tv [untitled] September 24, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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educate our community and prettiest that speak the language of our communities about what the outcomes of this legislation is that it's safe to come forward that you'll not be deported important reporting the crimes. if there's a classed of individual that pose a threat to public safety whether or not their citizens we should look at all the safeguards to hold those are folks. we shouldn't treat you differently if you pose a threat to the safety of the public and ultimate we want to look further into that conversation. i believe those amendments does establish a strong balance for now and aid the concerns raised by many in the community. the amendments are before us today. i at one point make one correction and that is on page 7
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line 24 and 25 there's a strike out in the sentence i'll read the two snendz. all the respect of law enforcement agents may continue to collaborate with the authorities but this collaboration is not limited to investigation and that was struck you tell that are permitted under local policy are applicable under city law. i think that the criminal investigations are permitted in the local policy and so i want to bring that strike out back other than that the amendments are before us. i know we'll continue to talk with multiple folks. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president.
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thank you to supervisor avalos and supervisor kim and thank you to the sheriff. and most importantly thanks to the member of the community that are here. i want to make a couple of points. first, i think i made it clear last week my general view that the types of carve outs are counter productive to public safety. i want to be very clear what we're about to do here today is very historic. and i want to begin by making it clear that what's happening in this chamber is a victory for the immigrant community in san francisco and it's a victory for all county's in san francisco (clapping) >> you know, (speaking spanish)
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what has happened here is that you have seen a movement where people from the ground up people in the community came to the elected lisp and came to the powers that be in city hall and said this is what we need and i know they're about to get what we need and it's because of them that are here. speaking spanish). i don't know that that oily i
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will be supporting the legislation in its present form but no legislation is perfect. and what i think should be the emphasis today is the fact that the elected family of san francisco is sending a very clear message that local law enforcement is here to protect the public and not to be become an arm of immigration. and in the spirit of making sure we speak as loudly and with one voice i will be supporting those amendments not because they're perfect but i think what supervisor kim has dunn done in collaboration a has struck the right balance is it allows those of us who want no carve outs and those of us who want them to find a middle ground so the
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emphasis today is that one side didn't get everything they wanted but the city is speaking likelihood to this immigrant community. it's especially important to me not only because i'm an immigrant i have a situation many my district of people who are afraid to come forward and report crime to the police and as many have aspects i have a problem what i'm willing to put that aside so we have a unanimous vote today whether the law enforcement the san francisco police department we want the immigrant to trust us. and so that's the message that i want to send. it's in that spirit that i'm proud to support what supervisor
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kim has property it's not everything that we want but again kudos to supervisor avalos for the tenacious way he's approached this in the transparency and it makes us proud we're at where we're at and wisconsin i hope we have a collective force i know that the mayor has made it a point to send that message and we should be very proud and let's emphasis the common ground we've found because we too often focus on the differences and a thank you very much and i look forward to the vote >> (clapping) and i appreciate everyone's hands. with that colleagues are there
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any other comments. okay supervisor kim i believe has made a motion for her amendment and seconded by supervisor cowen. can we take those amendments without objection. any further comments. supervisor avalos >> yes. i would like to commit very briefly. i want to make a few tuesday's in people who were structural i stroourm. first of all, i want to thank my staff in my officer who has done a lot of work and to usher through the state we're at renew. i think that, you know, i'd be flying blind often if i didn't have my staff so i want to thank you for that. also in my office another intern
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in the office just got emphasis law degree and thank you so much for your work. and i want to thank the city attorney thank you for your great work. i want to thank all the legislative aids especially in supervisor kim's office ivy chang in particular and other folks from norman yees office. the finance committee and for bringing this issue before us. a lot of organizations have a part of them (calling names) many of our labor partners and local 2 and i've heard from the
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labor council and communities united against violence and the domestic violence consortium and the asian law caucus i don't know your full name and there are many, many other organizations that are part of this effort thank you for standing together. across our deprives immigrant community it's a testament to how power our community is to get that kind of unit thank you. it's truly been an honor to work on that legislation >> thank you supervisor avalos. >> thank you very much. good afternoon, everyone. as an early supporter of this ordinance i want to recognize supervisor avalos he said to me ♪
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his office this is going to be a big deal and i applaud you are inform your leadership. i believe that a aviate majority - you know we've got to find a better word than undocumented but nevertheless, that policy will provide people with protection. i too want to acknowledge the amazing staff time that's been dedicated and andrew has been mentioned in my office and others. i want to acknowledge some of the nonprofit organizations and cfos that helped me to process this information. thank you ladies and some of our allies and also want to
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acknowledge the equal rights commission i don't see any here but i want to mention them. i spent a lot of time talking about with the african advocacy and thank you for caring and having a kind encouraging word. thank you >> thank you. any final comments. the youth commission also weighed in on this ordinance and to make sure we have separate an ordinance plan to the immigrant communities we have the san francisco immigration legal defense and education that would be a outreach to make sure that people are being for the record of their rights as residents of
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san francisco. and also the city attorney want to make sure we're informing people of their rights >> unless there are any final comments. >> supervisor farrell. fraerl i. supervisor kim >> kim i. spraifr mary >> marie. supervisor weaning i. and supervisor avenue loss and a supervisor breed. supervisor campos. campos i. and supervisor horrify ordinance is passed on the first reading. (clapping)
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>> thank you very much we willing optional have a minute of bus to do at this time. >> mr. vice president today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of the supervisor wiener and on behalf of important o of supervisor cowen. >> madam clerk any more business in front of the body. >> that concludes it. and i want to thank the staff and unless there's no more business lainl we are adjourned for so good morning and welcom
