tv [untitled] September 26, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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reserves volunteered 6849 hours in 2011, it was 7020 and when we increased the program, those hours will go up. in terms of assignments, 9 are assigned to the academy. what that means is they are not assigned to stations specifically. when we have a detail request, data breakers, a graduation, those are the folks what we'll call on to do assignment. in order to hire more reserves, we are going to have reserve officers conducting the background investigation. they will go to the background schools and work side by side with personnel from our department's background unit. as you can see on this chart, we have a couple of officers scattered throughout the department specifically assigned to
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stations. i can think of reserve officer, luke is behind us assigned at the northern station and spend most of his time volunteering in the northern and specialist, we have so many event in the city. we have a big request for reserves to work as a mentioned at different festivals, street fares, police events. you will most likely see a reserve as part of that. recruitment, we talked a lot about recruitment tonight. we get on a daily basis inquiry about the reserve program about hiring and about training. the chief's plan, the chief came up with this idea the other day where they said i'm going send a letter to every officer who is pending retiring and ask if they would be willing to stay
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on as a reserve officer to participate in the program. it a smooth transition. the benefit of getting them before they retire is move them from an officer to a reserve officer so we don't have to go through that investigative process. so we are working on that letter for the drop off officers and other officers not in the program to build that up to make an easy transition. that's the chief's idea he recently spoke about. qualifications, it's the same as any person we are hiring to be a police officer in our city. the exception is we want them to come to the department with the training. i'm going to talk about our plan to have this training here in our police academy. but 21 years of age, meet existing post
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standards and pass all background investigations and requirements. in terms of hiring, this is where we are. we currently have 122 applicants. we had 155 and wiggled down to 22 because the remaining group is no longer interested and we are moving forward on this process. we have orals lined up for october and november. we are putting them through physical agility november 16th and into that process to hiring as many as possible. currently 88 are level 1, 13 are level two and 16 are level three and there are 5 we haven't determined their level of training at this point. i would like to take a moment
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to compare agencies. our agencies versus other agencies. the san francisco police department has 26 officers. the sacramento police department has 80 department, -- san mateo, the oakland police department 8 reverse, they have a trant program. the los angeles police department has 148 officers. they have a field training program and the los angeles sheriff's department has 803 reserve deputies and all level one. the vision for the future, where are we going with this program and what is our plan. we have a seven
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step plan. i want to tell you about this plan. our goal is to increase the officer program from 26 reserves to 126 reserves to bring up the training to more than we have. we want to expand our recruitment efforts because i truly believe if you don't go to the website you may not know about the program. you may have always wanted to be a police officer but you have a career already and don't realize that all you have to do is attend training and you can be a volunteer for our city and be part of this program. we want to take what we currently have what's been sitting for a time and moving forward on it. that's why the dates for the oral and the physical agility and the background process is moving forward. i met with captain and we talked with his staff. officer is working with
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the staff. it's going to be exactly the same process. over the last couple of weeks we've been talking very seriously about bringing the modular reserve officer program to the police academy. we've done some research on this. first we've looked around and determined that at this point if our information is correct, santa rosa, maybe some agencies in martinez or east bay in college are the only agencies now offering this training. that's the problem with that. i have been talking with our area representative from post who say they are willing to allow us to run a modular academy at our police academy. the main goal is that we would have to break even. we would have to charge the students a tuition and run a program 6-10 at night
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on all day saturday class and they become a level three and once they complete it they can go through the hiring and selection process. we had this process, this type of training 25 years ago at the police academy, but it's gone away. we have to make sure it makes sense here dollar and cents. >> we have to expand our areas of service. they can work in investigations, special operations, the department operations center. we can expand the work they are doing. we want to initiate an fto program. currently you get hired as a level reserve and that's it. this proposal calls for a field training program.
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what that would mean is if you get hired as a level one reserve, you go through a field training program, you volunteer 30 hours a month. it takes 12 months. you go through an actual 400-hour field training program and you have to successfully pass it before you can stay as a reserve officer. this seems to be industry practice, this seems to be the standard and i think it will just call for more professional program that way. last but not least we want to bring back our annual dinner our reserve officer of the year. these officers work very hard, they volunteer and i know the chief and the command staff would be all for having some sort of recognition with them, maybe pick a reserve officer of the year, but just thanking them for the work they do. okay. with that i will take any questions you may have.
