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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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bullying at the work site. it really takes a tremendous toll and, you know, [speaker not understood] occur all over the city. bosses harassing workers, peers sometimes harassing workers and this really has to stop because it slows down production. we have a limited work force. we have a heavy work load. and placing employees under stress does not help this at all. so, i would like to see this addressed in the future. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? seeing no public comment, we will -- i'll entertain a motion to adjourn. >> i move adjourn. >> in favor? >> before i second that -- [gavel] >> this meeting is adjourned. thanks. [adjourned]
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>> good morning, everyone and welcome to the board of supervisors budget and finance committee meet for wednesday, september 25th. i'm mark farrell i'll be chairing this committee. i want to thank the clerk of the committee and thank you to the sfgovtv staff >> please silence all devise and the document that are part of the file shall be given to the clerk. >> okay mr. clerk call item
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number one. >> the tax deduction in the principle amount to refinance capital facilities overboard and operated by the hamlin school. >> we have the gentleman from the controllers office. >> good morning. i'm anthony of the controllers office of public finance. i'm joined by the hamlin school. the finance resolution before you approves the 49 on say tax basis for the hamlin and will on the 21st block of broadway. a private school for girls that's served the bay and approximately 4 hundred students. the item approvals the tax basis
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and our office has completed a notice public hearing to hear public comments and acknowledges that the hearing was held. so if you have any 49 questions we're available >> thank you very much. colleagues do i have any questions at this time. we have in budget report for any items >> we'll open it up for public commit. anyone wish to comment. seeing none, public comment is closed >> hamlin is in a school in district 2 and they do very, very good work. can we take a motion without opposition and the multiple
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family revenue note not to exceed $30 million for the purpose of providing acquisition of 1 hundred 81 multiple family second year projects known as the western park apartments >> we have a gentleman from supervisor breeds office we can refer to as bruiseer. >> legislative aid to supervisor breed this is the second legislation. this one allows the mayor's office of housing to proceed with the western apartment park apartments in the western edition. it's a great project and i'll turn it over to kevin from the mayor's office of housing >> thanks kevin with the
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housing community development. good morning, supervisors good to see you. the resolution will authorize the paper construction and related development costs which is located at the intersection of '90 last in district 5. it includes peterson homes and services as the owner and partnership they're a tax investor. when completed those apartments will be nine hundred and 82 unit comprised of one bedrooms and 6 two bedrooms. 1 hundred plus units will be for families. and they >> and they have this twice in
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two days. >> we need those bonds. the unit restricted to 50 percent a m i so that's 51, 5 for a family of four. we have the 49 which don't need the city to pledge the repayment of the bonds. and anticipate closing those bonds and the project will start the project construction shortly after. there were supposed to be representatives but their delayed and a colleague any questions at this time >> actually maybe if we go through all the presentations on the housing bonds that we have
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today i'd like to ask general questions. i'll be supportive of all the projects but where the funding is for the bonds. it's not like city bank but at least the actual programs that allows us to do the state programs, federal programs to get the understanding. >> we can do this here this is a private placement tax bond it's a little bit different where we actually match maybe we throw in about a third of the total financing through the various fund like the affordable housing fund east but this is no city money involved this is a straight conduit so the city can buy them and issue the bonds for
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construction. its bond 49 it's fairly in depth >> you're not ready to go into it. >> well, if we've got to come up of hours. >> no. we'll go off-line for that. like item 2 is multiple family note and you have revenue bonds and a there are other ways of doing 49 for affordable you housing that i've seen as well through other means and i'd like to get that >> okay. thanks. >> okay. colleagues any further questions? okay. we don't have an analysis report so does the public wish to comment >> seeing none, public comment is closed. so moved. mr. clerk call item number 3 >> item number 3 resolution
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clearing the 71 so reimburse expenditures and a application be submit and the issuance of agriculture gait enemies not to exceed $37 million for this project. >> we have the lady from the housing. >> i'm with the mayor's office of howard's and community development. the resolution will authorize the application for $30 million for taxation exemption bonds to pay for the redevelopment project. and this is located and 751 carol office and it's in supervisor cowen's district.
