tv [untitled] September 27, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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year option. >> from when to when, the date? >> from the top of my head i'm going to say around january 2013 for 5 years. >> okay. got it,. thank you. >> just to be clear because you're the permit holder your time so speak and the seven minutes and three minutes for rebuttal and you're not allowed to speak under public comment and i want you to understand. >> in rebuttal. >> you can if you wish and true for the family or any owner of the business. okay. thank you. mr. dufty -- oh mr. sanchez go for it. >> thank you. scott sanchez planning department. i just wanted to note a couple of facts for the record so the subject property at 1050 valencia street is located in a residential
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commercial high density zoning district. the subject property -- the lot itself is approximately 4600 square feet. 46 feet by 100 feet, build in 1912. approximately four sisters and 24 dwelling units and the space within the building. the subject use is personal service under the planning code and it's principally permitted. no notice is required and also no limits on hours of operation within the zoning district so i wanted to provide that. >> did you say personal service? >> that's correct. so a gym falls under personal service and include other -- you could have art classes, a yoga studio, you could have the gym. >> okay. >> is there requirement for sound testing? >> no. there is no requirement for sound testing or proofing. >> okay.
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>> mr. dufty. >> good evening commissioners. mr. dufty d bi. the permit was a revision -- sorry, a revision to an earlier permit to reflect the ceiling detail from a previous permit and there was a complaint filed -- probably from the appellant here and the issues and we investigated it. our building inspector ed donnley was there and met mr. o brien and we opened up ceiling to check for insulation. there was confusion in one of the inspections and from my recollection everything was satisfied in the building code in what we wanted and the assembly on the ceiling and one layer insulation between the ceiling joyce and sheet rock
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and rc channel and another layer of sheet rock. can you use several layers to do that and per the code they're okay from us. there were a couple other permit for the change of use and revision permit as well, but as of now i believe the gym is -- we have given them a temporary certificate of occupancy and waiting clearance of this and we will close out the permits. that's the information i have from the district inspector. i am available for any questions. >> go ahead. >> so mr. dufty it has resilient layers. >> that's what i am to believe and i don't have the plans but he was saying it did have rc channel in there which isn't required for sound proofing
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under the building code but there is a assembly you're allowed to use and i spoke to the direct inspector this morning. >> i'm sorry. rc channel. >> you put up sheet rock and a channel between the first layer of sheet rock and the other layer and it's part of a sound proofing system. >> the channel has a resilient material at the point you screw it in so there is some absorption through the lower layer. >> by creating the space it doesn't impact -- >> it doesn't flow through -- >> it only hits the rc channel. >> i didn't see the approved plans but that's the detail choose to use and the railing on the fire railing but the railing between the commercial ground floor and residential in case of a fire that's what the building code addresss. >> but is that the best method?