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>> thank you very much for this presentation. i was talking about the reserves. can you bring them forward so people can see what they look like. i know there is a little r on their badge. can you bring them up now. >> that is the only difference is there is a little r on their badge. what chief is talking about is when you retire from the department, you get to keep your star, your star number, put an r on top of it. that's it. >> it great. so you can tell. unlike the issue with control specials, they have a different uniform. these are san francisco police officers that i can't see the r from here. another question which was left out of the presentation and i know people say how much is this going to cost. how much do we pay the reserves? >> we do not pay the reserves
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anything. this is strictly a volunteer program giving back to the city. >> commissioner, turman? >> wow. it's an incredible program. i want to thank you first of all for the tremendous service you do for the city and county of san francisco and on a volunteer basis. you are a fabulous human being. thank you for your work. >> thank you for your terrific presentation and informing us on this on this important component of the department and then i would like to also echo commissioner turman's thanks and to put a face behind the presentation. thank you very much.
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[ applause ] >> so, welcome lieutenant o'connor to the department. it's nice to see the other officer, i don't want to mispronounce your name back there. it's good to see you from coming from this program into full time position with the department. so, welcome to you as well, officer. so, captain, how many people are like officer smothering who transition from the reserves into full time paid positions? is that somewhat of an objective for many of them? >> for some. for some they have
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decided they enjoy the current career they have. they just want to be part of the reserve program and operate as a police officer 20 hours a month. for others, it been an opportunity for them to get used to our department, our policies, wear the uniform and patrol on the street and they have made transition. i can think of a great few examples. officer smothers one of them, officer barrel, we have another reserve officer who made the transition and he's going to the field training program. there is a few that have made that transition. the benefit is they come to the department as full time officers with all this great percent is and it's just very bifl for us -- beneficial for us when that happens. >> your view for the future seems right on and approaching
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retirees before they get too far away and too cold from the job, that's all terrific. it sounds great and the benefits sound great. i'm wondering why in the last 3 years there has been a tremendous drop at least in terms of what the california reserve poa shows. what's happening in the state that has caused such a drop and what implications does that have on our future plans here, are we bucking a trend or something or is it just the economy? do you have any thoughts on that ? >> i do not know why the membership, it may not necessarily translate to a drop in reverse. it could be that less memrs are joining the
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california reserve peace officers association. i don't have an answer for that because these are volunteer programs. i will say that in some other agencies, they do pay their reserves. we don't. some of the agencies that i put on the screen do. but really, i don't have an answer. what i would like to do is add to it. that is our plan from our department. >> wonderful. and i don't want to take up all the questioning time, but i want to be clear on the training and the background checks because i understood from your presentation and i want to double check on this. did the training, they have to get the training outside elsewhere become they can become part of our reserves. but the training level is roughly the same for level one as it is for our full time paid people, is that right? >> yes. the level one training
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that is received outside of our department is the post minimum standard. so in other words if i was a recruit in 37 of the other academies in the state, i may go through a 5-month program and met as a peace officer. i'm be a lateral and net go through the full hours. i'm saying that to say that the post basic minimum is 664 hours which makes a level one reserve officer. and what we are hoping to do is that with that minimum, combined with the fact that they meet on a monthly basis and we offer the training and we put them through a field training program that as time goes on they will get to the
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speed as full time police officer and receive what a regular officer receives for 11 hundred plus hours. >> thank you. the background checks, same thing, everything we heard in terms of our hiring for the department, the reserves have to go through all of that, the polygraph, the hair samples? >> yes. everything is exactly the same and we have a plan set up for the hair sample and the questionnaires and once we get through our physical agility, it's at that point that we get with the staff services and we'll sit side by side with them and make sure we are consistent with what they are doing. and the chief and i will go through all the candidate once they have gone through background and we'll make a selection of who gets selected and who does not.
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>> wonderful, good luck. great. i will be interested to hear how things are in a year. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioner chan? >> thank you for your presentation. it's very substantive. i appreciate the statewide view and where others are and your plan for the future. it's definitely an obtainable goal in terms of how organized you are and what effort you put into this. i think it great that you have that on something you want to reach. i also had one question. just to make sure i understood, is there a cost to the class now. i know officers can come already pretrained, if they are not trained and just interested in becoming a reserve officer? >> our preliminary review, it's not set in stone. we are thinking roughly about $2000
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per person to take the level tlel 3 course and the coast -- cost may go up for level two and level one we are talking about scenario testing and police car testing and the cost do go up. we want to really break even. this is not about making a profit, just making sure that everything is covered in the cost. >> right now, these classes are not available. so if someone wanted to pay something, they couldn't, there is no classes available, is that right? >> there is no classes available, we are not running the program. we are not running the class. we spoke to one of our areas at the post who said it's a great idea, it's not close by and not convenient for people in san francisco and the surrounding cities and they are
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hoping we do it. post has been very supportive of our idea to do this. >> great. thank you very much. >> i just want to commend the chief for his idea about asking the retirees about joining reserved. i know we all heard about officers wanting to come back one 1 day a week or i really love what i do. we are getting this experience that we can have back on the street to train young officers. it's just a great idea. i know for them to come back without pay, it's something that some of them will balk at and some won't. it will be great for them and great for the police department. it's an incredible idea.
