tv [untitled] September 27, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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mtc and cal train, and transportation built and any of these other government entity and some local and regional and state and some national. and we would be informed if the tjpa would be saying anything other than to get the money. >> and we are just out trying to get money and so we don't, you know, we don't take the positions we leave it up to the individual agencies. >> okay. >> we don't appear before bodies, and support the positions. we do appear before bodies when it involves the transbay project. >> i know tha, is what i am asking. >> and ask, and we are asked to give the presentations on our projector we are asked to respond to the questions when most recently, we have received the funding from mtc and that is when we appear. >> if we are asked to appear and there is a funding element. and we have an update on the project to appear. >> okay. >> does that answer your
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question? >> sure does. >> okay. >> i wanted to just confirm that i understand this correctly. and and negotiated with the original amount so that amount has not changed. and on the $12,500 per month, originally it was 12,000 per month but it was negotiated at the time of the original contract, so there was 12,000 a month for the first three years and up to 12,500 for the next two option years and if it were extended there is a small increase for the last two option years and >> it is a monthly retainer so that does not mean that we get a statement of the hours? >> and one of them, and just a trait line, although there is a weekly call and so we do know what they are doing on a weekly basis and the other one does detail out the hours to some extent.
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> and sorry. >> and director sartipi? >> just to piggy back on the question and with respect to the advocacy. do they do any analysis of any federal estate, legislation, that would in any form or shape change the qualifications of funding for the transbay. something may become a barrier to qualify for certain types of funds? >> what they do is keep us informentd of upcoming opportunities and for example, and what would, if we notice an area for example, the department of homeland security and they give us funds for security and if we notice that we are not, and for example they tend to give money to projects that are already built or in operation, yet there are a lot of projects that are being constructed right now, and rails, and facility and bus facility and so we will ask for example, can you let us know if
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there is a possibility that projects that are in construction could at some point qualify in addition to the existing projects that are under operation and they do those kinds of analysis and let us know when the upcoming bills are coming up and what is in them and so they let us know about, upcoming measures that could impact our project. and they let us know and keep us abreast of the imminent domain, and anything that is related to our project. >> and any other questions? >> seeing none, why don't we just take a roll call on this item. >> when i sat on the board of education and the transportation authority, our lobbyist prosides us a list of bills that are upcoming that may or not impact some of the projects that we have pending and maybe a couple and not to get it as an oral report, but if there is anything written it might be helpful for the board to see what is happening at the federal level. >> we will keep you updated if
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anything keeps you up >> we will track the major elements like the next transportation bill. which is just the way that reiskin knows. >> okay. >> and why don't we take a roll call on this item. >> i will note that no members of the public wanted to address you on that item. >> thank you for the reminder. >> motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> a first and a second. >> floyd? >> aye. >> metcalf? >> aye. >> reiskin. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> and as well tha. is four ayes and item four is approved. >> okay. >> and so, we can now move on to the regular calendar and item 8. >> approving the recommended applicants for the transbay joint powers authority. >> and scott belay can report on this item. >> good morning, directors.
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and i wanted to start by on behalf of the tjpa expressing our thanks and gratitude to jane morrison, as all of you know jane was a founding member of the tjpa advisory committee and at the age of 93 that she has decided to scale back the activity and fortunately for us she decided to resign her seat on the transbay cac in july. and but we are have, very grateful and honored that she included advocacy. and part of the long active volunteerism in san francisco which has included everything on work from woman's rights to immigrant's rights to worker rights and to ending homelessness and transportation and structure and she has been a tremendous ak set and so we are grateful for the service. >> and we have 15 seats on the
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cac and there are 15 seats and each one representing specified to represent a different con stit entcy, and the seat that jane vacated in july was the san francisco based transit advocacy and from mid july to mud august. and for that seat. and we have got a total of 6 eligible applicants. and from that pool, we are recommending, patrick valenito and he is a member of spur and a member of the spur central subway task force and so he has experience with the local infrastructure and development and downtown san francisco. and he is also a member of the san francisco chapter of the urban land institute. and he is a resident of district six and the transbay neighborhood and he is also the co-chair of the real estate committee of the california state bar association and as well as a member of the
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community and an environmental tifts and we are recommending the reappointment of mar la wilson and she serves in the has been a member in good standing, and since may of 2011. and mar la is an environmental program fellow at the san francisco foundation and also a member of the directors of walk and bike oakland and she is a new member of the ac transit, and transbay rider task force, and what we rec end today is the reappointment for ma la is a two year term and patrick be appointed to finish jay morrison's term that goes to march of 2014. and patrick is here today if you have any for him and i am happy to answer any other questions for you >> thank you so much. >> and i do want to give they opportunities. i assume that wilson is not here, but i do see mr.