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is that the most effective method to absorb sound? >> there are different types of ways to accomplish that. the best way -- i wouldn't be an expert on that but it's certainly acceptable to us at the building department. if that's the detail you can use it. there are 10 ways and this is the one they choose according to my building inspector and i'm going by what he told me. >> one other point mr. dufty and since it was a two hour assembly there then no hose would be allowed above the light fixtures. >> probably have to box around them. you would have to -- >> these are surface mounted, so i assume the 2r rating material goes behind the light fixtures? >> yeah and fire calked or
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sealed. that's what we expect it to be. we leave that up to the inspectors and the electrical inspectors look at that as well and sealing the insulation so no chance of smoke or heat getting up there. that's the way it should have been done. >> do you know whether it was done that way? >>i inspect the building inspector -- he's pretty thorough. >> that's the case. the commissioner asked you what is the best method for sound proofing and there are multipel methods and to paraphrase sounds like you're not comfortable saying and are there other ways? >> with modern materials there might be a better way and as a building inspector i have seen different ways to accomplish it
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and i would yes to your question. >> and is the difference simply a matter of cost or just -- >> cost i would say, yeah. >> for materials or just the changing modification -- >> design and cost. coming up with the design and that, but it -- it's not required per the building code. >> i understand that part -- >> no, i know. >> not being a contractor i don't know of all the ways you can sound prove or mitigate it. >> in my experience i haven't seen -- i seen a lot of rc shaped channel. that's what people mostly do it. in residential in your own house you could do that between floors to deflect the sound. >> could you tell me about the insulation and the channel there is space. is there actual
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insulation involved? >> i haven't talked to the inspector but it's fiberglass insulation and whatever r value that has and that is stuffed in between the flooring, the ceiling joyce and the ceiling. >> okay. that's just standard for any building. >> yes and that would have been there before the gym was there. the blockbuster may have put it in -- a lot of the older buildings don't but you imagine -- i know mr. donnley looked up into the ceiling and observed insulation and i was there that day. >> you said that would have been expected. the insulation that
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has absorption value you expect that to be in place. >> no. we expect the r value but if you want the additional stuff that's up to you. it's voluntarily. >> okay. >> is there any public comment on this? seeing none we will start with the rebuttal then. we will start with the appellant. you have three minutes. >> just real quick mr. donnley -- actually i have been in contact with him and emails and if you accept that -- >> that's the landlord? >> no it's the co-worker and i don't know if they don't want to be in trouble or don't remember. that's not my issue. i was told two hours and four layers of this and jimon mod and he will there are other kinds and this
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was approved. this is the original plan and they changed it -- i am sure to save money. for how much? $630 to cover with five dlsh eight. 63 sheets. i do the math. i don't need to be a scientific here and 10 bucks a piece and it's 630. to do three extra ones and 1890. to do four layers 2520. they put more on the lawyer to put the sheets up there. r30 and fiberglass -- the question you're asking and barely any fiberglass and said there is old fiberglass in there and to the ceiling -- i would do eight hours myself and 25 feet rolls and between the joyce and $656 and reduced the noise by i think the rating is stc is about over
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40-decibels, so if they follow what they actually had the first plan i wouldn't be here. they skimmed out the cost. that's why we're here. they spent money on lawyers. that's fine. they want to waste everybody's time in the city here. i guess that's why we're here to talk about it here. also we're under oath. they didn't add a sheet later as i asked, so that's false information right there. the rubber matting is not half inch. it's quarter inch or less. probably 5-millimeter and added extra under the treadmill. it's not under the weight. you can't chair gyms and all i know there is a deaf person at the other places. it's not
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important. in the sheet they sent to everybody showing blockbuster is a ruin place that's fine. i have a picture of it. that's fine. they were working on it and showed nasty picture while it's worked on and a finished picture and have everyone sign it like i'm going to stop the gym. they could have hired me as a yoga instructor and i could have covered for people and sure i will hop down and the acoustics they didn't do anything to help until we came here. >> okay. your time is up. i have a question. how long have you lived in that unit? >> 16 year. >> so you were there with blockbuster? >> yes. >> how is the sound? >> extremely loud. you can call the manager of blockbuster. i have his telephone. we didn't
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have any problem. >> you didn't have any problem? >> no. >> okay. they have the television's blasting -- all of the stuff -- >> thank you. you answered the question. thank you. thank you. three minutes now for the permit holder. mr. obrien. >> i don't want to come off harsh but i want to set a few things straight. the fellow here we met when i was taking over the lease and when it was being demolished and the sheet rock rork and he was talking to the contractor who was the foreman of the job and his exact words were "i don't wanti don't care what goes into this place i'm going to shut them down" and for that
