tv [untitled] September 24, 2013 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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kicked off our first program lee was here. he helped cut the ribbon and launch with our first companies about 14 months ago, and i one thing i will say before you get up we thought long and hard where we wanted green star located and we knew we wanted it in silicon valley and we wanted to know where they were going to and we believe san francisco is on the way to being the heart and hub of silicon valley and where the heart and the leadership is and we will exciting where it's going and please welcome mayor ed lee. >> thank you mitch. thank you so much. you know innovation is infectious. it's as infectious as giants fever. how about
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that? so let me tell you i have been excited ever since i came here and cut the ribbon with mitch a year ago and want to the get back here and see how everything was progressing and guess what? just over a year and a half ago when we first started here and when i started as mayor san francisco unemployment rate was 9.6% and last week six-point 9%. what a flip and a lot of it has to do with all the job creation you're doing right here and i want to congratulate you green start and all the companies starting out here. i like to be next and involved with all of the innovation going on. that is really infectious and i really like that with this city. because there are 208 clean tech companies in san francisco and there are 83 investors and i
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think they're all here today. i think we earned the title of north american clean tech group and part of my administration that we support you and we engage with in how to do it better and you're part of my 17 points of job growth in the city. i ran on that as the new mayor in town. by the way i never have ran for public office before so you need to help me look good. i know they're going to work and as mitch said we are the ecosystem. this is how things are happening. this is why people are coming into san francisco. in addition we have a tourist sector going on, life sciences going on. everybody is innovating in the right places and doing it here in san francisco and there is a strong spirit and we will continue growth and jobs everybody. we
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want to help everybody out and support each other and that comes to what we do here in san francisco. today i am announcing a new initiative and clean tech sf initiative which we launching with all of you. there are three part it is of this. the first part is we're working with the california clean energy fund. i know jeff anderson is here today as part of them and he's going to be partners with us, and he's partners in every branch that we doing. the first thing we're doing as clean tech sf we will establish innovation zones in san francisco. what does that mean? we asked last time when we were here in san francisco and how can we help? perhaps we can help with the resources that the city doesn't use to the highest use. let's take our
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space. we have a lot of assets under utilized. how can we allow the demonstrations that you're having today have a real field test for what they are, and if we could allow ourselves to be very flexible with our leases, our spaces we will allow ourselves to do that with partnership with green start and incubate some of the demonstrationos our property, let's take what we're doing specifically. with our sfpuc, with the department of the environment and melanie is here today and doing a great job with our mos connie center and i know we have a lot of panels up there already but doesn't fill all the roof tops and there is new technology coming out all the time. we have been challenged in the solar technology arena because traditional technology has heavy weight technology that always challenged the integrity
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of roof tops, and moscone is the one we found and let that be for one of these companies and light ultralight technology and use, cheaper way of getting solar out there and we're going to allow them to demonstrate their product on top of our mos connie roof and that is an example we're doing in utilizing all of the agency's cooperations and make sure the start ups can use real testing sites in the city. that is thanks to the hardand kelly and the manager at puc and barbara hale and the second thing we're going to do is take a page out of what we're doing with clean tech and biotech life sciences. you see what mission bay is doing. they have for
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the last ten years building up a ecosystem of pharmaceutical companies and san francisco medical center and integrated around with the research teams to form a very strong research center and because of that center more and more companies around the world are locating there because they want to be next to the laboratory innovators. they're sharing laboratories, sharing scientists and collaborating and all with solutions about the future of medicine. taking a page out of that why couldn't we do the same thing with clean tech? we want to invite institutions like our california puc, our san francisco puc, our department of the environment, organizations and private institutions like sun run or pg&e to potentially create the network of their innovative sites and their innovative divisions to work
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together and potentially in a physical location or just begin networking first, and start working with the major universities and their research entities on their sites so we can start anchoring these institutions within san francisco and create another ecosystem of anchoring institutions. that proved successful in the delivery of pharmaceutical answers to medical challenges. i think it will prove to be helpful here to have them focial exciting center to come and look at and draw the attention i think of even more start ups, and the third part of this clean sf initiative is make sure that we do everything possible to support clean tech start ups. we can do that with partnership with the clean energy fund and our departments
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and their funds for grants and help green start with all of these start ups and make sure they know we're supporting them in every way possible, and through that partnership we will come up with even more ideas. this continues to be the innovation capital in the world and i will put that in context and melanie asked me to remind all of you. there is no other city in the united states if not the world that can say they accomplished goals of 80% of all of our garage is being repsyched in san francisco. we will get to 100% in our lifetimes and this i grant you because we have innovators here and people committed. we have investors here to help us with the new ideas. this last 20% of recycling is going to be the hardest but the most enjoyable. this city will continue to innovate. we will embrace clean technologies. we we will
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certificate green start and demonstrations that we will see today and october is innovation month and gratifying for those and happy clean tech day in san francisco. thank you very much. [applause] >> it is awesome to have the mayor announce that right here at green start. we are thrilled to be a part of that. it's true a year ago mayor lee asked "what can we do to help?" and we said we have lots of companies that want to test pilot things and deploy things and how can san francisco be a part of that and to see this come together so quickly is incredibly rewarding and testament to the leadership you're providing and san francisco is lucky to have you as our mayor. thank you
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commissioners first on your calendar are consideration for items for continuance items a and b and x at the 270 brandon street for an observation recommendation until october 13th and case two a2 at 2499th street an appeal of a declaration is proposed for continuance until october 24, 2013, and under your consent calendar item 3 needs to be continued until the 26th. and under your regular calendar for 22 c at 331 there is a