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the sponsor team is salazar and wells fargo will be the tax credit investor and city bank will join partners as the construction lender and bond purposeer. and when completed the bay view will be 1 hundred and 21 fabulous units for seniors and it will have 3 and 4 bedroom units. they'll all be targeted to households earning no more than 50 percent income and for seniors that or it will be a little over $36,000 a year. and or 25 thousand 6 hundred and
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50 for the lower units. 23 of the units will be for homeless individuals that will be referred direct access to housing program. and as my colleague said those are conduit 49. the application to the california allocation committee was submitted on september 13th and if award an allocation will return for the board of supervisors to approve the issuance of the bonds. here are the sponsors from mccomic and salazar and we appreciate our support for this item and you'll receive ground breaking invitations >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions? okay. we'll open it up for public commit.
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seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we move this item forward without opposition. so move forward >> item 4 resolution clearing is intent of the city and county to reimburse precedes from future independentness to submit an application to the california limit allocation committee to permit the issuance of bond not to exceed $14.5 million for mission street. >> okay. thank you very much. i believe we have the mayor's office of housing representative here. >> good morning, supervisors i'm ann romero i'm a supervisor with the mayor's office of housing. this is for bond allocation for up to 15.3 million the villa is
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an existing how's unit for seniors that was development by st. vincent of paul. the building material matured and it was sold. g h c housing partners in sherman oaks is going to provide property management as well as services and the program will stay in place mister an affiliate is a partner g h c. they will select another partner. currently 72 of the units are
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section 8 and the others are funded by hotel groups. st. vip sent of paul will capita lists the bond fund to keep the affordability. thus, the rent subsidy will end. under the bond financing affordability will be restricted at 50 and 60 percent of the area medium income, however, the section 8 for 72 units will be for low income seniors. as the other tractions before you it dpoo doesn't require the city to repledge the bond. we're going to submit a bond application on september at the
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end of the month and we're going to ask for the bond to be issued early technique year. we have representatives from g h s and st. vincent of paul. this concludes staff presentation and i'm happy to answer any questions that i have >> thank you colleagues, any questions. >> supervisor mar. >> actually it's not about this project but with all the folks here i was really placed and san verse of the hud meeting a couple of folks acknowledging a program that created how's for seniors and this so-called smaller senior units and residents on that voice gets all
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the way up to our hud secretary for the models and thank you for the great work. >> okay at this time we'll open it up for public commit. i have two speaker cards but if there's other members of the public ca can you please came forward. everybody has 2 minutes >> good morning, supervisors. we a committee of residents from the villa i'd like to introduce aaron shipley our community activist and another lady. i've been active in district 6 and i'm presently on the board
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of directors of the society of san francisco. the first thing i want to say i've heard no mention of the 50 units that's covered fwlrful the mayors housing program. can somebody comment on that i heard about the 72 unit that are section 8 but the other unit weren't mentioned. okay. we were told at the community meeting that the rent would be maintained on those 50 units for 55 years at the low income rate. i've heard no comment on that i want to reserve discussion for
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that on a later date. first of all, the incentive villa >> you still have thirty seconds please continue. >> a building that's been extremely well maintained and the proposals to make improvements include expenditures that don't make sense to us at that particular time. the most egregious is the repaving >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> much appreciated. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors my name is a allen shipley i'm a long time residents of the vital la i've been there since the
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morning of 1989 earthquake day. okay. you know, i was on the roof at the time. of the earthquake okay. which was scarey but we've never received any notification by the management or the owners. you know, if the owner was completing completely - or if there was any damage. ever since then okay. also we are also concerned about some of the expenditures for the retrofits okay. our internal security tower okay. is extremely app actuated and that's he had needing to be
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replaced. and it breaks down every once in a while. we have one passenger elevator and another one. the passenger elevator is old they keep oncoming and replacing parts. the freight elevator is of no use. and so it needs to think removed and another passenger elevator put in. we're really concerned about what the money and the bonds for the rehabilitation is going to be funding. so we need to have an independent person come in, you know, and advocate between, you know, all parties on you know