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reason i stayed away and not until dbi asked me to connect him and i bit the bullet and i did and unfortunate he was gone for the last 90 days and he got back to san francisco last week and i dropped off the packet like required and it was gone the next day. two, our gym doesn't make any noise. it's very quiet. i invite anyone to come by anytime but listening to the laptop making it is noises and the man said himself he's a sound engineer. means he has the ability to manipulate what is happening to his own benefit. i would have spent the money to bring in a third party sound person and i didn't know if it was required and i never got anything from this fellow anyway because he turn in the paperwork and we went in blind. and i
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didn't spend any money on a lawyer and he's my nephew and a second year law student and he said of course i will do that for you and he did a really good job. that's all i have to say and thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we're not 24 hour fitness. we're a wonderful -- i 30 seconds. okay. let's use the time. we're not 24 hour fitness, golds, crunch. we don't have 5,000 members in one facility and spin classes. we offer acupuncture, massage and personal training and yes we have the zumba and the yoga but we try to bring nice thing to the neighborhood. we have another facility between 17th and 18th street on valencia
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street and the building there has at least 10- 12 units there and we have another facility and everywhere we know i know that we improve our neighborhood by bringing health and wellness to our community. thank you very much. >> i would like to have a response to the position by the appellant that the -- what was on the original plans was not actually implemented. >> can i just interrupt you for one second and to clarify the permit before you is a permit to revise the original plans to reflect what they did do -- >> i see. >> i would like to see about why the change then. >> there was originally no change. we did from the beginning what the planning department and building department told us to do and we did that exactly. the only
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problem is when the tenant went to the planning department and building department and tried to stop our permit process. mr. dufty and ed donnley who is the fellow i saw more often. they came out and cut several holes in the facility to make sure there was in fact the proper insulation. it was there and fixed the holes and fix the ceiling again. >> proper and not consistent to what you originally submitted. >> i didn't hear what you said. >> when you say proper i want to know why the change? simply because it's to code versus what you originally planned? >> to my knowledge the person that did -- first thing i didn't do the construction. the landlords hermar did the construction. >> okay. >> to my knowledge we had no changes at all. there might have been tweaking going on in
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construction. that happens frequently but there was no reverse course to save $5,000 to make it less sound proof and we did what we always do and make it correct under the city codes. >> okay. >> okay. anything further from the departments? mr. dufty. >> commissioners, i probably know what you're going to ask me but i don't have the approved plans with me and this is one of the problems and we don't have the drawings to refer to the details. if there was a permit obtained to reflect the detail from the previous permit that would tell there was something different that the inspector asked for. i was out there but i deal with a lot of buildings and i can't recall what the issue was but mr. donnley is a thorough inspector and i checked and there were details for the
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assemblies and if there was something different he would have asked for a revision and brought by the building applicant and our department would have reviewed it to meet the r2 assembly. it could have been the existing flooring above, the size of the joyce. it could have been the sheet rock, insuliation, anything we he wanted but seems like we're dealing with the detail from the change of permit and without that i can't tell you what the difference is. i would only be guessing. >> but mr. dufty when you visited the site and looked at it you saw in essence two layers. the bottom space you saw a space where the resilient channels are and a second layer above that. you don't know what is above that layer; right? >> mr. fung, it was about three
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months ago and the inspector was on the scaffold but he verified what he wanted to see and they cut the holes and we left satisfied. >> the reason i ask i don't think you can get a find assembly that is two hour rated with only two layers. >> two layers? i'm not sure. we go by the manual here. there are several ways to achieve it, so without going back over the approved drawings and the detail we won't know that. >> understood. >> so if you want us to do that we will. >> okay. >> okay. thank you. commissioners matter submitted. >> well, i think it's hard for me to decide if i don't know what is there. that's the
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problem. so i don't know -- it's -- inspector dufty has volunteered to go out and see what is actually there and i think for me i need to know that before i can decide. >> i feel similarly. >> no, i am not so much concerned about the fire rating. if the inspectors have reviewed it they understand what that needs to be. it's okay mr. dufty. >> [inaudible] >> it's okay. tell us. what is there?