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request for appointment until october 12th >> any public comments on the items proposed for continuance. seeing none, commissioner >> i move to continue item a and b and on the continuous calendar plus item 3 on the consent calendar and item 4 on our agenda to the dates that acting secretary has noted. >> second. >> commissioners on that motion to continue as noted (calling names)
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so moved commissioners that passes unanimously 6 to zero and as you're only item on the consent calendar has been moved booklets elites go to the calendared. >> i'd like to take a moment of personal privilege and ask the commission to adjourn in he memory of our son who died 11 years ago today. he had been accepted into the fire academy but he had an undiagnosed heart condition and we have formed a foundation that we have a memorial tournament and the chishts get the money but since it's the anniversary of his death i'll be adjourn in his memory. and to talk about the secretary
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the scombe subcommittee had reached a recommendation and more about that in the future as that particular item is calendared but it was a very long and extensive process they to her and in various parts of the media and we had many applicants over a hundred and it was narrowed down to thirty and eventually 10 and we came up with a recommendation. i wanted to mention to the public how extensive this was and we felt we the good job and were happy to articulate. want to thank moore and borden who served on the commission >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask the
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commission to consider the following. on september 17th the a i a held a major meeting designed presentations for institution this consisted of 3 design proposals and while this commission doesn't have any jurisdiction of the matter of the preyed do i think it's in the interest of how we look at the planning of the auditorium to have a bigger understanding of the design proposals. and this was the fish museum a number of years ago we all sat and without saying we had jurisdiction we had the right for comments. so i ask the commission s to ask we please have a presentation and allow the members of the
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public who are not really visited by the a i a to hear this if the director considers this to be appropriate >> if the commission so desires we can certainly request they come forward for a hearing. we can if the the hearing time >> if you can accepted me more information. >> i can only forward that e-mail to you on september 1, '72 days ago and in the paper raised a number of sequestering questions and i believe it would be interesting to clear our own questions. >> okay. thank you. yeah. i agree with that, in fact, i wasn't able informing to the a i a presentation the other night but it would be of service to have s a hearing where where
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everyone can get an idea >> xhirgs hill us. >> to the focus on the waterfront i think people get confused to who's jurisdiction is give where so i second that. >> as part of the presidio and trust. >> let's move on. >> thank you, commissioners i want to reiterate something that was in your director's report today about a couple forums that supervisor cowen is supervisor on october wednesday at the california college of the arts and the second saturday on october the 5th. the purpose of those is to do a
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refresher course on eastern neighborhoods and to go do over the development process and how the public can get involved. with a number of projects that are coming on line particularly in the dog patch there's a lot of concern about the pace of the development. we want to go over the plan he it's reaching it's 5 year anniversary and about the purpose of that plan and the zoning perimeters that were set up that's october 2nd and fifth for those two hearings - public meetings i should say that concludes my report >> commissioners item 6 review of the past events of the preservation commission. >> good afternoon.
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this week at the board of supervisors they heard the ordinance that would all the time the a u 0 zoning district to i am sorry that would allow the tourist of any size on the specific 0 zoning eurozone if it had a height designation over 5 feet. this was approved on first reading and you recommended approval. also the commission prosecuted this and if you would authorize an existing at two adjacent properties to establish a religion facility and supervisor met with the two parties and
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negotiated the following conditions which were introduced by him at the board hearing on tuesday. the first new condition limit no more than 9 children and they could increase the enrollment up to 43. and they shall add one curbside monitor and one additional monitor. and also communicate to all parents dropping off children about how vehicles operate in the drop off zone they can't reserve in the zone and they shall move up if another space becomes available. and condition number 4 they must not block the driveways during
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this time and condition 5 is the project sponsor should minimize unattended vehicles and item 6 if the mta were to approve the deposit off zone that is the number of vehicle codes vehicles would be limited during during the morning and afternoon pickup times and they shall deliver a pickup and drop off plan to each family. so at the tuesday hearing planning department staff expressed we would work for the compliance of the conditions. further as given to us they were
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to provide evidence and staff noted without such evidence enforcement would be difficult. and they voted to reauthorize the c u plus those conditions as authorized by supervisor wiener and that concludes my report >> does not appear to be any. >> the board of appeals met and there was one item to be considered was an appeal of a - several building permits for 1050 val less than and hill and took the dr and heard on appeal of the deck and this was scheduled for an appeal late
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last week an appeal was filed so it was continued to the call of the chair and it will be scheduled once the board of supervisors makes the determination on the board of appeal. >> commissioner moore. >> when those things happen there are additional fees left on this process correct? >> yeah. basically, we're doing those for fretting free so my time is not covered by any additional fees for the permit application we don't charge informing for those items when they're at the board of appeals. one thing as my understanding i need to get better detail we can't include those in our
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normal appeal process. so the appeal process can only be covered as part of our normal fees >> it's a difficult situation as a director i must say. >> good afternoon tim department staff here to share with you the outcome of the preservation commission hearing. it was the first scheduled he meeting since august 1st so the calendar was full. the first resolution item on their calendared was a resolution honoring alice keri's contribution and work in preservation that was unanimously passed and will be for the to the state office. and as part of the package as considering her for a governor's
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award. the first, he item was the landmark for moekz. supervisor breed came in support after the staff presented the finding of our report there was a great deal of overwhelming support. the commission also unanimously approved the landmark designation, however, during the public comment portion that really talked about the influence marcus book store has had on san francisco in general so we'll be updating that report and bringing that back
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