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and community partners and many, many other wlor here today. i can't believe we're here and it's so great to share this exist day with you and this exciting new chapter in homeless services and a principle care for our most vulnerable co- citizens of san francisco. i'm very happy to have you all here. i'll make a quick program note there is a little reversible in the order just bear with us if it looks like the order is out of order. i wanted to - color to the mike - okay. i want to acknowledge what a shift this is what this day represents for us as a city as a health department and a clinic especially a clinic two
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clinics that came together to become one. two clinics that were flagship clinics to provide high quality care and advocacy for our vulnerable residents. we've been innovator long before some of you saw early today in pushing the boundaries and setting higher standards of care for those who have long been overlooked and now we have thanks to the commitment of so many people a beautiful place to symbolize that commitment and the district and respected for the patient we serve. i want to thank all the people and i will do so throughout the program and especially i want to put our patients and a clients
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front and center. i want to thank you for being with us and entruce us with your health care it's been exciting to meet you and to hear how excited you are this we've got this space speaker i want to say within the health clinic this has become the urgent health services a very, very long time even before the homeless program and it continues to take care of those who need the care. i think tourists still come to tom when they need help base wear written up in tour guides. we continue to a provided exemplar dental services for
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those who are fengd that hiv and we continue to a have this beautiful space downstairs have a strong commitment to provide services in your offer 15 community sites. we have a wonderful office space o pet treatment program that brings recovery right into the preliminary care setting pr we are ahead of the curtain with community based primary care hepatitis care treatment and ahead of the hiv care and we co- run a center of the obsolesce in the tenderloin. through josh about 12 years ago we started or josh started the first medication adherence
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program for people who are homeless or mentally ill and many people were written off because they were thought two disorganized to manage it and we said no, we, take care of those people and help them and that program continues (clapping) we've had integrated prim care and behavioral health before president obama thought about that. we have our psychiatry services. and our transgenders tuesday's. wee which is about to celebrate 20 years of service this january
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(clapping) and tom o'dell urban health remains at the forefront as itself services for the transgender community are ignoring both to be another service and we can do it all in the state of the arc facility that's a shining example to all of this city's undying testament for those who are surviving with multiple chronic conditions and poverty and the like. we've been doing it and now we get to do it in style (clapping) >> so - enough from me you'll
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hear some more thank you's but i'd like to introduce margaret she's the director of the san francisco department of health and she's been a champion and in those moment when we needed help to get through some rough spots to make sure we got this off the ground she was there and creativity in findings solutions to making this day possible. marcelina >> (clapping) >> okay. i'm not moving because i don't want you to see me we just need to fix it. okay mayor, is supervisor kim
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here >> yes. >> supervisor kim, director of public health garcia and t nc partners really want to welcome you and we're very, very pleased you're here to share the occasion. the new clinic is actual one of the first grants that we've built since 1969. not only is this incredible it's at the heals of health care reform. i want to thank the mayor's office for their you financial support and director garcia and also to be able to navigate the whole f f c process. this has been really challenging to bring two different clinics with two total care of having a
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single way of doing things. it's been challenging but the san francisco staff has shown they can do anything to come together to create this incredible clip. i've said about being incredible in the way they provide care to the homeless they have the best practice and that's what's been brought together not only is the practice being brought together but it's a one stop care for homeless people it has housing and primary care and community programs so it's a one stop location and we will get a better outcome for homeless patients in san francisco.
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i wanted to thank t n b c they're great partners and because of them working with us that's why we have the great clinic that we have. tom railway dell we have 12 clinics throughout though city and this helps homeless but just to have the sensibility and vision and commitment on how to help clients and we need health care reform and this will help house to manager the care of people who have complicated health issues so today is a really, really great day. i thank you for coming here to share with us this great
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occasion. we look at tom o'dell public health as the great neck best way of providing health care but it will inform us on how to operate on health care reform. okay. again, i really want to welcome you and for those who haven't seen the clinic it's going to be a great clinic. i want to end during the color i actually took mooney was going to walk and someone sitting behind me was actually talking about the clinic and they said they were afraid of going to this nice clinic it's for homeless people so i couldn't help myself and i have to say we
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think homeless people need good things, too, and you need to be in a place that's not up to insufficient we want to treat you like everyone and it's a clinic that looks good. wow. the person said that and that's great so i'll probably try it. and i was crossing the street and someone else was talking about the clinic and was afraid to come to the clinic >> i still can't hear me? so i'm sorry so someone was talking about coming to the clinic and the guy actually came to the clinic and was very impressed and they were equipped and it was very, very helpful to
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hear that because we were concerned about the patients coming to that clinton was very, very different from the old tom o'dell clinic. i hope people have willing to try it we will excel as a clinic that provides care for the homeless. i do hope that going forward it will give the community a chance to make the clinic the best in the system. and again welcome and thank you for your support (clapping) >> thank you very much marcelina. great and i want to acknowledge supervisor campos who just walked in. there you are thanks for coming.
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next up is the chief operating office for the tenderloin who is who's wonderful building we're in and we were here for that opposite o opposite and love to have her join us to make some comments liz >> thanks joseph. can people hear me. i'll try to talk loud and into the mike thank you, mayor and supervisor kim and everyone. and thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent t n b c and our director is out of town. we know he wouldav
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