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>> can i have the overhead? >> this is from the manual. it's one of the details. two layers of sheet rock and two by 10 wood choice and 3-inch mineral rc channel equivalent. that's from -- that gets you -- 2r [inaudible] construction detail. there's a couple more with two layers of 5-inch sheet rock as well so there are several layers to accomplish it and i believe they choose one of these and that's all the building code required. >> i don't think that answers the question. you are making an assumption on the record and
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you can't affirmatively state it's there and relying on the reputation of your colleague. >> well that's what the building inspectors are -- >> i'm not asking about that. but is the record unclear? >> i don't think it is and there is detail on the 2r assembly that was required by the building inspector -- a very good building inspector and verified that and ready to sign off on the permits. that's all the code requires. i don't need to go back there and check the approved plans for that detail and i am confident the inspector would have gotten that detail. i don't have the approved plans here. if they were here on the overhead i would 100% say that the building inspector edward don'tly got that detail and i am confident with that but i don't know -- >> let's put that aside. that's not really the issue . >> okay.
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>> the fire rating is up to the building department. the issue here is every assembly depending on the materials has a different type of sound insulation values to it and we don't know this what this one is. we don't know that the noise levels other than a permit -- the permitee doing a test himself and a appellant who did his own test. i'm not sure i would accept either one at this point, but the issue is not so much what is the best system to do it. many different systems can handle different types of absorption and insulation and there's simple ways to do it and
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there's more complicated and more expensive ways to do it. i think the question for me would be any particular use needs to contain its impact on other spaces -- other occupants around it and it's incumbent upon the user to demonstrate that he has provided sufficient mitigations to sound, and i think it's where i am going to lead is going toward is i would like to see exactly what the assembly shows on the detail. i don't need the inspectors to go out there and cut any holes. i would like to see the detail, and i would like them to provide a third party
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analysis of what the projected sound levels are, and what the mitigation will do to those sound levels. >> wasn't looking for the inspector to go out as well. i wanted the details as well and be informative. >> whichever way we will it those are the questions that will be answered i think. >> by the way thermal insulation provides little sound insulation so if you want to use the assembly that the inspector showed us which are bat insulation versus you know coiled insulation it's entirely different. >> i'm learning in that direction as well but i do see a different -- kind of a different view of it commissioners. what was not mentioned this property is located on bush street and somewhere in the package i
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remember reviewing what decibel ratings are and the ambee an street level is 110. i believe i read that in the package and the appellant and the permit holder are differ and at 60 -- >> no the appellant said 60 in this room when it was quiet. >> yeah but if you look at the fact it's a street and i drive down that street to get my wife and there is a fire station within a block and a half and a major hospital the block prior so that street is a bain of san francisco and similar to pine, cellar or oak and the amount of traffic on a daily basis is definitely going to exceed what the business is causing on the interior so i mean the sound traveling up through the walls i believe in that location that
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you're getting more sound from your front window and it's a very loud street and goes 24/7. >> do we have a motion? >> continue. >> yeah so we should continue this we can verify what insulation was used or what sound proofing was used according to the plans as well as for both parties if they wish to submit sound analysis of decibels at various times of the day. >> okay. do you want to look
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at the calendar for a date? >> how long would that take? does anybody have an opinion how long that would take to accomplish these things? >> we could get the plans right away. >>i think it's the sound analysis that will be more of an issue. >> [inaudible] >> yes. >> yes. >> [inaudible] >> okay. >> [inaudible] >> 60 days would be -- >> november; right? >> [inaudible] >> so it would be november. >> is 60 days reasonable or 45? >> 45. let's compromise on 45. i think that should be enough. >> [inaudible]
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>> you can't speak. not right now. >> commissioners there are two meetings in november, the 13th and the 20. >> how about october 30. >> that has a lot of items on the calendar. >> i see that. okay. november 13. is that good? >> okay. >> so the motion is to continue to november 13 to have dbi verify what sound insulation measures have been used according to the plans and to allow both parties the opportunity to provide the board with third party analysis of decibel levels and mitigation options. >> just a minor change from that madam director. the building department will provide the detail for the two hour assembly,
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