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valentino. >> and thank you for the consideration and thank you for scott and you you gave a great summary without looking at notes and i thought it was impressive to understand the application without having to look down one. and as mentioned i am a strong advocate of transit and i think that it is one of the most important things next to housing in the city but transit is equally, an important issue in our city public transit, that is a challenge to make the shift, from a car oriented environment to a public transit oriented environment and i think that the investment in the center is a significant message to the city and to receipt gon, of how important that is. and i am very excited about it and i am excited to be a part of it and in fact my apartment looks right at the growth of the transit center and i am looking forward to the steel going up in the next year. and as mentioned i have been
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involved in the task force and i am excited about the efforts to continue the central subway beyond the current plans if possible and i am highly supportive of the complete streets program and all of the transit initiatives that are happening around the transbay center as well. a member of the district six, and i ride muni frequently and i would have to say that the bike share program has cut into that a little bit and i would say that the bike share is part of muni and it has been a great, and i have also, one interesting factor that i have realized as i got more into the transit advocacy and how important to reduce the miles and when i lived in southern california, i drove, 12,000 and now i am down 5,000 and even getting down lower and the public transit for me is a part of daily life and for many
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others as well. and so thank you very much and thank you for the consideration and i look forward for the opportunity to serve on this vac. >> are there any questions for our applicants? >> thank you, so much, and i see you at all of our community meetings and neighborhood association evening events and so i appreciate, your ability to do this on top of your day job as well as mr. (inaudible) who is also here and serves on the tjpa citizen's advisory committee and it is amazing to have the active residents who are able to commit and invest the additional hours to advise the city and the public projects on the neighborhood issues. >> i move the applicant. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. >> i would echo, all of what you just said. i believe that the director harper had asked for some additional process, on the actransit seat and i think that
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you did undertake that process. >> we did. >> and in his absence, has he reviewed this recommendation? >> yes. >> confirmed. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, great. and so we have a motion on the table for both, miss wilson, and mr. valention and we have a second to that. >> and any members of the public did not indicate that they want to address you. >> lloyd. >> aye. >> metcalf >> aye. >> reiskin. >> aye. >> kim >> aye. >> item 8 is approved. >> thank you. >> go ahead and move into your next item >> 9 is election of the chair and vice chair purchase su ant to the tjpa joint powers agreement. >> and directors i refer to you on this item. >> since we are lacking our vice chair, should be... should we postpone. >> we are way behind it but we
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could postpone it by months. why don't we do that director harper and i have not had a discussion with him whether he wants to continue on as vice chair or not. we have a motion to continue this motion for a month. and we have a motion and a second. we can do that without opposition. >> are there any other items on the calendar? >> seeing none, the meeting is adjourned, thank you very much, and welcome back.
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>> the annual celebration of hardly strictly bluegrass is always a hit now completing itself 12 year of music in the incredible golden gate park. >> this is just the best park to come to. it's safe. it's wonderful and such a fun time of the year. there is every kind of music you can imagine and can wander around and go from one stage to another and just have fun. >> 81 bands and six stages and no admission. this is hardly strictly bluegrass. >> i love music and peace. >> i think it represents what is great about the bay area. >> everyone is here for the music and the experience. this
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is why i live here. >> the culture out here is amazing. it's san francisco. >> this is a legacy of the old warren hel ment and receive necessary funding for ten years after his death. >> there is a legacy that started and it's cool and he's done something wonderful for the city and we're all grateful. hopefully we will keep this thing going on for years and years to come. is
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tuesday, september third, 2013, happy, labor day weekend. and we have welcome everyone to the commission on community investment and infrastructure, call the role. >> item one, roll call, members, respond when i call your name. >> ellinigton. >> yes. >> modejar. >> here. >> rosales. >> here. >> johnson. >> here. >> singh,. >> here. >> item two, announcements, a, the next schedule commission meeting will be a special meeting held on tuesday september 17, at 4:00 p.m. at the center for it is arts, and the announcement of
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