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>> one other question just came to mind. if an officer in the reserves were to be involved in a situation while on duty that caused a great deal of stress, would our benefits in the department be available for them? >> yes. we would connect them with the behavioral signs and definitely offer those resources to them. >> good. thank you. >> thank you, captain. you are always very thorough. this was a great presentation. thank you very much. we greatly appreciate it. please call line item 2 b. >> directors report. good evening, president mazzucco, deputy chief chin and members
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of the audience. i'm manny ports with the officers with citizens complaints. i'm here for director inhibition. i am happy to report that the occ does not have a report tonight. director hicks shall return next week. >> thank you. please read the commission report. >> i have nothing new to report commissioners, anything new to report commissioner kingsley? >> just one item and that is on behalf of the commission i did represent the commission on the firearms review board in the last week and it was the first time i have done that and quite an interesting experience. for those of you who may have not have yet served, just to know that the documentation needs to stay in the room. so in this
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time, the cases were fairly straight forward so it was okay to come in cold and certainly the officers in their presentations were very thorough, but if you want to see the materials ahead of time and kind of be kind of a step ahead of it, go to the commission office early to do that. these cases were pretty straight forward so it wasn't as important. >> thank you for doing that. commissioner chan? >> great, mine are semi related. i did hear on npr day on the forum that there was an hour long show about mental health officers and i really appreciated that they spent that much time really talking about these issues and anyone listening to the radio show could understand what officers sacrifice and what they go through. i thought that was really great and i'm looking
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for the presentation. i forget the day it was scheduled for but for retiring officers and i want to keep that on our radar screen and i encourage people to listen to the forum on your iphone and i think it's definitely worth us listening to this. also, i wanted to thank the chiefs as part of the chief's report. the department bulletin in response to the youth commission representing some of the commissions, the chief was -- about reminding a bulletin that he issued about know your rights brochure and readily available at stations any kind of an arrest contact. i'm assuming the youth commission knows this is done. maybe i will just ask the chief afterwards. just to let them
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know there's some really good products that came out of the presentation. that's my last piece. >> thank you. >> commissioner loftus? >> commissioner chan covered it. i did listen to npr this morning. i don't want him to get a big head but on the npr section radio program they dp actually did particularly talk about the addressing of the nature of addressing behaviors of officers in the 80s. it's going to be talking about that in some of the service. in particular what they talked about in order to do program, they need buy in the lead guy and in charge, the chief leadership on this issue. he's been a peer coach fore these officers. there is no
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substitute for leadership and caring about the officers and our chief does a really good job and the statistics of five officers committing suicide in the last 5 years for this department is something i also agree with that we have to keep pushing ourselves to find out what we can do more. there was one suggestion about whether we do trainings of akkad cadets, they can identify science earlier so that would be one suggestion. please pass on my thanks to the chief. and there was recognition that this department has ahead of the curve on this issue for some time. >> thank you, as we move to line item 2 d with commission announcements. we'll let the public know that tonight we will adjourn in honor of retired officer jiang ler who is one of the first counselors
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at the police department. he is at the forefront of this and he was watching on saturday night flashback and they had a show in the 1980s where the san francisco police department interviewed officer angler who worked with the officers who were in crisis and generally at that time it manifested itself in alcoholism and drug abuse. joe passed away last week at a very early age. he's retired, hi son junior is the lieutenant of the san francisco police department. i have seen joe in my living room twice and he's done great work for a lot of officers who were in need. he was truly a hero who went from the streets in bayview to the streets in employed service. i
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will make that announcement now and then we'll do it at the adjournment. >> monroe? >> commission announcements from scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. the next two meetings commissioners, will be october 2nd and october 9th here at city hall room 400 at 5:30. the third wednesday it will be dark. the 30th we won't have a meeting. the 23rd we'll be in the bayview district. we are about 90 percent it will be at the port roy house. there is a disciplinary charges against special patrol officers scott
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hart from commissioner susie loftus to commissioner thomas mazzucco for taking on evidence on a date to be determined by commissioner and another charge against patrol officer today hart. also from commissioner susie loftus to commissioner thomas mazzucco for the taking of evidence of a date to be determined by commissioner. >> thank you. i very graciously accept. >> public comment regarding line items 2abc or d. hearing none public comment is closed. item 4. vote on whether to hold item 5 in closed session. including vote on whether to assert the attorney-client
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non-disclose ur. >> motion. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> we memo -- memorialize, he was a true hero and a sanity -- saint to many. he was a great man and will be sorely missed. we want to adjourn in his honor. >> i move to adjourn. >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> we are adjourned. thank you very much. >> >>
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