundry list of candidates and at that time made the decision to appoint robert bowden and i'd like him to be able to continue in that seat number 4. and, so, i would like to prior -- before we make a continuance i would like to make a motion that we appoint robert baez ento seat 4. okay. so, it's been -- >> is there a motion and second? i have an opportunity to
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actually hear everybody and see everybody's application to weigh whether or not i would be supporting robert bowden. it's nothing against robert bowden. for me it's a process of being fair and also telling people that we will be continuing [speaker not understood]. >> so, mr. chair, i apologize. i do understand the fairness of the process and that there are applications that we had not necessarily received prior to today, but regardless of those applicants, the only reason as i said -- even considering moving this forward is because we did consider seat 4. we listened to a laundry list of candidates earlier this year. and we made a selection at that time, and i for one would like to see mr. bowden continue in that seat and i don't want to waste anyone's time by allowing
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other members to believe that there is a possibility, if there isn't. i just want to basically take that one off the table so i then give everyone else a fair shake in terms of some of the other seats listed here. that's my reasoning and i respect your decision, but i really definitely want to be able to move that particular seat forward. >> your reasons are well taken. [speaker not understood]. >> okay. >> i just want to note that for the record. so, let's have a vote. >> supervisor breed? >> aye. >> aye. supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> supervisor yee? >> no. >> the motion was to not proceed? >> it was to support robert bowden for seat 4, so, it passes. >> it passes. >> right. that means that now the seats
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that are in play are seats 1, 2 and 3. >> yes. >> correct. so, now i ask my colleagues for a motion to continue seats 1, 2 and 3. >> second. >> mr. chair, would you like to continue to the call of the chair or to our next rules committee meeting? >> to the call of the chair. >> thank you. >> okay. so, it by consensus passes. so moved. [gavel] >> okay. can you please call item number 5? >> item number 5, hearing to consider appointing eight members, for indefinite terms, to the food security task force. there are 8 seats and 8 applicants. >> so, we now want to invite paula joan to the podium to share more about the food security task force. hello, ms. jones. >> hello, good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for taking this item. again, my name is paula jones.
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i'm with department of public health and i'm director of food [speaker not understood] there. the item before you is nominations to the task force for the community members. and i just wanted to go through some of the raoxctionv that we have with task force. first of all, food security, according to our definition was that all of our residents will have [speaker not understood] at all times through the local nonemergency sources. and then i want to go through just what does food insecurity mean. that means not having enough money for food, skipping meals buying cheaper, less nutritious food, worrying your food will run out, not having a healthy place to buy food, not having a kitchen to prepare food and being hungry. these are some of the manifestations we know we have food insecure residents in every neighborhood in san francisco. certain populations have a higher food insecurity. lower households, seniors with disabilities, children, the unhoused. the food security task force
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was created and currently creates a plan for addressing food insecurity in san francisco, and we do this through tracking and publishing data on food program use and food need. we develop recommendations for policy program and funding. we also work together to develop pilot initiatives to improve food security. we also reach out to other groups and inform them of food security and also gather their information. i am currently a member oswald staff to the task force. it is also represented to the california food policy council. which is a council created comprised of local foot. we are reporting on food security. we'll be providing [speaker not understood], and we are working on organizing a hearing. the task force is comprised of city agencies and community representatives as well as a school district representative
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is invited. so, today [speaker not understood], all of the nominees are actively involved in food security work in san francisco and they regularly attend task force meetings. many of the nominees have previously been numbers for the task force and have been renominated. so, i'm going to take any questions and thank you for your support. >> okay. supervisor, are there any questions? no. thank you very much. okay, we will now hear from the applicants in the order they are listed on the agenda. so, let's see. first is karen gruneisen. hi, supervisors. i am not karen gruneisen, i am representing her today. i am liz [speaker not understood] at episcopal community services where karen
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is our associate director. and she apologizes for not being here today, but she's out of town at her nephew's wedding. karen just wanted -- >> she's missing this for a wedding? [laughter] i know. just a few points. karen previously was appointed to the food security task force in 2010 and has attended meetings for over three years. she seeks another appointment because she finds the work of the task force so beneficial to san franciscans who are food insecure, especially people who are poor and homeless. karen has coauthored the food security task force reports and chairs one of the subcommittees on the needs of seniors, people who are homeless and who live in s-r-os. and as you know, ecs serves over 14,000 homeless [speaker not understood] annually. karen brings the experience of ecs's clients to the food security task force table. and i'm happy to answer any questions about karen. [laughter]
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>> thank you, liz. any questions? seeing none, thank you. okay. >> anne quaintance. good afternoon, supervisors breed, yee, and cohen. i am currently being renominated to the food security task force. i am the chief operations officer of meals ask on wheels of san francisco. i know you know what we do there. we serve over 2,500 seniors with two meals a day. we served [speaker not understood] in addition to social services. our client needs and visitor services as well. [speaker not understood]. and the contracts unit as well as nine years at the san francisco food bank, five years running a food cooperative before that. i'm also the long term [speaker not understood] and the jewish community regulations council. i've been bringing work to the task force as well as the work
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we're doing there is critical. i think there is a lot we're doing right. there is more we need to do to address those needs. [speaker not understood]. i really guarantee and ensure all san franciscans have access to food security. i think one of our opportunities i'd like to bring this year's [speaker not understood] is an opportunity to present hospitalization and readmission by partnering and contracting with health plans and hospitals to bring more nutrition services to folks and i think that will help the city overall. and i do believe that a public private partnership like the food security task force ha done work over the years and we look forward to making a presentation at a hearing in november to really tell us all about city-wide and by board of supervisors district as well, the needs that are there. so, any questions? >> seeing none, thank you very much. next
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