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the bonds. okay. thank you very much >> thank you. are there any other members of the public who with wish to comment on the items. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any questions or comments. do we have a motion i think to some of the speakers i think some of the questions should be directed at staff and perhaps having the mayor's office take care of that and have is a dialog off-line. colleagues do we have a motion. so moved. the cities of oakland and san jose and the county of alameda and connecticut cost and san mere that provide governing
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structure and for circulations for re direct examination and grant funds to the bay area as well as for the upper areas as permitted in san francisco as the preliminary grantee to the bay area upper areas as well as the other grants fund to the bay areas as permitted under the m l u >> thanks we have ms. alden. >> thank you ms. alden the item before us is the resolution that approves a new initiative. you know that this is a recreational grant organization that grants funds around the bay hear e area. it's not a j pa it exists by the
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memory between oakland and san jose and the surrounding counties. it's been in existence and it's charred by my depended head and deputy from the san francisco fire department is the other member. we have this he organization that is why this item is here today. the board of supervisors recently approved the m l u and that expires on december 1st. it has no substance changes it only expends the date and it was approved. all the member jurisdictions need to pass it through their board of supervisors are city council's. there's no fiscal impact of the m l u but because san francisco
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is the agency we want the budget committee to review it. i'm not aware there's a budget report and i'm happy to answer any questions >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you for your presentation. i have a few questions to understand how the program works. i notice that grant amounts from 2000 through fiscal year 2012 have increased to 25.5 million and in the fiscal year 2013 went down about $13 million what is that about >> i'm glad you asked about that. we've taken that to for me in washington, d.c. and to our congressional delegation because we're not happy about that.
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fema allocates their awards based on a couple of things number one is risk and the department of that homeland absurdity security makes their own analysis about the risks. washington, d.c. and new york are also going to be on the top of the list and between la and san francisco and other areas but san francisco is a high-risk but fema makes that determination. another reason behind it it simply cuts through fell programs given the other fell budget and the amount even if overall money and the size of the pie has grown smaller and congress has appropriated less money. we're pro-active asking mayor lee to contribute his advocacy
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to maximize misses the funding >> how are we changing direction for the regional due to lessee money? >> so how do that impact us and our priorities. honestly it means less money available for things we would like to buy for example, in san francisco we had a list of priorities of things we want to fund can't get to all of them. so some of the things was shelter training for red cross and shelter workers on how they would set up a mass care shelter in case of an earthquake. so it means less money available to purchase upgraded radios for first responders throughout the
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san francisco area. and police officers can talk to police officers. we need to upgrade the push talk radios to give them that capacity. we can only buy less radios. >> so the questions i have is about yeah, the different parts of the region i know some might have a greater threat or less terror attack but probably it so how it distribution of funds awarded. >> the grants are awarded to the regime but very clearly the most risk in city and county of
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san francisco given not only our population but the assets that are here we're the financial center of the west coast. when it comes to how the money is allocate san francisco gets the largest share of the money and the money to rural counties is smaller because there was less threat in the rural areas. we only a they're the benefit to each region by to the stent we can get the radios to first responder we can better provide communication to all areas. a significant amount of money is for training that benefits all first responders but when it comes to the dollar amounts that comes down to the jurisdiction san francisco gets the largest
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fraction of that >> when parts the region how does each part get to determine what funds are spent on and what tools are used in their area? >> sure for here in san francisco frshlgs we had a collaborative process that is oerlgd by the department of emergency management our department but we engage stakeholder from a wide variety of departments fire department, police department, building spickets and mayor's office and disabled. we engage several times a year for project proposals for their departments want to see equipment or training for their staff members. those proposals are valeted for the funds. we make sure that it meets the
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grant guidelines and we ask that peer group of folks from the first responders department to rank them and the top ones get fema support and the ones that don't rise to the top my get funded next year before sometimes you need multiple years to get projects funded. so if things are half done we're going to fund those before starting something new. the ultimate allocation is approved by the homeland security and it's made up of our department and the police department and the head of the d hr and other heads o